Sir, we can’t say THAT on a Disney Mic – a Feb 2012 TR!

a.k.a. The Adventures of Pascal TR


Welcome everyone to my very first trip report! Ahh!!! All week, I’ve been trying to be good and wait to start on my TR until I got my lesson plans for school done (they’re all due tonight), but… since I’m currently at work and am at a place where I can’t do any work on my lessons until I’m out of the office, I figured that posting the beginnings would be a good idea! :lol: As you may have read in my Pre Trip Report, this trip has definitely been a long time coming… a 4 year wait for me in fact! I was told that if I didn’t write my trip report for this trip, I would be “disowned, unfollowed, and shunned”… thanks for that one Kenzie! :p

In the midst of the trip, we got to celebrate both of our birthdays and Valentine’s Day, so it was a magical experience indeed.

So without further ado:

The cast:

There’s me, Courtney, who turns 23 tomorrow (AHHHH!) and this was my 19th trip to the World… and then there’s my wonderful BF, Dan, who turned 23 the day before our trip (Feb 12) and who is lucky enough (or not) to spend his first WDW visit with me!

There was a third member of our cast as well… a mischief stowaway by the name of Pascal!

The dates: February 13 through February 17, 2012

The resort: Pop Century

All packed!

My packing list – so I wouldn’t forget anything

With all of that being said… let the memories begin! :)


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Since I'm in the dog house (Pluto's?) for not commenting here is my extra long comment of love on the last instalment.

Look at you in your pretty little tiara! Good for Dan, knowing what a princess you are. Your dress looks good both ways, also, so you were really just fantastically fashionable on Valentine's day - not that clothes on should really matter on V-Day but whatev, you were workin' it.

We ate at 1900 Park Fare for breakfast in 2010 and it was great! The Grand Flo-ride-ian is pretty ballin' - I think my parents/sister might be eating there this time around.. the Prince is a hottayyy, I wouldn't mind going myself! Dad won't let me tag along, though. Wah?

Wishes and wedding pictures? My life would be complete.

Those cupcakes look awesome, I want one right now to go with my peppermint tea!

THERE ARE YOU HAPPY?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!


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The characters there sound so funny! That must have been horrible waiting that long though, risking missing Wishes is definitely no fun. And theres nothing wrong with a little hint :lol:

Ugh, I'm still all upset over that wait, and it's been almost 3 weeks (That's so sad!).

Since I'm in the dog house (Pluto's?) for not commenting here is my extra long comment of love on the last instalment.

Look at you in your pretty little tiara! Good for Dan, knowing what a princess you are. Your dress looks good both ways, also, so you were really just fantastically fashionable on Valentine's day - not that clothes on should really matter on V-Day but whatev, you were workin' it.

We ate at 1900 Park Fare for breakfast in 2010 and it was great! The Grand Flo-ride-ian is pretty ballin' - I think my parents/sister might be eating there this time around.. the Prince is a hottayyy, I wouldn't mind going myself! Dad won't let me tag along, though. Wah?

Wishes and wedding pictures? My life would be complete.

Those cupcakes look awesome, I want one right now to go with my peppermint tea!

THERE ARE YOU HAPPY?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

Yeah, I'm all about the cuteness of that prince haha. Dan had to stop me from staring. ;)

And, yes, I am happy... and I'm currently working on my TR (instead of being at the gym), so no more yelling at my via twitter!!! :p jk jk

An update tonight, I promise! I'm stuck in a boring class the next 4-5 hours, sooo I'm using the time wisely to finish up at least part of EPCOT day! Or else I'll be like this the whole time: :snore:


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Wednesday February 15, 2012 – EPCOT

So sorry for the delay, the weekend was busy... and this day is only half updated (and it's about 8-10 pages so far!), so I'm going to give you the half that I have done right now to keep you guys from waiting too long for an update!

I'm sitting in class right now, bored out of my mind, so... I bet I'll get a bit of the TR done tonight!!! :ROFLOL:

Wednesday February 15, 2012 – EPCOTTTTT

I bet you’ll never guess how this day started…. Yep, 7am wake up call, Courtney staying passed out until 7:30, when Dan turned on Boy Meets World. I swear, watching that made me so happy. He’s a good boyfriend, turning on my favorite show every morning even though he doesn’t like it… and laughing along even though he doesn’t like it… I think he’s lying to me about not liking it, thoughts?

Today was the day that Dan was looking forward to the most out of our trip, he was so excited about getting to go through all of the different countries and seeing how they did the themeing… and about the rides. It helped that his younger brother Jerzy went in January for the first time and came home telling Dan how amazing EPCOT was, and that we had to go into Mexico and ride the boat, etc etc etc. I was amused. I had one important thing that I wanted to do today: Meet. The. Beast. I even wore my “He’s Such a Beast” Broadway shirt I got for Christmas from my dad (loved that shirt). **Spoiler, I wore the wrong undergarments with that shirt and didn’t realize it until getting the PhotoPass pictures back (stupid flash). Or, we can pretend I’m wearing a white tank top. Yeah, we’ll go with that one. **

Heading down to Everything Pop for our breakfast!


