What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness I logged on here early this morning! What is wrong with me? I almost forgot to make ADRs!!:eek: No worries though! I got on and after the reservation system not working with IE, I fired up Mozilla Firefox and it worked! Got everything we wanted. Today is a rest day for me also and then tomorrow is the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run in Philly!

:eek: EEK! Glad you got everything you wanted! Good luck with your race tomorrow. :)

Did you get everything you wanted? I did -- with the exception of Le Cellier lunch (earliest "lunch" availability was 4pm!!). I am soooooo excited!!!

Last night was rest day/night for me. I'm gonna hit the TM tonight after the kiddos go to bed. I'm looking to equal-or-better my 2.2 miles from the other night. :D


Yep! Very pleased. :) Sorry about Le Cellier...keep trying with that one, you may get lucky.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness I logged on here early this morning! What is wrong with me? I almost forgot to make ADRs!!:eek: No worries though! I got on and after the reservation system not working with IE, I fired up Mozilla Firefox and it worked! Got everything we wanted. Today is a rest day for me also and then tomorrow is the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run in Philly!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Did you get everything you wanted? I did -- with the exception of Le Cellier lunch (earliest "lunch" availability was 4pm!!). I am soooooo excited!!!

Last night was rest day/night for me. I'm gonna hit the TM tonight after the kiddos go to bed. I'm looking to equal-or-better my 2.2 miles from the other night. :D

I got a 4 pm at Le Cellier also. I little later than I wanted but at least I got one!


Well-Known Member
An hour of yoga and 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morning.

Kind of bummed though, my yoga instructor told us that she will be going to India for 5 weeks so not sure what I'll do on Sunday mornings till September. :( Love my Sunday morning yoga!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
An hour of yoga and 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morning.

Kind of bummed though, my yoga instructor told us that she will be going to India for 5 weeks so not sure what I'll do on Sunday mornings till September. :( Love my Sunday morning yoga!
I like the top, dislike the bottom. I know how much you love that yoga. So sorry.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5.25 mile this am in about 49:01minutes. Went to the lake and did a lot of swimming and jumping off the dock with the kids Friday and yesterday. So, my normal Sat morning run turned into a Sunday morning run. A little sore from all the horsing around at the lake. :)


Well-Known Member
Yoga instructor from India? Serious stuff!

New shoes and new yurbuds today. I highly recommend the yurbuds. I've got 230 on the old shoes so I'm going to start alternating until they hit 300+.

4 miles in 45 minutes, 0930 launch. It's hot and I carried fluids. I usually don't for 3-4 miles. Pace way ahead of my ToT goal so I'm happy. Felt really strong. Mile 4 was the fastest. Now off to cut the grass! We've had lots of rain so it won't be fun. :D


Well-Known Member
Ran the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run in Philadelphia today with my sister and my friend's nephew. We had a blast although my knees and elbows are a little skinned up from the rocks and gravel in the pit. Time was 47:26. Pretty bad for a 5k but we had to sometimes wait in line a little at the obstacles. This was the 3rd time I've done this race and will probably be back in 2013!



And me sliding out of the final mud pit.


Well-Known Member
Ran my first official 5K road race of 2012 on Saturday, after nearly jogging 2-3-4-5 miles every few days since early February on my own (gaining stamina, breathing, etc., down / training for 1.5 mile Air Force annual fitness test). Ran the Feet on the Street 5K in Bowling Green, Ohio - south of Toledo. Upper 60s with cloudy skies to start, with a threat of rain, but the rain held off until Saturday evening. Definitely in the low to mid 70s by end of race with rising humidity.

I had run 3.5 miles at an area park Friday the 13th, and wasn't sure how fast I could recover to run a 5K - even after eating a "good" pre-race dinner of Sweet and Sour Pork combination with a Bud Lite. Pre-race breakfast consisted of my normal faire - oatmeal with skim milk and fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, and a cup of joe, and some water. Wasn't totally sure of running the 5K even after rising from bed at 6:15am, some 2 hours before race start.

Surprised myself in running a personal best 28:11. I last ran a 5K, the Turkey Trot, in November 2011, and ran it in about 33 minutes in 37 F, windy and cloudy conditions. So, a 5-minute improvement. I ran 4 5Ks in 2011 in an average of 31 minutes. Averaged about 9:03 a mile this time out, which shocked me because I have been running about 9:30 / 10:00 a mile on my Tower of Terror 10-miler training runs. And technically Saturday was my 3-miler training day.

