Well-Known Member
I've noticed that a lot of these negative threads are so nitpicky. Place isn't spotless, no prime rib, shorter hours, cuts here and there. It's like unless the place is completely perfect these people make it out that its a disaster. However, they note that they still love going there and are just pointing out the negative aspects because they want things to improve. So what is posting on some internet forum going to accomplish? All it does is just make other people think negatively about the place that they love.
Sure these people want how the parks used to be back, but how much in this world is how it used to be? Look at how much things have changed since back in the 1950s/1970s to now and then to say that you expect to see things the same as they were then. This is how society is in today's world. This is how corporations run, it's all about money and customer service comes second. Saying that Disney won't reflect that in some way is naive. In fact compared to most businesses that I come across these days, Disney's customer service is well above what I find elsewhere. It may not be perfect, but it's still great.
I hear "walmarting" this and that. I think the only people who really complain about this stuff truly are those people who have been to the parks so many times in their lives that nothing is new to them so they start to become so cynical of things that they look for any small thing to complain about. Take a break, go see other places, go back in a few years, maybe you won't go to the park to see that the wood in the doors are chipping or have holes in them. I mean seriously, I'm too busy enjoying myself to even notice those kinds of things and so are the large majority of the millions of other guests who visit WDW yearly.
I understand that they are cutting in light of the economic times, I understand that things aren't being run in the most perfect way, and I understand that they aren't fixing and adding things as often as they should... but it still doesn't take away from the fact that going to WDW is still and will continue to be one heck of a good time.
Everyday I see something new for people to complain about. I bet that 99% of the people that are on here who complain about everything hardly say a negative word about the place when they're actually there unless they have a terrible experience.
I respect the information and the views of the less than positive people here, but geez, give it a break sometimes.
Sure these people want how the parks used to be back, but how much in this world is how it used to be? Look at how much things have changed since back in the 1950s/1970s to now and then to say that you expect to see things the same as they were then. This is how society is in today's world. This is how corporations run, it's all about money and customer service comes second. Saying that Disney won't reflect that in some way is naive. In fact compared to most businesses that I come across these days, Disney's customer service is well above what I find elsewhere. It may not be perfect, but it's still great.
I hear "walmarting" this and that. I think the only people who really complain about this stuff truly are those people who have been to the parks so many times in their lives that nothing is new to them so they start to become so cynical of things that they look for any small thing to complain about. Take a break, go see other places, go back in a few years, maybe you won't go to the park to see that the wood in the doors are chipping or have holes in them. I mean seriously, I'm too busy enjoying myself to even notice those kinds of things and so are the large majority of the millions of other guests who visit WDW yearly.
I understand that they are cutting in light of the economic times, I understand that things aren't being run in the most perfect way, and I understand that they aren't fixing and adding things as often as they should... but it still doesn't take away from the fact that going to WDW is still and will continue to be one heck of a good time.
Everyday I see something new for people to complain about. I bet that 99% of the people that are on here who complain about everything hardly say a negative word about the place when they're actually there unless they have a terrible experience.
I respect the information and the views of the less than positive people here, but geez, give it a break sometimes.