Tired of Disney


New Member
whizGoofy said:
I would have to totally agree with you on this one. Disney is not just a place it is a state of mind, it is the mind set that I am a kid in this huge place and no one around me cares. I can do what I always wanted. I can run up to my favorite friend (Goofy) and give him a big hug and no one thinks anything about it. But do that in my hometown, I would get comments for days.

Disney is home for everyone. It is a place you can go and feel at home.

I just felt the need to applaud you on this post because it totally captured how I (and I'm sure lots of people on this website) feel about Disney. It's about being a kid again without fear of ridicule. It's so much more than just a theme park. I could go to Disney and just sit on a bench all day and have the time of my life. For me just being there is a gift and I'm sure I will never get tired of it.


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Epcot82Guy said:
I think it depends on your perspective.

The magic I felt as a kid is gone. Being a CM did that in because I got a chance to really see how things worked. Therefore, I lost the excitement of going and doing/seeing everything in a big whirlwind. However, that has been replaced by two things. First, I now feel the need to visit for a longer period so it is more relaxed like I am used to. Second, I DEARLY miss seeing what Disney does for people. That is something I will never tire of. Seeing kids having fun, figuring things out (especially at Epcot) is just great. Also, I was down there for 7 months, going 6 days a week, and there are still PLENTY of things I haven't seen or experienced. So, I guess I doubt I will ever get sick of it. Instead, I am just changing how I see it.

P.S.- If you ever want to REALLY miss it, work there for a brief period and then leave. It is very strange thinking about the access, pride, and even power you feel as a CM to have it snatched away literally in a day. Bittersweet, I guess.
Epcot82guy, you nailed one of the main reasons I never tire of Disney. Seeing kids get excited to see characters, buildings and everything Disney has going on. Heck, I just drove my niece and nephew on property and my niece was all excited cause it meant that she'd be able to see Mickey Mouse and Tinkerbell. Things like that always bring a smile to my face, no matter how bad things could be.

Seeing joy on child's face is magic and that's what Disney does so well.


Active Member
My colleagues at work ask me this question every time they find out I'm going back to WDW, only with even less tact than the original post in this thread.

That being said, I'll post the same reply here that I give them: "I've been many other places and it truly is the one spot to which I compare all other places. Why bother going on a disappointing vacation? I work too hard for that!"

As I said in another post, this August will be my 4th trip in 25 months, which is pretty rare for a Canuck. And the times between my trips are getting shorter and shorter (down to 6 months, but that will change after this next trip!)


New Member
I dont mean to be rude or anything and if i come across as such please excuse me. I think that stating that some of us are obsessed with DISNEY is actually quite rude. Arent you in the same forum as we are? One might suggest that you are obssessed posting in a forum for WDW. Honestly, I LOVE Disney and perhaps alittle more than the average person but too obsessed???? Some of us are shareholders and Annual/Premium Passholders...we are CM'S and former CM'S or have family who are CM'S. When you love something and have an interest in something (as w/ any FAN of any thing...football,basketball,culinary ect.) you want to know and care to know EVERYTHING about it..every paint chip...every character mishap, every update, every little thing. And honestly who am I hurting by being "obsessed" with WDW??? Disney is a beautiful dream now reality fantasy world and makes alot of peoples dreams come true everyday. Why not "obsess" over something so wonderful? Think what you want....i'll be planning my next trip!:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
The thing that pulls me back to Disney World every couple weeks is that when I am there i don't have to worry about anything. All of my school problems drift away...no papers...no lab reports. Being able to go so often is a liberating privelege that I treasure. I like being able to do what I did a couple months ago... go to WDW...ride 2 rides all day....spend the rest of the time meandering around 3 different parks enjoying the atmosphere. I still have a hard time believing that I went to more parks than i rode rides in one day. I went to MK and I went to every land and all i did was eat a dole whip in adventureland. It just a nice place to be.


I have not read all the posts but I am sure that I will repeat some things but here goes my reason for never getting tired of it...

Something happens when you go through those purple gates with the Gang waving at you. It seems as though a weight has been lifted off you. You can relax and actually forget the world exists if you want to. It is like escaping into a really great book but it is really real. Everything is there for you. Entertainment, lodging, food, laundry, transportation, everything. Life has background music at WDW. There is truly something there for everyone. Now if you just go for the rides and some fireworks and let the kids meet the characters, and don't let the atmosphere envelope you I can see where you would get tired of it. Hey if you go with that attitude its just another amusement park. But if you take time to really become one with your surroundings you will soon contract the WDW virus, and there is no cure, only counseling :drevil: here with other people who understand your plight and can help ease the long periods that you cannot be in the magical place we all long to be in.

Now I know that this sounds sappy and really silly to some of you but I mean this passionately. It can be hard to put into words what makes us love it but this is the best I could do.

Now I am going to go back to listening to WDW park music on Live365. :sohappy:


DisRussFIT said:
The thing that pulls me back to Disney World every couple weeks is that when I am there i don't have to worry about anything. All of my school problems drift away...no papers...no lab reports. Being able to go so often is a liberating privelege that I treasure. I like being able to do what I did a couple months ago... go to WDW...ride 2 rides all day....spend the rest of the time meandering around 3 different parks enjoying the atmosphere. I still have a hard time believing that I went to more parks than i rode rides in one day. I went to MK and I went to every land and all i did was eat a dole whip in adventureland. It just a nice place to be.

