Tired of Disney


New Member
Never never never!!!! I'm ecstatic for any chance I have to be there. I only wish we could go more often.

Reasons we don't get bored:

Each trip we focus on doing something we haven't done before. Whether its choosing a different hotel, vising attractions we haven't done before or going to resteraunts we haven' been to yet.

Nothing else out there even begins to compare. Universal and Islands of Adventures have lots of attractions and thrill rides, but they don't have the awesome CM's that Disney has. The CM's play a big role in creating the magic. I love meeting and chatting with them.

With four parks to choose from, incredible shows, two water parks, a mega shopping area and 24 screen theater, a gazilion places to eat, we never run out of things to do we couldn't from our previous trips.

The on site hotels are awesome and offer so much, from theming, to pools, great food and lots of activities

My kids refuse to vacation anywhere else.

I don't know anywhere else that offers so much and gives you so much for your money.

9 more days!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I don't think I could ever get sick of that place! I'm here EVERY day, my friends think I am INSANE! I just tell them to get their butts to WDW and FAST! We talked today about moving our trip up to the fall break we have just to get there sooner. But, 9 days over Christmas prevailed. :xmas: :sohappy: :xmas: I am soooo excited to see everything over Christmas. Sure, we will go to Universal for 2 days, but that is 7 FUN FILLED days of total WDW inclusion.

EEK! I can't wait!


New Member
Not yet! I think I can honestly say, don't think I will ever get sick of WDW.
I would love to be able to go every year, but it just doesn't work out that way sometimes. I do however try and go every other year or every couple of years. There have been times when I have gone two summers in a row...went last year and going again this summer, it just all depends on what is going on. I do travel to other places as well.


New Member
First of all, I must commend everybody who posted for handling the subject in a fair and sane matter.

Secondly, I never seem to tire about Disney. I wouldn't say I'm really obsessed, I just enjoy it, that's all. My family is amazed with all of the trivia I know, and I have mastered the pronunciation of "Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas." I haven't memorized every little thing, but I find how WDW has been executed and become a world symbol to be very fascinating.

Obsessed, somewhat. Tired, never.


New Member
I'm sick of Disney like a junkie is sick of Heroin. I can't get enough. Sick but true,this is for the trainspotting fans out there. :wave:


Beta Return
bbll24 said:
I was just wondering, don't some of you get tired and sick of WDW? For those of you who live in Florida and go every weekend, doesn't it get kind of boring and less appealing?

I live in Indiana and my family typically goes every 2 or 3 years and that's plenty for all of us. Going every three years keeps you excited about going to WDW and you still feel like it is special.

If I went every weekend or even once a year, I would be thinking, "Meh, we're back at Disneyworld." I can understand going there if they get a new ride, but a new ride is not added every year. And I don't mean the stupid Cinderellabration or a new fireworks show, or a restaurant getting new paint. It just seems like some of you are too obsessed with WDW.

Just my thoughts, what do you guys think?

Perhaps it's something about us Hoosiers! We have gone each of the last 3 years - but not this year due to scheduling and budget. My brother (21) and I (24) get extremely anxious and excited leading up to the trip (like now, in anticipation of our June 2006 trip), but by the time we start driving home from our 7-day non-stop WDW trip, each time, we're so dang burnt out on it, we just feel like it would be ok if we never went back. It's that bad.

Of course, we DO go back, because after about 4 months, I start coming on the boards again and keep up-to-date on everything until the next trip. I don't think I would ever move close enough to WDW to go every day perhaps until I'm retired. I KNOW that I would get sick of it, and it would never be special if it was part of my routine.

My brother was actually going to do the CP next Fall, but he decided against it solely because he doesn't want it to ruin WDW for him.


I think a lot of it has to do with why you go, and what it is about WDW that you enjoy.

For instance, I used to go just for the rides. I'd skip the shows, eat whatever food was cheap and convenient, and spend all my time running from one ride to the next. And I don't think you can keep that up for long, because no ride is as thrilling once you've ridden it enough times to know what's coming at every turn. Even once I added other attractions into the mix, I still think I'd get burnt out after a while. At some point, the attractions just wouldn't be novel enough to interest me anymore.

