Ok, the grossest thing I saw at Disney was a family that got off Splash Mountain and gave the "Kentucky Salute".
Now I never heard of this before and it was in fact a friend from kentucky who called it that so don't get upset with me...I'm just calling it waht the natives do.
Apparently there was a big splash (go figure...on SPLASH MOUNTAIN) and the Dad, Mom and teenage son all apparently got some water up their nose. Now picture, if you will...a three person Kentucky Salute...right in front of Splash Mountain
1. Each person holds their left thumb to their nose, effectively blocking the left nostril
2. In unison they blow as hard as they can forcing water and various other fluids (and a few chunky things) out of their right nostril
3. Repeat on other side.
4. Walk away from the puddle of gunk as if nothing happened.
and, this is what i saw right after eating at Pecos Bill's :hurl::hurl::hurl::hurl::hurl:![]()
I just had a baby barf!
I never get wet on splash Mountain! I always sit in the front or the back too!