Tigger Punches Guest??


Well-Known Member
Ya know this whole thing really es me off.

First off- im mad that this family WILL get paid regardless what the outcome is.

Second- They are messing with someones livelyhood and reputation for their own greediness.

Third---AND THIS REALLY ES ME OFF is the fact that now everyone will jump on the sue Disney bandwagon which will force Disney to totally stop any character/guest contact so that MY KIDS will not longer be able to enjoy this wonderful experience.

If everyone else can stand outside and boycot WDW about everyhthing else its too bad a bunch of us couldnt do the same thing supporting Disney and Tigger with protest signs-if I was back in Fla I would.


Well-Known Member
Hey there Wedway, I totally hear you but I Am not so certain about them getting paid no matter what. Does anyone know what reputation Disney has for settlements?? I cant imagine it would be a great number of times this has happened. I would think that if Disney had in the past paid up for every suit, that they would be open to more frivilous suits going foward. A great example of this ( and PLEASE not to start another thread drift!!) is Michael Jackson. The first kid who had a claim got a settlement with no admission of wrongdoing by MJ ( regardless of how anyone feels about that) The next time it happened it seemed that MJ was an easier target and may be willing to pay to avoid a court case. I dont think Disney has ever projected this image that a monetary settlement might be a quick and easy process. Any thoughts on this? Belle


Well-Known Member
Hey there Wedway, I totally hear you but I Am not so certain about them getting paid no matter what. Does anyone know what reputation Disney has for settlements?? I cant imagine it would be a great number of times this has happened. I would think that if Disney had in the past paid up for every suit, that they would be open to more frivilous suits going foward. A great example of this ( and PLEASE not to start another thread drift!!) is Michael Jackson. The first kid who had a claim got a settlement with no admission of wrongdoing by MJ ( regardless of how anyone feels about that) The next time it happened it seemed that MJ was an easier target and may be willing to pay to avoid a court case. I dont think Disney has ever projected this image that a monetary settlement might be a quick and easy process. Any thoughts on this? Belle

Just a guess here, but I'll bet Disney has an entire legal department that deals with this stuff on an everyday basis. Settle with these people? Not on your tintype! This story has attracted so much attention that I'm assuming Disney will aggressively seek to prove the family's claims unjustified.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, I don't see why Disney doesn't sue this family for everything their worth...

As much as this family's actions of public self victimization (via apparent lies and exaggerations) have ticked me off... I really don't see Disney doing any such thing. They would be much better off, (if this goes to trial & when they win) requiring the court to order them to make a public apology for lying and exaggerating their unmagical story to the press and the public.

Disney would have every right to countersue under defamation of character... but sueing for monetary damages would harm the Mouse's image further with the press.

I think the family's laywer, if he has a brain, is bluffing with the lawsuit and is actually only fishing for a settlement payout. Its high time for the Mouse raise the stakes and call their bluff


Well-Known Member
Again, I think Disney's legal department will seek to have the lawsuit thrown out of court, and then drop the matter entirely. Disney does not want to be seen as vengeful in this situation - and discretion IS the better part of valor.


New Member
Disney would have every right to countersue under defamation of character... but sueing for monetary damages would harm the Mouse's image further with the press.

Very good point. I can only imagine the headlines: "Walt Disney Co. sues New Hampshire Family of 5".

Again...who would the media victimize?


Well-Known Member
My concern in all of this is that this will mark an end to the playful nature of those CM's in the suits. I've had great experiences with Stitch, Chip & Dale, Minnie and Mickey. They are always playful and fun. What if for now on they just stand there let you to take a picture and no more interaction? What a waist this will be because of some stupid trash looking for a pay day.

I don't think it would go to this extreme. I think that any actions that Disney would take are reinforcing, through additional training, the existing rules and procedures that characters must adhere to when being poked, prodded, yanked, etc...
Also I think the character handlers will need to be more in tune to what is going on with the interactions between the guests and the characters. Granted though....anything can happed in a half second. CM handlers are only human and can be easily distracted.


Well-Known Member
Disney would have every right to countersue under defamation of character... but sueing for monetary damages would harm the Mouse's image further with the press.

