People are so ignorant...


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tazhughes said:
I was drinking water when I read that and almost spit it all over my computer.

I hope they never make that rule, because that may finally be the admission price that I won't pay.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wanna thank you for your support on that. I became very short tempered with my girlfriend's friends... so... that was like the last straw. I mean I didn't flip out, I just acted like a sarcastic jerk, but my friends enjoyed it, and my gf's friends who i get along with thought it was funny cuz it was mainly aimed at 2 girls...

One week later at our prom after party I actually lost it though... just flipped out cuz the same girl (verbally) attacked my best friend and said somet hings, so... I got very (verbally) crazy and went off on her... another moment everyone enjoyed as I shut her up and made her look like a fool

I'm not a mean kid, not by any means, but this girl deserved it... I'll save the dialogue of what was said for a forum that is not disney nor kid related... hahaha


Well-Known Member
ConstanceIrene said:
I always chuckle when I remember this moment at Animal Kingdom:

We had just finished a terrific Kilimanjaro Safari and I overheard the woman behind me say, "The animals are so lifelike!". I informed her of the obvious. She was shocked.:)
One of my friends did the exact same thing. She asked me why I was taking so many pics of the "fake" animals!! I looked at her like " WHA????" I very calmly informed her that they were real. She proceeded to argue with me (mind you we were seated right behind the Safari Guide, how she mananged to keep a straight face I will never know) She actually argued until a rhino ran down a hill and into the path of our safari vehicle. Then another rhino did the same thing. I said "WOW That must really be good animatronics at work there huh??" She got my point but I still bust on her when she is being particularly hard headed about stuff!!! Belle

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
slappy magoo said:
No, they DO have a time limitation, YOU'RE JUST IGNORANT!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, actually, I could be wrong on that one. Last time I was at Guest Services I thought I saw wording about the Express Plus .

Naa ___p e e___ brain I was talking about having to wait two hours to ride again. The way the system was told to me was that it was just a book of express passes and you could use at will on the rides of choice. I was a bit annoyed because the guy kept doing the hard sell, till I showed him my HRH room key (the ultimate fast pass). If they stop it i stop staying there :animwink:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member

As far as the two-hour comment I made...when it comes to the regular "free" passes, whether it's at WDW or US/IOA, once you get one pass you can't obtain another for 2 hours. If you're at Disney Studios and at 12 noon you get a FastPass to ride Tower of Terror, you can't get another FastPass for any other ride until 2pm. And if you're at US and at 12 noon you get an Express pass for The Mummy, you can't get another pass at US until 2 as well.

HOWEVER, if you pay extra for the Express Plus Passes, I'm pretty sure that you get one Express Pass for each specific ride. Meaning, if you're nuts for The Hulk coaster, you can't use every pass you buy on the Hulk coaster again and again and again. You get ONE Hulk Pass, ONE Spider-Man pass, ONE Ripsaw Falls pass, etc. Otherwise, there's nothing stopping, for example, a group of 6 or 8 people splitting the cost of one of the booklets of Express Plus Passes, and splitting up all the Passes on one or two "E-ticket"-style rides. Not enough of a profit margin for US/IOA to have THAT as an option. So each booklet has one pass for each ride in its respective park.

HOWEVER, if you ride the Hulk and decide right away that you want to ride again, THEN you can still get the regular Universal Express for the ride (or just wait in line, if you're into that sort of thing). But the rules for Regular Universal Expresses apply. You can't obtain another regular Universal Express Pass for two hours, though you can still keep using all the Express Plus Passes you paid for on all the other rides.


New Member
Beany-Fantasmic said:
I kinda feel sorry for this family, especially after I accidently laid into them for it. But I make no appologies; they had to be told.
Here's the tale...
They book a two week holiday at a Days Inn thinking it to be a superb deal, but in fact was a condemned building after Charley. Then, they bought five day tickets expecting them to last the entire fortnight. Plus, they were very annoyed when they took these tickets to seaworld and were denied entry. THEN, they went to MK, claimed they COULDN'T FIND ANY RIDES!!! and just rode the Indy Speedway all day. Then they went to MGM, also not 'finding' any rides and also thought you had to pay to see Fantasmic! Then at BB, they stayed for just 10mins before getting bored. To top all this, the father got caught driving on the wrong side of the road (they're from England) and so insisted on getting their resort bus home everyday, thus causing them to miss every single item of night entertainment. They didn't see a single firework all holiday! And so, to finish, they just lazed at their condemned hotel pool for the remaining 10 days.

I was in one hell of a rage of dispair after this I was nearly in tears. It was so depressing how a family could have such a poor time at WDW!!!
I've met many morons over here, but I find it hard to believe anyone that stupid could even make it to the airport to fly over to Florida! :lol:


Two Contributions

Way back in 1970 something, we were traveling from SC to Knoxville, TN to visit my sister in grad school at UT. We stopped an old timey gas station. While there, this old man who was driving an old beat up pickup with a little boy in the passenger seat asked, "Say, this the way to Disneyworld?" WE WERE ON THE WAY TO KNOXVILLE TN! I wondered if he ever got there.

Maybe Disney should open a new exit gate that says, "EXIT HERE IF YOU COULD NOT FIND THE RIDES" and then there would be some very patient CM to provide a map and some personal assistance for those who can't do it on their own. :)

When someone tells you there weren't any rides, are you tempted to say, "Well, you didn't purchase the ride option on your ticket. If you don't add that, then you can't see the rides."

OK That was 3, sorry. Can't count.


Premium Member
Stood in front of the "Partners" statue. A British lady tells her kids to "get in the photo with Mickey and that Disney founder guy." "You mean Walt Disney?" I replied. "No" said the lady. "He wasn't the guy who founded it, it was someone else."

Oh boy....I quit after I heard that.

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