What did you do?


Active Member
A little more than 4 miles (4.11) last night @ 12:30 pace. I felt like I could've (should've) gone faster.

I'm in a rut with the neighborhood loop. So, I'll be driving to new sites soon. Also going to pre-register for a summer 5k series in town. Every Wednesday evening @ 6:00. It'll be a hot, slow run


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
7 miles in 1:04 this am. I didnt even look at my pace, I've decided to work on endurance over the summer since speed is pretty much out the window once it starts getting warmer.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Officially registered for Beast of Burden 100 mile in August.

I am hoping for heat stroke-inducing temps and lake effect weather / torrential downpours to kick my a-- and break my spirits for 100 miles :D It will only make earning that buckle much more sweet. Cheers...oh wait, it's only 7:34 am.

Sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon. :eek:

7 miles in 1:04 this am. I didnt even look at my pace, I've decided to work on endurance over the summer since speed is pretty much out the window once it starts getting warmer.

I have to agree with this 100%. Speed is simply undoable in the heat and humidity. It's all about slogging through and completing the distance.


Well-Known Member
Officially registered for Beast of Burden 100 mile in August.

I am hoping for heat stroke-inducing temps and lake effect weather / torrential downpours to kick my a-- and break my spirits for 100 miles :D It will only make earning that buckle much more sweet.

Cheers...oh wait, it's only 7:34 am.

I'm really starting to thinking you may need professional help! :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon. :eek:

I have to agree with this 100%. Speed is simply undoable in the heat and humidity. It's all about slogging through and completing the distance.
You get just as much out of "slogging through" (great description) in that heat and humidity than you do worrying about speed. IMHO of course. If nothing else, just the mental confidence.

6.15 miles on the treadmill at a 10:42 pace and 1/2 core work out.
Knee started to ache a bit at 5:35 miles but I kept going.
No, No, NO!



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
2.25 miles this am. Knee started burning on the outside around mile 1.25. So, I figure that it might be extreme tendonitis. In that case, Im going to try and "buck up little camper", run through it and see how far I can go, how long I can go with the intention of all this working itself out. That is what I did 2 years ago with Achilles tendonitis and things went away after 2 weeks.

As Nick prescribed a month ago, Im taking a dose of Man the F Up. :lol: Dr. Nick orders.

With all that said, I am calling my insurance company to find out how much of an MRI they will cover.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Awesome medal. Nice bicep too :D

I have always overcome side stitches with the budda belly method. I hate that you couldnt get rid of it. Sometimes thing like that happen I guess.

Thanks! I will google the Budda Belly Method. I read about overcoming side stitches prior to the race and tried a rhythm method where you exhale while your opposite foot strikes to help relax the stitching side. It's so frustrating. I've had this happen on two other races, but the stitch went away relatively faster. This one was so brutal that my inner abs on that side are still sore.

That being said, there is a half marathon not far from here in 2 1/2 weeks, pretty cheap, with day of race packet that I'm considering registering for to see if I can correct what happened at the Rock n Roll. I have intense motivation to redeem myself and get back out there! First run back today :)

Wasn't able to post my workout yesterday, but it is as follows.....5 mile run outside in the hot and humid, 1 hour of yoga, and an hour zumba class. After that I was whooped so I went home and crashed and had the hardest time waking up this morning, but the soreness feels good!

Whew! I'm pooped just reading this! Good job!

Also booked my flight for the DL half. We're flying to Vegas first to visit my sister then I'm flying over to Orange County Saturday for the race. Then the family is going to meet me there Monday for 3 days at DL, then back to Vegas to finish the week. Going to be epic!

Yay! It's funny but it seems the community surrounding the Disneyland Half just isn't as large as the WDW races, so I have trouble finding someone to chit chat with about it. I'm so excited! We spend the morning at the race, the day at SeaWorld (freebies for us military folks, and to hopefully avoid DLR crowds), then the next 3 days at DLR. I wish we had 4 or 5 though ;)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Thanks! I will google the Budda Belly Method. I read about overcoming side stitches prior to the race and tried a rhythm method where you exhale while your opposite foot strikes to help relax the stitching side. It's so frustrating. I've had this happen on two other races, but the stitch went away relatively faster. This one was so brutal that my inner abs on that side are still sore.

That being said, there is a half marathon not far from here in 2 1/2 weeks, pretty cheap, with day of race packet that I'm considering registering for to see if I can correct what happened at the Rock n Roll. I have intense motivation to redeem myself and get back out there! First run back today :)
If memory serves, you get a side stitch from not breathing properly. Very common in a race environment with all the excitement etc that isnt on your training runs. Budda Belly is basically you 1) continue to run, never stop to walk 2) breathe in as much as you can 3) exhale as much as you can, keep pushing out air (repeat). Works for me everytime I feel one coming on or one hits me like a ton of bricks.

Good luck!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
If memory serves, you get a side stitch from not breathing properly. Very common in a race environment with all the excitement etc that isnt on your training runs. Budda Belly is basically you 1) continue to run, never stop to walk 2) breathe in as much as you can 3) exhale as much as you can, keep pushing out air (repeat). Works for me everytime I feel one coming on or one hits me like a ton of bricks.

