Slash and Burn ...


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that a lot of these negative threads are so nitpicky. Place isn't spotless, no prime rib, shorter hours, cuts here and there. It's like unless the place is completely perfect these people make it out that its a disaster. However, they note that they still love going there and are just pointing out the negative aspects because they want things to improve. So what is posting on some internet forum going to accomplish? All it does is just make other people think negatively about the place that they love.

Sure these people want how the parks used to be back, but how much in this world is how it used to be? Look at how much things have changed since back in the 1950s/1970s to now and then to say that you expect to see things the same as they were then. This is how society is in today's world. This is how corporations run, it's all about money and customer service comes second. Saying that Disney won't reflect that in some way is naive. In fact compared to most businesses that I come across these days, Disney's customer service is well above what I find elsewhere. It may not be perfect, but it's still great.

I hear "walmarting" this and that. I think the only people who really complain about this stuff truly are those people who have been to the parks so many times in their lives that nothing is new to them so they start to become so cynical of things that they look for any small thing to complain about. Take a break, go see other places, go back in a few years, maybe you won't go to the park to see that the wood in the doors are chipping or have holes in them. I mean seriously, I'm too busy enjoying myself to even notice those kinds of things and so are the large majority of the millions of other guests who visit WDW yearly.

I understand that they are cutting in light of the economic times, I understand that things aren't being run in the most perfect way, and I understand that they aren't fixing and adding things as often as they should... but it still doesn't take away from the fact that going to WDW is still and will continue to be one heck of a good time.

Everyday I see something new for people to complain about. I bet that 99% of the people that are on here who complain about everything hardly say a negative word about the place when they're actually there unless they have a terrible experience.

I respect the information and the views of the less than positive people here, but geez, give it a break sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that a lot of these negative threads are so nitpicky. Place isn't spotless, no prime rib, shorter hours, cuts here and there. It's like unless the place is completely perfect these people make it out that its a disaster. However, they note that they still love going there and are just pointing out the negative aspects because they want things to improve. So what is posting on some internet forum going to accomplish? All it does is just make other people think negatively about the place that they love.

Sure these people want how the parks used to be back, but how much in this world is how it used to be? Look at how much things have changed since back in the 1950s/1970s to now and then to say that you expect to see things the same as they were then. This is how society is in today's world. This is how corporations run, it's all about money and customer service comes second. Saying that Disney won't reflect that in some way is naive. In fact compared to most businesses that I come across these days, Disney's customer service is well above what I find elsewhere. It may not be perfect, but it's still great.

I hear "walmarting" this and that. I think the only people who really complain about this stuff truly are those people who have been to the parks so many times in their lives that nothing is new to them so they start to become so cynical of things that they look for any small thing to complain about. Take a break, go see other places, go back in a few years, maybe you won't go to the park to see that the wood in the doors are chipping or have holes in them. I mean seriously, I'm too busy enjoying myself to even notice those kinds of things and so are the large majority of the millions of other guests who visit WDW yearly.

I understand that they are cutting in light of the economic times, I understand that things aren't being run in the most perfect way, and I understand that they aren't fixing and adding things as often as they should... but it still doesn't take away from the fact that going to WDW is still and will continue to be one heck of a good time.

Everyday I see something new for people to complain about. I bet that 99% of the people that are on here who complain about everything hardly say a negative word about the place when they're actually there unless they have a terrible experience.

I respect the information and the views of the less than positive people here, but geez, give it a break sometimes.

Very well said. Thanks, you speak for a lot of us who are not here to listen to cynicism for and by cynics. With "Mr Nak" being the exception to the rule.