But for me, one of the biggest things that keeps me coming back is the people. I love to bring a newbie with me on every trip if I can, because nothing compares to being able to enjoy the experience with someone who's doing it all for the first time. Even if I'm not there with a new person, I love to watch the reactions of others in the park: the screams when the lights go out in ToT, the laughter when someone first discovers PUSH, the looks on kids' faces when they finally meet Mickey, and so on.

I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing people smile and marvel at the things around them. So if I ever cringe at seeing a favorite attraction change or obsess over the new paint job on a particular building, it would only be because I'm thinking about how these details might impact the experience for all those people who have yet to experience them. Does that make sense?

But yeah, I'd get tired of experiencing the same attractions over and over ad nauseum without a break... if I were really able to spend that much time at WDW. I'm not, so it's not really an issue. :)



Well-Known Member
I sometimes think to myself when we are actually in WDW "I've had my fill for a while. Maybe we won't be coming back for a while." Then I get home and within a few days, I start planning our next trip. I like that WDW is a serious escape from the extreme pressures of work and that we (my family and I) can all have fun together. Thanks Walt!


Well-Known Member
bbll24 said:
I was just wondering, don't some of you get tired and sick of WDW? For those of you who live in Florida and go every weekend, doesn't it get kind of boring and less appealing?

I live in Indiana and my family typically goes every 2 or 3 years and that's plenty for all of us. Going every three years keeps you excited about going to WDW and you still feel like it is special.

If I went every weekend or even once a year, I would be thinking, "Meh, we're back at Disneyworld." I can understand going there if they get a new ride, but a new ride is not added every year. And I don't mean the stupid Cinderellabration or a new fireworks show, or a restaurant getting new paint. It just seems like some of you are too obsessed with WDW.

Just my thoughts, what do you guys think?

HELLO?? you are asking this at a disney fan site?? I think i could never ever get sick of disney,,,,sad to say disney is involved in my life each and every day....wether its my house which almost every room has some kind of disney theme to it (tastefuly done)...or my girls watching some disney movie..or even videos of our past vactions....or even going in the car and listening to "The Happiest Celebration On Earth"... and hearing my 4 year old belt out"walking right down the middle of main street"..and coming to this site when ever i can during the course if my day...no i'll never get sick...its a place where i can forget all the crap in the "normal" world and go to a place of "make believe"....where i can walk around and be considered normal when walking around with mouse ears..to be a kid again..( granted i'm only 29 but still)..i get this question about getting sick of disney all the time and its still the same answer,no i'll never get sick of it feel very fortunate that i can go to disney twice in one year...yeah we could go to do the island thing or the cruise thing , but right now and now that i think of it at least once every year a vacation will be spent in disney..so i guess yes i am obsessed with disneyworld.....and proud of it!!!

hello i'm dixiegirl and i'm a disney addict!! :hammer: :hammer:

63 more days to go till i get my magic fix!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have found that going frequently (10-12 times a year) makes WDW much more enjoyable. I frequently see families frantically trying to fit in everything WDW has to offer into a 2 or 3 day vacation and running themselves ragged in the process. When you are there all the time you can be much more selective and relaxed about what you do and there is not that pressure to try and do everything.


New Member
An Indiana girl says...

For my Hoosier friend, I can sort of understand why you would feel less than excited to be going back more than every few years, if you are strictly looking for new attractions, etc.

For me (I went to Ball State and wrote my Honors College thesis on Disney World) I can't wait to go back. I'm constantly planning a thwarted trip. I've been four times since roughly 1996 and it isn't enough for me. I recently realized there was a whole aspect to Disney I hadn't seen...the shows, BoardWalk, and all of Downtown Disney.

While many of the attractions are old hat for me too, I found a lot of fun in trying to locate Hidden Mickeys in the scenery. That perked my interest in rides I'd been on dozens of times before.

I think it all depends on your level of tolerance. For me, I love Disney because it's so insular. It's a fantasy where nothing bad happens and I don't mind paying for that. I love that there are still things I haven't done.

If you're not really interested in the minutiae of WDW (and hey, everyone isn't) then every few years may work best for your level of tolerance.



Naturally Grumpy
What I'm sick of is the outside world.
News from London today, wars, famine, disasters.
Escapism is highly underrated.
Immersing yourself in Walt's dream, at least for a little bit cleanses the soul.

