Started the morning off with an hour of yoga.
I mentioned swan pose to Jill but there is another pose that I am going to try and explain that is a great stretch.
Start off in downward facing dog
(Key is to really lift your hips)-
STEP 1: Come onto the floor on your hands and knees. Stretch the elbows and relax the upper back between the shoulder blades, which gives you the feeling that the arms fall into the shoulder blades.
STEP 2: Exhale and lift your knees and draw your back backwards from the pelvis, so that your arms and back form one line.
STEP 3: Stretch your legs in such a way that you get the feeling that someone behind you is pulling your legs and hips backwards from the top of your upper legs. Let your head hang down in a relaxed sort of way.
STEP 4: When you have placed your back and your legs correctly, stretch out your arms. This results in a stretching from two sides of the back: a stretching from the pelvis and a stretching from the arms. When the back and the chest are placed correctly, you will notice that you can quietly breathe in and out through the belly. You should not let your chest hang downwards or make your back extremely sunken.
GO INTO 3-Legged Dog
Step 5: Shift weight into your hands and your left foot equally. Then raise your right leg up to the ceiling. Try to keep your shoulders parallel with the ground and gaze at your left thigh or up towards your belly to help you stay balanced. To feel the stretch in your left hamstring, try to keep pressing your left heel down towards the ground.
Now for the FUN part
Step 6: Bend the lifted leg and turn the knee outward. Keeping your body weight shifted forward turn your upper body slightly to the outside. You gaze should follow the twist of your body so you'll be looking under your arm. BREATHE!!!
Hold that postion for as long as you are comfortable. You will feel this in your hips and side body. AMAZING!
To get out the position: (which is just as important)
Turn the body back to center, bring the knee in straight, lower the leg back to down dog. From here go in to child's pose for a few breathes. Now repeat with the other side. I do both legs 3 or 4 times before going into another position (usually cresent lunges from down-dog)