What did you do?


Active Member
3 miles last night after a morning squat workout @ CF. Legs will most likely be screaming at me later today or tomorrow.

One more run tomorrow evening, hopefully, before heading to WDW for the next week.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I officially registered for our local 10K in November with my son. The competition is on again for a Carvel sundae. I do not plan to formally "train" for this race like I did the 5K last year, but since my son has never run any further than 5K, I figure I've got a good chance of winning. LOL. But it's not a slam dunk knowing my son! If he's smart, he'll stay at my (too-slow-for-him) pace and then out-kick me at the end, but I'm leaving the strategy up to him. My main goal is to PR, and since my current 10K PR was on a very hilly course, I figure I've got a good chance on this flat course.

Anyway, 3.65 miles this morning mostly at tempo pace of 9:30 min. Right arm and shoulder are still VERY sore from paddleball Sunday.

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Not even six months in to my taking up running, I've come to realize that I need to be signed up for a 5K in order to get myself to stick with it. It's not that I don't enjoy it, I have come to, but it's too easy to let life get in the way.

This is great advice.

You're not alone--I slacked off for most of the month of August (totally not accustomed to running in heat/humidity), and I don't even have the excuse of kids! I've been doing better the last two weeks--I have to, if I don't want to feel like a total failure at the Happy Haunted 5K this weekend!

Thanks for the encouraging words.

I have yet to register for the local 5K on Sept 29 (I think I had previously mentioned it here on the thread), and I'm not going to do so. :( My past couple runs have only been 1.6 miles and I don't feel "ready" for an entire 5K. Complicating matters, I would have to get the 5K done in an hour or less -- kiddos have swimming lessons immediately afterwards, and timing would be extremely tight.

So, dropping the Sept 29 5K, but picking up a different local 5K on Oct 27. The Oct 27 5K benefits the church/grade school that I attended as a child.

I'm gonna do a TM run tonight, and use that as my "re-starting" point. I'm gonna get back to 5K distance (or darn close to it) by the Oct 27 local 5K. After I finish that -- I'll register for our local Turkey Trot 5K Thanksgiving morning. :)


Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
22+ miles today.

Going for 30 milers for the rest of the week.

Lunch, grocery shopping, and then the studio; getting work ready for fall exhibitions.

Run run run...


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
This is great advice.

Thanks for the encouraging words.


Anytime--us nOObs gotta support each other!! ;)

Another thing I've learned is that support can make the difference between "sticking with it and getting it done" and slacking off.

At least your husband runs, too, so I'm guessing he might be understanding and helpful of your efforts. If you'll excuse me while I conduct a pity party--pretty much everyone in my life encourages me to blow it off/give it up. Hubby works plenty of evenings and weekend days and would prefer that if we're both home at the same time, that we spend the time together (and he's a dedicated couch potato), so I try to schedule my runs when he's on a late shift. My mom seems to constantly worry that I'm going to get attacked or kidnapped (c'mon, ma, I'm 49 years old and you raised me to have some sense) or hurt myself or something. The only bright spot is my brother, a just-retired cop, who recently told her that he thinks its cool and said he might run with me occasionally. His busy post-retirement schedule hasn't allowed it yet, though!

Sorry for the self-indulgent wallow, but you people are all I've got to keep me going with this running effort! :)


Well-Known Member
...At least your husband runs, too, so I'm guessing he might be understanding and helpful of your efforts. If you'll excuse me while I conduct a pity party--pretty much everyone in my life encourages me to blow it off/give it up. Hubby works plenty of evenings and weekend days and would prefer that if we're both home at the same time, that we spend the time together (and he's a dedicated couch potato), so I try to schedule my runs when he's on a late shift. My mom seems to constantly worry that I'm going to get attacked or kidnapped (c'mon, ma, I'm 49 years old and you raised me to have some sense) or hurt myself or something. The only bright spot is my brother, a just-retired cop, who recently told her that he thinks its cool and said he might run with me occasionally. His busy post-retirement schedule hasn't allowed it yet, though!

Sorry for the self-indulgent wallow, but you people are all I've got to keep me going with this running effort! :)

DISLIKE (except for your bro!). Let me just say, my mom is the same way with me (the portion I bolded above).

