Slash and Burn ...

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
along with a renewal of the Year of a Million Dreams Celebration? Or do you think we could stretch the What Will You Celebrate Campaign for 5 years? :ROFLOL:

Hey, if they were actually celebrating something, I wouldn't mind the YOAMD.

WDW's 40th and EPCOT's 30th are worthy of a two year deal IMHO.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Oh, I'm betting there will be many that disagree with that statement.
There might be many that disagree with it but car quality across the board is pretty even if you listen to Consumer Reports. Of course you will always find those statistical anomalies that go outside of the curve (ie super high end luxury cars tend to less reliable) but as a whole that actual numbers are pretty even when you compare foreign to American cars in the same class. (ie compact, sub-compact etc)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Lee, I know what you've been hearing and unfortunately, the cuts are definitely a result of the "other factors" and not the economy. What I have been told more recently that the simple updates not included in this refurb will be progressively add, a la Spaceship Earth. PM me if you want to discuss it in a more secure outlet! :animwink:.
thanks Adam... too bad they dont have a "birdie" finger smilie



Yep. He went there....:eek:

Seriously...had to wipe Diet Coke off my monitor after that one.:wave:'s what we do.
Adam, get in the car and head down the turnpike to the south end of our lovely state. I'll take you and 74 to dinner and watch ya'll banter back and forth. Way fun.
yep. im attending that. Im in need of some good drama over a few beers.

read pages 1-10... and i couldnt do 11-17 so i hope i didnt miss an actual event date of said dinner. :D


Well-Known Member
Interesting that this post has mentioned so much hypothesizing about where the company needs to save money, how they should do it, or if they should spend money and where they should spend it...

...this article is an interesting addition to this ongoing debate in this thread (first line of the article says, "-- Disney is offering to fund expansion at the loss-making Hong Kong Disneyland theme park..."):

(courtesy of Variety magazine by way of Screamscape...)


Well-Known Member
Holy doo doo I agree with Kevin Yee :shrug:
A Dr. maybe I should see?

Seriously, though, his 12/16 article is accurate. Like it or not. I too remember when trick-or-treating was a benefit of being there in October and not a separate full day admission expense for a few hours. I remember Disneyland in 1996 (so not WDW) and how just being there in December gained you access to very special and unique holiday offerings that you didn't have to pay more for.

Disney used to reward you for your decision to pay more by offering more, now they just ask you to pay even more to get a little more.


Well-Known Member
I think Yee is doing a bit of piling on, and not everything he is writing pertains to current events or decisions, specifically his "Premiums on Margins," statement.

Magic Your Way tickets was not the introduction to "the longer you play, the cheaper each day is" concept. Park hopper tickets did the exact same thing in years past during Eisner's reign.

Also the argument that food is expensive.... c'mon.... food out at any theme park, ball park, stadium, hockey rink, indoor arena, is going to be expensive. Sit down dinners are somewhat more reasonable when compared to mid-level restaurant menus in a metro/suburb area anywhere in the USA. Counter Service is the real money maker of their dining operations, but its no different than if you get food from another entertainment venue. Also I'd like to point out that the Boy-King Dan Snyder charges $4 to $5 for a bottle of water at his Six Flags Parks.... yet this staple is (or was at the end of 2007) only $2 a bottle. Very reasonable price and not too much of a markup.

I do understand what Yee is trying to say, but I feel his article trying to "pile on" extras not directly related to his argument, by artificially beefing up the article with the above data points.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Yee filed another interesting report that is close to the topic being discussed at hand...

And again, I can't argue with him.

