Tired of Disney


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
Perhaps it's something about us Hoosiers! We have gone each of the last 3 years - but not this year due to scheduling and budget. My brother (21) and I (24) get extremely anxious and excited leading up to the trip (like now, in anticipation of our June 2006 trip), but by the time we start driving home from our 7-day non-stop WDW trip, each time, we're so dang burnt out on it, we just feel like it would be ok if we never went back. It's that bad.

Of course, we DO go back, because after about 4 months, I start coming on the boards again and keep up-to-date on everything until the next trip. I don't think I would ever move close enough to WDW to go every day perhaps until I'm retired. I KNOW that I would get sick of it, and it would never be special if it was part of my routine.

My brother was actually going to do the CP next Fall, but he decided against it solely because he doesn't want it to ruin WDW for him.

Have to burst the Hoosier bubble. sorry. Hoosier born and raised here, and I did the CP. I will admit it does "ruin" it, but it creates a whole new side of the magic. I am arguably "obsessed" now and was only very interested before going down. I can see where one would get sick of it, though. It just depends on the level of enjoyment (like a sports team, designer, etc.)


Active Member
I never get tired of WDW, it is my favorite place to be where I have no worries and can escape from the real world for a brief period of time. I find that by going this many times, I'm not in a rush, can take my time and enjoy all the little things that others don't always get to do because they are trying to fit in all the main attractions. I go 3-4 times a year, but if I could I'd go every month for a weekend jaunt, I would be in heaven.

I have travelled many places in the US, Carribbean, Europe and been on 15+ cruises, so it's not as if I've only been to WDW. There is no other place that compares and that gives me so many choices of things to do.

Everyone has a specific type of vacation that they like the best which they keep repeating. Just because WDW is MY CHOICE doesn't mean it is any less valid than someone who chooses a week sunning themselves on the beach. If I had to spend a week at the beach I'd be miserable and bored, not to mention burnt to a crisp even though I used sunscreen. By day 3 if I couldn't find some shopping I'd be ready to slit my wrists. Just like the beach isn't for everyone, so it goes that WDW isn't either.

I am so tired of people being critical over my WDW vacation choice, ya know no one asked your opinion in the first place and your not coming with me so mind your own business. Ok rant over, just had to get that out. There are many many vacation choices for a reason, everyone has different likes and dislikes otherwise we'd all be vacationing at the same place, imagine how crowded that would be.

9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!! and then 32 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TomDisney said:
The only thing I get tired of is the construction on I-4 coming from Tampa...other than that, nope..don't get tired of it.
Can I get a HUGE AMEN to that!!!

It seems that the longer the construction continues the more they have to do.

I think that those of us who live close to Disney and visit twice or more a month experience the resort much differently than those who come from afar and visit once a year. For instance, we're usually there at least twice a month and often more. It isn't uncommon for us to leave Clearwater for Disney around 10 on a Saturday morning, arrive around 11:30 or so, have a leisurely lunch at one of the resorts until 1-1:30, hit a park until 7 or 8 and then head back home. That is very different from the open-to-close, hyper mode than many tourists are in when they visit the park. (Not that there's anything wrong with hyper mode!)

I think we even visit the parks differently. I know there has been times when we've done three attractions the entire visit!

But, as others have said, regardless of how often I visit, I always find myself having a grand time. Florida doesn't have much going for it as a place to live but Disney is certainly one of the treasures!


New Member
I went 3 times in a year once and I was a little Disney'd out at the end of the third trip. But sure enough, the following summer I was ready to go again. I have a sister who every time I mention wanting to go back to Disney says in a very negative voice, "Disney has lost it's luster for me, I'm over it". And every time I just want to smack her. If that's how she feels...that's fine, she's entitled to her opinion. But she knows what it means to me and I don't appreciate her "raining on my parade".

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
I never get tired of WDW, it is my favorite place to be where I have no worries and can escape from the real world for a brief period of time. I find that by going this many times, I'm not in a rush, can take my time and enjoy all the little things that others don't always get to do because they are trying to fit in all the main attractions. I go 3-4 times a year, but if I could I'd go every month for a weekend jaunt, I would be in heaven.

I have travelled many places in the US, Carribbean, Europe and been on 15+ cruises, so it's not as if I've only been to WDW. There is no other place that compares and that gives me so many choices of things to do.

Everyone has a specific type of vacation that they like the best which they keep repeating. Just because WDW is MY CHOICE doesn't mean it is any less valid than someone who chooses a week sunning themselves on the beach. If I had to spend a week at the beach I'd be miserable and bored, not to mention burnt to a crisp even though I used sunscreen. By day 3 if I couldn't find some shopping I'd be ready to slit my wrists. Just like the beach isn't for everyone, so it goes that WDW isn't either.

