Post your Non Disney Layouts Here


Well-Known Member
Thanks for kind words about my pages. My filing system goes something like this:


This is my left side of windows explorer. The 0-My Pages is the work I have completed, it is then divided into years and sometimes even months, depending on how many are there. I put the 0 in front so it would be on the top. I also name each layout with the year first, so everything done this year would be 2009xxx, where xx is a description of the layout/title. This helps in case I lose directories somehow, I will know the years of each layout, plus I do date most of the stuff, sometimes I don't add years on them, however.

I also wanted to keep my commercial use products separately, so it's a 1-. All of them can be used for any designing that I may do.

I also wanted to keep my scans and clip art downloads handy, so it's next with 2.

Then I put a folder for all major sites (well not ones I don't have any downloads from) ... I expanded NDISB (Natural Designs in Scrapbooking) because it's fairly small. Some of the other sites have a ton of designers... so under each major site, I list each designer. Under each designer, I separate by kit. If the kit has an alpha, I keep that in its own folder under the kit, since 26 or 52 plus numbers and symbols is a lot of files to ignore when you are making the page. I name that folder 'alpha'.

Now, if the kit is a collab, I do a couple of different things. If it's just 2 or 3 designers getting together on a project and I am CT for one of them, I will put the kit under her name. If I'm not on the CT, or if it is an entire store's collab (like a monthly mega), then I make another "designer" for that site called "Multiple Designers & Collabs". Under each of those, I put the name of the collab. And now, depending on the kit and how well the files are labeled, I will either make a separate folder for each designer, or just clump them all together. Usually I try to rename the TOU for each designer to match their file labeling system, to keep that together.

Sometimes designers change shops and when I realize this (sometimes years later), I will just move the whole designer to her new shop.

When I started, I did use the "put all ribbons together" filing system, but that only works for a very short term. Eventually you will find designers that name their products stupidly, there's an entire site that used to (they may still), name everything paper1, paper2, element1, element2, etc. No designer names, no kit names on them... NOTHING! Do you know how many element 1's I had??? GAH. My current system keeps kits together, so that it is simple to credit when I post. I also do a lot of CT work, so I usually stay within a kit, or at least a designer when I am doing CT layouts.

When I download, I do so directly into the correct folder. I create a new folder with the kit name as I download, so I know where to find my file and it won't get separated from its siblings. :)

BTW I opened Neverland Scraps, because she is a Disney fan and has several Disney-ish kits in her shop. :)

Wow, Fran! I totally missed that you posted all of this! Thank you! So you start your organization with the store?! That's the piece I was missing. I was starting with the designer... and aleady I've found out that things are labeled stupidly. I, too, am super organized in my filing and use dates on things so this is very helpful. Thank you so much. :sohappy: I lurk around some over on the DIS (you post some beautiful pages) and I've found some helpful hints when it comes to true digi scrapping.


Well-Known Member
I'm working my way through May right now. But thought I would post some of my April. I'm kind of eh with a lot of them, but I'm just happy they're done. You get kind of sick of doing the same thing over and over again. I was so done with Easter.

Anyway, this one was completely copied from a quick page by Katie Castillo. I love her stuff! I copied a few of her quick page ideas that she had.


Definitely not copied, I'm sure you can tell which is which! LOL




This one was somewhat lifted.








Well-Known Member
And more...

I think this one was mostly taken from a quick page idea from Katie as well.


This one was completely copied from a quick page from Katie.









Well-Known Member
Fabulous, Jenn! Wow, that's a lot of pages for Easter. I love that family picture of you all. All those papers go together so well... the pastels are perfect.


Well-Known Member
Fabulous, Jenn! Wow, that's a lot of pages for Easter. I love that family picture of you all. All those papers go together so well... the pastels are perfect.

Thanks, Holly. :) I can tell you that by the time I was done with Easter I was so sick of it that I don't want to see another Easter page for a long time! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I love these layouts, Jenn. I think it's so cool that you take the time to scrapbook the every day moments in life! I think my favorites are the ones from the zoo; those papers are so fun.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can't believe how many pages you've done, Jenn! And I can't believe how many Easter pages you have either!!:eek::lol:

They look great. I am loving your digital elements! And your pictures! I can't believe Sam stood on that ladder!