Today we decided to eat at the Food Court… which was completely overcrowded, had no seats inside, and people kept pushing you out of the way causing you to almost lose your Pop waffle... So, we had to eat outside since neither one of us fancied trying to eat our breakfasts standing up.



I’m a bit waffle-obsessed, can you tell? :lol:

Waiting for the bus… which didn’t take long to get there at all, but Dan still got right on his phone.


Our plan was to go on the MK bus and ride the monorail to EPCOT that day (my favorite monorail line!), but we jumped on the EPCOT bus instead and didn’t realize it until we went over the DHS entrance. We had even commented on how crowded the MK line was! Oh well, that plan got changed to Friday.



So, the next two pictures came from a series of 20 pictures that my camera decided to take on the walk from the bus to the main gate… since I didn’t know my camera was still on (I swear, I turned it off!), I didn’t know it was taking pictures of my legs the whole walk. Oi. But these two were kept from the set, because they were kinda interesting to me… heh.

The world’s upside down!





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We’re here!!!!!!!! :D



The very first thing we did was attacked a PhotoPass lady (we got really good at this through the trip)


See my white tank top?? ;)


“Ok, do a really silly one.” “Dan stay right there.” “Wha…?”


Hehehehe, Pascal’s gonna eat Dan’s ear!!!!

Our original plan was to do SSE first thing, since that’s one of the rides Dan had heard so much about (I blame watching Modern Marvels one too many times…), but the queue was wrapped around the side of the ball. So we decided to come back later, and headed towards the left – while everyone else went right to Soarin’ (a ride we both decided to skip on this trip, because I was never impressed with it when I rode it, and Dan had done it on a boy scout trip to California Adventure a few years back. He’d only had time to ride that and the original Star Tours, so… it wasn’t an interest to either of us).

Instead, we did something I haven’t done since I was little. We walked into Innoventions. It’s a good thing we did too, because we were greeted with this little gem that we both enjoyed a lot more than we probably should have.


For a girl that’s obsessed with math and science, and a guy who loves looking at how things are made, this was perfect for us. We loved doing the design (such a step up from the one in Disney Quest that has been my favorite for years), and we kept making faces at each other through our video screens on the actual ride portion. It was a lot of fun. We planned to come back again later to design another coaster/ride/thingamabob, but… well, World Showcase ended up being much more important to us by that point in the day. ;) ANNDD Dan quote: “That. Was. COOL.”


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Next up (after Dan took a pit stop at the boys room and I spaced out on a bench… you really want to know the little details like that, don’t ya?), we went to one of my favorite rides of the park. I’m so excited for the refurb of it as well, it’s going to be amazing.


Dan was a little hesitant about this ride from the way I explained it (I’m a bad explainer apparently?), but the moment we stepped into the queue he got really excited and told me to take a picture of everything.


Apparently, this was the type of engine (not the exact model, mind) that his previous car had before it wrecked. So I had to take a picture.


Dan trying not to look as excited as he really is



I love this aerial shot of the ride.


While on the ride, Dan kept commenting how our friend Eric was really missing out on this trip, and how much he would have loved this ride (remember, this was supposed to be a 4 person trip originally… with us and our two best friends all together, so that way I could do girly things and he could do manly things. I like how this trip ended up instead). That talk stopped as soon as we hit outside.


I think that’s one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip.

I love the fact that you can scan your PhotoPass for this ride… this picture turned out a lot better than the ones I took of screens. I mean… :lookaroun


My mother: “What is Dan holding on to!?!?”

Dan was bound and determined to sit in this car, and the guy graciously offered to take a picture for us… I think we found out what we want our future to look like? (I think it looks pretty good)



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Our next sequence doesn’t have any pictures to go with it (sorry!), but I’ll fill ya in on what we did. I decided that Dan needed to try Beverly since I was hoping for a nasty face photo (disappointment), so we started making our way over there. First, however, we went through MouseGears to do some shopping (we never did purchase anything). I was looking for the runDisney In Training shirt, and was hoping it would be here since this is one of the best spots to shop. No luck. We looked through the house stuff, talked about what we both liked, and I declared I was going to buy a cooking book before we left on Friday (that never happened either… I fail at this!) so I could test out my Pampered Chef stuff with Disney recipes.

So, we left MouseGears and headed over to Club Cool… to find out it was still closed! :( Poo. It didn’t open until 11, and it was only around 10, so we had some more time to kill.

