Completely agree with you Lee....
Has anyone considered that maybe, just MAYBE, another reason Guests 'hate it' is because when the lights go out during the show they actually have to USE their own imaginations for once? Think about it: We as a society in general are slowly sinking away from using our own minds in creative ways thanks to televison and other visual mediums. When the lights go out in a attraction Joe Average and his young family are experiencing..they are expecting to see some fancy, flashy special effects or other visually enhancing elements. Never for a minute were they expecting they would have to use their own imaginations to produce the 'thrill'.
I have been thinking about this, and it could be just one small reason to add to the long list of why SGE is such a issue. Personally, i am not overly bothered by the attraction. I LIKE it for what it is. I liked AE too..but can understand why it was changed. SGE is like a crossroad. The primary appeal for me is the AA's and the concept execution. Of course, i have always had a over-active imagination and enjoy the 'lights out' segments. Today's overstimulated Guests however probably find it a huge dissapointment. 'What a cop out....they just shut the lights off instead of doing something cool'.....when in reality they completely MISSED the point: USING YOUR IMAGINATION!
Sorry for the rant...just had to point out this might also be considered.
Happiness and a MERRY Krishnamas!!!