The great "stroller" conspiracy.

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Active Member
I was there last week and my family and I were amazed at the numbers of strollers we saw compared to past visits. I agree with the previous poster regarding the parking areas. They were sometimes so immense, especially around Small World and PhilharMagic and around POTC, that traffic jams resulted. We too noticed how many of them were laden with Disney bags and coolers, backpacks and the like while the kiddies strolled alongside.

Just an observation on my part and not meant as an offense to any of you who have a stroller for whatever reason.

However, if you are that woman who had the triple deep stroller (I had never seen one of those before! Boy, it was a monster!) with a set of really cute red-headed triplets that could have only been about 6 months old....I want to know what kind of mind tricks you were using so as to expertly anticipate where I would be trying to go with each movement so that you could block my path! Once was bad enough, but you were there at Peter Pan, and Snow White and Pooh and in line at Cosmic Ray's. I started to wonder if you were trying to tell me something about those kids....:lookaroun


I just don't get what everyone gets so upset about. If some family wants to bring some huge stroller and push it around all day long, I don't care, go ahead. I've been to Disney before I had kids and never thought twice about someone pushing their kid around in a stroller. I've been on the flip side too. I have 2 kids and pushed a double stroller around Disney and now we are at the point of one being in a stroller and one out. I could care less what people think, if I choose to rent/bring a stroller for my 5 year old that is as tall as an almost 8 year old. It's none of their business. If i choose to rent a stroller then so be it, how is this impacting anyone? Yes occasionally people are rude and push or accidentally hit people's legs but this is the minority. Look I'm am born pessimist and have that Eeyore cloud over me but you're in Disney enjoy your vacation and stop being so concerned about other people choices that are irrelevant to you.

It's not about other people making personal choices that are irrelevant to others. If someone wants to allow their healthy thirteen year old to ride in a stroller, I don't care. As long as their decision doesn't effect me. But it is relevant that there are now so many strollers that it is impacting others in a negative way. And it is relevant that some of the folks have much larger strollers that impact others in an even BIGGER way. And many folks are just plain rude and use the strollers as battering rams, or to hold places, etc. And I would say that strollers negatively impact me personally many, many times a day. How? Well, first there's the number of times I'm banged into by them, then the number of times they stop in front of me, forcing me to leap aside to avoid toppling on a child, the amount of times they block up pathways forcing me to slowdown, the fact hat I can never board a bus without someone deciding to unload and fold up the their stroller right before they get on the bus instead of doing this head of time. The stroller problem delays me, causes me physical pain and causes irritation. There are too many. And that's because many people who don't really NEED one, use one anyway. Strollers (or more accurately many folks using them) are a problem, and therefore relevant. I used on when I had a three year old. I tried to keep it out of everyones way. But when you are part of the mass, you can't. So I ditched it mid-trip and had a much better trip. I try not to let the masses of stroller get to me. But the strollers won't stay out of my way.
It's not about other people making personal choices that are irrelevant to others. If someone wants to allow their healthy thirteen year old to ride in a stroller, I don't care. As long as their decision doesn't effect me. But it is relevant that there are now so many strollers that it is impacting others in a negative way. And it is relevant that some of the folks have much larger strollers that impact others in an even BIGGER way. And many folks are just plain rude and use the strollers as battering rams, or to hold places, etc. And I would say that strollers negatively impact me personally many, many times a day. How? Well, first there's the number of times I'm banged into by them, then the number of times they stop in front of me, forcing me to leap aside to avoid toppling on a child, the amount of times they block up pathways forcing me to slowdown, the fact hat I can never board a bus without someone deciding to unload and fold up the their stroller right before they get on the bus instead of doing this head of time. The stroller problem delays me, causes me physical pain and causes irritation. There are too many. And that's because many people who don't really NEED one, use one anyway. Strollers (or more accurately many folks using them) are a problem, and therefore relevant. I used on when I had a three year old. I tried to keep it out of everyones way. But when you are part of the mass, you can't. So I ditched it mid-trip and had a much better trip. I try not to let the masses of stroller get to me. But the strollers won't stay out of my way.

Bravo! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


Think for yourselfer
The stroller problem just continues to worsen. Parents see other 5, 6, 7 year olds in strollers and it becomes ok for them to put their 5,6,7 year old in a stroller. Maybe they would not have done it before, but since everyone else is, it starts to sound like a good idea. It is just going to keep escalating, at some point you will not even be able to maneuver around the park anymore. I know there is literally nothing Disney can do, but I think it just plain stinks. Get your lazy kids out of the strollers, stop being a lazy parent and watch them, stop being a lazy person and WEAR the backpack.


New Member
Ok I don't get it a place where families take there young children. How dare they allow strollers in such a place :brick:


Well-Known Member
Ok I don't get it a place where families take there young children. How dare they allow strollers in such a place :brick:

As a parent, I can tell you stroller stupidity is rampant. A copy of Miss Manners wouldn't be a bad investment for a lot of Americans. That should be your :brick:.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I feel guilty bringing my stroller for my 2 year old after reading this thread. :lookaroun

I don't think the point was to make people feel stupid it was to show the people who abuse the fact they can use a stroller. Also how people just act like they are the only people in the parks while using a stroller.


Active Member
I don't think the point was to make people feel stupid it was to show the people who abuse the fact they can use a stroller. Also how people just act like they are the only people in the parks while using a stroller.


If you have a stroller (double or not) just be courteous. Same thing with people with wheelchairs or ECVs. I have no problem letting some one get by or making room with one of these things, but pushing your way around like its a tank is annoying.

