WDW Fan Base Initiative


Well-Known Member
A little late to the party it seems, but I'll gladly help out in any way I can. :)

The most I could probably provide would be some strongly worded paragraphs... :lol:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
He wasn't (and didn't) when he started his "fix Disneyland" campaign. He became a known quantity (the guy who writes about how badly TDA is screwing up their parks) and gained a reputation (the guy who got Disney to fix Disneyland/DCA).

Al Lutz has been around since the 90's in mainstream print media. When did the Fix Disneyland Campaign begin?


Active Member
Al Lutz has been around since the 90's in mainstream print media. When did the Fix Disneyland Campaign begin?

Mid 90s - probably 1995-96. It was the dawn of the world wide web. The "mainstream print media" is news to me; as far as I know, he was involved in the music industry and then real estate prior to writing about Disney.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Mid 90s - probably 1995-96. It was the dawn of the world wide web. The "mainstream print media" is news to me; as far as I know, he was involved in the music industry and then real estate prior to writing about Disney.
That's about the same time when his first op-ed pieces appeared in the LA Times (IIRC)


Beta Return

I know I'm late to this party, but I figured I'd offer my help and support. I love WDW like all the rest of you and just hope and pray for a little more attention to be paid to all the wonderful details.

I don't want to steal the magic from the idea of fixthemagic.com but I actually started designing a site for this very reason a few months back. Since I haven't done much with it, I'd be more than happy to "donate" it to this cause. Take a look and let me know (feel free to PM) it's at RustedMagic.com

Thank you very much -- I built it with a friend of mine. We each contributed 50/50 so I can't say I'm solely that talented. I just hope it gets put to good use :)

Well, I wish we'd talked to you two night ago :lol:

Your site is exactly what I was thinking would be our next step. I was going to check out phpBB (it's been a few years since I tinkered with it the first time), but haven't had time yet.

Having a forum with extremely restricted membership (i.e. every attempted member is moderated). Then, set up the forum and boards in the tiers described in this thread, with a forum for each park, and then boards within them for lands, and then threads dedicated to each attraction.

The mods would start the threads and "own" the first post in each thread. Approved members can login and add posts to a thread (for example, if they're on Splash and need to send the update about Rabbit hopping, they go to the Splash thread and add a post). Then the Mods (who would all have super mod privs) would edit the FIRST post, which would be the "official" data.

I honestly think this is the way to go, and you beat us to it. Nice site, btw. I've setup a vBulletin suite for someone recently, but I need to tinker with phpBB again (especially since it's free and vB aint).


Active Member
Had no idea about Wordpress being so versatile. I will need to investigate. It almost sounds like the new vBulletin 4.0 suite would be ideal, but none of us are going to cough up $400 for it. It has a CMS front-end, and the forum, and a blog module. The membership could be set to where EVERYONE wanting to join is moderated, and even then, prevented from having posting rights.

Have you all thought about a collection of funds from this forum? You could ask for volunteer donations to make this funding possible. $5 - 10 maybe?

WARNING: I did not read all of this forum before posting so I may be all wet!


Beta Return
Had no idea about Wordpress being so versatile. I will need to investigate. It almost sounds like the new vBulletin 4.0 suite would be ideal, but none of us are going to cough up $400 for it. It has a CMS front-end, and the forum, and a blog module. The membership could be set to where EVERYONE wanting to join is moderated, and even then, prevented from having posting rights.

Have you all thought about a collection of funds from this forum? You could ask for volunteer donations to make this funding possible. $5 - 10 maybe?

WARNING: I did not read all of this forum before posting so I may be all wet!

Since Rob hasn't done our SWOT analysis yet ;) we should probably stick to free apps for now, like phpBB.

Plus, I don't really want to be taking away contributions that should be more appropriately going to WDWMagic. If anyone has money to contribute to a site, this is the place to do it.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh....yes the SWOT....... This may in fact be useful for your site. I am a Consultant for 16 Retailers around the Midwest, and it can be a very powerful tool. Like someone stated before, when it is done, it needs to be brutally honest and don't sugar coat it. It needs to be a true self evaluation.

After touring some stores in a retail group, I sat down with the President of the Group and spent the entire day breaking down the SWOT.. Some good and some not so good.....but he was willing to listen, react, and make changes to be competitive in the market..

I really hope this kicks off and Disney opens up to it.

Good luck guys!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi there... many of you know me especially from the Tiki Room topics.... I would like to help out in any capacity....for those of you who hang out at the DK forums you may recall that I started a thread about the WDW community uniting a couple few months back that went on and on and on lol.... I live a couple hours from WDW so I tend to go quite a bit.... and have been going to WDW since almost the moment it opened in 71....


