The "sleeping bear" is the whole slightly OT sub-thread on bathroom faucets and doorhandles. Posts were about delightfully gross stuff for three months after your post in late Feb. Then, over 150 posts later, sublimesting quoted you, and as soon as he did, I said to myself "uh oh", 'cause I knew the whole faucets and handles thing was about to take off again!:lol:
Dude, I was gonna' say something the first time you posted this, but then I thought it'd be better just to let it go by. But really, if you're gettin' that cold/sinus thing every year in the fall, and a feverish chill kinda' thing a couple times a year, you're gettin' sick, man.
I have varying opinions on the hand washing thing, but if you're getting sick that much, don't you think that just maybe it might have something to do with not washing your hands properly or frequently enough?
And while I (like you) do not obsess over hand washing, it's well documented that failure to wash properly after the ol' #2 spreads disease to other people, and also that frequent and effective hand washing and avoiding touching ears, nose, and eyes when exposed to other people with an infection of some kind reduces your chances of getting it.