Slash and Burn ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but simple-minded people will believe anything that authority figures tell them.

After all, if someone has managed to become a Disney exec it must be because they are talented ... the best ... the cream of the crop!:rolleyes:

The Diamond Horseshoe is an example of WalMarting befitting more WalMarting befitting more.

You had an expensive, lavish (by theme park standards) show performed by unionized entertainers with a fully functional dining component.

Get rid of the show and have show with foamheads that only children and their mommies and daddies would enjoy.

I chose to comment on these blurbs because I find them interesting.

You lament the loss of "unionized entertainers" while you show contempt for upper management and mock guests (including children) for wanting and prefering something different that just happens to be cheaper to run.


That really is the problem. Huh? :rolleyes:

By chance are you related to a bus driver?


Well-Known Member
Somebody directed me to a thread on another board (where I'm not a member) to see this video of a Goofy parade that ran in DL from June through November 1992:

Yep, Disney spent all that money for a 6-month parade*. WDW used to get parades like this, too, such as the Pooh for President campaign back in the 70s.

Look at the choreography, costumes, etc. Oh, and that's Ludwig Von Drake on the title float.

*the Goofy floats were reused for DL's Christmas parade.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it would make sense to me. Wasn't the original HM in Disneyland originally in Fantasyland? I thought it was there during one of the many "reorientations" of the lands there.

I think the construction timeline on Disneyland's HM has confused you. The Haunted Mansion house itself was built in 1962 when the attraction was going to be a walkthrough. It was built on the banks of the Rivers of America in Frontierland. By '63 the attraction was put on the back burner to work on the World's Fair stuff, and by the mid 60's the walk-through concept was abandoned when the new ride systems from the Fair proved they could effectively move thousands of people per hour through a show. New Orleans Square was built up around the Pirates ride, and the new "land" opened in July '66 before the Pirates ride itself opened in March '67. By the time the Haunted Mansion ride opened in August '69, with the new fangled Omnimover borrowed from the Monsanto ride in '67, that area of Frontierland the house had been sitting in since '62 had become New Orleans Square.

So technically, the house structure of the Haunted Mansion began in Frontierland in '62, but didn't open to paying guests in '69 as an attraction until the area had been rebranded and rethemed as New Orleans Square in '66. Got it? :)

As for Lasseter, I loved the Haunted Mansion story from the last Pirates Premiere! When I saw him this summer in Adventureland, he was almost running ahead of his kids pointing at Tarzan's Treehouse and then charging up the stairs into the tree. The poor tour guide in heels behind was smiling a weary smile and trying hard to keep up with the crazy man she had been assigned to for the day! :lol:

I'm so glad Lasseter has the "Chief Creative Officer" title, or however it's worded, there at WDI. I can't imagine that he's not also interested in concepts proposed for WDW as well. Yeah, he used to work at Disneyland as a Jungle Cruise Skipper and he lives a lot closer to Disneyland than WDW, but there are so many things he could help with at WDW. I'm sure he's keeping abreast of what is happening, or not happening, at WDW as well. :confused:


Well-Known Member

Now you people have got me wondering what a Big Mac combo actually costs around here. I gave up meat 9 months ago, so I haven't had much incentive to visit any McDonalds since then. My best recollection is that the basic combos were in the $5 range.

ISTCNavigator's location says Connecticut, so I can believe the price he quoted, but I doubt it's become the norm. I hope not, anyway.

Giving up meat does not necessarily mean you can't have a Big Mac. There's not much meat to be found in one!


Well-Known Member

Now you people have got me wondering what a Big Mac combo actually costs around here. I gave up meat 9 months ago, so I haven't had much incentive to visit any McDonalds since then. My best recollection is that the basic combos were in the $5 range.

ISTCNavigator's location says Connecticut, so I can believe the price he quoted, but I doubt it's become the norm. I hope not, anyway.

