The Culmination of It All - Tom & Sarah's WDW HONEYMOON Pre-Trip Report

It really has been a long time in the making. It has been roughly two and a half years since I first reported our Engagement during Christmas Wishes! on the Beach of the Polynesian. During that time, we have taken four additional trips to WDW in August 2008,
November/December 2008, August 2009 and October 2009.

For those unfamiliar with us, here are the characters to the Story. I'm Tom, the male. Sarah, female, is my beautiful fiancee.

The planning began almost immediately after we returned from that engagement trip with the first inquiry being a substantial one: Walt Disney World wedding? This question was one that we really struggled with. If we did a Disney wedding, that would effectively preclude many family members from attending, either as they wouldn't or couldn't fly, or that it would be too expensive for them to attend. Conversely, the wedding is about us, and Walt Disney World is definitely the location that best represents us. Me being the selfish one, I was slightly leaning towards the WDW option, while Sarah was leaning towards the other option, a wedding at our college, which is also conveniently halfway between Indianapolis, Sarah's hometown, and Plainwell (Michigan), my hometown. When we went on the August 2008 trip, we met with a Disney Fairytale Wedding planner, which sealed the deal. Although there are options priced for all budgets, the value for our money we could get in Valparaiso far exceeded Disney's comparable offering. Thus a Valparaiso wedding it would be.

The only other planning detail to which I can speak is the photographer, as that was my main task. My requirement here was that we find someone better than me. While that might sound arrogant, there are a surprising number of terrible wedding photographers out there. It seems these days anyone who buys a DSLR immediately fancies themselves as a professional. That is not the case. (Let this be a word of caution to any of you about to get married...make sure you do your homework and get an actual wedding photographer, not some cheap-o fly-by-night hack). It took a little while, but I ultimately found a great guy, who also happens to be a stunning photographer. Certainly miles above my ability, so I have no worries there.

If you have other questions about the planning details (I know that stuff might appeal to girls, and I suppose is a proper subject for a pre-trip report!), pose them here, and maybe Sarah will stop out of the shadows of lurkerdom, and post to answer them. Anything else you want to find out about the wedding can be found at our Wedding Website,

Okay, enough actual wedding details--after all, this is a pre-trip report! Let's get discussing that minor detail that seems to follow the wedding...THE HONEYMOON!

Since we couldn't do a WDW wedding, we decided we had to do a WDW honeymoon! We started planning this at around the same time wedding planning began, with the fitting resort destination being the Polynesian. After all, it was where we got engaged, and our "dream" resort. Then we saw the price tag. Unfortunately, being a student doesn't pay as well as it might seem, so that was difficult to stomach.

Still, it would be our honeymoon, and we thought we deserved a little luxury. I started tossing around ideas, and one that I kept coming back to was Disney Vacation Club. We had already done several DVC tours (mostly for the free swag) both in WDW and at the Doorway to Dreams store in Chicago, and were subscribed to several resale emails, so much of the homework there was already done. I began pricing it out, and for only about $1,000 more than it would cost to stay at the Poly (assuming a reasonable discount on the Poly for our stay) we could buy a DVC contract that, if we banked all of our 2009 points and borrowed all of our 2011 points, would be enough to stay at Beach Club, BoardWalk, or Bay Lake Tower (three other "dream" resorts) for the duration of our stay. Even though the contract would cost $1,000 more, it was much more palatable given that it would have a great amount of residual value after our honeymoon. So we did it. It cost a substantial amount of the money we make with our summer jobs, and since we've made a lot of sacrifices during this school year and have been on a tighter budget, but we are both pretty happy about that decision.

With DVC, as you may know, you may book your non-home resort 7 months in advance. This meant that early one morning last December, we both got up and made the call to DVC at exactly 9 a.m. to book BoardWalk (first choice), Beach Club (second choice), or BLT (third choice). Sarah got through first. I watched with much eagerness. I saw her eyes light up. They BoardWalk! Woo hoo, 7 days at BoardWalk!!!

