Witchy Chick
Well-Known Member
I had to skip my run todayWhile doing insanity yesterday something happened to my knee and its not feeling right and is slightly swollen, no pain though. I'm going to try to stay off it today and will hopefully be ok to run Sunday but I'm worried I'm going to be out for longer than that. I'm really bummed!
I'm sorry about your knee. I hope the Aleve and the ice helps!!
Yesterday I drove to CT to visit a friend. When I got her house she was not home from work yet so I decided to throw on my sneakers and go for a run. Ran about 3 miles. It was hot but I was happy I got a run in.
Nice use of some "down" time.

DH neglected to run this morning, so he and I will be duking it out for the TM tonight. LOL Actually, I've been thinking of bumping my run to tomorrow morning anyway.
