Thanks. Im so glad to be in the club. I cant wait to run another in the next couple of years to improve on my time. Ill probably do the local race since race day temps are always in the low 30's. That would be ideal for me.
My wife Sam couldnt make it since the doctor wont let her travel. She is 8 months pregnant. She was very upset. My parents were going to go,
but, things always come up and they didnt make it. Their loss. My aunt and uncle who LOVE Nashiville and the Blue Bird cafe were affected by the storms a bit so they couldnt make it. It was a solo experience. Luckily, I have a friend that live there, so he took my in and showed excellent hospitality for me.
After the race, I couldnt lift my legs to step up on a curb without them locking up. It was horrible. Thank god Drew was there to drive me back to his house. A beer was then consumed while relaxing watching the Braves game.

Then I had to drive back to Bham.
I couldnt get out of bed this morning without my eyes watering up. It was bad. I havent felt this type pain in my legs since 2 a days in high school football. I know tomorrow might be a little better.