Well-Known Member
I find the level of disrespect for the beliefs of others displayed throughout this thread to be shameful. Whether the issue be Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Islam, we should respect the opinions and beliefs of others to the extent that we avoid making jokes related to said beliefs and the spiritual leader of any religion (in this case Jesus). The school-yard mentality stated by some of our members in regards to “he started it” is so sophomoric that it leaves me wondering about the average age of the members with whom I share this forum community.
For all of the comedians that claim that the OP is fair game for your humorous fodder, I submit the following questions. If he had said that there are too many heterosexuals at WDW, and then quoted a homosexual advocate regarding his belief, would everyone be making gay jokes? If he were someone who was mentally challenged, and he stated that there are too many non-mentally challenged people at WDW, would you all begin to joke about people with disabilities? I believe that the answer to both questions is a resounding "no".
Common civility would go far in this world, and it is desperately missing here today. I’ll leave any preaching to a church and a pulpit, as should the OP, but many of you do not serve as a very good example for secular humanism. While I agree that this is not the place for a Biblical exposition on the perils of alcohol, it is also not the place to tear apart the spiritual beliefs of others for the sake of amusement. State your opinions regarding booze, tell the OP that he is out of line for bringing Biblical beliefs into a secular forum, report him to a mod, and consider yourself heard. The rest is just irreverent and mean-spirited chatter. I’ll see you all around.
for the record. Most of the people who were poking fun at the OP and disecting his biblical references plainly stated that they were Christains as well and used more biblical references to refute the OPs claims. The OP was the one who took this down the path of using religion for an argument anyway after we clearly refuted their quotes of Walt Disney and trying to claim the place was made just for Kids. I only saw one comment where someone suggested that they don't agree with their beliefs and turned it into a joke. The other comments about drinking with Jesus are harmless and nothing more than playful banter. I don't see anyone actually being derogatory towards the OP or his religious beliefs.
I do suggest that the OP refrain from using quotes in his future arguments though....
BTW, in addition to having 49 people viewing at one time, this thread jumped about 1500 views in a 30 minute timespan. Very Impressive!