WDW Fan Base Initiative


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
OK, I'm sorry, but I have to ask: What is SWOT?

When I was young, it was a TV show about police special forces.

(Oops, sorry, that was SWAT.)
It's an analysis divided into four parts:


You fill it out- HONESTLY- and with that, you know what you're working with.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a little late to the party but I think this is a great idea. Hopefully it takes off and actually generates some buzz and some credibility so that Disney takes it seriously.

As I'm sure it's been mentioned before, make sure "heart" and "care" are the number one and number two reasons behind this. You always want to remember your audience (which will hopefully be WDW, TDO, or whoever) and that they won't just want to hear constant whining and bashing on paint and light bulbs. Those things I think should be catogorized into a "Maintenance" section. WDW should be made aware that these things are noticed, but don't bonk them over the head repeatedly with every little detail. Whatever anyone writes on this site needs to be written in a way that shows we care and want the best for DISNEY, not ourselves.

With that being said, I'd like to take my 1,000th post and throw my hat in to be of any help I can. I've written a blog concerning the Yeti a while back but I feel it can help bring even more light to that dark area. Please let me know if there is anything I can do considering my location is Ohio and I may get to Disney once a year if I'm lucky.

Good luck and I will be with this every step of the way! :wave:


Well-Known Member
But "big stuff" is relative! What's big to you is not big to someone else. My husband couldn't care less about the AAs not working on Splash b/c he doesn't ride it. However he enjoys a nice stroll up Main Street when the sun goes down and a few missing light bulbs would bother him more than the AA not working on Splash.

If you're going to report maintenance issues... you kind of need to report all of them. Every guest has a different experience at WDW and you would need to cover most areas to appeal to most guests!

no no please i'm not part of that site. I was just giving a idea. I could care less on what's broken and what's not. I go there to have fun and relax, not to pay attention to something that is broken.


First, thank you to mkt and Sublimesting for answering my question. Especially for doing so without taking me to task for the bad joke. (Because they will get worse ... )

Your way is also effective. Just don't go there anymore. Stop spending money at WDW. But you are here on this board and part of the discussion so you must either still be spending money at WDW or want to.

It might also be pointed out that such a philosophy would have a limited effectiveness, given that the parks' guest list by far outnumbers the posters on this board.

Everyone who is part of this group should also be part of a letter writing campaign to certain individuals at TDO in order to directly address these issues and give TDO awareness and the chance to respond.

Also respecting that, given the beaurocracy involved in a company as large as Disney, there might be only so much that any individual at TDO might be expected to accomplish.

As I stated, these are ideas that are outside of the box. There is a part of me that always thinks that way.

More power to you; the more ideas thrown out there, the better. May I also add my vote for Keeping It Civil.


New Member

I know I'm late to this party, but I figured I'd offer my help and support. I love WDW like all the rest of you and just hope and pray for a little more attention to be paid to all the wonderful details.

I don't want to steal the magic from the idea of fixthemagic.com but I actually started designing a site for this very reason a few months back. Since I haven't done much with it, I'd be more than happy to "donate" it to this cause. Take a look and let me know (feel free to PM) it's at RustedMagic.com


Well-Known Member
It might also be pointed out that such a philosophy would have a limited effectiveness, given that the parks' guest list by far outnumbers the posters on this board.

Also respecting that, given the beaurocracy involved in a company as large as Disney, there might be only so much that any individual at TDO might be expected to accomplish.

More power to you; the more ideas thrown out there, the better. May I also add my vote for Keeping It Civil

1The philosophy extends beyond this board. I was not suggesting that one person not going would solve the problem.

2I prefer be an optimist. Doing nothing to contact an individual will accomplish nothing. That is guaranteed.

3We agree on that.
Interesting idea. And honestly, it's nice to see something constructive for a change.

One point I'd like to add:

I think when pointing out deficiencies, whether they be small or large, you need to make sure you stress that it is having a negative impact on the average guest. While having a constructive forum and photographic proof of the issues is definitely a good thing, I think you need to show how the average guest, as opposed to us "internet fans", is affected by the problems.

This might not be the best analogy, but I'll use it anyway. As a Titanic fanatic, if I were go to a museum and view a large scale model of the Titanic, there are a number of details I'd notice if they were incorrect. But to an average museum goer who isn't all too familiar with the Titanic, the model would look perfectly fine when they passed it... they wouldn't know that the lifeboats weren't spaced apart properly (or something along those lines).

As die-hard fans, we notice some of these little details, where an average guest wouldn't look twice. And like it or not, the bread and butter for Disney World is going to be your average guest who doesn't know every detail, what the attraction looked like when running top notch, etc. I think if you can show Disney that there is an impact on the average guest, it will make your argument much stronger.

Best of luck.

I agree, sometimes when I read these forums I notice/learn things that I didn't know before, because I'm not there enough to see it. For example, when I went in October, I didn't see the yeti and it was only after I joined this site that I learnt of the "A-Mode."
I'm going in July if you need me to be on the look out for certain things but after that I won't be much help- live in the UK and the next trip will probably be in 4 years after I finish university.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I know I'm late to this party, but I figured I'd offer my help and support. I love WDW like all the rest of you and just hope and pray for a little more attention to be paid to all the wonderful details.

I don't want to steal the magic from the idea of fixthemagic.com but I actually started designing a site for this very reason a few months back. Since I haven't done much with it, I'd be more than happy to "donate" it to this cause. Take a look and let me know (feel free to PM) it's at RustedMagic.com

Did you build that yourself? It looks fantastic!