I am so tired of people being critical over my WDW vacation choice, ya know no one asked your opinion in the first place and your not coming with me so mind your own business. Ok rant over, just had to get that out. There are many many vacation choices for a reason, everyone has different likes and dislikes otherwise we'd all be vacationing at the same place, imagine how crowded that would be.

9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!! and then 32 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you marry me ? :lol: :lol: :lol: I agree with just about everything you said word for word. Except for the shopping. Been many place's, but now i'm perfectly happy going to WDW. I have no use for the beach either for the same reasons, not to mention the bumper to bumper traffic to/from the Philly area to the Jersey shore. I'd rather spend the same money many people use to go to the Jersey shore and go to WDW. And i'd probably have money left over.

Thanks for the laugh shoppingnut that was an awesome post ! :sohappy:


Active Member
LUV4Goofy said:
You do know you're going to start a war with starting this thread, don't you?

I'm glad he started this thread. I find it very interesting.

If a person were considering on moving down to Florida (so to say), but afraid that the magic of Disney would be gone, they would want to know what others have to say about that.

I would love to do the CP or work at WDW but I would be afraid that it would ruin the magic! It's very interesting!

I think the best view that I wouldn't have considered was by MissM:

MissM said:
A year ago, we had seasonal passes. And we went every couple weekends. (We're over in Tampa, so it's about an hour and a half away.) We never got sick of it. In fact, it's quite liberating to go so often. There's absolutely zero pressure on your time. So if you want to spend an hour shopping, or ride TTA five times, no worry. Because if you don't ride something one day, you can always come back another.

I've never had the one-big-trip, week-long-visit to Disney before. So to me, that seems strange. I can't imagine what it'd be like to plan and think about it and save up the money and then get there and hope everything works out ok or you brought everything or that you need to get x number of things done or... You know? It seems to stressful to me. *chuckles* Whereas, if you go with regularity, there's more freedom to really spend your day how you want.

Plus, there's something awfully interesting to be said for seeing the small changes. The progress of an update or the minor rehabs, changes and such that slowly and generally very subtlely occur.

I miss it. I can't wait to get a new car so we can get passes again. (Right now, ours is in terrible shape and can't make the drive anymore so we haven't been going hardly at all. Last time was NYE.) I love going regularly. I think it gives you an entirely different perspective on the 'World.

But still, for those of you who do live in Florida, doesn't the fact of going so often ruin the experience of staying in the resorts?? I mean if you can leave and be back home in the same day, you couldn't stay in the resorts. And even if you did stay for a few days, doesn't it feel weird knowing that your home isn't very far away?


New Member
When my family asks me why I want to go to WDW so much (4 years in a row)...I tell them...

"If you have to ask, you don't get it."

I used to look at a Van Gogh painting purely for the artist's draftmanship... then I read about the artist and his life. I've never looked at a Van Gogh painting the same again...


New Member
shoppingnut said:
I never get tired of WDW, it is my favorite place to be where I have no worries and can escape from the real world for a brief period of time. I find that by going this many times, I'm not in a rush, can take my time and enjoy all the little things that others don't always get to do because they are trying to fit in all the main attractions. I go 3-4 times a year, but if I could I'd go every month for a weekend jaunt, I would be in heaven.

I have travelled many places in the US, Carribbean, Europe and been on 15+ cruises, so it's not as if I've only been to WDW. There is no other place that compares and that gives me so many choices of things to do.

Everyone has a specific type of vacation that they like the best which they keep repeating. Just because WDW is MY CHOICE doesn't mean it is any less valid than someone who chooses a week sunning themselves on the beach. If I had to spend a week at the beach I'd be miserable and bored, not to mention burnt to a crisp even though I used sunscreen. By day 3 if I couldn't find some shopping I'd be ready to slit my wrists. Just like the beach isn't for everyone, so it goes that WDW isn't either.

I am so tired of people being critical over my WDW vacation choice, ya know no one asked your opinion in the first place and your not coming with me so mind your own business. Ok rant over, just had to get that out. There are many many vacation choices for a reason, everyone has different likes and dislikes otherwise we'd all be vacationing at the same place, imagine how crowded that would be.

9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!! and then 32 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what more could you want from a vacation. Disney has everything!

Want to go to the beach...Typhon Lagoon
Want to visit Mexico, Germany, England, etc....World Showcase
Want to go to Hollywood...MGM
Like animals...Animal Kingdom
Amusement Park...they are the king
Fireworks, parades, live shows, restaurants...New Year's Eve

Everything you need...

and for me...the most bang for your buck.