The only bad thing is that I have a nagging strain in my right calf. It seems to switch from my left to my right leg. I had felt a twinge after Friday's 3.50 mile run and definitely felt some discomfort before the 5K race. The strain reared its head around the 1.5-mile mark on the flat out and back, but I didn't stop. Didn't run Sunday and won't run Monday either until late Tuesday (forecasted 99 on Tuesday), as per the Tower 10-miler training outline says.

The calf strain comes into play after I take my mind off, or my mind wanders while listening to my music, and then BAM!, I feel it. A pull, and my stride is tight the rest of the way. Recently the strain has showed up at the end of the run.

I am in need of some new running shoes, but last I check in May the treads appeared to be okay. I was not a distance runner in 2011, well if you count training for a 1.5-mile fitness run for the Air Force fitness test, and running no more than 1 or 2 or 2.50 miles for the first-half of 2011. But I am a budding distance runner in 2012. Maybe it's that I stopped cross-training and strength training with Tony Horton and P90X, while I have started the 10-miler training program at the end of May.

Maybe a good P90X X-Stretch and YogaX or KenpoX or Core Synergestics or Shoulders / Biceps / Triceps are in order in the next few days - get me back into working out on the off-running days.


Well-Known Member
Ran my first official 5K road race of 2012 on Saturday, after nearly jogging 2-3-4-5 miles every few days since early February on my own (gaining stamina, breathing, etc., down / training for 1.5 mile Air Force annual fitness test). Ran the Feet on the Street 5K in Bowling Green, Ohio - south of Toledo. Upper 60s with cloudy skies to start, with a threat of rain, but the rain held off until Saturday evening. Definitely in the low to mid 70s by end of race with rising humidity.

I had run 3.5 miles at an area park Friday the 13th, and wasn't sure how fast I could recover to run a 5K - even after eating a "good" pre-race dinner of Sweet and Sour Pork combination with a Bud Lite. Pre-race breakfast consisted of my normal faire - oatmeal with skim milk and fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, and a cup of joe, and some water. Wasn't totally sure of running the 5K even after rising from bed at 6:15am, some 2 hours before race start.

Surprised myself in running a personal best 28:11. I last ran a 5K, the Turkey Trot, in November 2011, and ran it in about 33 minutes in 37 F, windy and cloudy conditions. So, a 5-minute improvement. I ran 4 5Ks in 2011 in an average of 31 minutes. Averaged about 9:03 a mile this time out, which shocked me because I have been running about 9:30 / 10:00 a mile on my Tower of Terror 10-miler training runs. And technically Saturday was my 3-miler training day.

The only bad thing is that I have a nagging strain in my right calf. It seems to switch from my left to my right leg. I had felt a twinge after Friday's 3.50 mile run and definitely felt some discomfort before the 5K race. The strain reared its head around the 1.5-mile mark on the flat out and back, but I didn't stop. Didn't run Sunday and won't run Monday either until late Tuesday (forecasted 99 on Tuesday), as per the Tower 10-miler training outline says.

The calf strain comes into play after I take my mind off, or my mind wanders while listening to my music, and then BAM!, I feel it. A pull, and my stride is tight the rest of the way. Recently the strain has showed up at the end of the run.

I am in need of some new running shoes, but last I check in May the treads appeared to be okay. I was not a distance runner in 2011, well if you count training for a 1.5-mile fitness run for the Air Force fitness test, and running no more than 1 or 2 or 2.50 miles for the first-half of 2011. But I am a budding distance runner in 2012. Maybe it's that I stopped cross-training and strength training with Tony Horton and P90X, while I have started the 10-miler training program at the end of May.

Maybe a good P90X X-Stretch and YogaX or KenpoX or Core Synergestics or Shoulders / Biceps / Triceps are in order in the next few days - get me back into working out on the off-running days.

Awesome job! Even if your shoes still have good tread, it might be the case of the support wearing down if they have a lot of miles. Hopefully new shoes will help your calf issues. Maybe try a foam roller or the stick to massage out any muscle tightness.


Well-Known Member
Ran the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run in Philadelphia today with my sister and my friend's nephew. We had a blast although my knees and elbows are a little skinned up from the rocks and gravel in the pit. Time was 47:26. Pretty bad for a 5k but we had to sometimes wait in line a little at the obstacles. This was the 3rd time I've done this race and will probably be back in 2013!



And me sliding out of the final mud pit.
Way to Go!

Love the last photo!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Ran the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run in Philadelphia today with my sister and my friend's nephew. We had a blast although my knees and elbows are a little skinned up from the rocks and gravel in the pit. Time was 47:26. Pretty bad for a 5k but we had to sometimes wait in line a little at the obstacles. This was the 3rd time I've done this race and will probably be back in 2013!
Nice Job... even with the time. I bet there is a lot of down time. A PR isnt what you go for here. Just have fun.


