People are so ignorant...


Well-Known Member
Disney_dude said:
Shrek 1&2
Shark Tale
Spong Bob (belive it or not)

King Arthur
Ladder 49

Along with Touchstone ther is also BV and now Fox.
Disney does not own Fox. But they do own BV, Touchstone, Miramax, and Hollywood pictures.


Park History nut
Premium Member
celticdog said:
At Disneyland the ride started out as "Mission to the Moon", but after the moon landing it became a bit redundant and the was changed to "Mission to Mars". At WDW, "Mission to Mars" was turned into AE which became SGE.

Heres my little nerdy adition;

Rocket to the Moon opened in Disneyland, to be replaced by Flight to the Moon, and then Mission to Mars.

At WDW, Flight to the Moon opened in December 1971, and was replaced by Mission to Mars in June 1975. Alien Encounter opened December 16th 1994, and closed before the end of January 1995. The revamped version opened June 20th 1995, and closed October 11th 2003. Its replacement is still being waited for :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've corrected a lot of people... and didn't keep my mouth shut. :lol:
One of my major pet peeves is when someone calls Disney World "Disneyland" or vice versa...
I was on a bus to Alamo to rent a car. The driver made it kind of interesting by asking us questions about Disney the whole way there. Anyway, there was this annoying kid who wouldn't shut up and thought he knew everything about Disney. Needless to say, he wasn't right about a single question, but here's my favorite:

Driver: "Do you know who Oswald the Rabbit is?"
Kid: "Disney's first cartoon"
Driver: "What ever happened to Oswald?"
Kid: "He became Bugs Bunny"
Driver: "Correct"


Active Member
Brooke said:
"I've also seen a bunch of people who think that they can use their Disney resort room key to get into the theme parks."

Actually the last time I was there (what seems like 1 thousand years ago) when we stayed at the WDW resorts our room key was also the park ticket and charge card all in one. I guess that has changed now?? :wave:

Anyhow I remember one time in the Magic Kingdom a couple came up to my mom and I and asked us "where are all the rides"? My mom and I looked at each other and then told the people that there are rides all around. Then they said "no, the big rides and roller coasters". We told them to try Space Mountain and they said that they had done that already. We finally told them that they did not plan for their vacation very well and that it sounded like they were in the wrong place. They looked all disappointed and said "yeah, I guess so". Mom and I had a good laugh after that one and could not believe that they were not having any fun?


gsimpson said:
One of my favorites is when someone in the family or a friend tells me they are going to go to Disney World and they have two days so they want to know what else they can do after they have seen everything at Disney World. I suggest they go join the US Olympic track team since apparently they can run both long and fast.

That's great I'm sure they don't even get what you mean.


Well-Known Member
It sfuuny but i do get very aggrivated when people mess up things baout Walt Dinsey Wolr.d I know there not doing it on purpose but i have this need to correct them. Well the the other day I was talking to my Aunt and she said she wanted to eat in Tony and Tina's. I said there wasnt a Tonys and Tina's and she said yeh in Walt Disney World you know when you first walk in before you reachj the castle. She meant Tonys Town Square. Its funny becouse we think as this stuff as common knowledge when everyone else doesnt. LOL


Account Suspended
I think sometimes we mistake people being uninformed about situations as being stupid, or ignorant. Personally I think those are pretty harsh terms to use when describing people, and can do nothing but breed bad things on a board like this.

There are people who I am SURE are much more informed than I on all things Disney, and that's okay. It's their thing, and God love em. But everyone has their own thing that they are good at, or love to spend time doing.

I, for one, am trying to steer things to a more positive attitude on the boards here lately, as I have seen what happens when you don't. And it's always ugly, and most importantly, unnecessary.

I would rather we just help each other by providing information where asked for and good conversation.


New Member
se8472 said:
I think I have said this on here before but I feel like staying it again.

Had a guest come up to me and ask where was the spiderman ride. I told him it was at IOA, at first he didn't belive me, then wanted to know why we MOVED it there.

OY!!!!!!!! :hammer:


New Member
It's always interesting to hear people say that:

"AK is only a glorified zoo, and they can go to a zoo anytime"

"Epcot is not for kids, therefore we will go when we plan an adult trip"

"MGM is a bunch of shows, why would i spend time there?"

And it just so happens that these are usually people who are planning their first trip. :(

Trip advice: Go to all of the parks, you will have a great time! Missing one is like not living your day completely.


New Member
I think what frustrates me is that when I am going someplace, I do research about that place before I go so that I know what to expect. Do these people that call Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World, just decide to go on an expensive vacation & not even try to find out the first thing about the place they are going so that they can know a little about it & experience all that the place has to offer???? :lookaroun


New Member
As someone who works in the gift shops at Test Track and Mission: SPACE, the stupidest question I always get asked by guests is "if we exit out of the shop, can we come back inside" or "do I have to ride the attraction to get back into the shop?" People obviously don't think when they are on vacation.

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