People are so ignorant...


New Member
marni1971 said:
Heres my little nerdy adition;

Rocket to the Moon opened in Disneyland, to be replaced by Flight to the Moon, and then Mission to Mars.

At WDW, Flight to the Moon opened in December 1971, and was replaced by Mission to Mars in June 1975. Alien Encounter opened December 16th 1994, and closed before the end of January 1995. The revamped version opened June 20th 1995, and closed October 11th 2003. Its replacement is still being waited for :lol:

I was very lucky to see Alien Encounter in its original version. (The first week it officially opened). If I remember correctly there were a few minor swear words as part of the show as well as someone getting killed by the Alien with simulated blood (water since it was very dark) splashing the audience in the face. I had no idea that that version only lasted a month.
Anyways Im one of those ignorant people who seems to call Test Track, Test Drive all the time. As well as Mission: Space---Mission to Mars (probably its original tle in pre-imagineering stages until the movie turned out to be a complete dud. Well wasnt Gary in the movie as well? Plus he tells you to get ready for the mssion to Mars right before lift-off.


Account Suspended
Halfling418 said:
--Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and many other Touchtone--hello! Touchtone is Disney!

People have also called WDW "Disneyland" before--I mean, Disneyland can fit into the PARKING LOT of Disney World!

Well, since we're on the subject of clarifying stuff, a couple comments regarding your post....

First, it's TouchSTONE, not TouchTONE (you typed it that way twice, so I assume it wasn't simply a typo)

Second, there really is no "parking lot of Disney World". Since you, yourself, pointed out that "Disney World" is several different theme parks, then surely you realize each has it's own parking lot. Perhaps what you meant to say was that Disneyland can fit into the parking lot for Magic Kingdom, and it was just an innocent mistake. But that being the case, maybe we shouldn't be too hard on others who make the SAME mistake, especially if they're not hardcore Disney buffs who have less of an excuse to make the mistake.

Also as a sidenote on the "Disneyland can fit into the parking lot of Disney World" comment....While this is true and is also an oft quoted "statistic" used to illustrate just how enormous "Disney World" is compared to Disneyland, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this is not really all that remarkable a fact. In reality, prior to the creation of Disney's California Adventure, Disneyland also could fit into it's OWN parking lot. Likewise, Magic Kingdom can fit into IT'S own parking lot, Epcot can fit into IT'S own parking lot, and so on. I'm always surprised when people use this one as some sort of "fascinating fact". Most parking lots for pretty much ANY tourist attraction in the world are generally larger than the tourist attraction itself.

A MORE impressive way of illustrating how large a WDW park is compared to Disneyland would be to point out that all of Disneyland Park could fit into World Showcase Lagoon.


Account Suspended
gemini said:
This thread reminds me of the ones that sometimes pop up at the Cedar Point fan site that I run. I guess deep down, it's all the same.

As hard as it might be to understand, not everyone is a Disney nerd. I'm sure if some of you talked to a different hobby geek about {insert obsession here}, you'd sound just as silly to them.

Well said, and I couldn't agree more!! I was once in a public place telling a friend about a cool Star Trek episode I had seen and I was overheard by some hardcore Trekkies. They didn't even know me, and they interrupted my conversation with my friend to correct me on some minor technicality that I had gotten wrong (completely inconsequential to the story I'd been telling). I was treated as though I essentially had no right to enjoy the episode since I had gotten my facts wrong (I think it was the name of one of the characters or something).

Though I realize this thread is basically all in good fun, at the same time I tend to find it a little disturbing that some folks are so fussy about minor technicalities....particularly when it comes from CMs who are supposed to be there to educate the guests, not ridicule them for not being Disney "experts". I mean, really, at the end of the day is it really that big of a deal if someone thinks it's called "Mission to Mars" instead of Mission: Space? Are they less entitled to enjoy the experience? And truthfully, if THAT many people are confused, then maybe we should be looking at the common denominator here....Clearly Disney isn't doing as a good a job as they could be at informing guests on the correct names of their attractions.

Just food for thought, and no offense intended toward anyone.


New Member
Merlin said:
A MORE impressive way of illustrating how large a WDW park is compared to Disneyland would be to point out that all of Disneyland Park could fit into World Showcase Lagoon.

Wow. That's one I haven't Heard. Impressive.


