What did you do?


Well-Known Member
13.21 miles in 2:12:05
I missed my PR by 4:07. This course had almost 800 ft in elevation gain, and 878 in loss, so it was up and down. It also became quite warm at the end!
Pleased with the effort, and I had my PR through miles 7 or 8, but just ran out of gas. The hills really drove the splits as well.
My first big event, with over 30K runners, and it was well organized and I had fun, just wish I hadn't faded like I did.
Nothing out of the ordinary physically, a small blister, and some very tired legs.

Congrats on your run! :sohappy: Glad to hear things went smoothly and you enjoyed the experience!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
13.21 miles in 2:12:05
I missed my PR by 4:07. This course had almost 800 ft in elevation gain, and 878 in loss, so it was up and down. It also became quite warm at the end!
Pleased with the effort, and I had my PR through miles 7 or 8, but just ran out of gas. The hills really drove the splits as well.
My first big event, with over 30K runners, and it was well organized and I had fun, just wish I hadn't faded like I did.
Nothing out of the ordinary physically, a small blister, and some very tired legs.
Nice job. I thought the course was extremely challenging in a "long rolling hills" kind of way.

The heat around my 15-17mile point killed me.

Thanks Jill! Yeah I running it like a training run and hopefully I can sub 04:00. Picked up my race packet today at he expo, which I will go back to tomorrow and spend some time checking stuff out.
Good luck tomorrow Nick!


Well-Known Member
Nice job. I thought the course was extremely challenging in a "long rolling hills" kind of way.
The heat around my 15-17mile point killed me.

Good luck tomorrow Nick!

Yep. The hills weren't big, but it seemed like you were always uphill or downhill. And whenever you would go around a corner, you were hoping for a downhill :).

Scott and I talked about how the heat was going to impact those on the full, because it was definitely warming up quickly.

Too bad we didnt get a chance to meet up, but I am sure since we are only a few hours apart now, our paths will cross again at a future race.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
WOW. What a day. 3,182 calories later, I am a marathoner. Miles 15-17 the temp started getting hot and my muscles started cramping in my legs. I had total log up in my thighs and calves multiple times. I have never had this happen before, so Im not sure why. Not enough fluids? Im not sure. Im not the only one. There were people dropping like flies off to the side with cramps on the second half of the course.

Great experience. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Next time though, Ill make it a much colder environment so I can beat my time. I wouldnt mind a 30 degree day. :D

Start Temp 53
Ending Temp 75
Overall: 1165 out of 4082
Division: 122 out of 364
Gender: 800 out of 2249

Pace 9:40
5K 25:44
10K 52:02
10 Mile 1:24:19
13.1 1:51:54
20 Mile 3:02:19
Finishing Time 04:13:14

I wanted something under 4 hours, but with the conditions and the new city etc, Ill take this time all day long.


Well-Known Member
WOW. What a day. 3,182 calories later, I am a marathoner. Miles 15-17 the temp started getting hot and my muscles started cramping in my legs. I had total log up in my thighs and calves multiple times. I have never had this happen before, so Im not sure why. Not enough fluids? Im not sure. Im not the only one. There were people dropping like flies off to the side with cramps on the second half of the course.

Great experience. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Next time though, Ill make it a much colder environment so I can beat my time. I wouldnt mind a 30 degree day. :D

Start Temp 53
Ending Temp 75
Overall: 1165 out of 4082
Division: 122 out of 364
Gender: 800 out of 2249

Pace 9:40
5K 25:44
10K 52:02
10 Mile 1:24:19
13.1 1:51:54
20 Mile 3:02:19
Finishing Time 04:13:14

I wanted something under 4 hours, but with the conditions and the new city etc, Ill take this time all day long.

Great job!

I beat like 14000 people in the half marathon....which is easily the most people I have ever beaten =)


Well-Known Member
5 Miles @9:27 per mile

Felt like a recovery run, and it was storming out, so did 5 miles on the hotel TM. What a difference two months make! After my last half, I didn't feel like doing anything for a few days.

This time, I felt much better, and almost ran something last night. Still going to take it easy this week overall, but this was my longest TM run ever, so I was definitely feeling fine.

Oh and if I could have been even close to this pace over the final 5 yesterday, that PR would have been mine!!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Yep. The hills weren't big, but it seemed like you were always uphill or downhill. And whenever you would go around a corner, you were hoping for a downhill :).

Scott and I talked about how the heat was going to impact those on the full, because it was definitely warming up quickly.

Too bad we didnt get a chance to meet up, but I am sure since we are only a few hours apart now, our paths will cross again at a future race.
Yes, it did. I think that is what might have done my legs in. Every thing seemed like you were always on a up or down hill.

