What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5K@8:52 pace this morning

68 degrees at the start... the coolest in months! (although it reached 102 here today) Just a short three is what the training plan called for, so I stuck with it, although I felt like doing more. I figure that there were be plenty of times in the next 16 weeks where I will feel like the plan calls for too many miles =)

Splits of 9:21, 8:37, 8:40 and :53
That is what my house is set at during the night. I couldnt image running in that right now. :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles yesterday afternoon. 95 with the heat index only 100! :lookaroun

No time. I didnt want to push to hard due to the heat. Just a great run.


Well-Known Member
5 miles at 9:40 per this morning....

Debated on whether I was going to run or not, pushed it back to 0545, but got it in. Nothing spectacular, just some mid-week miles. Going to foam roll tonight for sure, as I feel a little something in my right calf.

Took the children to their first day of school afterwards, and now off to the office.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Nothing today, but I did 8.2 miles monday and tuesday, last night at work I could feel a nasty strain getting a little tight etc and figured I better call today's run off, as I do not want to re injure and besides I leave for disney in less than two weeks and really don't want a gimp leg while I am there. It will feel so good to at least get back to half marathons again but all injuries heal in time I guess.


Active Member
Yesterday did not go as I had planned it... I made plans to go to the park with one of my guy friends and do a c25k workout once I got home from work (followed by mini-golf because we have to have some fun), but when I was done work the trolley that I normally take back to my car wasn't running and they "forgot" to tell anyone about it during the morning. So, I walked the 2 miles from my office to my car. In 4 inch heels. :cry: Needless to say, that run did not happen for me after that.

I'm making up for it today though, going to go on a run around the city with a coworker during my lunch break for the first time. :)


Well-Known Member
I have to get up at 0500 to get my 30-minute run or bike ride in before work. Do you people sleep?!? :veryconfu

Up at 4am during the week........ People laugh when I tell them I go to bed at 8.

Was a little stiff during my 5k pace yesterday, but stuck it out after the LSD which was good. Today's speedwork felt good as well. Signed up for a half on Saturday, looking forward to those hills.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Got my butt out of bed early this morning and managed to get 7 miles in before work.
I was feeling good and really wanted to squeeked another mile in but I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to get a shower in before work and well that would have been bad for everyone around me. Yet again, I think of others before me.:lol:

I don't like to get up any earlier weekdays than would allow me to do 5 miles before work. Good for you.

Yesterday did not go as I had planned it... I made plans to go to the park with one of my guy friends and do a c25k workout once I got home from work (followed by mini-golf because we have to have some fun), but when I was done work the trolley that I normally take back to my car wasn't running and they "forgot" to tell anyone about it during the morning. So, I walked the 2 miles from my office to my car. In 4 inch heels. :cry: Needless to say, that run did not happen for me after that.

I'm making up for it today though, going to go on a run around the city with a coworker during my lunch break for the first time. :)

Now THAT's a workout!


Well-Known Member
I don't like to get up any earlier weekdays than would allow me to do 5 miles before work. Good for you.

Believe me, I like my sleep and getting up early is a b*tch, but on the rare occasion that my hubby is home on a weekday and can be with my girls while I run, I take full advantage of it. If not it means running on the treadmill at the gym.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
19.75 miles this morning. 'Squan to Asbury Park and back, my daily route.
I fell, again. I tripped on another raised boardwalk plank on the Ocean Grove pier. I went down hard on both of my knees. The shockwave of pain caught me by surprise and I sat sat there for a minute trying to hold back tears and colorful language. There were no witnesses really, so that saved me from embarassment. Right knee hurts like a SOB. Iced it and taking Tylenol.

Cheers folks.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Ok, I hope this works. I promised a pic of my new set-up...


Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
ok...that didn't work. SO, those of you who I'm connected to on FB, go to my page, and check the "Mobile Uploads" in my Photos. I posted a pics of me with the new set-up. The pouches on the waist-belt are just Spec-ops MOLLE pouches: gels, food, first aid kits, etc...but I will be swapping those out for something else in the works...and perhaps a sponsorship??? More about that later...

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
ok...that didn't work. SO, those of you who I'm connected to on FB, go to my page, and check the "Mobile Uploads" in my Photos. I posted a pics of me with the new set-up. The pouches on the waist-belt are just Spec-ops MOLLE pouches: gels, food, first aid kits, etc...but I will be swapping those out for something else in the works...and perhaps a sponsorship??? More about that later...



Well-Known Member
30min this afternoon on the treadmill = 2 miles and I improved my pace from 15:23 to 15 flat. :D I almost gave up halfway through because I could feel my calves tightening into rocks but thanks to "Get a Grip" by Aerosmith on my playlist I pushed through.


Well-Known Member
8 miles on the bike this AM. Just finished an hour of pilates/yoga with a bit of cardio.
Hamstrings are a little tight after yesterday's run and I needed to get in a good stretch today.


Active Member
Now THAT's a workout!

I'm still sore from it!

Did 2.1 miles today on lunch with a coworker, mostly walking but we did run a bit of it. We decided that we're going to start doing that everyday now that we've found someone that's pretty close to our levels of endurance. :) Already looking forward to lunch tomorrow (wow, that's kinda scary... looking forward to working out).


Well-Known Member
Easy Thursday three this morning @9:13 per mile.

A Very even paced 3 on a Muggy 75 degree morning. I am glad that by the time my mid-week mileage really ramps up, that the weather should start to break some. Sometimes the thought of the full marathon is quite daunting, but I figure I will just take it one run and one week at a time.


Well-Known Member
Good for you! I'm up at 4:30am...but I go to bed around 11pm :lookaroun

What can I say, the good cartoons are on late.

I'm not a huge fan of going to bed that early, as you say, I miss all the good shows. But when I start getting less sleep than that I get ugly.

Ran my normal 5k at the gym, was doing great til the emergency stop fell off. Having the belt go to a sudden stop when you aren't expecting it sucks. New sneakers felt pretty good, need a few more runs to make sure.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Good for you! I'm up at 4:30am...but I go to bed around 11pm :lookaroun

What can I say, the good cartoons are on late.

I'm rarely asleep before 12am or later. I get the kids to bed around 9:30ish which is often when the hubby is first getting home from work, so by the time I make him dinner, spend some time with him, and relax a little in front of the tv, it's way too late. I also frequently suffer from insomnia which sucks. I get up at 5:45am on my running days, and I'm always tired, but I try to get one weekend day to catch up on sleep which keeps me going for the next week.

19.75 miles this morning. 'Squan to Asbury Park and back, my daily route.
I fell, again. I tripped on another raised boardwalk plank on the Ocean Grove pier. I went down hard on both of my knees. The shockwave of pain caught me by surprise and I sat sat there for a minute trying to hold back tears and colorful language. There were no witnesses really, so that saved me from embarassment. Right knee hurts like a SOB. Iced it and taking Tylenol.

Cheers folks.

That stinks. What's with all the raised planks lately? Hope you heal quickly.

Easy Thursday three this morning @9:13 per mile.

A Very even paced 3 on a Muggy 75 degree morning. I am glad that by the time my mid-week mileage really ramps up, that the weather should start to break some. Sometimes the thought of the full marathon is quite daunting, but I figure I will just take it one run and one week at a time.

It certainly is daunting but that's exactly what makes people want to do it! One run at a time is the way to go. And as thoes runs ge longer, one mile at at time is all you need to focus on. You'll get there!

As for me, 3.5 miles this morning at a comfortable pace that turned out to be 9:30min/mile which surprised me.

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