Donald Duck
Tonga Toast Killer
11.53 miles, 26 pushups, and 73 crunches, then mowed the lawn. Kicked back an Arrogant ______________ and a Brewdog hardcore IPA.
I know I got many of you on Honey Stinger gels...they work fast but I always sugar-crash after. I've been using Clif turbo shot gels (espresso). Takes about 10-15 mins to kick in, but no sugar-crash and it doesn't turn my stomache.
13 miles or so tomorrow morning...
Cheers to all who bust their ...
I know I got many of you on Honey Stinger gels...they work fast but I always sugar-crash after. I've been using Clif turbo shot gels (espresso). Takes about 10-15 mins to kick in, but no sugar-crash and it doesn't turn my stomache.
13 miles or so tomorrow morning...
Cheers to all who bust their ...