Well-Known Member
Two things:
#1. Thank god I'm not pictured amongst those!
#2. What exacly makes you think it is appropriate to wear something that has to be blurred out in a photo to a park where children and my eyes may have to be subjected to it . Just saying. :shrug:
I think the pic with the lady leaning over the counter wearing the backpack with a strategic area blurred was the victim of her sundress being hiked up by the backpack on her back. I don't think she left her house with her sunshine in full view. Still, you'd think she'd notice a little extra draft going on, huh? :lookaroun
This is some funny stuff, I just wonder what people are tinking when they leave wearing some of this stuff....
Well, the people wearing this stuff must've thought they looked just fine. This is where I fault the rest of the family. When your loved one walks out of their room and announces they're ready someone in the family should let them know that they aren't. I've talked about this with my husband and various other family members before. Someone should give some of these people my basic requirements for clothing:
1. Do not dress like a heavy girl pretending to be skinny. (dress to flatter the body you have not the body you want)
2. Do not dress like an old chick trying to be young-n-hip. (we all have our turn being young...let it go...getting older isn't so bad)