I would have loved to have met yall too, but you know that the finish, the recovery area and the bag claim were so spread out, by the time I got my bag on the other side of the stadium, I was done. I couldnt step up on and curb without my calves locking up. I had to call my ride and get out of there. I was done with the heat. I didnt even get my celebratory beer. Just didnt even want it.

Yes, definitely next time. :wave:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Oh Joel - no celebratory beer? :confused: Where did you think you were, Disney? :ROFLOL:

Still, I saw your finish time. Great job for your first full marathon. :king: You keep it up and this time next year, you will be talking about having qualified for Boston.


Well-Known Member
Was only planning on 4 miles this AM but felt so good I went two more. Never had that happen before! No fluids either. Probably not good. But I usually don't bother on my 3-4 mile runs.


Well-Known Member
ran about 8 miles this morning.....had this sinking feeling the entire run that this is probably the last weekend of decent running weather in Orlando until late October.....


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Great job!

I beat like 14000 people in the half marathon....which is easily the most people I have ever beaten =)
That is awesome. Nice Job. When I finished the Full, there were still some finishing the Half. Obviously, those were walkers, but it still made me feel good.

Oh Joel - no celebratory beer? :confused: Where did you think you were, Disney? :ROFLOL:

Still, I saw your finish time. Great job for your first full marathon. :king: You keep it up and this time next year, you will be talking about having qualified for Boston.
I had one back at my friends house in Brentwood. I had to cool down first. I consumed 16oz water, 16 oz cytomax, banana, apple, more water ..... then I had my beer.


Well-Known Member
That is awesome. Nice Job. When I finished the Full, there were still some finishing the Half. Obviously, those were walkers, but it still made me feel good.I had one back at my friends house in Brentwood. I had to cool down first. I consumed 16oz water, 16 oz cytomax, banana, apple, more water ..... then I had my beer.

I just barely beat the 3rd place male from the full, he must have had about a 2:25, as I went off about 13 minutes after the gun. They were announcing him as I was crossing the line.:) I was happy that only 3 people were twice as fast as me :ROFLOL:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
ran about 8 miles this morning.....had this sinking feeling the entire run that this is probably the last weekend of decent running weather in Orlando until late October.....

Look on the bright side, a run in May :lookaroun in Orlando and it wasn't burning hot and soaking humid.


JillC LI

Well-Known Member
13.21 miles in 2:12:05
I missed my PR by 4:07. This course had almost 800 ft in elevation gain, and 878 in loss, so it was up and down. It also became quite warm at the end!
Pleased with the effort, and I had my PR through miles 7 or 8, but just ran out of gas. The hills really drove the splits as well.
My first big event, with over 30K runners, and it was well organized and I had fun, just wish I hadn't faded like I did.
Nothing out of the ordinary physically, a small blister, and some very tired legs.

Congratulations Steve! :sohappy: Sounds like a great race given all those hills. Hope you enjoyed some country music for me!

WOW. What a day. 3,182 calories later, I am a marathoner. Miles 15-17 the temp started getting hot and my muscles started cramping in my legs. I had total log up in my thighs and calves multiple times. I have never had this happen before, so Im not sure why. Not enough fluids? Im not sure. Im not the only one. There were people dropping like flies off to the side with cramps on the second half of the course.

Great experience. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Next time though, Ill make it a much colder environment so I can beat my time. I wouldnt mind a 30 degree day. :D

Start Temp 53
Ending Temp 75
Overall: 1165 out of 4082
Division: 122 out of 364
Gender: 800 out of 2249

Pace 9:40
5K 25:44
10K 52:02
10 Mile 1:24:19
13.1 1:51:54
20 Mile 3:02:19
Finishing Time 04:13:14

I wanted something under 4 hours, but with the conditions and the new city etc, Ill take this time all day long.

Congratulations to you too Marathon Man! Welcome to the club :D That heat'll getcha every time. Considering the hills and the heat and having never run that distance before, you ran an amazing race. Was the family there at the Finish Line to cheer you on, or did the crowds make that impossible?

So are you in alot of pain around now? I remember being completely unable to walk DOWN steps the next two days. LOL. But I wore that pain like a badge of honor, and you should too. Despite the no beer, I do hope you celebrated afterwards. You earned it! :sohappy:

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just back a few hours ago from the NJ Marathon. I'll post a report a little later but:
03:43...so, the ultramarathoner can pull out a respectable regular marathon time! The Machine is back...
So many people pulling off to the sides, cramping up, winded, walking, but not moi...cool as a cucumber (with some minor stomache turning), and finishing strong @ a 5:07 pace and 27 pushups after I crossed the finish with my sweet bling. Report more later, cheers everyone!