Our excitement at that point probably couldn't be much higher. Until a couple of days later, when Sarah convinced me that we should stay 10 days. I was reluctant about this at first, as I will be taking the Bar Exam in July, and I should be studying for long portions of the day everyday from May until July. Taking seven days off already has me a little nervous. But like I said above, it's our honeymoon--what the heck...and it's Disney! I can always retake the Bar! :ROFLOL:

Unfortunately, we did not have enough points to book the additional days at BoardWalk, nor was there any availability even if we did, so Sarah booked the additional three days at Old Key West. Not too shabby!!!

Around that same time, which was my finals time for the Fall semester, Sarah undertook the massive task of making our Advance Dining Reservations. Massive task is not an understatement. Since the park hours were not yet posted, Sarah made many reservations, most of which will be canceled when we get closer to the date of the actual honeymoon. Below are the ADRs we have currently. The ADR in italics is one we likely will use, bold is ones we'll definitely use, and regular font are ones likely to be canceled.

Sunday June 13, 2010:
Dinner - Kouzzina
Dinner - Garden Grill
Dinner - Kona Cafe
Dinner - 'Ohana

Monday June 14, 2010:
Lunch - Sci Fi Diner
Dinner - Sanaa
Dinner - Coral Reef
Dinner - Yak & Yeti

Tuesday June 15, 2010:
Dinner - Yak & Yeti
Dinner - Le Cellier
Dinner - Biergarten
Dinner - Coral Reef
Dinner - Sci Fi Diner

Wednesday June 16, 2010:
Breakfast - Cape May Cafe

Thursday June 17, 2010:
Dinner - Le Cellier
Dinner - 'Ohana
Dinner - Kona Cafe

Friday June 18, 2010:
Breakfast - Crystal Palace
Dinner - Victoria & Albert's

Saturday June 19, 2010:
Lunch - Beaches and Cream
Dinner - California Grill

Sunday June 20, 2010:
Dinner - Kona Cafe
Dinner - The Wave
Dinner - 'Ohana

Monday June 21, 2010:
Dinner - Sci Fi Diner
Dinner - Coral Reef Cafe
Dinner - Yak & Yeti

Tuesday June 22, 2010:
Dinner - Le Cellier
Dinner - 'Ohana

Wednesday June 23, 2010:
Breakfast - Crystal Palace

In the original post, I also had our tentative touring plan, but I think I will hold off on reposting that (it's almost bed time!) until a later date when I can be a little more thorough with it. Plus, I want to give you something to look forward to! :p We have been planning on a daily basis, so I will keep updating as more details are decided upon. Until then, thanks for reading and giving me something to do as I count down the 73 agonizing days (well, 72 agonizing days since the day before should be pretty fun!!!) until the Honeymoon!


New Member
Thanks for all the additional suggestions, everyone. At this point, I *think* we have it narrowed to Biergarten or Chefs De France. I think.


Alright, next question. I just discovered our first day is the last day of Star Wars Weekends. Sarah and I aren't huge Star Wars fans, but we've always wanted to attend a SWW just to see what it would be like. I don't really care if we get any autographs or meet any Ewoks, but it might be cool to go to the afternoon parade. If our flight arrives in Orlando at 1:30 p.m., and we take DME to our resort, will we make it to DHS in time to do anything SWW related? (My guess is that we'd arrive at DHS no later than 4 p.m.).

I know you would be there in time for the hyperspace hoopla event and the characters will be still be out and about, don't know what else though will be going on (for example, the parade is usually before noon).
I can't wait for you guys to get married! I have been following your trips like a reality show!!! (MINUS THE TACKINESS FACTOR).

We honeymooned for 2 weeks, and had to finish it off with some WDW!

Hope to see Bride and Groom ears at all times.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm totally late to the party... but I can't wait to read all about your Disneymoon!