Perhaps. Personally though, I think in this case it would help...because the majority of people seem to think the family in question is acting in a ridiculous manner. I'm sure Disney sues lots of people...for various reasons.


Active Member

After seeing the video, it looks as though Tigger was just trying to have some fun with the kid...to make a magic moment on the tape/picture.
Unfortunately, he misjudged his costume and instead of just messing with the kids hair or whatever, he accidentally wacked him in the face with his paw.

You know, we mortals, not wearing costumes, sometimes accidentally wack our loved ones when we were just trying to simply adjust their clothes, necklace or the such. Just imagine how difficult it is to 'kid around' while wearing a humongus costume like that.
I've been accidentally knocked around by characters before, but at least I was smart enough to realize that
they can barely see in their costumes,
don't even realize if/when they hit someone (with their behind or while swinging their hands backwards)

What a wus, how much could a padded paw possibly hurt?
Did he bust a lip? Did he bleed at all? Any bruises?
Doubt it...
the kid should have shrugged it off and made it a magical story to tell about his trip...I got clocked by Tigger ("here is where Tigger took me out...ha ha")
Now although it doesn't look like the kid provoked anything, it would seem to me that if his interpretation was that Tigger clocked him then I would think that then he must have given Tigger a reason to...otherwise he's such a coddled baby that when daddy thought Tigger purposely clocked him, he agreed so to be babied by daddy.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
the following is complete speculation on my part...

I suspect Disney is hit with accusations on a semi-regular basis, except the people crying "victim" usually plays closer to the vest. Instead of running to the media, they hit Guest Relations and keep going up the chain until one of the two following scenarios occur:

a: they find a sympathetic ear, someone who suspects they might have a point (if not necessarily a case) and offer a token amount of restitution' More than the alleged victims deserve, but small enough potatos that Disney can live with it. The cost of doing business.


b: someone in upper management quietly smacks 'em down. Lets them know they don't have a case, go into detail WHY they don't have a case, and persuade them to let it go because it won't end well. Of course, it kinda stinks if you genuiely think you DO have a grievance, but for any huckster, it probably does the trick and intimidates them into stopping their nonsense.

But in the Monaco situation, after refusing medical attention, THEN they went to the media. Maybe they thought if they made a little bi of a stink, WDW would be quick to pony up some dough. I'm willing to bet the Monacos never dreamed this would such a big national story, but now they can't back down. But now, WDW can't back down, either. They need to fight this to ensure CMs in costume aren't turned into stuffed statues, not allowed to move for fear of a lawsuit. A payoff will now be tantamount to guilt.

But if they really wanted to mess with the Monacos, I think they SHOULD offer a settlement. a very very low one. 2 or 3 grand and a couple of fastpasses for the time they spent in the hospital. In exchange, the case is dropped, and Disney doesn't admit any wrongdoing, and the Monacos agree to never step foot on property again.

WHY is this a good idea, you may ask?

Such a small amount would cover any doctor's cost, but is otherwise an insult of a settlement, especially if the Monacos had dollar signs in their eyes. But the Monacos will realize it won't get much better. They'll take it.

And THEN they have to go home. Face their scorn, their ridicule. As others have said, this kid's gonna go through the rest of his school years being known as Tigger's b****, with barely anything to show for it, not even enough for a decent used car. The only person who may feel bad for them, MAYBE would be OJ :D

Meanwhile, it sends a signal to other would-be litigants that in the long run, if you're going to sue Disney, you better have a REALLY good reason. Disney's deep pockets are not for the plundering. Even if you get something, after taxes it won't even cover your airfare. And you won't be allowed back (probably can't keep 'em from being day visitors, but they can refuse them from booking rooms, and if they try to use a credit card, WDW will kow they're on-site & kick them out. Vegas casinos can do it; WDW can do it). Not worth it for most folks.

So let the Monacos be the examples for a lesson all would-be con artists & ambulance chasers learn from.

my apologies for the length, and any typos, my thumbs are aching from typing on a Motorola Q :)


Well-Known Member
the following is complete speculation on my part...

