What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Halleluyah, there is air-conditioning in my home again! I feel like I can breathe in there finally. This morning I ran 4 miles outdoors (1/3 mile intervals) and it was so lovely to walk in the door all sweaty and feel that fresh cool a/c!
Great to hear Jill. :sohappy:

I agree with that. But it stinks when you get in the shower and the water hits your body and you discover for the first time exactly where you forgot to put the BodyGlide as you feel the pain of water hitting chafed skin! Ouch!
OMG... I hate that. Luckily, as I have mentioned before, it takes a lot for me to sweat. So, I dont chafe hardly at all most of the season. However, there are a few times in spring when Im adjusting to the temps this happens and holy cow. What pain that is.

That pain is so bad, I go ahead and put bodyglide on even thought I dont need it. Im glad no one is up when I usually go on my long runs. There is nothing flattering about applying this product where you need it. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Halleluyah, there is air-conditioning in my home again! I feel like I can breathe in there finally. This morning I ran 4 miles outdoors (1/3 mile intervals) and it was so lovely to walk in the door all sweaty and feel that fresh cool a/c!

Glad to hear you got the AC working. Of course it's 20 degrees cooler than it was early in the week but at least you know that it'll be working when the temps start to rise again.

As for me, I did an hour of pilates/yoga this morning. I was going to try and run before work but my leg muscles are still a bit sore for last night work out. Decided to give it a day and go for a nice long run tomorrow.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
21 miles this morning.

Punched it, doing an 8 min pace. That's fast for me.

Used different gels since my usual ones are making me gag :hurl:.
The new ones were no better, in terms of taste, but they worked damn well.

Going to kick back a few brews with the wife at dinner tonight, and one more run tomorrow before a rest day.

Run strong folks!


Active Member
Punched it, doing an 8 min pace. That's fast for me.

That's fast for most of us! Great job! I don't know how you do it.

Well I finally broke down and signed up of the marathon today. The butterflies are flying full speed now and I still have several months. EEK....
In can't wait tho, it is going to be fun.:sohappy:

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
That's fast for most of us! Great job! I don't know how you do it.

Well I finally broke down and signed up of the marathon today. The butterflies are flying full speed now and I still have several months. EEK....
In can't wait tho, it is going to be fun.:sohappy:

Stubborness I guess, and a high pain tolerance (again with 25lbs of gear).

Good move on signing up. If you think the butterflies are acting up now, wait until the start line :D
*make way for the second-wave s--t!*

Just kidding...sort of


Active Member
Ran in the Relay For Life 5k in my hometown this morning.
I had 6 miles planned for today so I ran 3 on the treadmill
before heading out to the race. My final time for the race was
19:30, which is a new PR for me and I'm pretty sure that I got
4th overall. Hope everyone is doing well with their training.

Later Days!


Well-Known Member
This morning was 5.25 miles at a 9:34 pace! Great morning for a run!

Um, you won't be in corral Q with that pace. :D

Finished the 15k trail run at Dauset Trails outside of Jackson, Georgia. Didn't fall once! At least one person had to be carried out on a 4-wheeler and most had a bloody knee. Hard-core trails. Great experience!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3.25 this am in a glorious 54 degree morning. Im going tp take a week off of all the hills and run on the flattest terrain around here. Knee pain held off till 3 miles, which is great, but i need to see if it is the hills (notorious for IT band issues) or just a threshold im going to have to get through.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
That pain is so bad, I go ahead and put bodyglide on even thought I dont need it. Im glad no one is up when I usually go on my long runs. There is nothing flattering about applying this product where you need it. :lookaroun

:ROFLOL: Don't I know it!!!!

Well I finally broke down and signed up of the marathon today. The butterflies are flying full speed now and I still have several months. EEK....
In can't wait tho, it is going to be fun.:sohappy:

Congratulations! That's the biggest step - committing mentally. The rest is cake.....well, maybe not cake but you know what I mean :lol:

This morning was 5.25 miles at a 9:34 pace! Great morning for a run!


As for me, I got back about an hour ago from the most delightful 7 mile run accompanied by my 10 year old daughter on her bicycle. Just the two of us running and riding into the sunset. It was amazing.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
21 miles this morning.

Punched it, doing an 8 min pace. That's fast for me.

Used different gels since my usual ones are making me gag :hurl:.
The new ones were no better, in terms of taste, but they worked damn well.

Going to kick back a few brews with the wife at dinner tonight, and one more run tomorrow before a rest day.

Run strong folks!

Forgot to comment on this Nick - that's really an amazing pace for such a distance on "just a training run." I'm glad you're finding some energy items that your stomach can tolerate.


Active Member
Congratulations! That's the biggest step - committing mentally. The rest is cake.....well, maybe not cake but you know what I mean :lol:

It was definitely a lot of pressure off, but now I am committed and that to me is the scariest.
Anybody else think they are ripping you off with the refreshment tent. No I didn't sign up for that. I just couldn't afford it.

BTW...no running today, having to take off because of stomach illness that hits me every once in a while. But hope to hit it hard tomorrow. If not I am going Monday for a good run.


Well-Known Member
This morning was 5.25 miles at a 9:34 pace! Great morning for a run!

Wow! Awesome! Great job! I will wave to you from way back in Corral Q. :lol:

Ran in the Relay For Life 5k in my hometown this morning.
I had 6 miles planned for today so I ran 3 on the treadmill
before heading out to the race. My final time for the race was
19:30, which is a new PR for me and I'm pretty sure that I got
4th overall. Hope everyone is doing well with their training.

Later Days!

Congrats on your PR! That is a great time!


Well-Known Member
It was definitely a lot of pressure off, but now I am committed and that to me is the scariest.
Anybody else think they are ripping you off with the refreshment tent. No I didn't sign up for that. I just couldn't afford it.

BTW...no running today, having to take off because of stomach illness that hits me every once in a while. But hope to hit it hard tomorrow. If not I am going Monday for a good run.

Congrats on signing up! When we did the first marathon, we kept a map of the course on the fridge and checked off where we had run through so far. Help us visualize how far we were coming in our training. Is that the runner's retreat you are talking about? Yes, it is pretty pricey. We didn't do that last time and won't do it this time. The only thing we would use it for is keeping warm and we were fine in 2011. We bring what we want to eat and then have a nice big meal later in the day. Hopefully the weather will be nice in 2013! Hope you feel better soon and can get back to training! :wave:


Well-Known Member
5.74 miles today. Pace 11:28. Started off pretty slow but hit a groove at mile 2 and was able to really quicken the pace. Great day with low humidity and nice temps! Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
I did the Race for The Cure yesterday. My first event EVER!

My pace was not really that great, 14:00 or so run/walk, but I slacked off on my training leading up to the race. Bad idea, I know. The good thing is I have motivation now to really train for another 5K! :D

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