JillC LI
Well-Known Member
20.51 miles this morning. Took my new set up for a test drive. The water weight is distributed much better, and my gels and other emergency items are easily accessible. After many failed attemps of sewing together various components of other pqcks and vests, I got myself a traditional European style pack/hydration system (French company that makes gear for trail ultras, UTMB, and Marathon de Sables), and added 2 MOLLE pouches to the waist belt. It works like a dream. Pics soon.
IPAs now. Cheers folks.
I'm telling ya, Nick, as a lawyer, you should really look into patenting your new system if it's a novel idea.
I said a few days ago that I was going to try this trail run. It looks very challenging, but seems very popular and would be crowded. Oddly enough, this is on the other side of the city and sounds twice as hard. Im asking for punishment. I wonder if 13.1 in this terrain is equivalent to 20 miles on semi flat?
Course Description:
This race is a timed event on the undeveloped 1,011 acre Red Mountain Ridge that makes up Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve. Mined extensively in the early 1880’s, Ruffner contains unusual terrain, unique mine ruins and beautiful new growth forests, 100% naturally reclaimed when mining was abandoned in the 1960’s. Beginning and seasoned trail runners alike will find themselves challenged as they speed along single track and old dirt mining roads scaling elevation changes greater than 2800’ in the 13.1 mile loop.
that sounds like fun punishment
So ya sure you want to start trail running with THIS race?!
Hello there! :wave: First time I've posted over on this side of the boards!
I am VERY new to the whole running/endurance scene and recently decided to train for an event. I am seriously considering the Princess Half, it would give me plenty of time to train.
Today was the kickoff for my training and I walked 2 miles in 31:30. I do hope to pick up my pace and be able to actually run. At the beginning of the year I set a small goal for myself and that was to run for ten minutes straight. Small potatoes, I know, but it was HUGE for me mostly because I am not a runner. I hit that goal but got super lazy and neglected the treadmill for a long time afterwards. But now I'm back!
Good for you, and welcome to the boards! You definitely have enough time to train for the Princess Half if you decide you want to do it. It's just a matter of commitment

89 yesterday afternoon. 101 on the heat index, 75% humidity. Lets do this!
5 miles, 9:09 pace with 348 vertical feet gained.
I did 7 miles Sunday morning at 7am in 85 degees and 80% humidity. It wasn't fun but I kept a good pace for me - about 10 min/mile.
I didn't start running till I saw the Big 4-0 (about 2 years ago) on the horizon and the first time I ran, I couldn't run for 3 minutes straight.
You and I are the same age Coryna. I started running when I was 26 though. I ran 2-3 miles at most for about 10 years though, and it wasn't until I was 36 that I decided to train for a full marathon and discovered I really enjoy running longer distances (not as long as Nick does regularly, of course!).