Slash and Burn ...


Well-Known Member
SeaWorld is getting Mantis, a marquee roller coaster.

Really? I'm pretty sure Mantis is at Cedar Point.

MANTA is being built at Sea World. How can you post a story and not check your facts? :fork:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member

Tokyo Pavilion? Should I even read the rest of the article?
Naw. It just gets worse from there on out. He makes some good points at the beginning and then goes off on the age old apples to oranges comparison of the cost of a Disney trip vs. the cost of ever other tourist destination in central Florida.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Really? I'm pretty sure Mantis is at Cedar Point.

MANTA is being built at Sea World. How can you post a story and not check your facts? :fork:
Welcome to journalism in the internet age. "Get it done fast we will make corrections as the hate emails come in."

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Naw. It just gets worse from there on out. He makes some good points at the beginning and then goes off on the age old apples to oranges comparison of the cost of a Disney trip vs. the cost of ever other tourist destination in central Florida.

I agree. While I've really enjoyed Al Lutz's articles, I've never liked Kevin Yee that much. I remember a long time ago, he wrote a critical article on animal kingdom saying that the aged and worn out look for the african and asian villages went against Walt's vision for a clean looking theme park. Are you kidding me? That's rediculous on every level. The aged and worn out look makes the villages look incredibly authentic.

And I had to point out one of his rumors, the Cars redo of LMAX. God I hope this doesn't happen. LMAX isn't great, but adding Cars characters is an idiotic idea.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I agree. While I've really enjoyed Al Lutz's articles, I've never liked Kevin Yee that much. I remember a long time ago, he wrote a critical article on animal kingdom saying that the aged and worn out look for the african and asian villages went against Walt's vision for a clean looking theme park. Are you kidding me? That's rediculous on every level. The aged and worn out look makes the villages look incredibly authentic.

And I had to point out one of his rumors, the Cars redo of LMAX. God I hope this doesn't happen. LMAX isn't great, but adding Cars characters is an idiotic idea.
Yee is like one of those great computer deals you see in the Sunday paper that looses its luster once you get to the store and read the fine print. His articles seem to start off good then fall apart about half way through.


Well-Known Member
Well I think without looking at all the specifics, his article is trying to get across a simple point. Disney has nothing new really coming in for next year except AIE which IDK how many people that would really draw to the park. Meanwhile its competitors are bringing in two big new thrill rides.

The whole cost to cost comparison is to show what just about everyone in the world knows, that Disney is more expensive than the competition. With the way the economy is, his argument is that people will see
Disney: More expensive, nothing new for 09.
Competitors: cheaper, cool new stuff
...and choose the competitors. I think this may hold true for people who go to Orlando a lot or live there, but otherwise IDK if I can agree. If people want to go to Disney, they're going to go to Disney because it's Disney. They aren't going to say, I want to go on this dream Disney vacation, but it's a bit more expensive, let's go Universal instead. They'll either go to Disney or stay home.
Let's not forget that most people don't go to Disney annually or more, like many people here. So no new stuff in 09 isn't as much of an issue. Is for the local folk and people who like to go yearly (mostly Disney fanatics and DVC) who would be affected, but the large majority of the latter group will probably stay on Disney property and go to their parks regardless.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, where to start.

I usually start that the beginning. But with some of these posts ... oy veh.

There is a rain forest, a dinosaur forest, a HoB's, a circus, a riverboat and an Irish pub in DTD amoung other themes. I think they could shoehorn in a DH show or Hoop-de-doo. Especially now that the Dixie Stampede is closed.

Why is it that people here so often miss the point? Do they just enjoy making it up as they go along? Or being difficult for the hell of it?

The discussion wasn't about disparte themed items fitting into DD or being 'shoehorned' in as you put it (and I do like that phrasing since it's very accurate with the way DD has devolved over the past 15 years).

The point was that Diamond Horseshoe worked perfectly fine where it was just as Hoop De Doo does now. They are frontier-themed shows that added (or add with the FW show) to the immersive theming and story being told in the area they are located. There was and is no reason that makes any logical sense why you would remove them from where they belong and fit in and stick them at Disney's mall.

Guess what? Anything from a foamhead character show to a male nude review might be very successful at DD (likely by many of the same audience members), but it doesn't mean either belong there either.

Disney was about creating immersive guest environments where everything from the CM's costumes to the trash bins helped carry that theme along. Much of that has been lost in the WalMarting ... to the point that the MK really should be renamed Phil Holmes Magical Disney Character (including your Disney-Pixar Pals) Park.

That's why losing shows like Diamond Horseshoe hurt so much. What is Frontierland these days? People go there to ride two of Disney's mountains, grab crappy fast food at Pecos Bill's (with seating that now goes of forever and ever and ever) and maybe ... see the Country Bears.

There's very little there there anymore and sadly that can be said of much of WDW under the Four Parks: One (stale) world mantra ... it's all about the total package being greater than its individual items. Sadly, Disney marketing isn't lying about that.

I read in one of your post that you are a global warming "kool-aid" drinker. A victim of Al Gore pixie dust I suspect so I now know you can't be reasoned with. I was warned it wasn't possible but I thought I would give it a shot. Bye :wave:

Ah ... so you likely believe global warming is about as true as evolution, WalMarting and that our country is safer now than it was eight years ago, I guess. On a Disney fan site ... what a shock!:D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
God you really are a bunch of boring ________________.

Now, now ... that was a bit uncalled for.