I heard giving up meat actually causes the brain to shrink but the effects don't take place until about 8 or 9 months after going vegetarian..............:lookaroun..............oh. Ummmm nevermind.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Somebody directed me to a thread on another board (where I'm not a member) to see this video of a Goofy parade that ran in DL from June through November 1992:

Yep, Disney spent all that money for a 6-month parade*. WDW used to get parades like this, too, such as the Pooh for President campaign back in the 70s.

Look at the choreography, costumes, etc. Oh, and that's Ludwig Von Drake on the title float.

*the Goofy floats were reused for DL's Christmas parade.

The types of "celebrations" that Disney should really focus on are celebrations for certain things that last for a few weeks or a few months. Mainly holiday events, character birthdays, park opening anniversaries.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, what an awesome story! I'm very impressed (almost as impressed as WDW1974 wishes everyone was with him for referring to John Lasseter as simply "John"! :lol: Yeah, I'm sure those two go way back (or so he'd love for us to think). :rolleyes:)

You really need to drop the obsession with me ... it's not healthy.

I called John 'John' because that's his blanking name.

I have met John (does that make you feel insignificant?) ... I have spoken with him a few times (as an aside, he is a human being not a god ... you do know this right?) ... he was very gracious to me ... as to us going way back well, the first time I met him was in 2000 so does that go far enough back for you? I am not close to John ... we aren't fishing buds ... don't golf together ... but sometimes I do cross paths in the real world (again, does something like that make you feel insignificant? cause it sure seems like it!)

I guess some folks here feel so insignificant that they'll nip at anything.

It's tiresome, but I guess that's what you do when you can't add anything substanitively to a discussion.


Well-Known Member
You really need to drop the obsession with me ... it's not healthy.

I called John 'John' because that's his blanking name.

I have met John (does that make you feel insignificant?) ... I have spoken with him a few times (as an aside, he is a human being not a god ... you do know this right?) ... he was very gracious to me ... as to us going way back well, the first time I met him was in 2000 so does that go far enough back for you? I am not close to John ... we aren't fishing buds ... don't golf together ... but sometimes I do cross paths in the real world (again, does something like that make you feel insignificant? cause it sure seems like it!)

I guess some folks here feel so insignificant that they'll nip at anything.

It's tiresome, but I guess that's what you do when you can't add anything substanitively to a discussion.

Could you enlighten us as to what happened to you at micechat? So much talk and I would love to hear about it right from the horse's mouth.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
You really need to drop the obsession with me ... it's not healthy.

I called John 'John' because that's his blanking name.

I have met John (does that make you feel insignificant?) ... I have spoken with him a few times (as an aside, he is a human being not a god ... you do know this right?) ... he was very gracious to me ... as to us going way back well, the first time I met him was in 2000 so does that go far enough back for you? I am not close to John ... we aren't fishing buds ... don't golf together ... but sometimes I do cross paths in the real world (again, does something like that make you feel insignificant? cause it sure seems like it!)

I guess some folks here feel so insignificant that they'll nip at anything.

It's tiresome, but I guess that's what you do when you can't add anything substanitively to a discussion.

And this added what?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yeah, I was doing that same thing the whole ride through the HM. I don't remember by exact wording, but I said something like "Mr. Lasseter, my wife and I are obviously big fans of what you do, and think it's great that someone that started as a Jungle Cruise skipper has done what you've done."

Then there was a little small talk about where we were from, and about his kids, etc. Then I said something like "You know, you've got HUGE shoes to fill... But we know you'll do a great job."

He was gracious, and I just really think he "gets" it. Which is great. I just hope he doesn't forget about WDW (there's my attempt to bring my post back to relevance to the thread :lol:).

EDIT TO ADD: I uploaded some of the pics from the Premiere. They're at

John (we go back so I don't need to use his last name) does get it.

He's amazingly down to earth and actually demands Disney stands up to its own great legacy. When he see something out of whack (like no western-themed merchandise in Frontierland or TSI's crumbling infrastructure) he does something about it.

