The problem is that one was already started. It was started by a man called Walt Disney. It's name was Disneyland. He could have wanted a place that had a multitude of levels of status, but that isn't what he wanted. He wanted a place for everyone...everyone to go and have fun and participate on an equal level with everyone else. Disneyland wasn't built to showcase the fact that not everyone is wealthy or better then the other because they have more cash or more education or more clout.
It worked pretty well too. Made a lot of money, made a lot of people happy. It didn't need to separate by artificial means, everyone from every nickel that they had. It manage to do it because people wanted to do that and it had a return for them, it had an escape from life and it's levels.
So, maybe you are right. Maybe someone should start a theme park like that. Model it after what Disney used to be. I'll bet it will do well.
Personally, I never had a problem with someone being able to go more often, buy more stuff, or eat bigger meals on a consistent level. However, when I was there, I do not want to be blocked out of participating in everything the place has to offer, because my wallet is slimmer then someone elses. The world has plenty of that, and I go to a place like Disney to escape the world, not embrace it. I can stay home, save money and still be made to feel less than important. I don't and cannot imagine doing that and paying through the nose for it.