My mouth is watering just hearing about Victoria and Albert's... truth be told I'm a little jealous of that one. :) I can't wait for your review on it. While it looks like you've already made up your mind on that Sci-fi replacement, I'd like to throw out a vote for the Wave. I really think the place is underrated. We love breakfast there and have had dinner there once; plus it's on the agenda for our next trip. For dinner, I really felt like the food and service were comparable to one of the signature dining options. Plus they have an expansive wine list that bucks tradition and features all screw tops.

Of the World Showcase restaurants you mentioned my votes would go to Nine Dragons and Chefs de France before Biergarten (based on food alone). Biergarten is another one with a great atmosphere and good beer, but I don't care much for buffets. Though, it might be a great choice for the dining plan because it's way too expensive otherwise. Whereas Nine Dragons and Chefs are relatively inexpensive (especially for lunch).

Now that you're AP holders you might want to consider the TIW card for your Christmas trip... it really does make a big difference!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know you would be there in time for the hyperspace hoopla event and the characters will be still be out and about, don't know what else though will be going on (for example, the parade is usually before noon).

After doing some more digging, it looks like we'd definitely be able to meet some Disney characters dressed in Star Wars attire, and would also be able to see the finale hoopla. Those two things, along with people watching some of the *ahem* over-zealous fans are all we'd really want to do anyway besides the park opening show and the motorcade. We really have no desire to get up early to wait in line for autographs from marginal "celebrities" or go to the various Q&A type sessions, so it sounds like we'll get close to the full experience.

Now I just wonder how bad those character M&G lines will be...

I can't wait for you guys to get married! I have been following your trips like a reality show!!! (MINUS THE TACKINESS FACTOR).

We honeymooned for 2 weeks, and had to finish it off with some WDW!

Hope to see Bride and Groom ears at all times.

Thanks! We might get the Bride and Groom ears. I am really not too keen on the idea, but I think Sarah likes them.

So, I'm totally late to the party... but I can't wait to read all about your Disneymoon!

My mouth is watering just hearing about Victoria and Albert's... truth be told I'm a little jealous of that one. :) I can't wait for your review on it. While it looks like you've already made up your mind on that Sci-fi replacement, I'd like to throw out a vote for the Wave. I really think the place is underrated. We love breakfast there and have had dinner there once; plus it's on the agenda for our next trip. For dinner, I really felt like the food and service were comparable to one of the signature dining options. Plus they have an expansive wine list that bucks tradition and features all screw tops.

Of the World Showcase restaurants you mentioned my votes would go to Nine Dragons and Chefs de France before Biergarten (based on food alone). Biergarten is another one with a great atmosphere and good beer, but I don't care much for buffets. Though, it might be a great choice for the dining plan because it's way too expensive otherwise. Whereas Nine Dragons and Chefs are relatively inexpensive (especially for lunch).

Now that you're AP holders you might want to consider the TIW card for your Christmas trip... it really does make a big difference!

Well, our minds are hardly made up (we still don't have ADRs for a replacement, so maybe that will make up our minds for us...), so thanks for the information.

We actually structured our trip into 5 days at BoardWalk, 2 days at BoardWalk, and 3 days at Old Key West specifically so we wouldn't have to get the Dining Plan during the weekend days that we're going to California Grill, Victoria & Albert's, and Beaches and Cream. Reason being was that I did the math and the Tables in Wonderland Card would nearly (if not completely) pay for itself with the one meal. Additionally, the Signature restaurants are poor value on the Dining Plan, and we wanted to do California Grill. Finally, because our "meal" at Beaches and Cream will most likely only consist of a Kitchen Sink, which doesn't qualify as anything on the DDP. We thus decided to schedule those meals in a block and avoid the DDP for those two days. Hopefully they don't make us change rooms, but even if they do, it'll still be worth it.

We really need to get on that TIW card application and those ADRs...