1The philosophy extends beyond this board. I was not suggesting that one person not going would solve the problem.

I did not mean to suggest that you were suggesting that.

2I prefer be an optimist. Doing nothing to contact an individual will accomplish nothing. That is guaranteed.

Your optimism is appreciated. I do not mean to suggest that we do not bother trying to contact anyone. Just that we have a realistic expectation as to what response to expect from a given individual.

Put another way, I once had a person ask me about my job. I noted that I am a bookkeeper for local probation offices. She accused me of being poor at my job, because of a newspaper account of an aspect of the local budget, an aspect that was organized by offices well above my station. Needless to say, the conversation did not end on an "up" note. (No Pixar pun intended.)

Might point in noting the above? I agree with the idea of creating contacts (with civil conversation) and creating a dialogue with the folk at TDO. It's just important to note where they are in the totem pole, metaphorically speaking.


Well-Known Member
Your way is also effective. Just don't go there anymore. Stop spending money at WDW. But you are here on this board and part of the discussion so you must either still be spending money at WDW or want to.

Oh, I certainly WANT to still spend money there. Can't argue that. The whole family is addicted to Disney Parks. I still need my fix... I'm just going to go to a different dealer. :animwink:

But even doing that, I don't pretend to believe that TDO cares. The dollars they lose because I'm going to DL instead is completely meaningless to them. So don't think I feel like I'm making some grand statement by not going there... It's all about me. :D I just think my vacation dollars are better spent at the other park right now because of the quality of the offering, basically.

(VERY) Sadly, I don't think there's any way one could orchestrate a large enough movement of people to quit going for it to matter. The WDW machine is just too large, and they've spread their risk out over tens of millions of people. It would take an even larger drop in quality, I think, before the casual person would really notice or say anything. And I think TDO knows that. Therein lies the problem.

I'll still be making my occasional trip to WDW, too. Just not for the next year at least. There's still a lot there to like. For sure. My desire to experience the good that's there will, at some point, outweigh what keeps me away right now. Plus, I'm sure after a handful of trips to DL, I'm going to just be looking for a little different park, too.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I certainly WANT to still spend money there. Can't argue that. The whole family is addicted to Disney Parks. I still need my fix... I'm just going to go to a different dealer. :animwink:

But even doing that, I don't pretend to believe that TDO cares. The dollars they lose because I'm going to DL instead is completely meaningless to them. So don't think I feel like I'm making some grand statement by not going there... It's all about me. :D I just think my vacation dollars are better spent at the other park right now because of the quality of the offering, basically.

(VERY) Sadly, I don't think there's any way one could orchestrate a large enough movement of people to quit going for it to matter. The WDW machine is just too large, and they've spread their risk out over tens of millions of people. It would take an even larger drop in quality, I think, before the casual person would really notice or say anything. And I think TDO knows that. Therein lies the problem.

I'll still be making my occasional trip to WDW, too. Just not for the next year at least. There's still a lot there to like. For sure. My desire to experience the good that's there will, at some point, outweigh what keeps me away right now. Plus, I'm sure after a handful of trips to DL, I'm going to just be looking for a little different park, too.

You're in the exact same boat I'm in. I WANT to go to WDW, but DLR is getting my business because it's worth the money, and right now, the better park, imo.

I thought I was the only one doing this, but I was pretty shocked to see how many other people are doing the DLR switch, too. WDW does need some locals and APers and they would feel it if that part of their income took a hit... Not on the size of DL, but they would.

They can't keep ignoring us if DL does take the top spot, especially with TDL/DisneySea becoming a big tourist destination of its own. Weren't the Florida parks, outside AK, the only Disney parks in America to have lower attendance?

And again, TDO will never do anything to really fix the problem, it's Burbank you want to get the attention of.


Active Member
When talking about a public endeavour, as the proposed one is, you damn well better care. Because if people think negatively about you, they will think negatively about what you write, and what you do.

What's the point of making an effort if people think that you're an ______ the whole time, and won't take what you say seriously?

Anonymity on the internet doesn't exist anymore- who you are here reflects who you are in real life.

People called Lutz an ________; then the parks got fixed. Sorry, in this instance, the truth is negative. You can't be both honest and positive.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Funny... I wanted to do something like this last year, even bought the domain name: SAVEWDW.COM.... but I never had the time to actually run with it... I would have let you all use this domain, but that seems to be too late LOL..

As a DVC member, I'd love to get involved... Anything I can do, let me know!!!


Well-Known Member
Without a significant local fanbase like DLR has, sensational, Lutz-style editorializing will render a WDW watchdog project ineffective. That said, I do believe there is a middle road between the approaches advocated by Krack and mkt/jakeman. Devote some space on the website to explaining the logistics behind maintenance projects. Keep a current list of names on the website detailing which Disney executives are responsible for what. For every picture on the site of both good and bad show, make sure the name of whoever is in charge is immediately visible to visitors of the site. No editorializing necessary - the show quality will be its own commentary on the performance of the executives: empirical, rational, dispassionate analysis that can't be dismissed as the ravings of looney fanboys.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
People called Lutz an ________; then the parks got fixed. Sorry, in this instance, the truth is negative. You can't be both honest and positive.
Lutz is a known quantity, and has a reputation.

What do you have?


Active Member
Lutz is a known quantity, and has a reputation.

He wasn't (and didn't) when he started his "fix Disneyland" campaign. He became a known quantity (the guy who writes about how badly TDA is screwing up their parks) and gained a reputation (the guy who got Disney to fix Disneyland/DCA).

What do you have?

No interest in becoming the face of the project. And a desire to have the parks fixed.

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