This is what I was trying to say too. Loads of times we just go into EPCOT for a nice 2.5 mile walk and diner. We watch the people see if there is anything new in the stores, have some soup in Japan a margarita in Mexico and go home before the fireworks crowds let out. I is just like you said it is "LIBERATING"!


New Member
lawyergirl77 said:
My colleagues at work ask me this question every time they find out I'm going back to WDW, only with even less tact than the original post in this thread.

That being said, I'll post the same reply here that I give them: "I've been many other places and it truly is the one spot to which I compare all other places. Why bother going on a disappointing vacation? I work too hard for that!"

As I said in another post, this August will be my 4th trip in 25 months, which is pretty rare for a Canuck. And the times between my trips are getting shorter and shorter (down to 6 months, but that will change after this next trip!)

I do the same thing...I make a comparison when I go to any other amusement park (they make me) or stay in a hotel that costs just as much or more than a Disney resort. You can spend just about as much money going to the shore for a week...

that's crazy


Well-Known Member
I compare the prices that I pay for hotels around the country to what I pay for Disney. Most recently a cousin was having an event out of state in the New England area. She provided a listing of hotels in the area. Well I will say that these hotels are NOTHING even vaguely close to a Disney resort. They really werent anything to write home about but apparetly several are close to a skiing facility. They are charging almost $200 a night with a two night minimum stay!!!! Are you people NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ended up not going simply because it was more expensive for me to go to that event than to go to Disney for a weekend!!!! Belle


New Member

I agree with all of the posts in this thread talking about the "feeling" that being at WDW brings. The happiness you instantly feel when you turn onto World Drive, the goosebumps you feel when the SpectroMagic music begins, the childlike joy each and everytime you see Mickey, the rush you get on ToT or RnRC, etc.
One aspect I wanted to add, were the "memories" it rekindles. For me, my first trip to WDW was in 1974(9 years old)...instantly hooked from that moment. All of the countless hours spent on the phone with my cousin planning a trip when we were "grown up", that we would take. The thousands of hours we spent planning all the subsequent trips (I've lost count of how many) we have taken together since then. The time we were people watching in front of Big Thunder Mountain railroad when two men who seemed to be in thier 80's walked by and I turned to my cousin to tell him..."That will be us in about 50 years". The first time my daughter watched SpectroMagic, I believe I only saw the first float. After that I only watched her face. The parade was over before I even realized the tears on my cheeks. And as with all of us...the memories we have that we hold so close to our hearts.
Why do we keep going back? Why do we "obsess" over everything?
We want those memories to stay alive. Those memories that keep us remembering the magic that we all have felt, and continue to feel that keep us going in our everyday lives. And knowing that with everytime we visit, we will make new memories that will bring immeasurable amounts of joy that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Hi! I'm thegoof. And this is MY WDW!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont get sick of WDW as we only go once a year. If I went more I think it could loose some of that magic I get from the anticipation every 12 months...


New Member
I've been going twice a year since I became old enough to plan(and afford) the trip myself. I will never get tired of disney! Maybe I know every dip of splash mountain and all the thrills of the 999 ghosts of the haunted mansion but the feelings of disney is something that never needs to change. When I first ride the ferry boat across the lagoon to get to MK I feel like a five year old wondering if the characters are going to make an appearance. I forget about everything else that's going on in my life when I see the castle. I love the smells and feeling of disney. I love the atmosphere and I love people watching. When you see someone who steps onto mainstreet for the first time. When you see people wearing the bride and groom mickey ears. Can you believe people get married at Disney? They are the kind of people who will have a marriage filled with fun and laughter. I love seeing the smaller kids passed out on their parents shoulders at the end of the night. Disney is the one place where you can toss all adult responsibilities and stress right out the window.


Well-Known Member
Everytime my uncle hears we are going to Disney he rolls his eyes and says "again, why?". We just say "it's Disney, we love it there". Some people just don't get the magic. We will forver go to Disney on vacations. We are all our happiest there. Honestly, knowing that I leave in 19 days gives me the strength to get up everyday and got to work. My cell phone alarm is set to say "14 days of work". I love Disney.

Tara Mae

New Member
I have been to Disney over 25times, and I'm only 17.
I admit, going three to four times a year was ridiculous, but going twice a year was a blast, and now going once a year, I miss going more than that, ya know?
As soon as I hit college, every Christmas and Spring, you will catch me there!
I figure if I lived close to Disney, once a week, yeah, that's overdoing it, but ya never know.


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Original Poster
Here is a different way to look at this whole thing. This is not saying that going to Disney World all the time is a bad thing. But here is a scientific way to look at it.

Let’s compare going to WDW to taking a drug. (I learned all of this in my Health class) If you take a drug, you feel really happy, euphoric. You get addicted to that drug and you start craving it more and more to get that feeling. Your brain gets used to that high feeling, and it begins to feel normal. So when you’re not in that euphoric state, you get depressed.

With WDW, if you go you feel extremely happy and excited. If you go there every day, you get used to that mindset. So when you’re not at Disney, you feel depressed and stressed out.

If you can’t wait to get to your next Disney trip, you’re going to wish away your whole life. You should enjoy the things in between your Disney trips such as your family, your friends, and your job. If you enjoy those, your trip to Disney will be that much better.

Just a scientific way to look at it, and my honest opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney World and that is the reason I joined these boards. I’m not trying to get everyone all riled up, so don’t get upset. I expressed my opinions in a mature manner.



New Member
well, that is sorta true.

im addicted to two things in life; rollercoasters and Disney and it does sort of make the rest of life depressing compared to disney.

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