Well-Known Member
Nice Job... even with the time. I bet there is a lot of down time. A PR isnt what you go for here. Just have fun.
Thanks! There is some down time and I never worry about my time during this one. I run with my sis and she doesn't run as fast as I do so I also did it at her pace. This is the kind of race where it is more fun sticking with a friend for the whole thing! Another thing that I am not use to are hills! There are some really steep hilly sections and being from South Jersey that is something I am seriously lacking in my training! :)


Well-Known Member
Sat was 12 mi LSD followed by like 15 mins of pylo. Sun was 9/12 mi negative splits, with 1/2 mi sprint. I need to swap the days back in prep for Goofy, but I'm liking these runs. Now I just need to start alternating adding on the miles.

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Yep! Very pleased. :) Sorry about Le Cellier...keep trying with that one, you may get lucky.

I'm not sure I really want Le Cellier since it "costs" two table-service credits for lunch or dinner.

I got a 4 pm at Le Cellier also. I little later than I wanted but at least I got one!

I wasn't able to take the 4pm Le Cellier offered by the dining agent since I have planned (for that evening) Hollywood & Vine dinner and a show. And those ressies were 4pm also. siggghhhhhh I figure the kiddos might enjoy Fantasmic! more than I will enjoy pretzel bread and a filet at Le Cellier. ;)

Ran the Cleveland FANtastic 4-miler this morning...I think my time was either just under 40 minutes or just over, not sure. The course took us into Browns Stadium and around the field, across the Cavs court, and onto Progressive Field around the warning track. Very cool! I took a camera and posted a short report in case anyone is interested: Cleveland FANtasic 4-miler Race Report.

That sounds like my kind of race. I am a HUGE sports fan -- I would love running through all those venues.

Surprised myself in running a personal best 28:11.


Last night was a day of rest for me. Saturday, I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill and felt good. I did 4 mins running-1 min walking. I'll probably stick with that for the rest of this week -- then try 5 mins running (at least a couple of times throughout the entire run).

Did I mention my ILs will now being doing the 5K "with" me? I must be talking too much smack about dusting them in the 5K. They're buying a treadmill. LOL It can only be a good thing if they finish "faster" than I expect them to. 5K starts at 6:30am, and we have 8:05 reservations at Akershus. :D


JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I like the top, dislike the bottom. I know how much you love that yoga. So sorry.

And there goes my mind, back in the gutter. ;)

Ran the Cleveland FANtastic 4-miler this morning...I think my time was either just under 40 minutes or just over, not sure. The course took us into Browns Stadium and around the field, across the Cavs court, and onto Progressive Field around the warning track. Very cool! I took a camera and posted a short report in case anyone is interested: Cleveland FANtasic 4-miler Race Report.

Congrats! Sounds fun.

Ran the Merrell Down and Dirty Mud Run in Philadelphia today with my sister and my friend's nephew. We had a blast although my knees and elbows are a little skinned up from the rocks and gravel in the pit. Time was 47:26. Pretty bad for a 5k but we had to sometimes wait in line a little at the obstacles. This was the 3rd time I've done this race and will probably be back in 2013!



And me sliding out of the final mud pit.

Way to go! Love those muddy photos! Good for you guys.

Ran my first official 5K road race of 2012 on Saturday, after nearly jogging 2-3-4-5 miles every few days since early February on my own (gaining stamina, breathing, etc., down / training for 1.5 mile Air Force annual fitness test). Ran the Feet on the Street 5K in Bowling Green, Ohio - south of Toledo.
Surprised myself in running a personal best 28:11.

Congratulations on the PR! That's terrific.
Try to figure out how many miles you have on your running shoes rather than judging if they need replacement by the tread. Sometimes the inner cushioning wears out first. If you have over 500 miles on there, replace those puppies!

As for me, got up early and ran 9 miles Saturday morning. It was overcast which helped a tad with the heat. Managed to keep a 10:18 min pace even though I wasn't trying for speed at all. In fact, I had only planned to run 8 miles but I was feeling good at the end so I tagged on 1 more. Then before I even showered, I brought my car into the shop for an inspection, and I walked a mile more home. I bribed the kids into joining me for the walk by offering to stop for bagels for them to eat on the walk home before I dropped the car off. It was fun, and I'd already accomplished so much with my day before my hubby had even rolled out of bed! LOL.

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