I suspect Disney is hit with accusations on a semi-regular basis, except the people crying "victim" usually plays closer to the vest. Instead of running to the media, they hit Guest Relations and keep going up the chain until one of the two following scenarios occur:

a: they find a sympathetic ear, someone who suspects they might have a point (if not necessarily a case) and offer a token amount of restitution' More than the alleged victims deserve, but small enough potatos that Disney can live with it. The cost of doing business.


b: someone in upper management quietly smacks 'em down. Lets them know they don't have a case, go into detail WHY they don't have a case, and persuade them to let it go because it won't end well. Of course, it kinda stinks if you genuiely think you DO have a grievance, but for any huckster, it probably does the trick and intimidates them into stopping their nonsense.

But in the Monaco situation, after refusing medical attention, THEN they went to the media. Maybe they thought if they made a little bi of a stink, WDW would be quick to pony up some dough. I'm willing to bet the Monacos never dreamed this would such a big national story, but now they can't back down. But now, WDW can't back down, either. They need to fight this to ensure CMs in costume aren't turned into stuffed statues, not allowed to move for fear of a lawsuit. A payoff will now be tantamount to guilt.

But if they really wanted to mess with the Monacos, I think they SHOULD offer a settlement. a very very low one. 2 or 3 grand and a couple of fastpasses for the time they spent in the hospital. In exchange, the case is dropped, and Disney doesn't admit any wrongdoing, and the Monacos agree to never step foot on property again.

WHY is this a good idea, you may ask?

Such a small amount would cover any doctor's cost, but is otherwise an insult of a settlement, especially if the Monacos had dollar signs in their eyes. But the Monacos will realize it won't get much better. They'll take it.

And THEN they have to go home. Face their scorn, their ridicule. As others have said, this kid's gonna go through the rest of his school years being known as Tigger's b****, with barely anything to show for it, not even enough for a decent used car. The only person who may feel bad for them, MAYBE would be OJ :D

Meanwhile, it sends a signal to other would-be litigants that in the long run, if you're going to sue Disney, you better have a REALLY good reason. Disney's deep pockets are not for the plundering. Even if you get something, after taxes it won't even cover your airfare. And you won't be allowed back (probably can't keep 'em from being day visitors, but they can refuse them from booking rooms, and if they try to use a credit card, WDW will kow they're on-site & kick them out. Vegas casinos can do it; WDW can do it). Not worth it for most folks.

So let the Monacos be the examples for a lesson all would-be con artists & ambulance chasers learn from.

my apologies for the length, and any typos, my thumbs are aching from typing on a Motorola Q :)

See finger scanners aren't just keeping out terrorists....

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
But if they really wanted to mess with the Monacos, I think they SHOULD offer a settlement. a very very low one. 2 or 3 grand and a couple of fastpasses for the time they spent in the hospital. In exchange, the case is dropped, and Disney doesn't admit any wrongdoing, and the Monacos agree to never step foot on property again.

WHY is this a good idea, you may ask?

Such a small amount would cover any doctor's cost, but is otherwise an insult of a settlement, especially if the Monacos had dollar signs in their eyes. But the Monacos will realize it won't get much better. They'll take it.
The only issue I have with Disney offering a settlement is it implies guilt on the part of Disney. Granted it does make financial sense in the short term but large corporations settling cases out of court even there was really no wrong doing on their part is what has made us such a sue happy nation. To me the best long term outcome for Disney would be to fight this and have this family get zilch and their ambulance chasing lawyer is out all his time, because you know he probably took this case for a percentage of the settlement, and looks like a fool. Then and only then will people think twice about filing a bogus case like this.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
There is a new article on the Tigger incident. No really new information but Jeffrey Kaufman the Lawyer that represented the last Tigger in trouble and former cast member gives his version and opinion of what happened which seems to echo the opinion of the general public.


ORLANDO, Fla. -- The attorney who successfully defended a Disney employee accused of groping a girl spoke out Wednesday about the latest incident involving "Tigger."

Jeffrey Kaufman, a former Disney cast member himself, said he sympathizes with Michael J. Fedelem, the man playing Tigger who was recently accused of punching a teenager in the face.