You shouldn't cast aspersions on a whole group despite the actions of some/many individuals.

I am many things, but boring would not be one of them.

Please remember that!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wait. George Michael from "Arrested Development"?? :lookaroun


It's an American thing. From a few years back.

Great show.

Too bad it went right over the heads of most Americans who like their comedies like Two and a Half Men (which essentially is the exact same show every single week).

Arrested Development required attention spans and people paying attention due to its very fast-paced storytelling. People don't appear capable of that anymore ... guess they're too busy texting their pals?

They want to do a movie and hopefully it'll happen.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree. While I've really enjoyed Al Lutz's articles, I've never liked Kevin Yee that much. I remember a long time ago, he wrote a critical article on animal kingdom saying that the aged and worn out look for the african and asian villages went against Walt's vision for a clean looking theme park. Are you kidding me? That's rediculous on every level. The aged and worn out look makes the villages look incredibly authentic.

I haven't read this new column of Kevin's and won't comment until I do.

But as to your point above I do agree. When Kevin wrote that column (much like his critical one about his Disney cruise where it appeared as if he expected rides at sea ... Mr. Toad's Wild Sea Voyage anyone?) it just seemed like he was missing the whole point.

Realism has been a feature of all Disney parks ... even DL to some extent from the beginning. Now, the settings may have been more idealized versions, but it's not as if DAK is gritty and scary.

Of course, I find people missing the real points to be a hallmark of Disney fan sites to begin with so maybe we're being too hard on Mr. Yee.

I think he's highly intelligent and tries hard. ... My 'issue' with him is that he frankly tries too hard to be balanced and often comes off as wishy-washy by trying to steer a moderate course.

I like the Al Lutz approach myself.


Well-Known Member
Naw. It just gets worse from there on out. He makes some good points at the beginning and then goes off on the age old apples to oranges comparison of the cost of a Disney trip vs. the cost of ever other tourist destination in central Florida.

The Tokyo mistake didn't even register to me when I read it initially. Ha. :lol:

Curious... Why is comparing value of Disney vs. competition in Central Fla "apples to oranges"?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The Tokyo mistake didn't even register to me when I read it initially. Ha. :lol:

Curious... Why is comparing value of Disney vs. competition in Central Fla "apples to oranges"?

Because according to many of the fans here Disney has no peer ... people would never consider Universal and Busch to be on par with Disney, let alone offer higher quality/ higher value products.

That's called being high on pixie dust. Disney should runs its parks the way Busch runs theirs.

Anyway ... I am probably confused since I guess I imagined an ode to Jason Garcia thread that I was about to post on that just disappeared like it was never there to begin with.

Time for some egg nog!:xmas:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The Tokyo mistake didn't even register to me when I read it initially. Ha. :lol:

Curious... Why is comparing value of Disney vs. competition in Central Fla "apples to oranges"?
They are far to many "tastes" so to speak that factor into the equation which makes an accurate dollar comparison next to impossible. It is like asking the question "Which is a better value the $8 apple pie or the $12 pecan pie?" You can apply all the math to it you like to try and generate a solution but there is no variable in that equation that will account for the person that hates apple pie. Many have put a similar formula to the central Florida theme parks but none can account for pixie dust. For that reason alone the comparison becomes invalid IMHO.


Well-Known Member
They are far to many "tastes" so to speak that factor into the equation which makes an accurate dollar comparison next to impossible. It is like asking the question "Which is a better value the $8 apple pie or the $12 pecan pie?" You can apply all the math to it you like to try and generate a solution but there is no variable in that equation that will account for the person that hates apple pie. Many have put a similar formula to the central Florida theme parks but none can account for pixie dust. For that reason alone the comparison becomes invalid IMHO.

I'm not sure I agree with that.

There's got to be SOME attempt at comparison between the two. I mean, they're all high end theme parks that offer similar experiences, from shows to attractions to food.

It's true, for example, that Universal offers more "thrills" than Disney. So I could see that as your "apple vs. pecan". But that's not being discussed in the article. All I really see is comparisons between new offerings (irregardless of their thrill level) and prices and food... All of which are common in all of them.

EDIT TO ADD: In your example, you suggested that you can't account for someone who doesn't like apple pie. But I see an article like this as being written for the person that likes all the Central Florida parks... Trying to value them against each other. Of course, some people will slant toward one or the other because of their personal tastes... But to me that's not being factored in here. He's trying to keep it black and white. IMHO, of course.


Well-Known Member
and off we go on another thread drift...

Here we goooooooo....:ROFLOL:

Don't you know that the goal of some here is just to keep this and other negative threads going as long as possible and with increasing post counts? wdw74 even brags about it from time to time. Content is not as important to the OP as much as post counts are.

Guess, I'm contributing to the fiasco this thread has become :lol: :hammer::brick:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Don't you know that the goal of some here is just to keep this and other negative threads going as long as possible and with increasing post counts? wdw74 even brags about it from time to time. Content is not as important to the OP as much as post counts are.

Guess, I'm contributing to the fiasco this thread has become :lol: :hammer::brick:
Post counts don't mean anything! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Post counts don't mean anything! :lookaroun

I have a new theory about wdw74. It seems as if thread counts matter to him and he and his minions are "walmarting" Content is secondary to them just as he accuses Disney of being more concerned with turnstyle counts over content. They just want the negativity out there. Hence almost all the active threads are completely negative in nature

It's all so clear now :).......:ROFLOL:..........:rolleyes:

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