Good luck!

Lack of salt can be a cause as well. Try a salt cap like Succeed.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
2.25 miles this am. Knee started burning on the outside around mile 1.25. So, I figure that it might be extreme tendonitis. In that case, Im going to try and "buck up little camper", run through it and see how far I can go, how long I can go with the intention of all this working itself out. That is what I did 2 years ago with Achilles tendonitis and things went away after 2 weeks.

As Nick prescribed a month ago, Im taking a dose of Man the F Up. :lol: Dr. Nick orders.

With all that said, I am calling my insurance company to find out how much of an MRI they will cover.:lookaroun

Remember, M the F up should only be taken as directed: twice a day with food. If you experience any symptoms such as laziness, whining, procrastination, or excuses, talk to your doctor about getting a swift kick in the a--.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
You get just as much out of "slogging through" (great description) in that heat and humidity than you do worrying about speed. IMHO of course. If nothing else, just the mental confidence.

I agree about the mental confidence. I remember one of my marathon training runs that was huge in that area. It was a 13 mile training run near the end of the training schedule, meaning it wasn't that long relatively speaking, but it was 90 degrees out with high humidity, and after 6 miles I wasn't sure I could finish it. I just kept telling myself to put one foot in front of the other, and to this day it remains the most miserable run that I ever completed. But when I was in the last few miles of the actual marathon and felt like I was dying, I remembered back to how I finished that miserable 13 mile training run and it made me believe that I could finish this run too. I still think about that run sometimes when I'm feeling draggy, and it makes me know that I can finish whatever unpleasant workout I am mentally complaining about.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention in my last post, 3.5 miles this morning on TM at 9:48 min pace. Our central air system is busted and won't be replaced until next Thursday, so our house is really warm, and it's hard to cool down after running, even after a cold shower. The temps outside are only in the low 70s right now, but they're supposed to soar into the high 80s this weekend, so it's gonna be a sauna in our house. Ugh.


Well-Known Member
2.25 miles this am. Knee started burning on the outside around mile 1.25. So, I figure that it might be extreme tendonitis. In that case, Im going to try and "buck up little camper", run through it and see how far I can go, how long I can go with the intention of all this working itself out. That is what I did 2 years ago with Achilles tendonitis and things went away after 2 weeks.

As Nick prescribed a month ago, Im taking a dose of Man the F Up. :lol: Dr. Nick orders.

With all that said, I am calling my insurance company to find out how much of an MRI they will cover.:lookaroun

Remember, M the F up should only be taken as directed: twice a day with food. If you experience any symptoms such as laziness, whining, procrastination, or excuses, talk to your doctor about getting a swift kick in the a--.

:ROFLOL: You two crack me up!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Remember, M the F up should only be taken as directed: twice a day with food. If you experience any symptoms such as laziness, whining, procrastination, or excuses, talk to your doctor about getting a swift kick in the a--.
Trust me, I wouldnt need a doctor for that swift kick.

I agree about the mental confidence. I remember one of my marathon training runs that was huge in that area. It was a 13 mile training run near the end of the training schedule, meaning it wasn't that long relatively speaking, but it was 90 degrees out with high humidity, and after 6 miles I wasn't sure I could finish it. I just kept telling myself to put one foot in front of the other, and to this day it remains the most miserable run that I ever completed. But when I was in the last few miles of the actual marathon and felt like I was dying, I remembered back to how I finished that miserable 13 mile training run and it made me believe that I could finish this run too. I still think about that run sometimes when I'm feeling draggy, and it makes me know that I can finish whatever unpleasant workout I am mentally complaining about.
Ive had plenty of those too. I recall one run someone asking if I were ok. That was a miserable, hot humid run from hell. I can still feel that pain in my lungs and head.

Forgot to mention in my last post, 3.5 miles this morning on TM at 9:48 min pace. Our central air system is busted and won't be replaced until next Thursday, so our house is really warm, and it's hard to cool down after running, even after a cold shower. The temps outside are only in the low 70s right now, but they're supposed to soar into the high 80s this weekend, so it's gonna be a sauna in our house. Ugh.
It is getting soapy here too in the morning. Looks like Ill have to start getting out the door in the 5am hour instead of around 6am.

:ROFLOL: You two crack me up!
Im glad we could be of service... Just think how fun we would be with a few adults beverages in us. :D


Well-Known Member
Yay! Finally had a training run under 11 min/mile! 3.74 miles, pace 10:46. It was pretty humid and buggy too. Ran at work which is out in the middle of nowhere. Beautiful Pinelands, but sucks if I get hurt. There is not a house on the whole route, just woods, woods, and more woods!


Well-Known Member
Yay! It's funny but it seems the community surrounding the Disneyland Half just isn't as large as the WDW races, so I have trouble finding someone to chit chat with about it. I'm so excited! We spend the morning at the race, the day at SeaWorld (freebies for us military folks, and to hopefully avoid DLR crowds), then the next 3 days at DLR. I wish we had 4 or 5 though ;)

Don't forget: DLR also has an insane military ticket deal. We're going to check at Nellis AFB when we get to Vegas but you can get them at the parks as well. I think you save sales tax on base but I'm not sure. I know that is true for WDW.

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