WDW Fan Base Initiative


Active Member
A former CM, graphic designer and news journalist here looking to enter the fray.
I would love to jump on board any way that is needed.


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Original Poster
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for patiently waiting while we do our best to work our magic here. The website is (more or less) built, though our developer will continue to tweak it over the next couple weeks! Call this a "soft opening/information gathering period."

You can have a look-see at www.fixthemagic.com!

Now...we are in dire need of assistance from ALL of you by registering to become a new member and participating in updating our Issue Trackers with updates on what effects need to be looked at and photos (if you're on a trip or if you're a local who visits a lot!) to provide visual evidence! If you are a local who will be spending a lot of time in the parks and want to help us out on a regular basis please PM me!

Please keep in mind that the entire site is running on freeware at the moment, so items like an active dashboard view are not available for us at this point. The quicker and larger following we can build, the quicker we'll be able to bring this stuff to you! In the meantime, if you have any tips/tricks/suggestions on making the site a better user experience please let us know!



Beta Return
I think I've worked out most of the bugs in the forum (Issue Tracker) part of the site. Still need to get some static content on the home page and create a Contact form, but those aren't critical items on the to-do list right now.

We need help updating the status of all the rides, shows and attractions - so that there's a starting point.

Meanwhile, there are some pretty decent articles/editorials making their way toward the blog...and some "big names" in the Disney fan community might be making guest appearances there too. Time will tell.

Come on over....22 members and counting.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think I've worked out most of the bugs in the forum (Issue Tracker) part of the site. Still need to get some static content on the home page and create a Contact form, but those aren't critical items on the to-do list right now.

We need help updating the status of all the rides, shows and attractions - so that there's a starting point.

Meanwhile, there are some pretty decent articles/editorials making their way toward the blog...and some "big names" in the Disney fan community might be making guest appearances there too. Time will tell.

Come on over....22 members and counting.

26 Now :D!



We took a little longer then we originally thought as we outlined and discussed our approach. But the website is up now and we need everyone's help to update the Issue Tracker!

Done and done, and when I get to the park(s):xmas: next time, I'll bring a camera and a camcorder... that way I will be prepared.


Well-Known Member
IMO, you guys should be using a help desk ticketing system rather than a forum to track the issues. I would recommend OSTicket, but I don't know if theres an easy way with it to allow public viewing of tickets.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
IMO, you guys should be using a help desk ticketing system rather than a forum to track the issues. I would recommend OSTicket, but I don't know if theres an easy way with it to allow public viewing of tickets.

I will defer to Tom...though my experience with Help Desk applications is that we would either need to put all members into a "queue" membership and have all reported issues fall into that queue so they could access...or increase everyone's access to "Analyst" in which case they get all access. Like you said, not sure the best way to do that in a public setting.

As I've said in other threads and on the site...eventually what we should get on our site is a pretty comprehensive list in the 1st post of all of those attraction threads of all of effects that cause issues or have been issues in the past. We should eventually get to the point where all we need to do is change the status on them when something is reported and add a short note.


Beta Return
IMO, you guys should be using a help desk ticketing system rather than a forum to track the issues. I would recommend OSTicket, but I don't know if theres an easy way with it to allow public viewing of tickets.

I briefly thought the same thing, but then I remembered my dealings with two ticket systems. One was OTRS, an opensource app. It's terrible and EXTREMELY cumbersome to set up. Not user friendly at all.

The other was a paid subscription. Very nice, but very pricey.

What we ultimately need is someone who can write an intelligent custom database app. Users would submit updates using a form (with drop downs, text fields, etc) and it would automatically update a database, which users could view in real time.

For now, the forum seems to be the best solution. All of the Tracker boards are locked so that nobody can add new threads. There's a thread for each and every ride/show/attraction, and there's a reserved Post #1 in every thread, which server as the "official" status. All anyone needs to do is glance at Post #1 in any given thread to see what they need to know...without having to read the entire thread.

If someone is interested in providing some pro bono db application work, contact me please.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There's a new article up on fixthemagic.com...check it out! Especially if you're not quite sure what we're about or skeptical on whether or not there is actually a problem with the theme parks today. This new article "Digs Deeper" into exactly what we're talking about and where we stand with our position (and hopefully does a little bit to cast aside the thought that a burnt out lightbulb can ruin your vacation! :D)

Also, Tom is hard at work and has continued to tweak our website a bit and has enhanced the "latest post" section so you can see what the last update was in each subforum. We're still working on the Home Page Dashboard view.

Anyway, please check it out in the "articles" section of our website, and sign up as a member! Don't forget to Like us on FB!

jmick! How are things going??? :wave:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support so far Bob. Make sure to check back over the next few days we will have a few more articles ready to go.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Need WDW Locals to help!

I wanted to add that FixTheMagic.com is currently missing a key element in our effort, and that is some WDW Locals who are in the parks regularly who can provide photo updates to help us out. Most of our team is from out of state, and I'm the closest to the parks, though my pass lapsed back in February and I am trying to avoid having to reinstate it based on principle and for economic reasons. :D

If any of you guys who helped get this thread to 7,000 views and 200 posts are interested and are local PLEASE let us know. Our eventual plan is to not only include photo updates in the Issue Tracker section, but to also run articles that spotlight specific attractions and areas of the resort to provide a deeper analysis.