Some amusement parks will put together a metal railing system for a rollar coaster, paint it green, hang a sign and call it "The Hulk". Disney will build a mountain around it, spend hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars on one minute detail that you may see in a split second so that the story being told is represented well.

No one compares


Well-Known Member
d'Isigny said:
I used to look at a Van Gogh painting purely for the artist's draftmanship... then I read about the artist and his life. I've never looked at a Van Gogh painting the same again...

It's the same way with the lightbulb. You think "Wow, what amazing technology, getting all that light in a glass bowl." Then you read or even here about Bejamin Franklin's biography you realize how much he didn't do.


Well-Known Member
Foolish Mortal said:
Will you marry me ? :lol: :lol: :lol: I agree with just about everything you said word for word. Except for the shopping. Been many place's, but now i'm perfectly happy going to WDW. I have no use for the beach either for the same reasons, not to mention the bumper to bumper traffic to/from the Philly area to the Jersey shore. I'd rather spend the same money many people use to go to the Jersey shore and go to WDW. And i'd probably have money left over.

Thanks for the laugh shoppingnut that was an awesome post ! :sohappy:
Wasnt that just an awesome post that Shopping Nut did??? I am friends with her off the Boards and probably one of the reasons she posts here pretty regularly. I happen to agree with her posting, but I am a little lost on the shopping thing!!! I have gotten better though!!!!!!! Hey different strokes for different folks!! Belle


Well-Known Member
I usually never got tired of it, but now ever since I've visited Disneyland, I have opened my eyes to a whole new world (sorry for the Aladdin pun there, :p ) Disneyland completely impressed me, especially since I was so unfamiliar with everything there (since I know WDW better than the back of my own hand). Disneyland was magical and wonderful, but I do consider WDW to be my home since I live about 2.5 hours south of it by car. I practically grew up in WDW, and almost every important childhood memory of mine took place at the Resort.

My family and I are Fl. Resident APs, and we visit about 6-8 weekends a year, plus a weeklong trip in the summer every year. This summer, I promised myself that I would do things in WDW that I would not normally do, eat at different restaurants, do a few tours, etc... just to mix things up a bit and to feel like I am actually experiencing every aspect of the WDW Resort (since my family tends to repeat themselves a bit every trip).

And I can't wait to visit Disneyland again next year. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
I am so tired of people being critical over my WDW vacation choice, ya know no one asked your opinion in the first place and your not coming with me so mind your own business. Ok rant over, just had to get that out. There are many many vacation choices for a reason, everyone has different likes and dislikes otherwise we'd all be vacationing at the same place, imagine how crowded that would be.

AMEN. Trust me, kids my age get to me all the time about my fascination with WDW, but I have learned to ignore them. And they have also learned to accept the fact that WDW and DL are places that I love to be and to finally get over themselves.

Imagine if everyone that criticized us could find a place that made them feel happy and welcomed like WDW does for us... I really don't think they would keep ranting about our love for WDW... :animwink:


New Member
Original Poster
d'Isigny said:
Some amusement parks will put together a metal railing system for a rollar coaster, paint it green, hang a sign and call it "The Hulk". Disney will build a mountain around it, spend hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars on one minute detail that you may see in a split second so that the story being told is represented well.

No one compares

Hulk is a damn good ride. I wish Disney could get something like that. (In their new Roller Coaster World Park) :)


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
I never get tired of WDW, it is my favorite place to be where I have no worries and can escape from the real world for a brief period of time. I find that by going this many times, I'm not in a rush, can take my time and enjoy all the little things that others don't always get to do because they are trying to fit in all the main attractions. I go 3-4 times a year, but if I could I'd go every month for a weekend jaunt, I would be in heaven.

I have travelled many places in the US, Carribbean, Europe and been on 15+ cruises, so it's not as if I've only been to WDW. There is no other place that compares and that gives me so many choices of things to do.

Everyone has a specific type of vacation that they like the best which they keep repeating. Just because WDW is MY CHOICE doesn't mean it is any less valid than someone who chooses a week sunning themselves on the beach. If I had to spend a week at the beach I'd be miserable and bored, not to mention burnt to a crisp even though I used sunscreen. By day 3 if I couldn't find some shopping I'd be ready to slit my wrists. Just like the beach isn't for everyone, so it goes that WDW isn't either.