I travel a lot both for business and pleasure, and have yet to find a place so well run, so accomodating, so pleasing to all of the senses. You can spend a week easily, not going on any "rides" and have a great relaxing time.

If WDW weren't so superior, people wouldn't spend so much time trying to tear it down or find fault. It ain't perfect, but it's as close as I have found.

PS It is like anywhere else however, if you want to find fault, you can, if you want to find imperfection, you can, if you want to find bad show or grumpy CM's you can. All depends on what you want to find.


Well-Known Member
It's just not feasible for me to make short, frequent trips. I wish it were. It sounds like the best way to experience WDW.

However, I do have my Disney threshhold. Our last trip was a long one. We stayed on property at AKL. By the time we left, I was so sick of the Lion King soundtrack and the AKL chants I was looking forward to going home.

Like a previous poster, I thought I was done with Disney for a while - a long while. As it turns out, it will be a long while before I can go again, but now I am greatly looking forward to that return trip whenever it may be. I was surprised just how quickly I went from burned out on Disney to being fascinated by every aspect of it.


New Member
nicholas said:
So...I guess I'm the only one who does get bored at WDW then. LOL.

I wouldn't say you're the only one. I've never been to WDW, so I can't say I'm sick of it. When I bought my A.P. for Disneyland, I went almost every other weekend and it just became a hangout place. I don't go as much anymore, so now I miss it. :lol:

There is such a thing as having too much of a good thing.


New Member
Sick of Disney?

My family has been to WdW 4 times since 2000. I will admit the first times is definatily the most magical (atleast for me). As of this moment I am trying to decide if I should go with some friends next month or wait till I graduate and go next spring. Honestily I will say im kinda scared of going so soon after my last trip (october 04) this would be the first trip that has ever been less than a year from the last. I love Disney I have a passion and a drive for Disney, part of me wants to be part of the Disney family but I also like being a tourist and having my disney knowledge and just enjoying the parks. I think the reason that I havn't tired of the parks is every time we go we take somone new with us that has never been b4 and it helps us remember the magic


New Member
As someone who is a former (and current) CM and also a former Universal employee, I just want to say that I can understand both points of view. But after working at both places I have to tell you that there is a magic at WDW that cannot be found anyplace else.

I have the privlege of watching the magic come alive for people every day....if they are here for a day trip or for a long "once in a lifetime" trip. I have heard people tell Mickey that they have waited "60 years" to meet him and it melts your heart.

Personally, I like being able to go often. When I wasn't a cm I missed out on a lot, such as seeing DCT with the show stops, but now if I want to go just to see MJJ I can....and usually stay for more. My magic comes from watching parades with people who are seeing them for the first time and talking to them and helping to point the little ones in the direction of their favorite characters.

The best advice is go when you are ready so you can enjoy it. For some people that may be everyday and for others it may just be once every 5 years. The people hear all seem to have some love for Disney and the magic he created and THAT is the important thing.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
nick said:
So...I guess I'm the only one who does get bored at WDW then. LOL.

Nah...just the only one wading into this minefield. :animwink:

Disney is like birthday cake for me. Having it every now and then, it's great. But have it every day, and I feel like :hurl:


Well-Known Member
GenieGirl said:
As someone who is a former (and current) CM and also a former Universal employee, I just want to say that I can understand both points of view. But after working at both places I have to tell you that there is a magic at WDW that cannot be found anyplace else.

I have the privlege of watching the magic come alive for people every day....if they are here for a day trip or for a long "once in a lifetime" trip. I have heard people tell Mickey that they have waited "60 years" to meet him and it melts your heart.

Personally, I like being able to go often. When I wasn't a cm I missed out on a lot, such as seeing DCT with the show stops, but now if I want to go just to see MJJ I can....and usually stay for more. My magic comes from watching parades with people who are seeing them for the first time and talking to them and helping to point the little ones in the direction of their favorite characters.

The best advice is go when you are ready so you can enjoy it. For some people that may be everyday and for others it may just be once every 5 years. The people hear all seem to have some love for Disney and the magic he created and THAT is the important thing.
Well said!! Belle

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