People are so ignorant...


New Member
When I was a CP, and an already experienced WDW guest, I decided to take my new CP friends around the parks. They knew nothing and were impressed by how much I already knew. We went to MGM and I began asking them what we wanted to do. One of them chimed in and asked to ride the Haunted Mansion. Trying not to laugh in her face, I told her that the Haunted Mansion is in MK. Another person chimed in, asking to go ride Test Track. Um, no. Finally, another pitched in and was like "What the heck is there to do in this stupid parK?" At this point I was annoyed, and just walked away, letting them do their own thing. :hammer:

It has now become a running gag when I go there to ask to ride attractions in other parks.


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slappy magoo said:
Eh, I guess I take things more in stride than most of you. After all, as some people have pointed out, WE'RE making mistakes while talking about the mistakes other people gave made.

If someone calls MK "Disney World" it's no sweat off my nose. I consider them blissfully ignorant. It's the aggressively ignorant that bother me. The ones that refuse to be corrected and try to make you feel dumb when you know what you're talking about, that make me mad. Like the people who refuse to believe you when you say there are rides at AK, it's not just a zoo. Or that getting a room at a WDW resort doesn't give you free admission to the parks. Or that certain non-Disney movies are non-Disney movies, no matter how Disney-like they look. Or the woman who said she doesn't have a sea-view because all she sees is a wall (THAT cracked me up!). People that don't understnad, or refuse to believe, that WDW & US are two different corporate entities and getting perks at one resort doesn't guarantee you the same perks at the other. Or people who assume if there's a West Virginia, there MUST be an EAST Virginia, and if you claim to be from "Virginia" you're ignorant. Or a celebrity who feels he knows more about psychiatry & psychology than I do just because his religion feeds him a pamphlet filled with erroneous information and then he has the audacity to call Matt Lauer "Glib..." Sorry got off on a tangent there.

I'm just saying there's a difference between harmless mistakes that someone who doesn't care about a topic as strongly as you do might make, and aggressive "no...YOU'RE wrong" ignorance, and the latter, IMHO, is VASTLY more entertaining.

I couldn't agree more... I mean, i've heard soooo many people call WDW - Disneyland, and its not a big deal... and like... i've been in epcot and heard people say "wanna go to disney world tonight and see the castle?" and i figure they're new...

but like my other story and like you said... i just cant stand it when you 100% positive on something, and someone REFUSES to believe it cuz of their ignorance and stuborrness...

drives me BANANAS!!!! hahahaha


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Or people who assume if there's a West Virginia, there MUST be an EAST Virginia, and if you claim to be from "Virginia" you're ignorant.

We is not ignorant in Virginia. I are a 5th grade graduate. :lol:


Active Member
i have to say i can understand mistakes, if a fried of mine were to make a mictake i just correct them and get over it


i'm get angry with people that don't understand disney
one kid in my class said he hated all things disney(i didn't like him, by the way)

consequently, his favorite movie was disney (touchstone)

it really annoys me when people try to act like they know what their talking about even though they were completly wrong

we were riding the bus to MK and there were two people takling in front of us
i had to literlitly bite my lip to stop from correcting them

they said:

pixar is owned by disney
fox owns AK
Walt was killed by roy
walt was gay
sony owns Disney MGM Studios

at that poit i was ready to pull my hair out

then they said mickey mouse was just a copy of bugs bunny

thankfully we reached the park at that moment and i never had to listen to them again


Active Member
i competly agree with slappy magoo

especially with the cruse thing
whois he to tell us about medical care
i don't need a doctor, i have mr. criuse
i mean really, come on

ignorance the international language

Blink Me

I find it funny when people get characters mixed up. Like the first time i saw Brer Rabitt I thought he was the nesquik bunny.:hammer: Then one day the White Rabbit came out, and a man said it was bugs bunny. And when Robin Hood came out, someone said he was Scooby Doo:lol: .