There's no doubt he is the closest thing to Walt out there.

There is a faction of the fan community that seems to take issue with him largely because of the success of Pixar and its properties. It almost seems like an inferiority complex since Disney's product in animation seemed to fall lower and lower while Pixar's films kept improving.

But now it's all part of one company and that's a very good thing.

I just wish he had more impact over the parks and resorts in general. He seems quite content to focus only on Anaheim (no doubt to the relief of WDW's exex 'leadership' team).

Anyway ... great story and glad you were able to meet John!


Well-Known Member
There is a faction of the fan community that seems to take issue with him largely because of the success of Pixar and its properties. It almost seems like an inferiority complex since Disney's product in animation seemed to fall lower and lower while Pixar's films kept improving.

Agree with you there: Pixar is the modern classic Disney (but I prefer Brad Bird's and Andrew Stanton's stuff to Lasseter's.)

I just wish he had more impact over the parks and resorts in general. He seems quite content to focus only on Anaheim (no doubt to the relief of WDW's exex 'leadership' team).

THAT'S my issue with him. I know as soon as he's content with the DCA plans, he'll eventually get around to WDW, but it's taking too long. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
WalMarting seems to be a popular buzz-word with you, but most of the time you're misuing it. WalMarting is a term that refers to Wal-Mart's practice of globalization. While Wal-Mart is known for cheap products, the term itself is not one that means "cheapening".

WalMarting wasn't a word the last time I looked in a dictionary. I've been using it for years to describe WDW's (and TWDC's business model) ... and even using your 'definition' I am in no way misusing anything. And yeah, it is my buzzword. Because WalMarting refers to the lowest common denominator. It refers to dumbing down quality to that level. It certainly refers to globalization when you have Jay Rasulo's umbrella idea of Disney Parks: Where Dreams Come True.

Because WalMart is so known for ... well crap at a low price that largely appeals to the poorest in our society ... WalMarting is the perfect term to describe what is happening at WDW.

If you're just using it as a concise term for anything Disney does that you don't like, that's your prerogative, but that's not the term's actual definition (and while it may be your prerogative, I think an intelligent person should never be content in misusing a word--that's just laziness).

Clearly you spent a lot of time honing your post in a way to come off like an intelligent reasoned voice. I respect that.

But again, when WalMarting actually has a definition in our language, perhaps then we can talk. I've been using it for many, many years and I'll stick with my use of the term.

That's not laziness.

WalMart represents the very worst of our consumer culture and when it seeps into the soul of a (once) first class resort like WDW, I feel the term sums up things very well.

FWIW, many folks inside Disney agree with me. It grabs attention and has a very negative conotation. I'm very comfortable with that.

I'm not asserting that the homogenized and degradative practices you discuss are not abhorrent and something that weakens the product.

Glad to hear it, which is why that's what should be discussed NOT ME!

ah ... but here we go in for the shot to the head!

I largely agree with the substance of your opinions on the topic, but I see this as one of the many ways in which your abrassive form detracts from your message (thinly veiled allusions to politics, subtle knocks on other posters, your habit of pointing out that you have a life outside of the forum as if to insinuate that others don't, and your repeated name-dropping are some other examples). If you really care so much about WDW, perhaps you should drop these characteristics from your posts, as they make you less than endearing to many, which results in those who would otherwise be your supporters not taking your message seriously. Now, you can just call those people ignorant for not reading your posts for what they are--information--but it seems to me that we need as many supporters as we can get for bringing attention to the current state of WDW. :shrug:

I post the way I post. Period. I respond in kind to the way I am responded to.

I am not here to be endearing. People decide very quickly whether or not they like my message or not ... and once they do, they don't change sides.

If you truly agree with the substance of my posts then tell me that. If you don't, tell me that as well.

But discussing my strong posting style and my use of the term WalMarting is 100% in the opposite direction and is bound to lead to dozens of posts going back and forth (although I won't be taking part in them as I have holiday plans later this week, so my critics can go wild like kids under the tree!)