Good night. :dazzle:


Active Member
Don't you know that the goal of some here is just to keep this and other negative threads going as long as possible and with increasing post counts? wdw74 even brags about it from time to time. Content is not as important to the OP as much as post counts are.
Guess, I'm contributing to the fiasco this thread has become :lol: :hammer::brick:

This thread keeps going because of the countless attacks on the OP. It makes for entertaining reading, but the original intent of the thread somehow gets lost.
te=MontyMon;3286468]Post counts don't mean anything! :lookaroun[/quote]
I'm not so sure about that. Evidently the more post is an indication that at least some people are interested in what's being said. Unfortunating WDW1974's post seem to irrate people so they naturally have a high count as people feel compelled to post in them. It's always amusing to be how folks find it so easy to critsize WDW1974 which is exactly what they accuse him of doing to others.
I have a new theory about wdw74. It seems as if thread counts matter to him and he and his minions are "walmarting" Content is secondary to them just as he accuses Disney of being more concerned with turnstyle counts over content. They just want the negativity out there. Hence almost all the active threads are completely negative in nature

It's all so clear now :).......:ROFLOL:..........:rolleyes:

Sorry folks, the AC is not coming back. The sooner you accept that the sooner you will be able to move on with your lives :king:
Perhaps negative threads resonate to a majority of people here. Let's face it you can only have so many post about why you love Pineapple Dole Whips. Negative threads are also a plea to TWDC to wake up before they diminish the Magic to the true WDW fans. I happen to believe a negative thread can have a positive outcome. It allows differing opinions to emerge. There will always be more positive threads in a WDW forum rather than negative ones. I think it's fair to have both.


Active Member
I've noticed that a lot of these negative threads are so nitpicky. Place isn't spotless, no prime rib, shorter hours, cuts here and there. It's like unless the place is completely perfect these people make it out that its a disaster. However, they note that they still love going there and are just pointing out the negative aspects because they want things to improve. So what is posting on some internet forum going to accomplish? All it does is just make other people think negatively about the place that they love.

Sure these people want how the parks used to be back, but how much in this world is how it used to be? Look at how much things have changed since back in the 1950s/1970s to now and then to say that you expect to see things the same as they were then. This is how society is in today's world. This is how corporations run, it's all about money and customer service comes second. Saying that Disney won't reflect that in some way is naive. In fact compared to most businesses that I come across these days, Disney's customer service is well above what I find elsewhere. It may not be perfect, but it's still great.

I hear "walmarting" this and that. I think the only people who really complain about this stuff truly are those people who have been to the parks so many times in their lives that nothing is new to them so they start to become so cynical of things that they look for any small thing to complain about. Take a break, go see other places, go back in a few years, maybe you won't go to the park to see that the wood in the doors are chipping or have holes in them. I mean seriously, I'm too busy enjoying myself to even notice those kinds of things and so are the large majority of the millions of other guests who visit WDW yearly.

I understand that they are cutting in light of the economic times, I understand that things aren't being run in the most perfect way, and I understand that they aren't fixing and adding things as often as they should... but it still doesn't take away from the fact that going to WDW is still and will continue to be one heck of a good time.

Everyday I see something new for people to complain about. I bet that 99% of the people that are on here who complain about everything hardly say a negative word about the place when they're actually there unless they have a terrible experience.

I respect the information and the views of the less than positive people here, but geez, give it a break sometimes.
Does this mean you are content with WDW offering you less while charging you more.
You seem to miss the overall point of some of these post. It wasn't about Prime Rib. it was about the lowering standards all around.
I'm glad you are happy with the idea that this isn't the 50's so therefore we should not complain about things, and accept what WDW chooses to offer us. Just remember Disney set the standard for themselves, I didn't.


Well-Known Member
Does this mean you are content with WDW offering you less while charging you more.
You seem to miss the overall point of some of these post. It wasn't about Prime Rib. it was about the lowering standards all around.
I'm glad you are happy with the idea that this isn't the 50's so therefore we should not complain about things, and accept what WDW chooses to offer us. Just remember Disney set the standard for themselves, I didn't.

I agree that changes need to be made, but I'm not in a position nor is anyone else here to make those changes. This board has 50,000 members. Let's say that maybe 30% of them are active members (I would venture a much lower guess), that means that 15,000 members are active. If all of those people complained to Disney and stopped going, Disney probably wouldn't even notice (nor would they probably notice much if 50,000 members stopped going).

We all see that things need to change a bit, but also you're thinking of things from a customer's POV while they're thinking of things from the business side. Maybe there isn't the correct leadership at the top, I'm not the one to say.