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
...I'm just saying there's a difference between harmless mistakes that someone who doesn't care about a topic as strongly as you do might make, and aggressive "no...YOU'RE wrong" ignorance, and the latter, IMHO, is VASTLY more entertaining.
I'm with you there. A friend of mine recently returned from WDW just before we went, and insisted that when we go, we should be sure to pay extra, like they did (she swears), for the ticket option that allows you to get the fastpass. I told her that EVERYONE is entitled to use the fastpass system, but she insists that they had to pay extra for a special ticket option. Even after we went, and I told her that we used the fastpass all the time and did not pay extra, she insists that it must have been included in one of the other options we bought (because we had park hoppers and the magic plus pack)! She just won't give it up!

She's like this with just about everything, by the way. If you have a tip on how to do something, she has a better tip. If you have done something interesting, she has done something more interesting, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member

Well, I know Universal has an option of paying for their Universal Express. Paying one price gives you one Express Pass for each ride, rather than waiting on line for a pass and having to wait 2 hours to get the next one. BUT if you, say, ride The Hulk at IOA and want to ride it again, THEN you have to get a regular Universal Express Pass.

Your friend reminds me of my ex-mother-in-law. A know-it-all with a tremendous temper. If she said something that was ludicrous, you weren't even allowed to argue with her, the whole family would clamp their hands over your mouth and say "Please...please just let it go."

One time at breakfast, I was having a croissant. She said "I thought you were watching your weight." I said "I'm trying, but they looked good, so I thought I'd have one." She asked me "Do you know much butter they use to make croissants?" I said "well, I know they've got more butter than most other breads or pastries but I don't often have them, so, no big deal." Then, after consulting the Russian-To-English dictionary in her head, she strared at me and told me it took 4 sticks of butter to make one croissant.

Of Butter.
For ONE croissant.

I told her she was out of her mind. Four sticks of butter = a pound of butter and I've never seen a croissant weigh a pound. Her response: "They whip the butter, so it's light." I pointed out that that would make a single croissant contain hundreds of grams of fat. "That's right, they do." Since they were store bought, I pointed out the nutritional information. Her response: "They're lying." At this point, the hands came out to cover my mouth and in the interest of breathing, I was forced to acquiesce. Not a Disney story, but one I always LOVE reliving.


Well-Known Member
We were in EPCOT last week, and witnessed a guest who obviously knew more than we did, because she pointed to the Imagination building and told her friends how that was the Japan pavillion!:hammer:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
slappy magoo said:

Well, I know Universal has an option of paying for their Universal Express. Paying one price gives you one Express Pass for each ride, rather than waiting on line for a pass and having to wait 2 hours to get the next one. BUT if you, say, ride The Hulk at IOA and want to ride it again, THEN you have to get a regular Universal Express Pass.


Unless of course your staying at a Universal resort hotel. I thought Express plus had no time limitation, you just paid for x number of passes.


New Member
Ashanti takes the cake

the day of the kickoff of the happiest celebration on earth, ashanti performed, and when asked what her favorite disney character was she replied-DAFFY!



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celticdog said:
We are both wrong. I dug through some of my old Disneyland stuff and came across a hard bound book titled "Disneyland, The First Quarter Century", copyright date 1979. The ride's actually first name was "Rocket to the Moon"

You are correct that the original name for the attraction was "Rocket to the Moon", but that didn't make my statement "wrong". I just mentioned that it was called "Flight to the Moon" and later was called "Mission to Mars". I wasn't intending to state those were the only two names by which it was ever called. I was just pointing out that it was NEVER called "Mission to the Moon" as you had stated. :wave:


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I have an interesting one, although I wouldn't say this "irritated" me as much as it amused me....

I was working in a Disney Store some years back when a guest mentioned to me that she had an original Fantasia poster from when the film was first released. Being an avid collector of vintage Disney, I was very excited to see it. She proceeded to reveal it to me and I quickly recognized it as being the poster from the 1985 re-release, not from the original release in 1940. I pointed this out to her and she literally became irate with me. I even pointed out to her that at the bottom of the poster, there was a tiny ad for Disneyland's 30th birthday. I told her that Disneyland opened in 1955 and that this poster was printed during the 30th anniversary, hence it was 1985 (doesn't take a mathematician to figure that out). I also pointed out that Fantasia was released 15 years before Disneyland opened, so clearly this couldn't possibly be from the original release. Still, she argued with me. I even offered to show her a book (which we sold in the store) that would verify all this information. It was at that point that she refused to discuss it anymore and she stormed out of the store.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Unless of course your staying at a Universal resort hotel. I thought Express plus had no time limitation, you just paid for x number of passes.