I am so tired of people being critical over my WDW vacation choice, ya know no one asked your opinion in the first place and your not coming with me so mind your own business. Ok rant over, just had to get that out. There are many many vacation choices for a reason, everyone has different likes and dislikes otherwise we'd all be vacationing at the same place, imagine how crowded that would be.

9 more days!!!!!!!!!!!! and then 32 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

perfectly said!!! i had someone the other day comment on our third trip in one year going to disney...with may i add a disgusted look on her face...whom she, by the way is going to italy on sat...to me i have no ..none.. zipo..desire to go there or any other european place...just not my thing... i wish i could put it in a pill form the feeling you get (although as i'm seeing and hearing )not everyone feels it, that unbelievable feeling you get walking through mainstreet..seeing the castle...seeing your favorite character...please i still act like a 6 year old when i see mickey...to me...its a place to escape reality...to forget my normal schedule ..to see disneyworld through my girls eyes....and to me that will keep me going there..to see when my 4 year old sees mickey( as right now the biggest mooshball that i am , thinking about it , i'm crying) its like no other feeling ..i guess in a way undescribeable...and when my kids (as i don't want to imagine that day) don't want to go to disney, i know both my husband and i will still go..

its a place.. i'm just so happy at...yes, i'm obsessed with disney world , and dam pround of it....
62 more days to go...


New Member
dixiegirl said:
perfectly said!!! i had someone the other day comment on our third trip in one year going to disney...with may i add a disgusted look on her face...whom she, by the way is going to italy on sat...to me i have no ..none.. zipo..desire to go there or any other european place...just not my thing... i wish i could put it in a pill form the feeling you get (although as i'm seeing and hearing )not everyone feels it, that unbelievable feeling you get walking through mainstreet..seeing the castle...seeing your favorite character...please i still act like a 6 year old when i see mickey...to me...its a place to escape reality...to forget my normal schedule ..to see disneyworld through my girls eyes....and to me that will keep me going there..to see when my 4 year old sees mickey( as right now the biggest mooshball that i am , thinking about it , i'm crying) its like no other feeling ..i guess in a way undescribeable...and when my kids (as i don't want to imagine that day) don't want to go to disney, i know both my husband and i will still go..

its a place.. i'm just so happy at...yes, i'm obsessed with disney world , and dam pround of it....
62 more days to go...

I actually feel bad for people who don't have a laughing place...


Naturally Grumpy
d'Isigny said:
And what more could you want from a vacation. Disney has everything!

Want to go to the beach...Typhon Lagoon
Want to visit Mexico, Germany, England, etc....World Showcase
Want to go to Hollywood...MGM
Like animals...Animal Kingdom
Amusement Park...they are the king
Fireworks, parades, live shows, restaurants...New Year's Eve

Everything you need...

and for me...the most bang for your buck.

Some amusement parks will put together a metal railing system for a rollar coaster, paint it green, hang a sign and call it "The Hulk". Disney will build a mountain around it, spend hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars on one minute detail that you may see in a split second so that the story being told is represented well.

No one compares

You forgot golf, spa's, watersports, fine dining, Cirque, spring training...the list goes on!

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. we moved down here a year ago and are an hour from WDW. we have AP's to all the major parks, so it helps to break up visits. we visit mainly on the weekends, with weekday trips in the off-seasons for fun. if we just had AP's for WDW, it would most certainly get boring. and by the time mid-May rolled around, we were pretty much burned out on theme parks. so this time of year is great for beaches, water parks, scuba diving, fishing, golf, etc... as far as the resorts, they've never been a great source of 'magic' for us. just a place to sleep after a day in the parks. but I like exploring them leisurely now. just like all of the parks. we're not confined to a vacation timeframe, where we have to cram it all in. we'll go Universal for the day and stop at Downtown Disney to shop on the way home. we haven't been to a WDW park for a month now, and it'll be another month or so before we go. after 10 months of theme park weekends, it's a nice break. there's a lot of great things to do in FLA, if we lived here just to go to WDW it would definately get tiring and old. that's why you have to expand your horizons. :)


DisKid said:
I'm glad he started this thread. I find it very interesting.

If a person were considering on moving down to Florida (so to say), but afraid that the magic of Disney would be gone, they would want to know what others have to say about that.

I would love to do the CP or work at WDW but I would be afraid that it would ruin the magic! It's very interesting!
Wow, get out of my mind please. (I've been interviewing and I'm waiting to hear back from WDW professional recruitment. It would mean relocating my family of 5 from NY.)

It's the same way with the lightbulb. You think "Wow, what amazing technology, getting all that light in a glass bowl." Then you read or even here about Bejamin Franklin's biography you realize how much he didn't do.

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