Things that gross you out in WDW.

Whilst at the Port Orleans French Quarter food court last week I watched as a woman in what had to be the SUV of scooters drive in and proceed to make her way through the tables and chairs toward the lobby. Not in the wider lane to the left mind you but right up the middle. I watched as people got up from their chairs interrupting their breakfast to make way. Babies in high chairs had to be moved as the Red Sea parted to make way for Her Highness. What really disturbed me about the whole thing however is that through it all, she had the most disgusted look on her face, and did not offer one thank you to anyone.

I hate that lady.


Active Member
One of the things that really grosses me out is seeing a woman of middle age or so not wearing a bra. I do not want to see someone's saggy .

Just so you know . . . I am a 48 year old woman myself.

I just turned 40, and I am well endowed (not overly so, but large enough for me!) I'm also slightly over weight. I try to cover up my body, but I saw more , cleavage, and butt cheeks on other women than I care to see!!!! And most of them were larger than I am!!!! There are just some things that I do NOT need to see!!!


Well-Known Member
Those stinking Turkey Legs! Everytime I see them, I want to puke! I think it has to do with the fact that turkey in general makes me sick! :hurl:


Well-Known Member
Young fresh pert ones on the other hand..............................:drevil:

Hay I'll gladly point out a nice set(or a nice fake set) to the hubby if I see some! And at the water parks, lets just say there are far and few nice ones , although water parks are interesting enough.

It really is amazing how some people try to fit into a bikini or scary should I say.


Well-Known Member
I hate that lady.

Maybe she wasn't full...and needed more to eat..sorry I couldn't resist...


Maybe she imaging she was off road going through an obstacle course or something. :p


New Member
I am 5'9" and almost 160lbs... Not to pick a fight, but this is slightly offensive -- Especially from someone saying they were formerly overweight themselves.

I was thinking the same thing......weight is relatize and I've seen some very thin people in some very in appropriate attire.


Active Member
I just turned 40, and I am well endowed (not overly so, but large enough for me!) I'm also slightly over weight. I try to cover up my body, but I saw more , cleavage, and butt cheeks on other women than I care to see!!!! And most of them were larger than I am!!!! There are just some things that I do NOT need to see!!!

It just amazes me what some women wear to the parks. My friend and I are always looking at each other with mouths wide open. Over the past few trips I've been taking pics of some of these people. I took a pic of a woman last year in a pair of those terrycloth jogging type shorts that had them hiked up so high that her white underwear on her butt cheeks were visable for all to see. I know . . . it is really mean on my part, but hey, if they are going to walk around in public like that then they are fair game. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
It's pink because the meat is smoked. It's a chemical reaction. Welcome to real barbeque.

Not sure about that because when I watched the "Unwrapped" on the FoodNetwork, it mentioned liquid smoke... Hmmm..
Here is the link to the video,

They use the word "inject" and "cure". Then they slow cook them in a "smoker".. looks like a darn oven.

That doesn't sound like a real barbecue to me.


Well-Known Member
It just amazes me what some women wear to the parks. My friend and I are always looking at each other with mouths wide open. Over the past few trips I've been taking pics of some of these people. I took a pic of a woman last year in a pair of those terrycloth jogging type shorts that had them hiked up so high that her white underwear on her butt cheeks were visable for all to see. I know . . . it is really mean on my part, but hey, if they are going to walk around in public like that then they are fair game. :ROFLOL:

Perhaps I should start taking pics of that sort of thing, Hubby is always saying" How many pics can you have of the Monarail, or the castle etc." Or " Did'nt you take that pic last year?"(hello its a different trip)...well now I'll start something new when we go!!



During the recent Swine Flu scare it was interesting to watch parents pay closer attention to the washing of hands in the bathrooms, and encouraging children not to touch things. By the end of a week though I noticed less and less concern for hygiene as the scare diminished. Some Asian guests were wearing face masks, but other than that, it was hygiene as usual.


Well-Known Member
Please don't be quick to judge chunky/fat people. Some people can't help it. I am chunky. I had knee surgery 1 1/2 years ago and still not quite as strong as it needs to be so therefore not really exercising yet. I still have problems with the tendon in the front trying to give way. I choose not to see the ortho again cause I have an HSA and choose not to have thousands of dollars in doctor's bills. If it's not life threatening I'm not getting it fixed. Know what I mean.

That being said, my knee surgery was quite extensive. Torn and stretched ACL, torn lateral meniscus (which had to be shaved and stitched), cartilage torn off of bone which had to be grind down, knee cap was extremely tight (pulled over to the right) and had to be realigned again to the middle. So with all of this there are some people who have legit reasons of being chunky/fat and don't sit around all day eating bon bons and whatever else they can get their hands on.

Now with people in scooters - they should be considerate of others around them and not to expect everyone to move out of their way just because they are in a scooter. They need to be considerate of other people. If someone is riding my heels and expects me to move, I don't move and walk slower.


couples s__________g face. Typically Teenagers but any age bugs me. A kiss is one thing, but s__________g face is not appropriate around kids.

That and short shorts on guys.

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