However, I do know that a business' goal is to increase shareholders' wealth. That's the #1 priority. Any public company is trying to do that, heck in business school, that's what they teach from day one. Increase shareholders' wealth. Well, when the economy is crappy and you expect business to take a hit, meaning less revenue. Well, guess what? You won't be increasing the wealth of your shareholders, aka the people who own the company. So you need to make cuts to help keep that wealth up.

I understand that Disney sitting idle in the "wait to see what happens" stance may not be the greatest strategy. However, these guys who make the decisions make a whole lot more than I do to do what they do. I'm sure they know a bit more about economics and running a business than I do and everyone else here (unless we have some executives of Fortune 500 companies among us). I hope that they don't get burned when things recover. However, unless Disney is willing to dish out the cash to pay for everything you all want, where are they going to get the money? Surely not from loans considering no one is lending right now. So where is this cash flow coming from?

Yes, I get it, things weren't in tip top shape even before this melt down, but geez give the company a break, at least for now. Every decision that these executives make during this kind of crisis could have a huge impact on the company. Criticizing every little thing they do won't accomplish anything. If you want to go to Disney, go, enjoy yourself. Stop looking at the doors with a magnifying glass, stop complaining about what they serve in the buffets, and stop complaining that you can't eat off the sidewalks. Otherwise, just go somewhere else for the time being. There are millions of places to go in this world. I know it sounds dismissive and childish to say, but now is really not the time to be making your demands to any company.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I'm not sure I agree with that.

There's got to be SOME attempt at comparison between the two. I mean, they're all high end theme parks that offer similar experiences, from shows to attractions to food.

It's true, for example, that Universal offers more "thrills" than Disney. So I could see that as your "apple vs. pecan". But that's not being discussed in the article. All I really see is comparisons between new offerings (irregardless of their thrill level) and prices and food... All of which are common in all of them.

EDIT TO ADD: In your example, you suggested that you can't account for someone who doesn't like apple pie. But I see an article like this as being written for the person that likes all the Central Florida parks... Trying to value them against each other. Of course, some people will slant toward one or the other because of their personal tastes... But to me that's not being factored in here. He's trying to keep it black and white. IMHO, of course.
Exactley my point. He is being black and white but in a colored world. The thing that the spread sheets comparing the price of park tickets, number of roller coasters, etc can never show that feeling you get when you see the castle, the belly laugh you get when you get soaked by a killer whale, etc. Those are the "tastes" that I described that don't show up on a spread sheet and can make or break a great experience.

I have been to WDW, US/IOA, Sea World and Bush Gardens and enjoyed all of them immensely but in my mind Disney is the cream of the crop and it does not matter to me if the spread sheets show that Bush Gardens is a better value because it rates 1.3 screams higher on the Yee thrilometer.


Well-Known Member
I have a new theory about wdw74. It seems as if thread counts matter to him and he and his minions are "walmarting" Content is secondary to them just as he accuses Disney of being more concerned with turnstyle counts over content. They just want the negativity out there. Hence almost all the active threads are completely negative in nature

It's all so clear now :).......:ROFLOL:..........:rolleyes:

Sorry folks, the AC is not coming back. The sooner you accept that the sooner you will be able to move on with your lives :king:

I finally see the light...everything is now making sense. I understand the existence of wdw74 and his followers...jt04 has risin to the Messiah title before wdw74 achieved it...all hail jt!!!


(that was in reference to another post of mine in another thread)

but the term walmarting now makes sense to me!

on a more serious note


These negative threads really are making this site a drag. Just about every thread in the News and Rumors section or the General Discussion section is about something depressing. The site is slowly changing from a WDW Fan site to a WDW Nostalgic Remember When site...


Active Member
I agree that changes need to be made, but I'm not in a position nor is anyone else here to make those changes. This board has 50,000 members. Let's say that maybe 30% of them are active members (I would venture a much lower guess), that means that 15,000 members are active. If all of those people complained to Disney and stopped going, Disney probably wouldn't even notice (nor would they probably notice much if 50,000 members stopped going).

We all see that things need to change a bit, but also you're thinking of things from a customer's POV while they're thinking of things from the business side. Maybe there isn't the correct leadership at the top, I'm not the one to say.

