I feel bad for my family as a whole for the loss of Toontown - but I have to say that, at least as far as my own children were concerned, Toontown WAS Mickey and Minnie's houses. Yes, they enjoy the barnstormer and will still enjoy it. And yes they've frolicked in Donald's boat and the play area. But it was ALL about Mickey and Minnie's houses. Each time they visited they would discover something new to love in the houses. And each time we visited, I'd take their photo at the mailboxes outside.
New structurally sound and fancied up tents are not going to cut it as a replacement for Mickey and Minnie's homes. Not even close.
The first day we visit this storybook circus land, my kids, and I, are going to be so bummed. I am sad they will have their first disappointment with Disney so young.
Right on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SBC will be disappointing They could have easily themed it allot differently and beter (neverland/ wonderland/ Better toontown)