Well-Known Member
My wife and I ran the Madison, WI 1/2 Marathon.
They called off the full marathon on Friday due to dangerous predicted temperatures (mid 90's).
We decided that this was going to be a race that was about just finishing. At the 7:00 am, gun, we got off to a good start, as the first part of the course was downhill from the grounds of the Wisconsin Capital square.
By mile 3, you could really feel the humidity. Going through the first water station was a disaster. They did not have cups ready for the runners, and everybody that wanted water or gatorade had to wait. Adding insult to injury was the fact that they were using plastic cups, which my wife slipped and fell into the water table on when she approached it.
On a side note, there were some frat boys running a beer and bacon stand right next to it, and they were more than ready for anybody that wanted it.
We continued a good pace until about mile 5.5, when the heat really started to ramp up. I was dripping sweat, and mile 6-7 seemed to take forever. I was really uncomfortable. At mile 7, I downed a GU at the water stand and felt a better for awhile.
We continued up and down what seemed like endless hills. When we weren't doing hills, the roads we were on were severely pitched, causing hell on my ankles.
I powered through to mile 9, where we left the residential neighborhood, and headed out onto a 4 lane road that crosses between 2 big lakes. I thought that being between the lakes would be nice because of the breeze.
I was wrong.
That road decided to mercilessly beat me down physically and mentally. There was no shade, and it seemed to go on forever. To make matters worse, it was an out and back. I had to do it twice.
We finally got done with that stretch of road at about mile 12.5, and headed straight uphill back to the capital square.
To my surprise, we managed to finish strong and my wife scored a PR 2:48:48. It was almost 20 minutes slower than my last 1/2 Marathon, but then again, the course and conditions were much different.
When people asked how it was I have been telling them "You know how you go outside on a hot day, and the sun and heat just take it out of you? Yeah - I ran 13 miles in that."
Congrats Brad & Rebecca!:sohappy:
Boy-you are gonna need a new room for all those medals pretty soon!
If we all go out, Jill will be the one who gets trashed and picking fights with strangers :wave:
It's always the one you least suspect! :lol:
It's crazy hot so be careful out there. Summer temps came too soon for us NJ runners!Anyway, back to back 20-25 milers everyday since last week. Haven't been on a 30mi in a while. Maybe this week.
It's super hot out. I'm emptying all three 750ml bottles by mile 13. Stopping on the boardwalk to buy more.
Run strong folks.