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Just so you know, you no longer have to apply in advance for the TiW card. You can buy one at Guest Relations as long as you have your AP.

Next month, I'll be buying our APs online after my May statement closes, thereby putting off that large expense for a month, and once our APs are activated at GR, we can purchase the TiW card. I did the same thing two years ago, and I just called the TiW office to make sure it still worked that way, which they confirmed. TiW card is no longer plastic like a credit card with your name imprinted, it is now printed on the same media as tickets, so I guess that's why they can sell them at GR.


We really need to get on that TIW card application and those ADRs...

Hey Tom. I inquired about the TiW application a month or so ago, and the woman on the phone told me that I could purchase TiW (and receive the card) at guest relations in any of the parks. Just an FYI (and, given that I'm leaving for my trip in a few days, one that I hope is true :lookaroun).


Well-Known Member
Have truly enjoyed your trip reports the last couple of years and loved your wedding website.

You kids are adorable!!!!!

Can't wait to read the rest. Congratulations:wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just so you know, you no longer have to apply in advance for the TiW card. You can buy one at Guest Relations as long as you have your AP.

Next month, I'll be buying our APs online after my May statement closes, thereby putting off that large expense for a month, and once our APs are activated at GR, we can purchase the TiW card. I did the same thing two years ago, and I just called the TiW office to make sure it still worked that way, which they confirmed. TiW card is no longer plastic like a credit card with your name imprinted, it is now printed on the same media as tickets, so I guess that's why they can sell them at GR.

Hey Tom. I inquired about the TiW application a month or so ago, and the woman on the phone told me that I could purchase TiW (and receive the card) at guest relations in any of the parks. Just an FYI (and, given that I'm leaving for my trip in a few days, one that I hope is true :lookaroun).

Good to know about the TiW card! Uses a little of our valuable time in the parks, but easier than filling out an application.

Have truly enjoyed your trip reports the last couple of years and loved your wedding website.

You kids are adorable!!!!!

Can't wait to read the rest. Congratulations:wave:

Thanks; hope you enjoy our upcoming report!


So I've searched high and low (albeit a cursory search) in trying to find out the time it takes to walk from BoardWalk to the front entrance of EPCOT. Any ideas? I've seen estimates of 5 minutes to International Gateway, so I'm thinking 17-20 for the front?


Active Member
I have never done the walk from Boardwalk to EPCOT but my brother has and says it took him 20 minutes roughly.

I'm so excited for ya'lls Disneymoon! When I got married last year, I really wanted to do a Disney Honeymoon. My husband and I both wanted to do a cruise though. We checked into doing a Land and Sea vacation but it was just too expensive. So we went on a cruise through a different cruise line and now will be celebrating our one year anniversary in May at Disney property.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have never done the walk from Boardwalk to EPCOT but my brother has and says it took him 20 minutes roughly.

I'm so excited for ya'lls Disneymoon! When I got married last year, I really wanted to do a Disney Honeymoon. My husband and I both wanted to do a cruise though. We checked into doing a Land and Sea vacation but it was just too expensive. So we went on a cruise through a different cruise line and now will be celebrating our one year anniversary in May at Disney property.

Congrats on the one year anniversary celebration!

Do you mean 20 minutes from BoardWalk to the front (Future World) entrance of EPCOT, or the International Gateway entrance? Everything I've seen says 5 minutes from the EPCOT resorts to IG, but I just want to make sure...


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the one year anniversary celebration!

Do you mean 20 minutes from BoardWalk to the front (Future World) entrance of EPCOT, or the International Gateway entrance? Everything I've seen says 5 minutes from the EPCOT resorts to IG, but I just want to make sure...

Yes, it's only 5 minutes from the Boardwalk to the IG (could be less if you walk quick)! I don't know how long it would take to get to the front of the park... I've never timed it, sorry!