However, I do know that a business' goal is to increase shareholders' wealth. That's the #1 priority. Any public company is trying to do that, heck in business school, that's what they teach from day one. Increase shareholders' wealth. Well, when the economy is crappy and you expect business to take a hit, meaning less revenue. Well, guess what? You won't be increasing the wealth of your shareholders, aka the people who own the company. So you need to make cuts to help keep that wealth up.

I understand that Disney sitting idle in the "wait to see what happens" stance may not be the greatest strategy. However, these guys who make the decisions make a whole lot more than I do to do what they do. I'm sure they know a bit more about economics and running a business than I do and everyone else here (unless we have some executives of Fortune 500 companies among us). I hope that they don't get burned when things recover. However, unless Disney is willing to dish out the cash to pay for everything you all want, where are they going to get the money? Surely not from loans considering no one is lending right now. So where is this cash flow coming from?

Yes, I get it, things weren't in tip top shape even before this melt down, but geez give the company a break, at least for now. Every decision that these executives make during this kind of crisis could have a huge impact on the company. Criticizing every little thing they do won't accomplish anything. If you want to go to Disney, go, enjoy yourself. Stop looking at the doors with a magnifying glass, stop complaining about what they serve in the buffets, and stop complaining that you can't eat off the sidewalks. Otherwise, just go somewhere else for the time being. There are millions of places to go in this world. I know it sounds dismissive and childish to say, but now is really not the time to be making your demands to any company.
You make some interesting points, and I agree with some of the things you have said. I agree the negativity can be depressing at times, however I am not the cause of it. Walt Disney demanded high standards. We should do the same. We should not simply turn our back to the problems by remaining silent. This is an extremely popular Disney web site. It gets read by both WDW executives, and the news media. You might be surprised by the influence a few people have on initiating change. Look what Adam managed to do in getting recognition for Epcot's 25th.
The only demand I am placing on WDW is to get their standards back to what they once were. I'm not asking for multiple new e-ticket rides.
Do you see corporations like all the auto makers saying, buy our product, we are increasing the cost, and giving you less. They aren't doing that. They are trying to give people an incentive to try their product. The buy 4 get 3 deal was a good incentive offered by Disney. However cutting back on entertainment, and lowering quality detracts from the original intent of offering the deal in the first place.
I finally see the light...everything is now making sense. I understand the existence of wdw74 and his followers...jt04 has risin to the Messiah title before wdw74 achieved it...all hail jt!!!


(that was in reference to another post of mine in another thread)

but the term walmarting now makes sense to me!

on a more serious note


These negative threads really are making this site a drag. Just about every thread in the News and Rumors section or the General Discussion section is about something depressing. The site is slowly changing from a WDW Fan site to a WDW Nostalgic Remember When site...
Could it be there is an underlying reason for all the negative threads. Perhaps people do not like some of the directions WDW is taking presently. In a perfect world like Walt Disney attempted to create everything would be positive. Unfortunately the times, and some actions taken by TWDC have brought us as well as WDW, back into the real world.


Well-Known Member
Before you read the rest of my post, please understand, I am not attacking epcotWSC individually. I've tried to remain silent on this whole thing but, this post gave me the perfect opportunity to share my thoughts. Apologies in advance for such a long post.:o

I've noticed that a lot of these negative threads are so nitpicky. Place isn't spotless, no prime rib, shorter hours, cuts here and there. It's like unless the place is completely perfect these people make it out that its a disaster.

It is not that they are "making it out to look like a disaster". Rather, they are giving real information and (sometimes) their take on it. Most of the information out of WDW (not just from certain posters) has not been good lately. A few bits of good information have come out of WDW, such as the HOP refurb, and many of these same posters have lamented how good those changes are.
These are trivial things that are discussed, like "oh water fountain #87 at MK wasn't working today." What is discussed is things that when combined with other existing problems seriously put a hamper on a resort that promotes itself as the best in the world. For example, when you have what are supposedly 4 of the top 10 theme parks attendance-wise worldwide cutting hours that are already oddly short (Epcot, #6 worldwide, closes at 9 pm every-day) it isn't just running a responsible business, that is just squeezing the cash-cow dry and using the poor economy as a scapegoat.