Keep at it!! You're awesome. :)


Well-Known Member
I officially registered for our local 10K in November with my son. The competition is on again for a Carvel sundae. I do not plan to formally "train" for this race like I did the 5K last year, but since my son has never run any further than 5K, I figure I've got a good chance of winning. LOL. But it's not a slam dunk knowing my son! If he's smart, he'll stay at my (too-slow-for-him) pace and then out-kick me at the end, but I'm leaving the strategy up to him. My main goal is to PR, and since my current 10K PR was on a very hilly course, I figure I've got a good chance on this flat course.

Anyway, 3.65 miles this morning mostly at tempo pace of 9:30 min. Right arm and shoulder are still VERY sore from paddleball Sunday.

you go jill - 10 k are fun.. little imidation factor at first but once you get in the groove you will be set!.. cant wait to hear reports. as for me Oct will be a fun month... run a 5k with 20th... ... as for tonight ran. 4.12 very nice fall evening.. , with a pace of 8:44 and 20 post run push ups!


Well-Known Member
This is great advice.

Thanks for the encouraging words.

I have yet to register for the local 5K on Sept 29 (I think I had previously mentioned it here on the thread), and I'm not going to do so. :( My past couple runs have only been 1.6 miles and I don't feel "ready" for an entire 5K. Complicating matters, I would have to get the 5K done in an hour or less -- kiddos have swimming lessons immediately afterwards, and timing would be extremely tight.

So, dropping the Sept 29 5K, but picking up a different local 5K on Oct 27. The Oct 27 5K benefits the church/grade school that I attended as a child.

I'm gonna do a TM run tonight, and use that as my "re-starting" point. I'm gonna get back to 5K distance (or darn close to it) by the Oct 27 local 5K. After I finish that -- I'll register for our local Turkey Trot 5K Thanksgiving morning. :)


Anytime--us nOObs gotta support each other!! ;)

Another thing I've learned is that support can make the difference between "sticking with it and getting it done" and slacking off.

At least your husband runs, too, so I'm guessing he might be understanding and helpful of your efforts. If you'll excuse me while I conduct a pity party--pretty much everyone in my life encourages me to blow it off/give it up. Hubby works plenty of evenings and weekend days and would prefer that if we're both home at the same time, that we spend the time together (and he's a dedicated couch potato), so I try to schedule my runs when he's on a late shift. My mom seems to constantly worry that I'm going to get attacked or kidnapped (c'mon, ma, I'm 49 years old and you raised me to have some sense) or hurt myself or something. The only bright spot is my brother, a just-retired cop, who recently told her that he thinks its cool and said he might run with me occasionally. His busy post-retirement schedule hasn't allowed it yet, though!

Sorry for the self-indulgent wallow, but you people are all I've got to keep me going with this running effort! :)
You guys can both do it! Keep races your future. When you finish them, the feeling is so great, you can't wait to do the next one. The key is SIGNING UP way ahead of time so that you HAVE to train!! WIthout having spent the money on my first marathon, I know me....I would have found a way to procrastinate and not do the training. Another big motivator was proving some people wrong. Much as I like him, when I told my boss that I was going to run the Disney marathon, his response was "Yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it". That was all the motivation I needed to prove him wrong. :) And I did. Funny part was I heard from people at work when I got back that he hung up my time in the kitchen and was really proud of what I did. Someone actually said he was gushing. I would have liked to have seen that. Tell everyone you know your goal whether it be a 5k or a marathon and those doubters will really be proud of you when you do it even if they aren't the most supportive bunch! I am lucky that my husband has come to love running. When he started running with me, it was to make sure I didn't back out. If you can, find a running buddy with about the same abilty as you. It can really help keep the motivation up too. Usually when one of us isn't up to running, the other is ready to go and kind of gives the other a nudge out the door.


Well-Known Member
Having a race registered and paid for on your calendar is a great motivational tool. Especially when you start dropping big coin on races like Disney, or ones that involve travel. No way I'm gonna waste the $150+ reg fee, and the hotel, plane, etc. Works even better if you know other people who will be at the race. Don't want to let them show you up, you need the bragging rights around the home/office/bar/truck stop/whatever......

