People are so ignorant...


Well-Known Member
CSUFSteve said:
Anyway, I've felt always it'd be so totally fun to get Cast Members together to write a book with little anecdotes like that. Not in an attempt to be vicious or anything, because a lot of my friends always my "stories" hilarious too. Just to amuse people really. And maybe for people like my mom who's never worked a customer service job in her life and it shows :)

That book would be one I would buy. Every CM I ever knew had stuff like that that are funny.

CSUFSteve said:
One of my fav's (back when this was an applicable answer)
Q: Where can I get burger around here?
A: Carnation Plaza Gardens, on the left hand side of the castle (Disney point)
Q: Where's the Castle?

lol. Yeah one of my fellow CPs once told me that a guest came into Casey's and asked him where the castle was. (and you know Casey's is right on mainstreet) I think he told them that it was right behind them.


New Member
Wilt Dasney said:
I don't see how having a thread making fun of mistakes ordinary people make is contributing to the forums, either. I appreciate someone pointing out that anyone can mess up the name of an attraction, park, movie, or what have you. :wave:

I really don't think we're making fun of them. We're just sharing experinces to other disney'ers.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
At least the people who don't know it all, are having FUN!
But you're right... Glad that you and your bashers are so perfect... :rolleyes:

Have you really paid attention to what this thread is about, or are you just lashing out on instinct? The entire point of this thread is for people to show how they DO know it all (or at least, a sight more than those poor rubes who go to Disney without spending hours on a site like this).

Threads like this have popped up dozens of times, and my reaction is always the same. I just have no idea why some people find it so amusing when somebody calls the Magic Kingdom Disney World. Most people don't spend hours reading vacation brochures before they go somewhere. As long as they get there safely and have a good time, they really couldn't care less about the little details.

As for me being a "basher" or having a group of them...I have no idea where that's coming from. I haven't bashed anybody, and if I have a group, I'd really like to know where all their membership fees are going. I expressed my opinion about this thread in a polite and nonconfrontational way. Can you honestly say the same?



Well-Known Member
As cast member at DRC, I have been asked to book reservations at many restraunts that are in Universal's City Walk, then told by guests that I am in fact wrong.....Dont know how that works but ok.

Also, I overheard a child in Epcot asking her dad "What is that building with the big bird on it?" Only to be replied with, "Hunny that is the Dolphin Resort" hah

Anyways, I have many of these stories, just thought I would offer 2 of them.


Account Suspended
Geez, and they say I'm trouble

After reading some of these posts, (by the way guys: I'M BAAAAACCCCKKK),
I'm glad I'm a gentler, kinder poster here at I don't feel so bad now.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
disneysailor said:
My favourite when I worked on the Disney Wonder:

Me: Good afternoon, Disney Wonder Guest Services. How can I help?
Guest: Hi, I'm really annoyed. I've just arrived on board and got to my room. I paid for a sea view room and I havent got one!
Me: I can see that you're in room xxxx, which is classified as a sea view room.
Guest: Well, I can tell you I haven't got a sea view room, and I'm really p*ssed off. I paid extra for a sea view!
Me: Are you sure you havent got a sea view? Are you calling from your own room?
Guest: Yeah, when I look out the window, all I can see is a concrete wall.
Me: Yes, madam. That's the dock. When we set sail, you will be able to see the sea. I promise.

The worst thing was, I was training a new crew member who was listening to the call at the time, so I had to work really hard to keep a straight face! :brick: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's an hilarious story, like something I would read at the bottom of a page of "Mouse Tales." Have any more stories??


New Member
I did my own stupid mistake when we went to Disneyland for our Honeymoon. I wanted to spend our last 4 days in Disney (save the best for last). So I didn't have that many outfits yet and I wanted to wear my mickey stuff on our last day in Disney land. So I wore my new Univerals shirt the frist day in Disneyland.
I saw Chip & Dale together for photos for the first time. I was really excited, when I got up the them they were pointing at my t-shirt and a bit angry at me. That is why they are coving it with there arms. I felt so bad I kissed them both on the nose and said sorry.
Here is the photo & the story!!


New Member
i was eating lunch with a couple friends and one of my friends told me that six flags st. louis (which is a tiny park) is way bigger than walt disney world. I almost blacked out from the remark.


New Member
DizkneeBoi said:
Today in one of my classes the professor was telling a story about how he is obsessed with planning. Well he was telling about how he planned like crazy for a trip to Disney World and he was all like "well the first ride we went on was Spiderman." I wanted to literally yell out "That's at Universal you fool!" haha Has anyone else had one of these moments where you wanted to correct someone about Disney but kept your mouth shut?
OMG that is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Yeah, some people are just plain dumb and gets things mixed up.