However, they note that they still love going there and are just pointing out the negative aspects because they want things to improve. So what is posting on some internet forum going to accomplish? All it does is just make other people think negatively about the place that they love.

Sure these people want how the parks used to be back, but how much in this world is how it used to be? Look at how much things have changed since back in the 1950s/1970s to now and then to say that you expect to see things the same as they were then. This is how society is in today's world. This is how corporations run, it's all about money and customer service comes second. Saying that Disney won't reflect that in some way is naive. In fact compared to most businesses that I come across these days, Disney's customer service is well above what I find elsewhere. It may not be perfect, but it's still great.

The thing is, the Disney theme parks whole business is customer service. Somehow, the WDW resort has convinced itself that if it removes, slowly but surely, a great portion of the service it is providing and in the long term people will still come in the same amounts and not even recognize that less is being give. It may work for other Disney Company divisions but, I can guarantee you it will end in disaster for WDW.

I hear "walmarting" this and that. I think the only people who really complain about this stuff truly are those people who have been to the parks so many times in their lives that nothing is new to them so they start to become so cynical of things that they look for any small thing to complain about. Take a break, go see other places, go back in a few years, maybe you won't go to the park to see that the wood in the doors are chipping or have holes in them. I mean seriously, I'm too busy enjoying myself to even notice those kinds of things and so are the large majority of the millions of other guests who visit WDW yearly.

What you are talking about only a small minority of the fanbase notices. What has been discussed here is more than "paint chipping on a door", this is blatantly sleazy moves by inept management to cut costs in hopes that the general public won't notice and that us fans, the foamers, won't notice.

My first visit was in 1997 and I 've gone yearly since then. I have had a good time every trip but, I've also noticed many things that are lame attempts by Execs to pad the bottom line. With first visit having been just over a decade ago, I have no recollection of the "good ol' days" of the early to mid 80s. Even with that "disadvantage" I know that things are not as good as they used to be and I noticed this before the big economic meltdown this year.

However, they note that they still love going there and are just pointing out the negative aspects because they want things to improve. So what is posting on some internet forum going to accomplish? All it does is just make other people think negatively about the place that they love.
I understand that they are cutting in light of the economic times, I understand that things aren't being run in the most perfect way, and I understand that they aren't fixing and adding things as often as they should... but it still doesn't take away from the fact that going to WDW is still and will continue to be one heck of a good time.

The problem is, that with WDW doing what you mentioned above, and you and I (because I am as guilty as you are of doing this) continually giving them our $$ for a slightly diminished experience, they become okay with that "temporary" or "risky" cut that they made in quality and then that slightly diminished experience becomes even more diminished with the next cut. It's like continually giving money to your drug-addicted kid. Some tough love maybe in order, even if you don't want to admit it. I'm as or more guilty than everyone else here, so don't think that this is the pot calling the kettle black. I'm not sure what is the best way to make a point to WDW, there does not seems to be a general consensus on the most effective strategy but, something has to be done.

Everyday I see something new for people to complain about. I bet that 99% of the people that are on here who complain about everything hardly say a negative word about the place when they're actually there unless they have a terrible experience.

Actually, I do mention to my family (who are definitely not foamers like me) when I see things that are blatantly cheesy or sleazy at WDW. Do I point out the overflowing trashcan at Epcot? No. That's a trivial problem in the grand scheme of things. What I point out is that an attraction (let's say Splash Mountain) recently went down for a refurbishment yet, they didn't bother to fix some of the animatronics or the loud hissing noise coming from them. Or I point out the fact that somehow the oldest Space Mountain wasn't the first or second to get a major refurbishment. Do I ruin the trip for my family or myself? No. All I do is keep a mental note of these problems. In 2006, I began to seriously contemplate not coming back the next year and going somewhere different (be it Disneyland or New York City). Instead though, I brought myself to go again in 2007 and 2008.
I'm not sure if I'll go next year, the economy's impact on me has not helped matters either. Unlike in 2006 and 2007 when I contemplated not going the next year, this time I'm perfectly complacent with that. My local park, Worlds of Fun, is going ahead with it's major new ride, Prowler, and has been striving for the last couple of years to improve itself in every way. While it may not be a Disney park, it is trying to be the best that it possibly can be. I can't say the same thing anymore about WDW and it hurts me (as lame as that sounds, it really does).