Account Suspended
Laura22 said:
My most recent "Disney dumb" moment was on my last trip. The lady ahead of me in line at Mouse Gear was asking the woman behind the cash register all these questions about "do they sell this at Universal? Do they sell that at Universal?" and the Cast Member kept saying, "I don't know what they sell at Universal" and the lady eventually got irritated with the CM and left. I'm assuming she thought Universal Studios was part of Disney and couldn't figure out why the Disney CM didn't know everything about it!

Based solely on the comments from this thread alone, it seems clear that a LOT of tourists think Universal is part of Disney. That being the case, maybe Disney should be proactive and train their CMs to respond with something a little more "guest friendly" than simply "I don't know what they sell at Universal". If a CM responded to me that way, I'd get irritated with her too!


Account Suspended
Halfling418 said:
I don't know about a ride, but it was a movie. Not a very good movie, but a movie nonetheless. :)

It was a ride at Disneyland and at Magic Kingdom. This is a fairly prominent part of Disney history, which you were not aware of. Not picking on you personally, Halfling418, but just pointing out that even we hardcore Disney buffs don't know EVERYTHING about Disney. So maybe we should go a little easier on the general public for not knowing everything. As long as they're coming to Disney with their wallets and leaving with smiles, shouldn't that be enough?


Account Suspended
celticdog said:
At Disneyland the ride started out as "Mission to the Moon", but after the moon landing it became a bit redundant and the was changed to "Mission to Mars". At WDW, "Mission to Mars" was turned into AE which became SGE.

Actually, at no time whatsoever was the attraction ever called "MISSION to the Moon". It was called, "Flight to the Moon" and later "Mission to Mars".

I find it so ironic that this is a thread titled, "People are so ignorant" and we're all complaining about how ordinary guests get their facts wrong. Yet I keep finding mistakes in nearly every post. LOL!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
To the appendage challenged individual upset at my post, It is my personal opinion that some of Universals attractions are better than many of WDW's.

I can justify this opinion but don't really feel it necessary to do so.

This is after all a post, expressed on a bulletin board that I'm a member of. it wont bring down the Disney Empire, affect the price of cheese or change the outcome of the election.

So deal with it. :hammer:

That's the trouble with fishing, you may eventually land something from a sewer outlet :) :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Actually, at no time whatsoever was the attraction ever called "MISSION to the Moon". It was called, "Flight to the Moon" and later "Mission to Mars".

We are both wrong. I dug through some of my old Disneyland stuff and came across a hard bound book titled "Disneyland, The First Quarter Century", copyright date 1979. The ride's actually first name was "Rocket to the Moon"

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Well, since we're on the subject of clarifying stuff, a couple comments regarding your post....

First, it's TouchSTONE, not TouchTONE (you typed it that way twice, so I assume it wasn't simply a typo)

Second, there really is no "parking lot of Disney World". Since you, yourself, pointed out that "Disney World" is several different theme parks, then surely you realize each has it's own parking lot. Perhaps what you meant to say was that Disneyland can fit into the parking lot for Magic Kingdom, and it was just an innocent mistake. But that being the case, maybe we shouldn't be too hard on others who make the SAME mistake, especially if they're not hardcore Disney buffs who have less of an excuse to make the mistake.

Also as a sidenote on the "Disneyland can fit into the parking lot of Disney World" comment....While this is true and is also an oft quoted "statistic" used to illustrate just how enormous "Disney World" is compared to Disneyland, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this is not really all that remarkable a fact. In reality, prior to the creation of Disney's California Adventure, Disneyland also could fit into it's OWN parking lot. Likewise, Magic Kingdom can fit into IT'S own parking lot, Epcot can fit into IT'S own parking lot, and so on. I'm always surprised when people use this one as some sort of "fascinating fact". Most parking lots for pretty much ANY tourist attraction in the world are generally larger than the tourist attraction itself.

A MORE impressive way of illustrating how large a WDW park is compared to Disneyland would be to point out that all of Disneyland Park could fit into World Showcase Lagoon.
Would you be so kind to STOP nagging!

It's easy to have criticism... it's leading nowhere... etc. etc...

And above all, it's NOT contributing to these forums...



Tim G

Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
I find it so ironic that this is a thread titled, "People are so ignorant" and we're all complaining about how ordinary guests get their facts wrong. Yet I keep finding mistakes in nearly every post. LOL!

Glad to have people on these boards who are ordinary... at least they're not rude...

So stop this... and it's certainly nothing to laugh about...