Kaufman, the attorney who represented Michael Chartrand two years ago, donned the Tigger costume during closing arguments then and said that the outfit was too bulky and the view from the mask was too obstructed for his client to have intentionally groped the girl.

Chartrand was found not guilty.

Kaufman is not representing Fedelem, but he feels bad for him.

"Imagine what (Fedelem) is going through right now, realizing, 'I get paid $6 to $7 an hour, and I'm being accused nationally of hitting a child.' It's a rough world," Kaufman said.

Fedelem was suspended by Disney after a confrontation at Walt Disney World with Jerry Monaco Jr., 15. Jerry's dad, Jerry Monaco Sr., said Fedelem sucker-punched his son and has hired an attorney for representation.

Kaufman said he believes Jerry Jr. instigated the incident.

"(Jerry Jr.) is smiling the whole time. He's even smiling bigger when he gets a reaction (out of Tigger)," Kaufman said. "It's beyond ridiculous because you can see it from here."

Kaufman said Fedelem's swiping motion at Jerry Jr. was simply an involuntary reaction to pain, which he thinks was inflicted by the 15-year-old.

"You're cone of vision is from about here. You have some slits here, but your hand, you wouldn't be able to see out here," Kaufman gestured. "The costume is tied from the back. So if somebody pulls down, automatically the fur under the neck is going to cut off the air that you're breathing."

Kaufman also questioned the Monaco's reaction to the situation.

"The family didn't react like they wanted justice, they reacted like they wanted cash," Kaufman said. "I think its unfair because it could happen to any character in costume. That's the reason I represented the first character, because I realized that could have happened to me."


New Member
Again, I think Disney's legal department will seek to have the lawsuit thrown out of court, and then drop the matter entirely. Disney does not want to be seen as vengeful in this situation - and discretion IS the better part of valor.

Disney doesn't screw around with false claims. Does anyone remember a while back when the woman falsely claimed rape on property. And it was some eleborate sceam to get money? Disney went after her big time.


Well-Known Member
Personally I hope Disney draws this out in a long court battle and forces these idiots into bankruptcy in the process and they need to be trespassed from Disney property.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Disney doesn't screw around with false claims. Does anyone remember a while back when the woman falsely claimed rape on property. And it was some eleborate sceam to get money? Disney went after her big time.
This was an interesting case. Disney was literally putting a check in this persons hand when they blew their cover. Is that particular case it was a criminal offence because they fabricated evidence as well as a story and did it with the intent to extort money from Disney. While you could claim that this current incident is the same thing I don't think it was preplanned. This is more a case of someone being involved in an accident and seeing dollar signs so the incident is being blown out of proportion with the hope of a monetary settlement. Now if it comes out that this family had been hassling characters with the hopes that something like this would happen all bets are off see you in prison Jerry.


New Member
Tigger at the Crystal Palace yesterday....


slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
The only issue I have with Disney offering a settlement is it implies guilt on the part of Disney.

When Michael Jackson was first accused of molestation, the settlement was so huge, THAT implied guilt. That implied a public figure who really needed this problem to just go away.

Actually, when it comes to this situation, my thinking is if it's a piddling amount of money, it has the opposite effect. It doesn't imply guilt on Disney's part, it doesn't even imply that Disney considers it a serious problem that it wants to just go away.

What it implies is that this is not worthy of Disney's concern, that they know the Monacos are after a payday, and offering them such a low sum implies just that, that the Monacos always wanted money after the incident occurred (and after they claimed they only wanted to apologize). After taxes and lawyer's fees, the Monacos wouldn't even have enough to cover a mortgage payment, let alone the big bucks they thought they were gonna get. And the backlash they've received and will continue to receive (especially that kid at the hands of classmates who know that he can't even handle himself with a guy in a Tigger costume) will make them SO wish they never contacted the media.

I understand the desire, the ethic, the moral stand to not want to give this family one thin dime. But I also understand that karma works in strange and awe-inspiring ways, and sometimes, there are ways to help karma along a little quicker. You can give people enough rope to hang themselves, and I'd bet a shiny red apple if the Monacos were offered a 3 grand settlement, with the knowledge that theyir lives would become incredibly miserable if they didn't accept it, within weeks they'll regret ever asking for anything.

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