I respect the information and the views of the less than positive people here, but geez, give it a break sometimes.

I don't understand why so many people (who have a problem with '74 and others) continue to respond, multiple times may I add, to his and others posts. Maybe, subconsciencely some people (I'm not singling anyone out, please understand) don't want to accept what is being shown to them. To use a seasonally-appropriate analogy, said fan is 8 years old and they're being told Santa doesn't really exist and they wont face facts.

While '74 in particular can be brash at times he has good reason to be. I can't believe what people post about any other member who shares dismal information, it's incredible, especially to someone like '74, who has more than proven that he knows what he's talking about. Are people so incredibly lazy that they can't check out other websites (a certain place where you laugh) and see that WDW1974 doesn't just pull this stuff out his ? I mean it's appalling, there are more people around here who believed what Re-disEdew (or what ever his name was) wrote than what '74 is posting. All I can say to that is well...WOW!:confused:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This thread keeps going because of the countless attacks on the OP. It makes for entertaining reading, but the original intent of the thread somehow gets lost.
te=MontyMon;3286468]Post counts don't mean anything! :lookaroun
I'm not so sure about that. Evidently the more post is an indication that at least some people are interested in what's being said. Unfortunating WDW1974's post seem to irrate people so they naturally have a high count as people feel compelled to post in them. It's always amusing to be how folks find it so easy to critsize WDW1974 which is exactly what they accuse him of doing to others. [/quote]

Well said. There are two posters who just posted/complained about the length of this thread and that was their whole purpose.

I guess they figure if they about me/negative threads enough some mean moderator with zero tolerance for free (i.e. negative WDW) speech will disappear.

Perhaps negative threads resonate to a majority of people here. Let's face it you can only have so many post about why you love Pineapple Dole Whips. Negative threads are also a plea to TWDC to wake up before they diminish the Magic to the true WDW fans. I happen to believe a negative thread can have a positive outcome. It allows differing opinions to emerge. There will always be more positive threads in a WDW forum rather than negative ones. I think it's fair to have both.

Frankly, Dole Whips are overrated. They've also been shrunk in size by close to 50% over the past few years (has anyone pointed this out on this site?) Frankly, they taste much better on the Dole plantation on Oahu (there he goes dropping the fact that his travels go beyond Toontown Faire!) where you can get all kind of flavors in addition to pineapple and you also can make sundaes too ... they taste great with caramel and toasted coconut (Attention Disney: you could make more $$$ by expanding the offerings likewise!)

Speaking of which, I'll bet Disney will offer some kind of plantation tours when their DVC resort opens at Ko Olina (pst ... would I be name-dropping if I said I've stayed at the Marriott resort there?)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Does this mean you are content with WDW offering you less while charging you more.
You seem to miss the overall point of some of these post. It wasn't about Prime Rib. it was about the lowering standards all around.
I'm glad you are happy with the idea that this isn't the 50's so therefore we should not complain about things, and accept what WDW chooses to offer us. Just remember Disney set the standard for themselves, I didn't.

Many people sadly are content to pay more and accept less.

Of course that thread wasn't about simply prime rib (although it was mighty tasty at Boma).

It's about the insidious nature of WalMarting.

So many people ... fans ... don't even know/understand what true Disney standards are.

They're used to and content with riding attractions with many effects (even key ones on new atractions like EE) non-functional ... same with parks that are far less than pristine as they once were ... or hotel rooms with filthy carpeting and trash under the beds ... or empty dead zones in parks where attractions, shops or dining venues used to be ... or shops that all sell the same cheap Disney crap and clash with their themed area ... or lead CMs working on stage in Gap wear with cell phones, blackberrys and lanyards ... or viewing 20 year old parades ... or having Epcot close at 9 every night or etc ...