Well-Known Member
WOW. What a day. 3,182 calories later, I am a marathoner. Miles 15-17 the temp started getting hot and my muscles started cramping in my legs. I had total log up in my thighs and calves multiple times. I have never had this happen before, so Im not sure why. Not enough fluids? Im not sure. Im not the only one. There were people dropping like flies off to the side with cramps on the second half of the course.

Great experience. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Next time though, Ill make it a much colder environment so I can beat my time. I wouldnt mind a 30 degree day. :D

Start Temp 53
Ending Temp 75
Overall: 1165 out of 4082
Division: 122 out of 364
Gender: 800 out of 2249

Pace 9:40
5K 25:44
10K 52:02
10 Mile 1:24:19
13.1 1:51:54
20 Mile 3:02:19
Finishing Time 04:13:14

I wanted something under 4 hours, but with the conditions and the new city etc, Ill take this time all day long.

Nice job!! :sohappy: What an accomplishment! :) Glad you got your celebratory beer eventually as well- you sure earned it! I can't imagine how tough it must've been with all those hills- I cringe a little bit when I have to take sharp turns in my route, let alone hills. Anytime you want a colder climate to run, check out Michigan- it gets plenty cold up here. Plenty of those 30 degree days and then some.

Just back a few hours ago from the NJ Marathon. I'll post a report a little later but:
03:43...so, the ultramarathoner can pull out a respectable regular marathon time! The Machine is back...
So many people pulling off to the sides, cramping up, winded, walking, but not moi...cool as a cucumber (with some minor stomache turning), and finishing strong @ a 5:07 pace and 27 pushups after I crossed the finish with my sweet bling. Report more later, cheers everyone!

And a big hearty congrats to you too!! Glad to hear everything went well. Can't wait to hear more. The real question on everyone's mind though has to be what was your celebratory beer of choice for this occasion??


Well-Known Member
Just back a few hours ago from the NJ Marathon. I'll post a report a little later but:
03:43...so, the ultramarathoner can pull out a respectable regular marathon time! The Machine is back...
So many people pulling off to the sides, cramping up, winded, walking, but not moi...cool as a cucumber (with some minor stomache turning), and finishing strong @ a 5:07 pace and 27 pushups after I crossed the finish with my sweet bling. Report more later, cheers everyone!

Awesome job Nick!


Well-Known Member
Ran 5K again today in preparation Saturday's 5K. Took it a little easier and ended up with a slower time as a result (36:43), but was glad that the whole run felt solid- never felt out of control or tempted to stop early. Noticed too that my legs are less stiff/sore when I'm done (must be getting stronger), but still icing when I'm done to be safe.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Congratulations to you too Marathon Man! Welcome to the club :D That heat'll getcha every time. Considering the hills and the heat and having never run that distance before, you ran an amazing race. Was the family there at the Finish Line to cheer you on, or did the crowds make that impossible?

So are you in alot of pain around now? I remember being completely unable to walk DOWN steps the next two days. LOL. But I wore that pain like a badge of honor, and you should too. Despite the no beer, I do hope you celebrated afterwards. You earned it! :sohappy:
Yes, the hills were "different" than I trained for. My hills were very sharp and high but no where near the length these were. The Nashville hills were sloops but more on those rolling hills. Miles 2.5 to 5.5 were a continuous hill, 7-8 and 11.5 to 12.75 were too. My thighs were good until about 22 on being trained. After than they were shot. Ill know better next time. It is like they were strong, but not in an endurance kind of way. Maybe that is normal. Live and learn.

One thing I will do next time is take longer on my long runs of 15, 16, 18 and 20. Lesson learned. Get your speed work done during the week and let those make endurance out of you. I read that, but like everything else in life, it I dont experience it first hand, I dont learn it.

Thanks. Im so glad to be in the club. I cant wait to run another in the next couple of years to improve on my time. Ill probably do the local race since race day temps are always in the low 30's. That would be ideal for me.

My wife Sam couldnt make it since the doctor wont let her travel. She is 8 months pregnant. She was very upset. My parents were going to go, but, things always come up and they didnt make it. Their loss. My aunt and uncle who LOVE Nashiville and the Blue Bird cafe were affected by the storms a bit so they couldnt make it. It was a solo experience. Luckily, I have a friend that live there, so he took my in and showed excellent hospitality for me.

After the race, I couldnt lift my legs to step up on a curb without them locking up. It was horrible. Thank god Drew was there to drive me back to his house. A beer was then consumed while relaxing watching the Braves game. :D Then I had to drive back to Bham.

I couldnt get out of bed this morning without my eyes watering up. It was bad. I havent felt this type pain in my legs since 2 a days in high school football. I know tomorrow might be a little better.

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