The Spirited 11th Hour ...


Well-Known Member
Correct but the point of the comment is that the character was capable of living on with out the original. That is the same thing I feel can happen with Indy. Yes Harrison was great but another can come in and fill those shoes... There is a whole new generation or two of movie goers that would freely accept someone else in this role. I grew up on these films so for me it would be harder but if the movie was good and the actor did a good job I would want to see it.
I may get laughed at but you need an actor that has that certain charisma. I would have Bradley Cooper take over the role after this movie.


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FastPass question for the experts. Will Disney ever get rid of the FastPass all together or will it finally be an up charge for each guest?

A charge for FastPass I'm surprised hasn't happened already; It is potentially a much bigger source of revenue than fifteen dollars for preferred parking. Of course, I would much prefer if it just went away. The lines would move faster and you wouldn't need to schedule your day with a series of "appointments". But it'll never happen.


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Universal Orlando probably makes a ton off of people paying to ride on the things they already pay to ride on. I hate the idea of paying for it, but as a businessman, it's a good idea. Some people who visit Universal act like they have no choice but to buy the express passes, they'd no doubt be the same way at Disney.

My thinking is that the reason Disney has not charged for it is because, by limiting access to everyone (spreading out and timing it), it gets people to spread their vacation out over multiple days. Whereas, people could hit up pretty much everything in the resort within a day or two with an express pass. Sooner or later, the dollar signs are bound to show up in management's eyes, despite.

The resort fee is one way they're looking to charge for the service. I'd imagine, that's just one step toward it though. First the resort fee, then charging day guests while giving it to hotel guests by default (promoting it as a perk, of course).
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The intern in charge of updating the WDWToday Twitter forgot they weren't on their personal account today.


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