Tired of Disney


New Member
bbll24 said:
With WDW, if you go you feel extremely happy and excited. If you go there every day, you get used to that mindset. So when you’re not at Disney, you feel depressed and stressed out.

If you can’t wait to get to your next Disney trip, you’re going to wish away your whole life. You should enjoy the things in between your Disney trips such as your family, your friends, and your job. If you enjoy those, your trip to Disney will be that much better.


Im sorry, I told myself that I wouldnt post on this thread anymore but I guess "im addicted" to ignorance...(oops! didnt mean to type that). Anyhow, bbll24...I take it youre a fan of the COLTS/PACERS (It's in your profile). When the COLTS/PACERS lose are you sad/disappointed?! I dont know you...but I'm sure you are disappointed...youre a fan for goodness sakes. Hi, my name is Samantha and i'm a DISNEY fan. When I dont go to WDW....i'm disappointed.Theres a difference in being depressed and simply missing the magic of WDW. I have a very well-paying job for which I hate going to...but I make a good living. When I'm at work...i'd rather be with my family in WDW. I am very much a family person...you dont have to tell me to enjoy "other" things such as family,friends,or a job. I enjoy DISNEY with my friends and family...and my job..pays for my enjoyment. Youre on a fan board for DISNEY fans....DUH!!!!!!!! I just dont understand your logic and I really dont care to. You're maturely entitled to your opinion and so am I...and my opinion is that your post makes no sense to me. Until you get a degree in the area of addiction as opposed to taking a "health class" dont consider yourself an expert.


thegoof said:
I agree with all of the posts in this thread talking about the "feeling" that being at WDW brings. The happiness you instantly feel when you turn onto World Drive, the goosebumps you feel when the SpectroMagic music begins, the childlike joy each and everytime you see Mickey, the rush you get on ToT or RnRC, etc.

Why do we keep going back? Why do we "obsess" over everything?
We want those memories to stay alive. Those memories that keep us remembering the magic that we all have felt, and continue to feel that keep us going in our everyday lives. And knowing that with everytime we visit, we will make new memories that will bring immeasurable amounts of joy that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Hi! I'm thegoof. And this is MY WDW!!!

Welcome to the board. I agree totally.

DisneyGrl85 said:
Everytime my uncle hears we are going to Disney he rolls his eyes and says "again, why?". We just say "it's Disney, we love it there". Some people just don't get the magic. We will forver go to Disney on vacations. We are all our happiest there. Honestly, knowing that I leave in 19 days gives me the strength to get up everyday and got to work. My cell phone alarm is set to say "14 days of work". I love Disney.

My grandpa was the same way. He would do anything and I do meen anything to avoid going each year. But he went to make us happy.

lucyanna girl said:
You either understand the feeling in your heart or you don't. It's just that simple.
We Love WDW!

You go girl. We are right behind you.

bbll24 said:
Here is a different way to look at this whole thing. This is not saying that going to Disney World all the time is a bad thing. But here is a scientific way to look at it.

Let’s compare going to WDW to taking a drug. (I learned all of this in my Health class) If you take a drug, you feel really happy, euphoric. You get addicted to that drug and you start craving it more and more to get that feeling. Your brain gets used to that high feeling, and it begins to feel normal. So when you’re not in that euphoric state, you get depressed.

If you can’t wait to get to your next Disney trip, you’re going to wish away your whole life. You should enjoy the things in between your Disney trips such as your family, your friends, and your job. If you enjoy those, your trip to Disney will be that much better.


Yes you are entitled to your opinion. We all are and that is why this wonderful board works the way it does. But I think that you kind of just compared us all to drug addicts. I for one can think of far worse things to be addicted to other that WDW. And to say we obsess over it to the point we don't appreciate the other things in our life is just not even being nice. Most of us have families that are equally obsessed as we are and or friends just accept it, or know that we are usually such experts that we are like their personal travel agents when they are going to go to WDW. But I do agree with your assessment of it being an addiction, but I think it is a good addiction. Some people are addicted to spectator sports, some to remote control cars, some to ham radios, some to... It is not a bad thing!