I think you damn well know I care about WDW and the direction it is headed. If you want to talk about that, I welcome it. But I don't feel like endless discussion about how someone took offense at a post or my sarcasm fell on deaf ears or how someone feels insignificant because I actually know real people in the real world who have or had an impact on Disney's business.

Do you understand how old that gets?

Of course you do. So don't all of my in your face critics who want me to leave the MAGIC playground, so they can sit around and talk about how perfect WDW is 24/7.

I think maybe you're just referring to current poor practices of WDW, no matter what their basis, as "Walmarting" because of the strong negative connotation with the term. As I've indicated previously, I hate many of these practices too, I just don't like the idea of using a term that doesn't really apply simply to elicit a certain feeling out of readers, based upon their conceptions of the term.

A concise, yet more apt given the circumstances, term for the current practices of WDW would be McDonaldization.

No. I disagree. McDonald's actually has a consistent product that, whether you believe it or not, is known for its high quality around the world. It's only here in our WalMarted country that McDonald's has become known as a place for crappy, unhealthy junk food. Try one in Hong Kong ... or Milan ... or Paris ... or Beijing or ... and you'll realize that. I have (oops, now I am dropping the fact I am a world traveler and people who think WDW is the be all and end all are going to feel insiginificant when all I am doing is illustrating a point!!!)

The bottom line is when I know that WalMarting bothers people at TWDC a great deal, why in the hell would I not want to use it?


If Disney doesn't like its name used in the same sentence then they should take that into consideration the next time they dumb their product down/further homogenize it/cut quality.

I appreciate your reasoned post (really ... I'd use a smart-assed smiley if I didn't) ... but you're wasting time that could be better spent discussing WDW.


New Member
You really need to drop the obsession with me ... it's not healthy.

I called John 'John' because that's his blanking name.

I have met John (does that make you feel insignificant?) ... I have spoken with him a few times (as an aside, he is a human being not a god ... you do know this right?) ... he was very gracious to me ... as to us going way back well, the first time I met him was in 2000 so does that go far enough back for you? I am not close to John ... we aren't fishing buds ... don't golf together ... but sometimes I do cross paths in the real world (again, does something like that make you feel insignificant? cause it sure seems like it!)

I guess some folks here feel so insignificant that they'll nip at anything.

It's tiresome, but I guess that's what you do when you can't add anything substanitively to a discussion.

You're so close to the Chief Creative Officer of the Walt Disney Company, and the best you can do to complain about how they're "slashing and burning" and "WalMarting" the company is to post on an anonymous discussion forum?



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Case in point: Admission prices get raised, entertainment offerings get cut.

That can't be Walmarting - Walmart lowers prices while lowering quality.

Call it what it really is, highway robbery. But we all know we're getting our pants sucked dry when we go to WDW. That's no revelation or anything.

While I'd love to say something about that last sentence, it wouldn't last here 30 seconds so I'll just set the record straight about WalMart ...

They lower prices and lower quality UNTIL they put their competitors out of business and then they RAISE prices since there's no one to compete with.

A similar Disney example would be Disney offering the DDP
to entice people into buying packages and then also lowering quality and raising menu prices accordingly. At first (especially in 'free' periods) DDP seems like a great value ... but the quality is being dropped ... and the more DDPs Disney sells the greater incentive to increase prices across the board (to make it appear that folks are getting a 'bargain' when that hamburger at Chefs de France -- an absolute insult -- is $23) so that's what they do.

Net result: captive audience, lower quality, less variety, higher menu price points.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
When is McDonald's ever good?


When you aren't in the good, old USA.

Or one exception when you are in a very small town in say ... Vermont, Mississippi or Arkansas ... three places that I've actually had GREAT McDonald's meals. Clean, fast, fresh, tasty with friendly people.

In Florida ... BLECH!!!!!!!

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