I lied! I has a picture! Two actually!



So, we watched the show for a total of… 2 minutes maybe. I was in serene moment, being happy listening to the music, with my head on Dan’s shoulder. And then I decided that we needed to go by SSE to check it. Right then. I’m such a moment ruiner.

On our way towards SSE, we noticed a couple with their huge pin trader books out… so we stopped by to check them out. I had a bunch of Muppets pins in my bag for Dan’s sister’s boyfriend that he wanted to see if I could trade for him. We also had a huge list of Muppets pins he wanted. Alas, we never did get any pins for him, but I saw a Belle pin I wanted and (sadly, might I add) traded my Tower pin for it. That was my first pin I ever got, though I’m pretty sure it’s actually still on sale in the parks, and definitely on ebay, so I’m not sure why the lady chose that one but… c’est la vie!

SSE had an even LONGER line, I think it was projected at 50 when we looked at the sign (and Soarin’ only had 40. Go figure), so we once again decided to come back later, and instead headed over to…


I love Nemo, and since we didn’t do the show in AK, I told him we had to do the ride through the seas – just for some enjoyment. We walked right on, got wished happy birthday, and settled into our clams.

What do you mean you lost Bingo?


Ze Jellies


We’re in a fishtank now!


There weren’t any fishies swimming around behind them, so we were just enjoying the videos on the screen instead. :)

When we walked out of the ride, there was a small crowd gathered around the diver lockout tank, so we wandered over to see what was going on. They were sending up a diver!




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Next we decided to go visit Figment’s world, because we had just a bit more time left until Club Cool opened and Journey had a 5 minute wait… so we walked on


I had way too much fun taking pictures on this ride, not going to lie!





Now to wander over to the Coke world! On the way, we passed by this sign…


Flower/Garden has always been my favorite time to go to WDW, so seeing the sign up reminded me of my childhood (and seeing the building of the festival was really cool too! Too bad I didn’t get pictures of that part).

History Lesson, even though we’re off of school for the week.


We’re here!


Dan tasting the Beverly


He never made a face, I was so sad. :( but, he actually liked it a lot. Dan quote: “It was a little bitter, but not all that bad.” He is a strange one, that’s for sure… the weekend after we came home, he texted me saying he wanted Beverly right then and we needed to go back to WDW so he could have some. This resulted in a text war about what foods we wanted more.

As soon as he got the Beverly, and I got a Coke icee, we headed right out of there… Dan was worried I would start singing along with the Biebs, who was on the radio.

Ok... I'm OCD with this thing, so I think I'm stopping this update here so I can keep all of World Showcase together (since that's next and not all the way done lol). But, I might be able to get a second update in tonight. For now... enjoy!!!


Well-Known Member
Omg whats with our men? My hubby likes the beverly too EUCH!!!!! I only like the watermelon kinda one(I think it's China)I love ur report u guys seem so sweet and oddly enough you remind me of one of my friends whose name is also Courtney lol:wave:


I'm loving the TR. I hope you had a wonderful time in Orlando! I cant wait to be back in August. I live about 200 miles south of Orlando and always look forward to going up there!!


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Omg whats with our men? My hubby likes the beverly too EUCH!!!!! I only like the watermelon kinda one(I think it's China)I love ur report u guys seem so sweet and oddly enough you remind me of one of my friends whose name is also Courtney lol:wave:

:lol: people named Courtney are just awesome, what can I say? :D And I know, it's so weird how they like it! When we got my younger brother to try it when he was 17 (he loves literally EVERYTHING), he made the funniest face for it. Dan just stood there for a second and went "hmm, not bad." I was like REALLY??!? That's boring! :(

I'm loving the TR. I hope you had a wonderful time in Orlando! I cant wait to be back in August. I live about 200 miles south of Orlando and always look forward to going up there!!

I wish I only lived 200 away! Lucky. Lol, I think I'm like 1089 miles, or something like that.

I seriously am loving this trip report! Can't wait for more!

Working on it, I promise! :lol: My poor teacher thinks I'm taking awesome notes on his lecture, but in reality I'm writing about our adventure around World Showcase. :wave:


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Two updates in one day... So you get the WHOLE Epcot story today. :animwink:

World Showcase is open, so what are we gonna do first?



Our only Canada picture (I think)


We had some time before our KP appointment, so we decided to go over to England and wander around for a little bit.




So, I own this cookbook already… I want the bookshelf book though! And I was way too happy about HP being in WDW.


We spent a little while doing KP, defeating villains in both England and France, until we decided it was getting hot and we wanted to explore… and drink!

Our only KP shot


So we turned in our Kimmunicators and stopped in France for the very first drink of the day: Grand Marnier Orange Slushies!



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Some France pictures…


(I spied a princess!!!)