Active Member
i haven't read all the posts in this thread (i would have if i had a spare 6 hours), so i may be repeating something already said, but my take on it is this...
you all know that you get that feeling on the last day of your trip - you know the one- where you whine "I don't wanna go home" as if you're 5 years old again... well, since we all HAVE to go home at that point, being away for even a day makes us want to come back all the more. so i guess the only way id ever be "tired" of disney is if i actually didn't mind leaving on that last day (and even then, i'd probably change my mind once i got home). i guess this just begs the question "why do you not want to leave?"... well, i suppose my answer to that would be that even ten consecutive trips through IASW would beat what I'm doing right now...

ok, now back to studying for the bar

(forgive me if that made no sense to anyone else)


Well-Known Member
bbll24 said:
Here is a different way to look at this whole thing. This is not saying that going to Disney World all the time is a bad thing. But here is a scientific way to look at it.

Let’s compare going to WDW to taking a drug. (I learned all of this in my Health class) If you take a drug, you feel really happy, euphoric. You get addicted to that drug and you start craving it more and more to get that feeling. Your brain gets used to that high feeling, and it begins to feel normal. So when you’re not in that euphoric state, you get depressed.

With WDW, if you go you feel extremely happy and excited. If you go there every day, you get used to that mindset. So when you’re not at Disney, you feel depressed and stressed out.

If you can’t wait to get to your next Disney trip, you’re going to wish away your whole life. You should enjoy the things in between your Disney trips such as your family, your friends, and your job. If you enjoy those, your trip to Disney will be that much better.

Just a scientific way to look at it, and my honest opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney World and that is the reason I joined these boards. I’m not trying to get everyone all riled up, so don’t get upset. I expressed my opinions in a mature manner.


may i stress again (perhaps for some strange reason that you did'nt quite understand) this is a site dedicated to disney....and everything that has to do with disney...did ya thing that we were just "oh yes disney is a nice place but...." site....yes the people here including myself are hardcore disneynuts....may i repeat...DISNEYNUTS.....not that i go to many other sites...i mean i have wdwmagic set as my homepage..but this is one of the best and extreamly informative disney sites around...i'm sure if you go to a say, a redsox site or a patriots website..(I'm from rhode island so i must use them as examples..lol) you'd find they probably have their same love and dedication for their favorite teams as well...just my opinion....

oh and....ffI LOVE DISNEYWORLD!!!!
54 more days ....till my addication is fufilled... :sohappy:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
bgraham34 said:
Ah well not I but I was talking with someone the other day about that. They go every year. They usually got the first 2 weeks of August. They have 2 kids between 12-15 I think. But this year they are not going because the kids want more excitement so they are going to the Jersey Shore for the summer.
:) I was just down at the Jersey shore yesterday, and believe me WDW has nothing to fear, now don't get me wrong the Jersey shore has it's own appeal, but if you think you can compare the two............. please don't take this the wrong way but, ARE YOU OFF YOUR GORD??? When the family and I go to WDW all the problems that are at home are excatly that at home, if you go to some place in your home even for a few days your still basically home, but WDW is it's own world, something so different that it really can't be described, everyone here will have their own reasons for going, but it almost always the same description, just different words. I asked my sons if they are getting tired with WDW and without a second thought their answer was, "NO"! And my wife and I feel the same way, even though we can only go once a year it's always an intense anticipation before we go, in fact my wife has been checking into the Disney Cruise, even before we go in Nov. Even though we have gone 8 time in as many years we still have not seen and done everything, and even if we go on the same rides over and over again, it's still a different experience, we see something we didn't catch the last time, whatever. I also realizse that you are not knocking WDW.:wave:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Totaly tired of it, I only fly 4000 miles each summer so I can stare and mock all those Junkies needing their fix of someone in a furry suit, smile at those paying $97 for a burger and laugh out loud at those foul smelling individuals waiting 3 hours for a two minute ride.

Perhaps your med class coulsd describe my condition?


Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Totaly tired of it, I only fly 4000 miles each summer so I can stare and mock all those Junkies needing their fix of someone in a furry suit, smile at those paying $97 for a burger and laugh out loud at those foul smelling individuals waiting 3 hours for a two minute ride.

Perhaps your med class coulsd describe my condition?

your condition sounds very familar....disneysitis????i believe..loli believe there is a special remedy for that....

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