Well-Known Member
There's some really entertaining stories on this thread, but I have to agree with the poster who said that we would all say equally stupid-sounding things around other crowds. I learned this lesson the hard way a loooong time ago.

Back in my movie-theater-manager days, we used to make fun of all the customers who asked silly questions. A few favorites:

"What time does the mid-night movie start?"

(after looking at the price of admission on the box office sign) "What is that movie "Admission $7" about?"

(after looking at showtimes for a house that was showing Jurassic Park and the Beverly Hillbillies) "I'd like 2 for Jurassic Hillbillies".

There were obviously bunches of things that were funny to me and my employees because we knew the business inside and out. But to someone who didn't work there, there was no reason for them to know.

Anyway, we all went to a local restaurant one day after making fun of a particularily "dumb customer". And I asked the guy at the register if there were any vegetarian items on the menu. He looked at me like I was the biggest idiot on the planet and said, "Yes, sir. They would be listed under 'vegetarian entrees'."

It seems everyone looks stupid in some customer service setting.


Well-Known Member
My mom's gotten better at it, but:
Mom: "Are you going to get Fastpasses for Mission to Mars?"
Me: "Yeah... 30 years ago..."


Account Suspended
I only read about half of these and I just started getting annoyed!!! hahahhaa not at you guys, don't worry

I just cannot believe people, so I thought I would throw in my two cents

for one... I love my girlfriend with all my heart, but her friends... eh... we get along alright, but never really that well.. Some of them are real nice and I like, others... I just dont get a long with one bit, and my friends... forget about it, they despise them... so we're going to AK one day (and this has been mentioned on her, but its my version) and I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to come and have like 3 of her friends come (at most... no more cuz we couldn't deal with it) and she asked her 3 closest... and they were like "no... we paid all this money to come to disney, i'm not going to a zoo... i can see animals in my backyard" and then they REFUSED to believe that there were any rides!!!!!!!! I ALMOST FOUGHT SOMEONE... thats the only time i've ever been like... legitimately angry in WDW, I LOST it... so I was like "you're right... cuz its called Animal Kingdom... it has nothing but animals... no rides, they just built a park with roaming lions... the point is to see who can stay in the park longest without being eaten by a wild beast. Did you know there aren't any rides in Magic Kingdom either? MK is actually a magicians cult... so you can't get in unless you learn how to pull a rabbit out your *beep*"

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

This was also annoying (i posted this on my thread about embarassing stories even though it isn't embarrassing)

At 9:58 in the MK one night... the crowd was RUSHING the exits after the fireworks show... there was like 100,000 people RUSHING down mainstreet... and the park was closing at 10:00... and there was no EMH and no E-ticket... so at 10... it was closed... nothing opened... so in 2 minutes... and some lady was walking up Main Street and says "they should have a seperate path for people trying to get INTO the park" I couldn't believe it... what was she trying to do!??!?!


Well-Known Member
One other thing I've noticed in some of these stories is people throwing fits for no good reason. I really think that companies have trained customers to throw fits even if nothing is wrong. Why? They have nothing to loose. As long as they don't start throwing punches, they aren't going to get in trouble. And if they make a big enough scene, they just might get something for free. I have some in-laws who get their daughter's birthday cake for free every year becuase they complain to the bakery loudly every time. The kid is 4 now and it has worked every year.


Well-Known Member
lebeau said:
One other thing I've noticed in some of these stories is people throwing fits for no good reason. I really think that companies have trained customers to throw fits even if nothing is wrong. Why? They have nothing to loose. As long as they don't start throwing punches, they aren't going to get in trouble. And if they make a big enough scene, they just might get something for free. I have some in-laws who get their daughter's birthday cake for free every year becuase they complain to the bakery loudly every time. The kid is 4 now and it has worked every year.