No, they DO have a time limitation, YOU'RE JUST IGNORANT!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, actually, I could be wrong on that one. Last time I was at Guest Services I thought I saw wording about the Express Plus that said the passes were only valid on the day purchased, but if I just made that up in my head, I'll apologize (but it does NOT mean I'm mentally unbalanced, according to Tom Cruise). And I didn't mention the fact that people staying at a Universal Studios hotel get unlimited Express Passes, only because I was trying to be relevant to KingStefan's comment. HRH said he had a friend who swore you had to pay for Fastpasses, and I was thinking maybe this friend got confused with the Express Plus option at US.

Though I think there's a thread around here rumoring that Disney is toying with offering a similar option as well.


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Though I think there's a thread around here rumoring that Disney is toying with offering a similar option as well.

I've seen that rumor. Kevin Yee at Miceage made reference to it in a column about equity and fairness at WDW.
I kinda feel sorry for this family, especially after I accidently laid into them for it. But I make no appologies; they had to be told.
Here's the tale...
They book a two week holiday at a Days Inn thinking it to be a superb deal, but in fact was a condemned building after Charley. Then, they bought five day tickets expecting them to last the entire fortnight. Plus, they were very annoyed when they took these tickets to seaworld and were denied entry. THEN, they went to MK, claimed they COULDN'T FIND ANY RIDES!!! and just rode the Indy Speedway all day. Then they went to MGM, also not 'finding' any rides and also thought you had to pay to see Fantasmic! Then at BB, they stayed for just 10mins before getting bored. To top all this, the father got caught driving on the wrong side of the road (they're from England) and so insisted on getting their resort bus home everyday, thus causing them to miss every single item of night entertainment. They didn't see a single firework all holiday! And so, to finish, they just lazed at their condemned hotel pool for the remaining 10 days.

I was in one hell of a rage of dispair after this I was nearly in tears. It was so depressing how a family could have such a poor time at WDW!!!


Well-Known Member
Beany-Fantasmic said:
I kinda feel sorry for this family, especially after I accidently laid into them for it. But I make no appologies; they had to be told.
Here's the tale...
They book a two week holiday at a Days Inn thinking it to be a superb deal, but in fact was a condemned building after Charley. Then, they bought five day tickets expecting them to last the entire fortnight. Plus, they were very annoyed when they took these tickets to seaworld and were denied entry. THEN, they went to MK, claimed they COULDN'T FIND ANY RIDES!!! and just rode the Indy Speedway all day. Then they went to MGM, also not 'finding' any rides and also thought you had to pay to see Fantasmic! Then at BB, they stayed for just 10mins before getting bored. To top all this, the father got caught driving on the wrong side of the road (they're from England) and so insisted on getting their resort bus home everyday, thus causing them to miss every single item of night entertainment. They didn't see a single firework all holiday! And so, to finish, they just lazed at their condemned hotel pool for the remaining 10 days.

I was in one hell of a rage of dispair after this I was nearly in tears. It was so depressing how a family could have such a poor time at WDW!!!
WOW!!!!! As far as the Days Inn thing, it may have been cheaper but I think this goes to show you it really wasnt a better value at all!!! Some people just dont realize that you can stay off property for cheaper ( Much cheaper in some cases) However you may end up paying more and getting less for your money!!! As far as the not being able to find any rides, there is this wonderful free item called a map located at the entracne to each park. Not everyone knows that they should pick up one and goes back to the idea of reading up on a vacation destination to make the most out of it. I like to think I would be smart enough to ask around even if Maps werent provided!!! Ah well, Do they know enough now to call you in case of another trip?? Belle


JKovach said:
MK is actually a magicians cult... so you can't get in unless you learn how to pull a rabbit out your *beep*"

I was drinking water when I read that and almost spit it all over my computer.

I hope they never make that rule, because that may finally be the admission price that I won't pay.
People are so ignorant

I always chuckle when I remember this moment at Animal Kingdom:

We had just finished a terrific Kilimanjaro Safari and I overheard the woman behind me say, "The animals are so lifelike!". I informed her of the obvious. She was shocked.:)

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