Today was about 5 mi, 7 min warm up, 3 mi at 6:31 w/ 1/4 mi RI, then 7 min cool down. Going to need to start getting to the gym earlier as these new runs are longer than my old mid week runs.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5.5 miles this morning. Taking it easy and playing it safe, at least that was the plan since it is race week and there is no time for healing if you tweaked something, but I ran a little faster than I thought I would. NS my run 9:00, 9:12 (major hill), 8:50, 8:43, 8:22 and 8:03.

Oh well. One funny thing. An armourdillo ran out in front of me out of some bushes and scared me so bad (just from being startled) I screamed like a little girl. *looks around*


Well-Known Member
First run for me in a week. Had a death in the family over the weekend so I did some unexpected traveling the past few days. So I wasn't able to get in any training.
This morning was 9.25 miles. My first 7 miles was at a 9:47 pace, but then my knee issues kicked in and I had to walk a bit. Final pace ended up at 10:35.

Now I need to finish packing. Flight leaves at 6:30 AM tomorrow. POFQ--see you in 24 hrs. :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
First run for me in a week. Had a death in the family over the weekend so I did some unexpected traveling the past few days. So I wasn't able to get in any training.
This morning was 9.25 miles. My first 7 miles was at a 9:47 pace, but then my knee issues kicked in and I had to walk a bit. Final pace ended up at 10:35.

Now I need to finish packing. Flight leaves at 6:30 AM tomorrow. POFQ--see you in 24 hrs. :D
Sorry about that news.

Glad you got in a good solid run this am. Good distance Coryna. See you in 3 DAYS!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
5.5 miles this morning. Taking it easy and playing it safe, at least that was the plan since it is race week and there is no time for healing if you tweaked something, but I ran a little faster than I thought I would. NS my run 9:00, 9:12 (major hill), 8:50, 8:43, 8:22 and 8:03.

Oh well. One funny thing. An armourdillo ran out in front of me out of some bushes and scared me so bad (just from being startled) I screamed like a little girl. *looks around*
Same thing happened to me, except it was a butterfly flying right up into my face. I was in the zone and didn't expext it. The scream that followed was like an 8 year old girl having night terrors...plus jazz hands...

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
First run for me in a week. Had a death in the family over the weekend so I did some unexpected traveling the past few days. So I wasn't able to get in any training.
This morning was 9.25 miles. My first 7 miles was at a 9:47 pace, but then my knee issues kicked in and I had to walk a bit. Final pace ended up at 10:35.

Now I need to finish packing. Flight leaves at 6:30 AM tomorrow. POFQ--see you in 24 hrs. :D

Alison and I are there for ya. Hope you are doing well.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
30 mi this morning.

+ 115 push-ups

Got a text from Joel at mile 12, and he gave me some unexpected motivation to kick it up a notch. Thanks for that a-- kicker buddy!! ;)

Picking up the pace lately; 9:30 for 30 mi straight.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so make TODAY count.


Well-Known Member
30 mi this morning.

+ 115 push-ups

Got a text from Joel at mile 12, and he gave me some unexpected motivation to kick it up a notch. Thanks for that a-- kicker buddy!! ;)

Picking up the pace lately; 9:30 for 30 mi straight.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so make TODAY count.

It's still not too late to fly down and be part our CHEER squad!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Same thing happened to me, except it was a butterfly flying right up into my face. I was in the zone and didn't expext it. The scream that followed was like an 8 year old girl having night terrors...plus jazz hands...
I love jazz hands on scared grown men. LOL Such a good look.
30 mi this morning.

+ 115 push-ups

Got a text from Joel at mile 12, and he gave me some unexpected motivation to kick it up a notch. Thanks for that a-- kicker buddy!! ;)

Picking up the pace lately; 9:30 for 30 mi straight.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so make TODAY count.
Nice Distance

Nice push ups

No problem. I felt a disturbance in the force, that you might pull a sub 30 mile today and have a mild case of regrets... so I know you needed that text.

Yes, make today count.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
First run for me in a week. Had a death in the family over the weekend so I did some unexpected traveling the past few days. So I wasn't able to get in any training.
This morning was 9.25 miles. My first 7 miles was at a 9:47 pace, but then my knee issues kicked in and I had to walk a bit. Final pace ended up at 10:35.

Now I need to finish packing. Flight leaves at 6:30 AM tomorrow. POFQ--see you in 24 hrs. :D

Condolences on your loss.

Sounds like you're ready for the race, hope you get to enjoy the first day of F&W Fest on Friday!

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