I am not stuck anywhere (except in Florida right now!).
But the idea that the ways that worked for 40 years (25 in FLA) of theme park operation, the ways that were thrown out when the consultants and other outsiders were brought in wouldn't work now is very simplistic.
It is part and parcel of WalMarting.
It's much like folks saying we have to lay off 35,000 workers and send jobs to India to be 'lean and mean' and 'compete in a global marketplace' ... it sounds good to Wall Street, but it is destroying our country. But it doesn't matter, the folks who lose those $80,000 a year jobs ... they'll do just fine on $9 an hour 20 hours a week at Starbucks or Target (IF and that's a huge IF they can get hired).
OK ... heading off on a tangent, but your point rings true of that mindset.
That it's 2008 and we can't do things like we did 20 years. That would never work.
Why not?
Because you've changed your business model? Because making a profit isn't even enough? Because your consultants have said quality live entertainment isn't what WDW visitors want, bur rather ALL character meet-greet-and-gropes?
The Diamond Horseshoe didn't suddenly stop working. People were still filling it up for performances. It didn't lose touch with its audience. Disney decided to kill it for cheaper, dumber entertainment.
That would be crazy. It's in Frontierland because that's where a western-themed saloon show belongs. Not DD. Same reason you would never move Hoop De Doo to DD.
But I still haven't heard a legit reason from you (or anyone else, including Disney execs I've spoken to) as to why this show had to die ... other than money.
AD? Assistant director. Arrested development (what a great show!)
Well ... I am sure there are many here who would just like my voice silenced to fit their own agendas and World views.
But I can play nice!