Well-Known Member
Hi there... many of you know me especially from the Tiki Room topics.... I would like to help out in any capacity....for those of you who hang out at the DK forums you may recall that I started a thread about the WDW community uniting a couple few months back that went on and on and on lol.... I live a couple hours from WDW so I tend to go quite a bit.... and have been going to WDW since almost the moment it opened in 71....

Punta Gorda???? Small world...moved from Cape Coral few years back to Indy.... I also worked in punta Gorda too a few times...



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As always, thank you everyone for your interest in helping us! I hope this discussion stays strong and we can keep this thread visible while we are working behind the scenes to make this idea a reality. We appreciate all of the ideas being brought foward!

If anyone has specfic knowledge in building forums, wiki sites, smart phone apps, please PM either myself or edwardtc if you are interested in helping!

For everyone who has shown interest in contributing creatively with writing, please consider some ideas or thoughts you will consider writing about.

and of course Pictures, Dates, and Captions are defintely vital!

Thanks again everyone!


Well-Known Member
Finally got caught up on this thread - I was pointed here by the Splash Mountain thread. As I mentioned over there, by some strange coincidence I started the very initial stages (I mean very initial) of a similar endeavor over at wdwisbroken.wikia.com. I would be glad to participate here, but I really don't want to editorialize - it would seem that route has been taken before via several other sites (here's another one for you: http://imagineerebirth.blogspot.com/), and I'm not sure what any of those sites have accomplished for WDW.

Personally, I'm just interested in quantifying the problem. Anecdotally, the prevailing sentiment you get from reading these forums (an admittedly skewed sample), is that the quality of the maintenance efforts by TDO have declined. However, as a semi-regular visitor, I have no real tangible evidence of this. I would wager, given the track record of some of the backers of this argument, that this really is the case, but some actual historical data would certainly put things in perspective.

Things are pretty crazy for me for the next few weeks, so I probably would not be much help in the short term, but after a bit I could contribute more. I have some more ideas, but it's been a long day and I'm falling asleep as I write this - I will try to check back tomorrow!

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
Anecdotally, the prevailing sentiment you get from reading these forums (an admittedly skewed sample), is that the quality of the maintenance efforts by TDO have declined. However, as a semi-regular visitor, I have no real tangible evidence of this. I would wager, given the track record of some of the backers of this argument, that this really is the case, but some actual historical data would certainly put things in perspective.

This observation on your part is the real heart of the matter. The most significant difference in maintenance and upkeep is that much of the work has been outsourced in recent years. As an example, ten years ago you would never see a painting crew hard at work in the MK. All that work was performed by CM’s that worked at night after the park closed. Sadly, today it is very common to see painting crews working in the MK during normal guest visiting hours. Furthermore, most of those crews are outside contractors. You can see the names of the contracting firms on the workers uniforms and trucks. :wave:


Beta Return
This observation on your part is the real heart of the matter. The most significant difference in maintenance and upkeep is that much of the work has been outsourced in recent years. As an example, ten years ago you would never see a painting crew hard at work in the MK. All that work was performed by CM’s that worked at night after the park closed. Sadly, today it is very common to see painting crews working in the MK during normal guest visiting hours. Furthermore, most of those crews are outside contractors. You can see the names of the contracting firms on the workers uniforms and trucks. :wave:

Very true. This is evidenced by the number of permits filed by entities other than BVCC. Disney does very little of it's own work these days.


Well-Known Member
OK. I can help out a lot with some inside info, I have a quite few of friends that work in maintenance at WDW.

The term “WDW maintenance” is way too generic and covers too much ground. There are many types of maintenance and many different maintenance depts. Like Reedy Creek, transportation like boats, ferries, trains, monorails, etc,, water park and resort maintenance, golf course maintenance, Downtown Disney maintenance and park maintenance.

Then park maintenance is broken up into different depts. Also like the paint shop, carpenter shop, support and facilities(works in the kitchens and air conditioning) and then there is attractions maintenance that works on the rides and then there also separate maintenance depts. That just work on the parades.

So you should make the distinction of which maintenance depts. are doing a bad job, not just all of them. So do very well and have good management and keep everything in good shape, then they are bad managers that just look at the bottom line and hoping for that next promotion.


Well-Known Member
You're in Indy now?

Yeppers....this June will be 5 years now.... Live in Franklin Township(SE side)..

Wife is a Teacher in Perry township Schools and I am a consultant... I go as far North as Chicago and as far west as Champaign, IL.

Hiya fellow Hoosier!!


Beta Return
Yeppers....this June will be 5 years now.... Live in Franklin Township(SE side)..

Wife is a Teacher in Perry township Schools and I am a consultant... I go as far North as Chicago and as far west as Champaign, IL.

Hiya fellow Hoosier!!

We're in Avon. Work in Danville. It's been....30 years now :)

EDIT: I have trouble calling myself a Hoosier, because really, I'm a Boilermaker. I wish the state resident nickname and the IU nickname weren't the same!

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