Oh, I certainly WANT to still spend money there. Can't argue that. The whole family is addicted to Disney Parks. I still need my fix... I'm just going to go to a different dealer. :animwink:
But even doing that, I don't pretend to believe that TDO cares. The dollars they lose because I'm going to DL instead is completely meaningless to them. So don't think I feel like I'm making some grand statement by not going there... It's all about me.

I just think my vacation dollars are better spent at the other park right now because of the quality of the offering, basically.
(VERY) Sadly, I don't think there's any way one could orchestrate a large enough movement of people to quit going for it to matter. The WDW machine is just too large, and they've spread their risk out over tens of millions of people. It would take an even larger drop in quality, I think, before the casual person would really notice or say anything. And I think TDO knows that. Therein lies the problem.
I'll still be making my occasional trip to WDW, too. Just not for the next year at least. There's still a lot there to like. For sure. My desire to experience the good that's there will, at some point, outweigh what keeps me away right now. Plus, I'm sure after a handful of trips to DL, I'm going to just be looking for a little different park, too.