And yes, you can pick up you TIW card at Guest Relations. Be warned though, if you ever lose it... it's gone. Apparently, they can't replace them now! :shrug: So put it somewhere safe! That card stressed me out so much on our last trip... I was always double checking to make sure we had it!


Well-Known Member
Have truly enjoyed your trip reports the last couple of years and loved your wedding website.

You kids are adorable!!!!!

Can't wait to read the rest. Congratulations:wave:

That post was supposed to say: YOUR kids are adorable!!!!!!

But no, I had to spell it wrong and now it looks like I'm an old fart.

I LOVE Gingers (your orange cat).


Active Member
Congrats on the one year anniversary celebration!

Do you mean 20 minutes from BoardWalk to the front (Future World) entrance of EPCOT, or the International Gateway entrance? Everything I've seen says 5 minutes from the EPCOT resorts to IG, but I just want to make sure...

Thanks! We're excited, just 6 days away!

20 minutes from Boardwalk to the front I believe is what my brother said.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
That post was supposed to say: YOUR kids are adorable!!!!!!

But no, I had to spell it wrong and now it looks like I'm an old fart.

I LOVE Gingers (your orange cat).

No one would have noticed your error, because Tom and Sarah are adorable, too! :lol:


Premium Member

So I've searched high and low (albeit a cursory search) in trying to find out the time it takes to walk from BoardWalk to the front entrance of EPCOT. Any ideas? I've seen estimates of 5 minutes to International Gateway, so I'm thinking 17-20 for the front?

From the BW boat dock to the IG turnstiles is .4 miles. It is another .6 from the IG turnstiles to the front entrance turnstiles. So I would guess anywhere from 15-20 minutes, depending on your pace.

Kermit T. Frog

New Member
Congrats to you both. Your story sounded amazing as does the trip. I don't know if you get this a lot or if it was said before, but I saw your picture in the Unofficial Guide to WDW. So you really made it big! Have a great trip, we will warm up the world for you as me and my girlfriend are going May 20-28. Once again congratulations!!
So I've searched high and low (albeit a cursory search) in trying to find out the time it takes to walk from BoardWalk to the front entrance of EPCOT. Any ideas? I've seen estimates of 5 minutes to International Gateway, so I'm thinking 17-20 for the front?

I have made it from the lighthouse at the Yacht Club to the front entrance to EPCOT in right at 15 minutes before without too much trouble. If you do it during a busy time at the park, you should probably tack on about 5 minutes to walk around traffic, but it should not be any more than 20 minutes.

As a side note, like everyone else I have loved all of your trip reports and can't wait to read this one. And tell Sarah not to let the wedding stress her out - I got married last weekend and my best advice is to just go with the flow. Not everything is going to work out exactly as you planned, but if you roll with the punches it will make it an easier day for both of you.

Best of luck in your lives together and keep up the great work! :)


And tell Sarah not to let the wedding stress her out - I got married last weekend and my best advice is to just go with the flow. Not everything is going to work out exactly as you planned, but if you roll with the punches it will make it an easier day for both of you.

Ditto that. I got married 4 years ago (June 10th! Yay for June weddings!) and I was so excited about finally marrying my husband that I didn't care what happened. We even had a few of the crazier family wedding try to sabotage things, but I honestly didn't care at all. I was just excited that after 3 years of dating, planning our wedding for over a year, and finishing college that we were finally going to say "I Do" and start our lives together. Nothing beats that 1st apartment :)

I do wish we'd gotten to have a Disneymoon though. Our honeymoon was moving to Chicago and running around the city for a week before we started grad school & jobs. But it was fun...lots of museums and original Uno's pizza (boo to the chain locations!). I'm really happy you two are getting to go for yours (and a little jealous :)) I've been "lurking" and reading your recaps for a while now, and you two are so cute. And I LOVE that picture of you guys on the bench. So presh. Hope you have an incredible time (and eventually get to try Sci-Fi....throw me in the "pro" pile because the DH and I love having a "car date" there every year)

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