Yeah, people like to throw fits. One time when I used to work at Casey's I was on register 4, and I only had one line because I didn't have any fillers, well the line was really long, it was during a rush, and this guys comes on the other side of the register, and I told him that he would have to go to the back of the line. He threw this HUGE fit and started yelling at me at the top of his lungs, so eventually I just had to take his order even though he actually cut the 20 people waiting in line, not to mention he started a new line of people behind him so it took twice as long since I had to take and get orders for 2 lines. That guy made me so mad, I was actually shaking from trying to keep all my anger in (ofcourse I didn't want to cause an even bigger scene). And just so you know, I'm really not an angry person, it was just that guy acting like a 2 year old for no reason whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
pluto77 said:
Yeah, people like to throw fits. One time when I used to work at Casey's I was on register 4, and I only had one line because I didn't have any fillers, well the line was really long, it was during a rush, and this guys comes on the other side of the register, and I told him that he would have to go to the back of the line. He threw this HUGE fit and started yelling at me at the top of his lungs, so eventually I just had to take his order even though he actually cut the 20 people waiting in line, not to mention he started a new line of people behind him so it took twice as long since I had to take and get orders for 2 lines. That guy made me so mad, I was actually shaking from trying to keep all my anger in (ofcourse I didn't want to cause an even bigger scene). And just so you know, I'm really not an angry person, it was just that guy acting like a 2 year old for no reason whatsoever.

Sounds real familiar. I have more than my fair share of customer service horror stories. It just amazes me how immature people can be when they don't get when they want exactly when they want it. I sometimes refer to certain customers as unicorns, becuase the things they are asking for are impossible or they simply don't exist. But if they don't get their unicorn, they are going to go on a rampage.

The thing is, I know for a fact that sometimes these customers are acting up becuase they feel they will benefit from it in some way. I once worked in a restaraunt where I saw a guy pluck a hair from his head, put it in his food and try to get a refund for it. When I explained that I had watched him pluck his own hair from his head, he shrugged and walked away. Nothing lost but some dignity he didn't seem to value very much to begin with.


New Member
OK, a couple of the things I heard when we were at WDW last month.....

A lady in the World Showcase at EPCOT apparently asked a CM at France if they had a restroom. I over-heard her tell a friend, "she said the nearest restroom is in the UK, whatever the he** the UK is"

I was standing in line at Mission: Space, when the people behind me were carrying on a conversation. One of them said, "OK, I can understand the Magic Kingdom, and I can see the Animal Kingdom, but what the heck is an EPCOT." Naturally I couldn't let that go unanswered.

I also know of someone that got a new Disney PhotoPass card each time they had their picture taken.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Eh, I guess I take things more in stride than most of you. After all, as some people have pointed out, WE'RE making mistakes while talking about the mistakes other people gave made.

If someone calls MK "Disney World" it's no sweat off my nose. I consider them blissfully ignorant. It's the aggressively ignorant that bother me. The ones that refuse to be corrected and try to make you feel dumb when you know what you're talking about, that make me mad. Like the people who refuse to believe you when you say there are rides at AK, it's not just a zoo. Or that getting a room at a WDW resort doesn't give you free admission to the parks. Or that certain non-Disney movies are non-Disney movies, no matter how Disney-like they look. Or the woman who said she doesn't have a sea-view because all she sees is a wall (THAT cracked me up!). People that don't understnad, or refuse to believe, that WDW & US are two different corporate entities and getting perks at one resort doesn't guarantee you the same perks at the other. Or people who assume if there's a West Virginia, there MUST be an EAST Virginia, and if you claim to be from "Virginia" you're ignorant. Or a celebrity who feels he knows more about psychiatry & psychology than I do just because his religion feeds him a pamphlet filled with erroneous information and then he has the audacity to call Matt Lauer "Glib..." Sorry got off on a tangent there.

I'm just saying there's a difference between harmless mistakes that someone who doesn't care about a topic as strongly as you do might make, and aggressive "no...YOU'RE wrong" ignorance, and the latter, IMHO, is VASTLY more entertaining.


Well-Known Member
lebeau said:
The thing is, I know for a fact that sometimes these customers are acting up becuase they feel they will benefit from it in some way. I once worked in a restaraunt where I saw a guy pluck a hair from his head, put it in his food and try to get a refund for it. When I explained that I had watched him pluck his own hair from his head, he shrugged and walked away. Nothing lost but some dignity he didn't seem to value very much to begin with.
:lol: Kind of like that woman who tried to sue Wendy's because she claimed there was a finger in her chili, when she was the one her planted it there.

I'm sure you're right, some people just want to get thier way on everything so they'll go out of there way, even at the expense of others, just to get something they want.


Well-Known Member
slappy magoo said:
Or a celebrity who feels he knows more about psychiatry & psychology than I do just because his religion feeds him a pamphlet filled with erroneous information and then he has the audacity to call Matt Lauer "Glib..." Sorry got off on a tangent there.

Paging Mr Cruise, Mr Know-it-all Cruise. Your pamphlet on psyc... I mean, your instant Psychology degree has arrived. ;)

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