Active Member
Casey's/Coke Corner!

pluto77 said:
I used to be a CP at Casey's Corner and one time this person came in with this huge cup from universal (it was actually a water bottle thing, it was like 2 feet tall) and they wanted me to fill it up with pop for them, for free. I tried explaining that Universal is owned by a different company, but she didn't get it and eventually just walked away.

Hey, hey, fellow former Coke Corner'er! I know you guys are Casey's but you used to be Coke Corner too (before DLP opened). Anyway, I worked at Disneyland's Coke Corner from Sep 90 - Sep 99.

I wish our Coke had the same space yours does! And I'll always be jealous of WDW's condiment bars all over the place. Must be a pain to keep clean and for pre-closing...

Anyway, just sayin' hey!


New Member
i have a two good stories

1. my brother (legend of WDWBro) was working crowd control for a parade at the MK. a father and his little daughter walk up to him and the father points at cinderella castle and asks "what's that?"

2. my brother's friend was working at EPCOT and a lady walks up to him and asks
"Where's 'I Think I Shrunk My Imagination'?"
She was obviously talking about Imagination!, but my bro's friend could barely keep a straight face and pointed her in the right direction

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
Would you be so kind to STOP nagging!

It's easy to have criticism... it's leading nowhere... etc. etc...

And above all, it's NOT contributing to these forums...



I don't see how having a thread making fun of mistakes ordinary people make is contributing to the forums, either. I appreciate someone pointing out that anyone can mess up the name of an attraction, park, movie, or what have you. :wave:


Well-Known Member
CSUFSteve said:
Hey, hey, fellow former Coke Corner'er! I know you guys are Casey's but you used to be Coke Corner too (before DLP opened). Anyway, I worked at Disneyland's Coke Corner from Sep 90 - Sep 99.

I wish our Coke had the same space yours does! And I'll always be jealous of WDW's condiment bars all over the place. Must be a pain to keep clean and for pre-closing...QUOTE]

Wow that's cool, my name's Steve to so I guess that's 2 things we have in common :wave: . I wasn't going to say anything because it's kind of off topic, but since you brought up condiment bars...:) I can't believe the amount of guests who don't know how to use the ketchup machines. They press it once and expect a bunch to come pouring out and when it doesn't they yell at the CM because they think it's out. I always love the looks on people's faces when they get all outraged and then the CM tells them how to do it correctly (or does it for them) and it comes out just fine. Either that or they ask which one is Mustard (or ketchup) when the ketchup buttons are clearly red and the mustard buttons are clearly yellow.


Active Member
pluto77 said:
Wow that's cool, my name's Steve to so I guess that's 2 things we have in common :wave: . I wasn't going to say anything because it's kind of off topic, but since you brought up condiment bars...:) I can't believe the amount of guests who don't know how to use the ketchup machines. They press it once and expect a bunch to come pouring out and when it doesn't they yell at the CM because they think it's out. I always love the looks on people's faces when they get all outraged and then the CM tells them how to do it correctly (or does it for them) and it comes out just fine. Either that or they ask which one is Mustard (or ketchup) when the ketchup buttons are clearly red and the mustard buttons are clearly yellow.

Hey Steve :)

I don't know if Eyes & Ears ever did this, but in the Line they used to occassionally print little comic strips that were along the lines of "annoying things guests do", sort of a Cast Member answer to "Brickbats and Boquets" (which was a random sampling of guest complaint/compliment letters).

Anyway, I've felt always it'd be so totally fun to get Cast Members together to write a book with little anecdotes like that. Not in an attempt to be vicious or anything, because a lot of my friends always my "stories" hilarious too. Just to amuse people really. And maybe for people like my mom who's never worked a customer service job in her life and it shows :)

One of my fav's (back when this was an applicable answer)
Q: Where can I get burger around here?
A: Carnation Plaza Gardens, on the left hand side of the castle (Disney point)
Q: Where's the Castle?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
I don't see how having a thread making fun of mistakes ordinary people make is contributing to the forums, either. I appreciate someone pointing out that anyone can mess up the name of an attraction, park, movie, or what have you. :wave:
At least the people who don't know it all, are having FUN!
But you're right... Glad that you and your bashers are so perfect... :rolleyes:


New Member
:kiss: honestly, I don't think this thread is to make fun of people.. it's just to say that little things bother us when people say things.. and I think the thing that makes me the most bothered is when people will say something and you try to tell them differently and they think they are right.. and you know you're the one that's right! OKay this may not make sense, but... live with it! :D

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