I know a lot of you who are non-locals also have volunteered your help which is greatly appreciated and will definitely be helpful! But we are definitely also in need of someone we can rely on regularly. :)


Well-Known Member
I've looked at your site and here some feedback:

The forums with the effect status are good and hopefully the main purpose of the site. I think that is the main bulk of what you are trying to go for and I can appreciate the challenges you guys are facing regarding driving traffic to your site.

The blogs...well, honestly I'm not sure I can phrase this constructively...

The blogs are the complete antithesis of what you say you want to accomplish.

The articles, while very well written are really just the typical internet gripes.

One of the very early recommendations was that you remember that Disney is a business and they really wouldn't care what Walt would have done. Yet in your third blog post you resort to that fall back position.

You continuously draw conclusions regarding the intent of decision made by the upper management at WDW with nothing more than your own negative opinion of that management team to back it up. At the end of the day you don't know why decisions are made and I would caution that you should stay away from speculation.

Pointing out that the price for hard ticket events has doubled in the past year should speak for itself. Piling on that "management" is looking for a "way to increase short term revenue" simply puts you in the category of every other disgruntled fan.

Other than a simple mission statement, I don't think you need articles and blog post.

For example, regarding the hard ticket events, a simple chart detailing the price and what was added and subtracted each year would show the changes better than a diatribe.

Same for the dining plan. I think the impact of seeing the prices steadily increase with the offerings steadily decrease would be greater than having to wade through a paragraph about the upper management structure of the dining arm of WDW.

The data should speak for itself. If you find that the data isn't, perhaps things aren't as bad as you thought?

I think the base premise of your idea is great and I fully support it, but it seems like it is becoming another d-troops. Just my opinion and what I hope you will see as constructive feedback.


Well-Known Member
I've looked at your site and here some feedback:

The forums with the effect status are good and hopefully the main purpose of the site. I think that is the main bulk of what you are trying to go for and I can appreciate the challenges you guys are facing regarding driving traffic to your site.

The blogs...well, honestly I'm not sure I can phrase this constructively...

The blogs are the complete antithesis of what you say you want to accomplish.

The articles, while very well written are really just the typical internet gripes.

One of the very early recommendations was that you remember that Disney is a business and they really wouldn't care what Walt would have done. Yet in your third blog post you resort to that fall back position.

You continuously draw conclusions regarding the intent of decision made by the upper management at WDW with nothing more than your own negative opinion of that management team to back it up. At the end of the day you don't know why decisions are made and I would caution that you should stay away from speculation.

Pointing out that the price for hard ticket events has doubled in the past year should speak for itself. Piling on that "management" is looking for a "way to increase short term revenue" simply puts you in the category of every other disgruntled fan.

Other than a simple mission statement, I don't think you need articles and blog post.

For example, regarding the hard ticket events, a simple chart detailing the price and what was added and subtracted each year would show the changes better than a diatribe.

Same for the dining plan. I think the impact of seeing the prices steadily increase with the offerings steadily decrease would be greater than having to wade through a paragraph about the upper management structure of the dining arm of WDW.

The data should speak for itself. If you find that the data isn't, perhaps things aren't as bad as you thought?

I think the base premise of your idea is great and I fully support it, but it seems like it is becoming another d-troops. Just my opinion and what I hope you will see as constructive feedback.

Thanks for the analysis, I respect your opinion since you have been a consistant poster here for a long time. Our site does feature 2 seperate entities and hopefuly they each have their own audience.

Like our mission states the forums is clearly designed as a news feed to track deficiencies in maitenantance across the P&R. There is no opinion, just the facts. In time we should have video and picture documentation.

On the other side we have the blogs. These afe opinion based articles but we rely on research and first hand information from either our own experience or from help from some insiders. Our goal is to be as far from fanboi rant as possible. Although I can appreciate the idea of simply showing graphs that corelate within say, the Disney Dining Plan, we choose to use the articles with exact numbers to help demonstrate our opinion.

We are trying to be as balanced as possible and expect to see some more positive articles in the future. But for now decided that by shining the light on the current(and historical) backslide of maintance, food quality, merchandise, show quality and guest satisfaction.

Obviously we are not privvy to internal Disney documents but I like to think our logical opinions are more than speculation. I hope you keep reading and feel free to join and make any suggestion you feel relevent in our suggestion forum.



Well-Known Member
Perhaps changing the title of the Articles (or making a different section for) to Editorial would be a good way to more clearly draw that line?

I think the main issue I have is attempting to discern motivation without a complete data set. It is going to be influenced by the perception you have of the opposing party.

Even the best formed opinion in the fan community is still probably only working with 10% of the information available from within the company. Something that may look like a short term cash grab to us may be an internal decision with many factors involved.

For example, two years ago they started to charge for what used to be the free wine tastings at F&W. In typical, "Burn it down POOKY!" fashion the usual suspects accused Disney of a short term cash grab. What was not taken into account that as one of the few free things at Disney, waits for these tastings would be upwards around 1.5-2 hours.

So was it a cash grab or was it putting a monetary value on it to discourage squatters? Depends on your opinion of management.

If you want to come to conclusions, I think that is fine, but I don't think that any of us on the tubes of the internet have enough information to present it as fact.

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