Yeah, there were a lot of confused people in the theater. The same thing happened with The Host movie. They cut so much out for time that people who had never read the books were at a loss. The Hunger Games did that too, but they added in commentary that explained a bit so exclusive movie watchers weren't so lost. But Half-Blood Prince was just so hard to follow! But, I'm a reader and I've read the books SO many times, so I see every little thing they changed. It's kind of funny though, I see the scenes from the books as I'm reading them with the even scenes that aren't in the movies, I see those in my head. Like the Ton Tongue Toffee when the Weasley's come to get Harry for the Quidditch World Cup, or with Dumbledore picking up Harry from the Dursley's house and subtly giving them some very needed lessons in ettiquette. SO much better than the movie version!!! I don't understand why they changed that.