When we were in one of the stores, we overheard a few guys asking the CM what alma mater meant in French (they wanted the translation)… so Dan went over and schooled the guys in the fact that alma mater is in fact Latin not French. He was extremely proud of this schooling, and wanted to make sure everyone on the boards knew about it.

While we were in France, we had to go meet my favorite princess of all time.



Then, we were sent on a wild goose chase by Belle that started something like this…. “Have you gone to meet Jasmine and Aladdin yet? Well, tell them that I said tag, no tags back. And don’t you dare let Aladdin try to jump in on this! I refuse to let them one-up me.”

It gave us something to do while we were waiting for the Beast, at least.
Before we went to see the duo, I decided to get a henna done in Morocco, which meant Elegance.


The first thing that Jasmine noticed was that I had a little Pascal in my hands, so she took him away from me before I could do anything about it.


Hehehe. I don’t mind at all! She said she was surprised that he didn’t try to disappear… I told her Pascal was an attention hog!

Chit chatting


Pascal’s hiding on my shoulder, since that’s where Jasmine put him


This was when Dan decided he would love to be Aladdin working at Disney haha!

After we did the photos, Jasmine told me she was jealous that Belle had all of the pin attention on my lanyard and there was none of her… so I pulled out my second lanyard from my bag to show her my Jasmine collection (the one I originally started back in 2000). Made her much happier.

Upon our goodbyes, we informed them of Belle’s tag, and we were asked to meet up with either Aurora or Alice to say that Aladdin and Jasmine both said “tag, you’re it!”


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We decided to wander through Morocco a bit before we went to get in line for the Beast, especially since we wanted a few pictures.

I’m so upset he didn’t buy this hat!




Next, we were off to get our Morocco drinks before the line…

I got the Sultan Daiquiri (I think that’s what it was called?!)


Dan had the Moroccarita


Taking pictures is making memories <3


Dan pretending to be double-fisting our drinks


There he is! There he is!!!!



So, since our dinner that night was in Japan, we decided to head back over to the other side of WS, so that we could start in Mexico.


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On our way back, we met up with another PhotoPass guy and did the wonderful France backdrop pictures



Next, we managed to get the next part of the game of tag done… because we met Alice!


She too was excited about seeing Pascal, but upon hearing about the tag, her response was “Oh nuts! I knew you were going to say that,” thus ending our little game of tag!


Off to Mexico!



Dan had a voicemail to listen to, and a phone call to make… so I was entertaining myself for a few minutes.



My henna at the moment



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Finally we headed inside




Back outside, Dan stole my camera to take a Pascal picture


We saw a character line we needed to jump in, so I started playing with settings on my camera…


Us with Donald!!!!



During our time in Mexico, I was texting my friend Aaron about margaritas we should have… the blue patron one? We never found it, so we got the silver patron lime margaritas instead.


We got to leave to some wonderful music as well



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Next, we decided to go to Norway, and to take a break from drinking for a little bit so we didn’t die before the day was over. Malstrom had a long line (30 minutes), so we grabbed FP and continued on our drinks while shopping. We were told how to say “Happy Birthday” in Norweigan, but neither of us can remember how to say it, so… we didn’t really learn well, did we? Oh well, I managed to trade an old Ariel pin I had for a Belle pin I’ve never seen, and Pascal decided he needed to smell a little better for the ladies. :rolleyes::lol:


We went outside and sat down to finish our drinks (they took FOREVER for some reason)… a little girl came up to me and told me I made a very pretty princess, and then an older gentleman started talking to us while he waited for his wife and grandchildren to get off the ride. It was quite pleasant to say the least.

Finally, it was time for our FP to be cashed in…


Of course, we skipped the movie at the end, and headed off to China.


We were starving by this point, so we headed into Lotus Blossom for some lunch. Dan got the orange chicken, and I got the shrimp fried rice with the egg roll (which I gave to Dan lol).






We saw a sign that Mulan was to be in the area any minute after we finished, so we walked around looking for her. We ended up in here somehow, so I got a picture.


Come to find out, she was right outside… Dan was so excited, because Mulan is his favorite heroine.



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For some reason, we decided to head back towards SSE to check the line again (must have had something to do with wanting to relax on the drinking?)… and we ran into another PhotoPass guy on our way!


Jess said Pascal is at the wrong spot. :eek:



D’awwww :o


And, of course, I got some of my own pictures



Dan decided he needed to go to the bathroom (again), so I decided to play with settings (again heh).




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We walked over to SSE, and voila! No line at all, we walked right on (good timing on our part).


The best picture that came out of what I took during the ride:


Ready to giggle? Because Dan’s face is the BEST in these! :ROFLOL:






Yeah, that was lots of fun. :D

We had about 20-25 minutes until our time to check in with our dinner reservations, so it was time to walk towards Japan.


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