Active Member
oh my, you sound just like me, you can tell which are copyied and which i make up. i don't think dyeing eggs 2 days prior to easter is "waiting til the last minute" we always do it the night before. i thought that was normal. lol

love your facial expression in the pic with you holding a cup over the sink. hehe and yes it is great once the kids can do their own eggs, lacy does her now but we still have baby cody. good thing you had that long counter. and i can't believe how neat your kids are, mine are a mess!

love your colors and papers, i am going to use them for inspiration for my mr & mrs easter bunny pic. love the one chocolate egg, that is so cute. you have a great tradition about hiding the baskets, i may start doing that.

beautiful family pic. love the rainbow page, the papers and colors go so well. another page i may be copying. i am with sam on the cake issue, that cake looks yummy. pretty kitties. and you all can keep that ceiling :eek: :ROFLOL:

i am not going to comment on each page, but love your zoo and mommy's day pages. you got a lot of pages done. makes me feel like a slacker.


Well-Known Member
I love these layouts, Jenn. I think it's so cool that you take the time to scrapbook the every day moments in life! I think my favorites are the ones from the zoo; those papers are so fun.

Thanks, Holly. I think sometimes the everyday stuff is hard to do, but the kids are always happy to see themselves on a day to day basis. I really love the zoo ones too, now those ones were fun to do. :lol:

I can't believe how many pages you've done, Jenn! And I can't believe how many Easter pages you have either!!:eek::lol:

They look great. I am loving your digital elements! And your pictures! I can't believe Sam stood on that ladder!

Thanks, Tammy. Keep in mind that most of the April pages I had already had done before I started trying to catch up on my Disney pages. So I just had to finish the last few in the batch.

I don't think Sam can believe he stood on that ladder either. He really didn't want to, but he didn't want to pay someone else for a job he could do either. The scary thing is that ladder wasn't even the bad one. He had an extension one that he would lean up against the window trip and I would have to hold so it wouldn't slip, and he would be able to reach the ceiling. :eek: I was just happy it wasn't me. :lol:

Lookin' really good! I think my favorites are the Mother's Day ones, but they're all great!

Thanks, Coree. :)

oh my, you sound just like me, you can tell which are copyied and which i make up. i don't think dyeing eggs 2 days prior to easter is "waiting til the last minute" we always do it the night before. i thought that was normal. lol

love your facial expression in the pic with you holding a cup over the sink. hehe and yes it is great once the kids can do their own eggs, lacy does her now but we still have baby cody. good thing you had that long counter. and i can't believe how neat your kids are, mine are a mess!

love your colors and papers, i am going to use them for inspiration for my mr & mrs easter bunny pic. love the one chocolate egg, that is so cute. you have a great tradition about hiding the baskets, i may start doing that.

beautiful family pic. love the rainbow page, the papers and colors go so well. another page i may be copying. i am with sam on the cake issue, that cake looks yummy. pretty kitties. and you all can keep that ceiling :eek: :ROFLOL:

i am not going to comment on each page, but love your zoo and mommy's day pages. you got a lot of pages done. makes me feel like a slacker.

I guess maybe it is normal to color eggs the Friday before then. I used to be more organized and get things done sooner, but as I age things creep up on me more. :lol: And my kids are only neat because they know I freak out over the slightest kitchen mess. I hate kitchen messes. I am the worst cook because I'm always more focused on cleaning things up as I go instead of the food.

And don't feel like a slacker. You've gotten a TON of traditional pages done and we all know those take longer. I can really whip those digital pages out. I may get June done today. :lol:


Well-Known Member
To show Louella she isn't alone as a traditional scrapbooker, here are a few pages I finished last night. Jenn was doing Easter and I'm doing Halloween (two years ago).








Well-Known Member
Those are too cute, Coree! I'm sure Louella doesn't feel so alone now! :D

And I would definitely rather do Halloween than Easter! :lol:

What did you use for the monkey's on parade title? It's really cute! Did you free hand those little pumpkin people?


Well-Known Member
The classroom Anna was in at the time was the Monkeys so that's why it's Monkeys on parade. Jenn, I used the inks in my Cricut instead of the blade to do the writing. And heck NO I didn't freehand the pumpkins--Cricut again. :D Thanks for the compliments, ladies!

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