Horrible article. If he wanted to do INTERESTING, he would do a thought-proving article on how none of the divisions at WDW are self-reliant, causing a big mess at times like these, but instead he kinda' read the top of the matter and not the meat behind the situation. Even the arguments between 74 and others had more depth in them than in that article, even on either side of the fence.
:lol: :hammer:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Horrible article. If he wanted to do INTERESTING, he would do a thought-proving article on how none of the divisions at WDW are self-reliant, causing a big mess at times like these, but instead he kinda' read the top of the matter and not the meat behind the situation. Even the arguments between 74 and others had more depth in them than in that article, even on either side of the fence.
:lol: :hammer:
Well said, Servo. You always seem to dig just far enough below the surface to see the true issues. Even though it's sometimes slathered in sarcasm, you are incredibly intelligent and make fantastic points.



Well-Known Member
Well said, Servo. You always seem to dig just far enough below the surface to see the true issues. Even though it's sometimes slathered in sarcasm, you are incredibly intelligent and make fantastic points.


I think you're forgetting my motto...

"You can solve all your problems with Sarcasm."

:lol: :p :wave:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
That's why folks stand in line hours for things like Splash Mountain or PoC or Mansion, but walk by things like SGE or MILF or Imagination 3.0.
Yep the difference between yesterday and today. Nothing more needs to be said....


Active Member
Sorry, but this is far from reality. Yes, there are cuts on the way--and yes, there are some seasonal changes on the table, but none are as drastic as you have made them out to be.

WDI has not cut any projects already under preparation or work (meaning Space Mountain, Hall of Presidents and Stitch's Dance Party [or whatever it is called] are still a go) and there are plenty of projects still awaiting the green light. Star Tours specifically is still happening. ILM, Lucasfilm and WDI are too far into production to put the project on hold. If anything, the opening will be delayed, but the fact is that Tokyo's (and eventually Shanghai's) Tomorrowland(s) will be using the new film as a staple in their opening(s)--meaning that these resorts are driving the progress of the new film, regardless of the economic conditions here in the United States. The worst case scenario for that project is that the film won't be stateside first...

Much like Universal and Seaworld, Disney is keeping the projects necessary to keep attendance up while it holds others that were lesser in necessity. They need the newer attractions to couple with their many campaigns for lessened prices and deals.

The World Showcase won't likely see a later opening time as a whole, though the American Adventure may have its earliest show cut out to decrease some extra costs. Some pavilions may have staggered openings but not by more than a half hour at most. With Kim Possible now in the World Showcase, they are locked in for lengthier hours in the daytime, as the experience was not designed to operate past sunset.

Animal Kingdom management is not prepared (or willing) to relinquish its newly claimed "full-day" status, regardless of the economy. Animal Kingdom will not drop hours anytime soon (except for a possible 5:00 pm closing on some weekdays).

Some resorts have been targeted for potentially staggered closings but none will be shut down for more than a period of a few months at a time. The goal is to keep all of the resorts active for as much time as possible so as to allow them to remain conditioned for full service when the economy picks back up (whenever that may be).

In regards to those two major members of WDI leaving, there have been talks but they have been nothing more than talks. And truth-be-told, both members in question have been considering leaving on their own accord for quite some time. If they leave, it will be a loss, but it won't be the end of Disney or of WDI.

Personally, until any piece of this "news" goes live officially, I take it with much salt. If there has been anyone able to withstand economic strife, it is Disney, and they will do what they have always done to adjust to the times. While I mean no offense in my response, I personally feel that the OP may be overacting; claiming Armageddon at the hands of two executives taking the brunt of the blame for a set of decisions that run far higher than them. Economic situations can only get worse with signs of alarm and panic such as these, so rather than freaking at the first sign of proactive motion within the parks, we must take the time to look at the issues on a more in depth, informed manner to find that what is going on is a progressive movement by the company to protect itself and the integrity of its parks. So again, I say that this original claim isn't "reality," rather a set of negative rumors based around more positive information.

Look at these protective actions as a sign of wise decision and company strength--not as weakness or impending doom. Though cuts may seem sad, they are made to protect the "larger picture," and in this situation, that is a good thing.

Thank you for this post. This sounds like a true voice of reason.

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