Figments Friend
Well-Known Member
Tony was deliberately put into limbo by Vaughn so as to keep him away from anything meaningful being worked on in Glendale. By changing his position from active Senior Vice President to occasional advisor with the caveat that any current Imagineer wanting Tony's advice needs to get permission from Vaughn in order to seek it effectively squashes any input Tony might be able to give. His new position is basically a no man's land of isolation which Vaughn completely controls.
As for future projects, there's only a snowball's chance that Baxter will be consulted on anything, no matter who's in charge. Rumor has it that WDI is about to undergo a major restructuring, and anyone over the age of 55 pretty much has a bulls eye on his/her back. Seniority has now become a detriment to continued employment at WDI. You can basically kiss the "old school" Imagineers (what's left of them) goodbye.
Depressing....and it sounds like Tony*s desire to mentor the young additions at WDI is not going to happen.
This brings my thoughts back to something i said earlier in this thread about the tone of his retirement which he seems to be expressing a passionate desire to do just that - Mentor the newbies, or at least be availible to them to do so. It is as if he is crying out to them to let him continue to do this.
He understood the importance of the mentoring program, and many times has expressed his appreciation of having the mentor(s) he did. Now it seems that old program is not appreciated and has fallen by the wayside by currant upper management. It is as if they want to be the *mentors* they can shape the newbies into the currant corporate mentality.
One wonders..
Who the hell is going to *be there* to mentor today*s new Imagineers...or tomorrows?
How are these people going to be able to hone their skills and become personally inspired by working in a positive, creative environment?
Does none of this really matter now, since there has been talk of WDI being phased out and everything will just be outsourced?
It must be incredibly disheartening for a longtime lifer like Tony to see this happening.....knowing he is effectively being shut out from doing something he enjoyed.
Yeah, i know....someone will tell me that it was his own choice because he *retired*...or that he brought it upon himself...etc...but some of us here know that this is not the full story.
I could be wrong...but that is the impression i get sometimes when the topic comes up.
I get the feeling that a part of him wants to pass on what he has learned, and what he has to offer to others, but those above him on the totem pole will not allow it for their own reasons. As if they feel a need to keep his *influence* away...which seems ridiculous to me considering what said newbies could learn from him.