My Uncle brought is 2 kids (3 and 2 I want to say), although the 3 y/o might have been able to do without it his little sister needed one so they had a double. This one was a double length one (one seat behind the other) and I think it was much better than the double wide.

Also if you have a stroller you have to close it before getting on the bus. I know it sucks when the poor kid is asleep and you need to take him/her out to close it up but screaming at the bus driver doesn't help.


Well-Known Member
Make him walk. Also, pick up all the food wrappers around him.

Agreed - lets teach our children to be pigs too. That is a peeve of mine (obviously)! Someone else will clean up after us. We'll just leave our tables a mess. I'ts OK to drop trash on the ground. I'll just stick my gum on anything I want so the next people in queue will see or maybe touch it:hurl:


Active Member
ok how many of us parents see every little thing our children do????^^^^how many of us will see each and every time our children stick gum somewhere they are not suppose to? do they know they are not suppose to do this? yes if they are taught it is wrong but a child will be a child. as far as the stroller issue....if there is a person being down right rude i understand what you are all saying but let me just say...i have a one year old who has a stroller that we specifically purchased for disney and home. i try very hard not to hit someones and if i do ( by accident) i always say im very sorry. i cannot help the people that choose to stop in front of me that get hit but likewise i still say sorry even though it isnt my fault. when disney is crowded, do you really expect to not get hit or bumped by a stroller? would you be saying the same thing and start a thread if there was no stroller and it was just a person running into you? mabye i should start that thread.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
ok how many of us parents see every little thing our children do????^^^^how many of us will see each and every time our children stick gum somewhere they are not suppose to? do they know they are not suppose to do this? yes if they are taught it is wrong but a child will be a child. as far as the stroller issue....if there is a person being down right rude i understand what you are all saying but let me just say...i have a one year old who has a stroller that we specifically purchased for disney and home. i try very hard not to hit someones and if i do ( by accident) i always say im very sorry. i cannot help the people that choose to stop in front of me that get hit but likewise i still say sorry even though it isnt my fault. when disney is crowded, do you really expect to not get hit or bumped by a stroller? would you be saying the same thing and start a thread if there was no stroller and it was just a person running into you? mabye i should start that thread.

See...YOU are not what we are complaining about...Its people who bump people and look at them like it was their fault they got hit. Like look at the picture I posted...that kid is surrounded by trash. Stevie Wonder could see all that mess around him.


ok how many of us parents see every little thing our children do????^^^^how many of us will see each and every time our children stick gum somewhere they are not suppose to? do they know they are not suppose to do this? yes if they are taught it is wrong but a child will be a child. as far as the stroller issue....if there is a person being down right rude i understand what you are all saying but let me just say...i have a one year old who has a stroller that we specifically purchased for disney and home. i try very hard not to hit someones and if i do ( by accident) i always say im very sorry. i cannot help the people that choose to stop in front of me that get hit but likewise i still say sorry even though it isnt my fault. when disney is crowded, do you really expect to not get hit or bumped by a stroller? would you be saying the same thing and start a thread if there was no stroller and it was just a person running into you? mabye i should start that thread.

My kids would be strangled if they even attempted to stick a piece of gum on someone else's property. OMG seriously. That's just so vile and disgusting. And even if they tried to do that (which they wouldn't) there's no way they could do that without me noticing.

Anyway, I have never hit anyone with a stroller before. When I used strollers I'd use the same rule I use when driving. Keep back away from people enough that if they stopped suddenly I would have the space to stop and pay attention to the road! There's just no excuse for running into someone. If they stop quick and you hit them, it's because you were riding your stroller up their butt.


Active Member
It's America.

Fatter Kids = Bigger Strollers

This is a fact from the US 1980, 1 in 20 high school graduates were considered obese. In 2009, 1 in 4 were considered obese.:eek:

I think the stroller and ECV thing is also helped by Disney. They make a ton of money on the rentals of these things, so if people want them, why not make them available?


I feel guilty bringing my stroller for my 2 year old after reading this thread. :lookaroun

Here's the problem with these threads. Folks who actually have a child of the age that a stroller is pretty much a necessity, and are likely courteous people who try very hard not to impact anyone else are the ones who feel attacked or guilty. When THEY are not the problem. And that is a shame. Stop feeling bad, you're on our side. I'll even help you carry your stuff up the steps.

Then there are folks who ARE the problem jumping up and down screaming that they can do what they want and how dare we care and how what they do has nothing to do with us. And they need more than a clue. And yes, when you slammed into my ankles for the third time after I politely asked you to be careful, my soda that ended up on you was on purpose. (Okay, not something actually happened)

No one here has a beef with ANYONE who has a child who NEEDS a stroller for whatever reason. There are lots of kids (and even adults) who have mental and physical condition which require them to have some form of assistance--a stroller, a scooter whatever. But, a person's NEED to have something does not give them to right to ABUSE the rest of us, or infringe on OUR ability to enjoy the day. In the same way that those of us lucky enough to not require these things need to not freak out over every stroller. I am happy to help anyone who is overwhelmed by their strollers and children. I let kids in front of me during parades, I'll pick up the stuff the kids throw out of the stroller in front of me that the parents miss. No problem. Just don't slam into me when I'm standing in line. Don't shove me over with your stroller when I'm watching the parade. Pay attention to everyone else, like the responsible stroller owners who actually feel guilty over the behavior of the reckless.

There are too many strollers. There are too many people using strollers who don't really need them. And there are too many people who don't care about anything but themselves, whether they use a stroller or not.

Courtesy. Those who need it are probably not reading this anyway...
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