I could go on and on ... but that's just the point. WalMarting has been happening since the change of Disney's parks' business model back in the 1990s when the MBAs, consultants and outsiders all told Disney how to break a business model that worked for decades.

The cutting started when things both in our national economy as well as at WDW couldn't have been better ... and since then, in good times and bad, it's all been about cutting more ... charging guests more and providing less.

It's a very simple concept. You'd think the concept wouldn't go over most heads here.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
on a more serious note


These negative threads really are making this site a drag. Just about every thread in the News and Rumors section or the General Discussion section is about something depressing. The site is slowly changing from a WDW Fan site to a WDW Nostalgic Remember When site...

See ... I wasn't told there was a rule that you had to be a Kool Aid drinker to post here.

I will tell you this, pal, you'll be hard-pressed to find a bigger Disney AND WDW fan anywhere than yours truly.

The fact I am unhappy with many things current management has done and is doing should in no way mask that.

And I don't want, expect or would enjoy a WDW that was museum-like and never changed. But I will bemoan and defend until my last online post the fact WDW has been greatly diminished over the past dozen or so years ... if that rings of nostalgia than so be it.

I enjoy WDW today ... for what it is. ... And it's that qualifier that truly saddens me because for decades it wasn't needed.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Before you read the rest of my post, please understand, I am not attacking epcotWSC individually. I've tried to remain silent on this whole thing but, this post gave me the perfect opportunity to share my thoughts. Apologies in advance for such a long post.:o

No apologies are necessary for thoughful long posts.

Some spirits here tend to be longwinded even when they don't quite have to be!:wave:

Anyway ... I just wanted to say you should post more often ... and not just because of the following:

I don't understand why so many people (who have a problem with '74 and others) continue to respond, multiple times may I add, to his and others posts. Maybe, subconsciencely some people (I'm not singling anyone out, please understand) don't want to accept what is being shown to them. To use a seasonally-appropriate analogy, said fan is 8 years old and they're being told Santa doesn't really exist and they wont face facts.

While '74 in particular can be brash at times he has good reason to be. I can't believe what people post about any other member who shares dismal information, it's incredible, especially to someone like '74, who has more than proven that he knows what he's talking about. Are people so incredibly lazy that they can't check out other websites (a certain place where you laugh) and see that WDW1974 doesn't just pull this stuff out his ? I mean it's appalling, there are more people around here who believed what Re-disEdew (or what ever his name was) wrote than what '74 is posting. All I can say to that is well...WOW!:confused:

That's what it really comes down. People do take it like I'm telling them there's no Santa. Well, guess what .... :xmas:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm with you! It fit, and it was innovative as hell! :D

If you are speaking of Alien Encounter, I absolutely agree.

Instead we have a dumbed down attraction that only a nine year old boy could love.

But at least we have a character tie-in.

The fact this attraction isn't nearly as popular as what it replaced doesn't seem to matter.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Doesn't ANYONE remember that AE was a walk on as well for nearly five years before it closed ?

It wasn't a walk on most times I was there. It often had long (relatively speaking) waits.

I've never seen substantial lines for Stitch's Great Belch Off!

I can also tell you that the numbers for SGE have not exceeded those of AE in any full year since its opening.

Of course, Disney will point to the sales of Stitch merchandise as justification for the attraction.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Doesn't ANYONE remember that AE was a walk on as well for nearly five years before it closed ?

Heck - it was only open for 8.3 years. There are many attractions that can be walk ons, depending upon crowds.

Edit: Most times that I experienced the attraction there was a line that wrapped around to the NW of the building,


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a walk on most times I was there. It often had long (relatively speaking) waits.

I've never seen substantial lines for Stitch's Great Belch Off!

I can also tell you that the numbers for SGE have not exceeded those of AE in any full year since its opening.

Of course, Disney will point to the sales of Stitch merchandise as justification for the attraction.

Heck - it was only open for 8.3 years. There are many attractions that can be walk ons, depending upon crowds.

Edit: Most times that I experienced the attraction there was a line that wrapped around to the NW of the building,
I agree. I do not remember that attraction ever being a walk-on. I would also dare to say that it was an innovative and great attraction.

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