Slash and Burn ...

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Just what we need ... more lawyers.

Hey did you hear the joke 'What do you call a million dead lawyers on the bottom of the sea?' .... Not nearly enough!

For the record, I think WDWFigment is a pretty good egg. But I'm guessing he's heard some good lawyer jokes in his time, too. :)


Well-Known Member
I am not stuck anywhere (except in Florida right now!).

But the idea that the ways that worked for 40 years (25 in FLA) of theme park operation, the ways that were thrown out when the consultants and other outsiders were brought in wouldn't work now is very simplistic.

It is part and parcel of WalMarting.

It's much like folks saying we have to lay off 35,000 workers and send jobs to India to be 'lean and mean' and 'compete in a global marketplace' ... it sounds good to Wall Street, but it is destroying our country. But it doesn't matter, the folks who lose those $80,000 a year jobs ... they'll do just fine on $9 an hour 20 hours a week at Starbucks or Target (IF and that's a huge IF they can get hired).

OK ... heading off on a tangent, but your point rings true of that mindset.

That it's 2008 and we can't do things like we did 20 years. That would never work.

Why not?

Because you've changed your business model? Because making a profit isn't even enough? Because your consultants have said quality live entertainment isn't what WDW visitors want, bur rather ALL character meet-greet-and-gropes?

The Diamond Horseshoe didn't suddenly stop working. People were still filling it up for performances. It didn't lose touch with its audience. Disney decided to kill it for cheaper, dumber entertainment.

That would be crazy. It's in Frontierland because that's where a western-themed saloon show belongs. Not DD. Same reason you would never move Hoop De Doo to DD.

But I still haven't heard a legit reason from you (or anyone else, including Disney execs I've spoken to) as to why this show had to die ... other than money.

AD? Assistant director. Arrested development (what a great show!)

Well ... I am sure there are many here who would just like my voice silenced to fit their own agendas and World views.

But I can play nice!:cool:

Wow, where to start. There is a rain forest, a dinosaur forest, a HoB's, a circus, a riverboat and an Irish pub in DTD amoung other themes. I think they could shoehorn in a DH show or Hoop-de-doo. Especially now that the Dixie Stampede is closed.

I read in one of your post that you are a global warming "kool-aid" drinker. A victim of Al Gore pixie dust I suspect so I now know you can't be reasoned with. I was warned it wasn't possible but I thought I would give it a shot. Bye :wave:


New Member
You really need to drop the obsession with me ... it's not healthy.

I called John 'John' because that's his blanking name.

I have met John (does that make you feel insignificant?) ... I have spoken with him a few times (as an aside, he is a human being not a god ... you do know this right?) ... he was very gracious to me ... as to us going way back well, the first time I met him was in 2000 so does that go far enough back for you? I am not close to John ... we aren't fishing buds ... don't golf together ... but sometimes I do cross paths in the real world (again, does something like that make you feel insignificant? cause it sure seems like it!)

I guess some folks here feel so insignificant that they'll nip at anything.

It's tiresome, but I guess that's what you do when you can't add anything substanitively to a discussion.

Wow, for someone who dishes it out right and left, you sure do get your feathers ruffled easily, don't you? :lol:


New Member
I post the way I post. Period. I respond in kind to the way I am responded to.

I am not here to be endearing. People decide very quickly whether or not they like my message or not ... and once they do, they don't change sides.

Ah, if I had a nickel for every time I've encountered this mentality. I always laugh whenever someone goes out of their way to promote themselves as a person who is inflexible and makes statements such as "I post the way I post". I think this behavior is driven by the fact that, generally speaking, we do tend to respect and admire people who stand up for what they believe in and aren't swayed by popular opinion or afraid to speak their minds. Consequently, every now and then you encounter someone who basically advertises themselves as being that way (People who truly are that way never seem to find the need to advertise it or promote that about themselves). Another common characteristic is that they seem to focus solely on just the nasty comments, apparently thinking that this will make others respect them and say, "Wow that guy sure isn't afraid to tell it like it is." But let's face it, we never respect people who behave that way, but try telling them that. Your posts can generally be translated as "Please everyone, respect me! Look, I speak my mind and I don't care what anyone thinks. Doesn't that make you all look up to me? Also I'm on a first name basis with all these important people who probably don't even remember my name...assuming I'm even being honest in the first place about having met them. What's that, you don't respect me? Well then,....umm.....uhhh... you must feel really insignificant then." :hammer:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
While I'd love to say something about that last sentence, it wouldn't last here 30 seconds so I'll just set the record straight about WalMart ...

They lower prices and lower quality UNTIL they put their competitors out of business and then they RAISE prices since there's no one to compete with.

A similar Disney example would be Disney offering the DDP
to entice people into buying packages and then also lowering quality and raising menu prices accordingly. At first (especially in 'free' periods) DDP seems like a great value ... but the quality is being dropped ... and the more DDPs Disney sells the greater incentive to increase prices across the board (to make it appear that folks are getting a 'bargain' when that hamburger at Chefs de France -- an absolute insult -- is $23) so that's what they do.

Net result: captive audience, lower quality, less variety, higher menu price points.
Perfect point and great example.....


New Member
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify my previous statements. I never meant to imply that the value was not consistent with the price, but rather that the system is entirely set up for the emptying of the pocketbook.

So yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I empty my pants at WDW and I enjoy every last minute of it!


Well-Known Member
But let's face it, we never respect people who behave that way, but try telling them that. Your posts can generally be translated as "Please everyone, respect me! Look, I speak my mind and I don't care what anyone thinks. Doesn't that make you all look up to me?

God you really are a bunch of boring ________________.

Oddly enough, when I read the first post, the first thought I had was "Well, that applies to all except for Mr. Nak"

And lo and behold, he does not disappoint :)



Well-Known Member
FIRST post


Greetings, this is my first post @ WDWM
have read with interest on this thread the
battle royale:

WDW1974 VS. jeddimaster1227

I like posts that state their point. BUT when
the response posts becomes a short novel
in length for the internet, I STOP reading :snore:!



New Member
Here's to hoping they aren't full of *%#@, like some of the posts in this thread! :ROFLOL:

I'm sorry, but I refuse to waste my 1000th post on some ridiculous conversation about what resides on the inside of my - OH GREAT!



Well-Known Member
I swear Kevin Yee's reading this thread... Hi Kevin!! :wave::lol:

Pretty much dead-on exactly what's being discussed in this thread.

At least the "on-topic" portion of the discussion. :lookaroun

And I think this makes it three times in this thread alone that I've said "I agree with Kevin Yee".

A thrill ride for the Tokyo pavilion in Epcot


Tokyo Pavilion? Should I even read the rest of the article?

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