Park Pet Peeves


Well-Known Member
Able bodied men that will sit on a bus while children and old people are standing in the isle.

Oh, now that one I will agree with... maybe not even necessarily assuming it's only men who should give up their seat. I'll gladly give up mine for someone who needs it. My legs work just fine. Being female hasn't made me any less able to stand for 10 minutes. :lol:
People who can't slow down and enjoy the atmosphere. We really don't care about the general public, but when we are in Disney World with family and friends and all they want to do is run through the queue without appreciating the details and rush to see everything, it just drives us nuts. Plus they have been there numerous times and always plan on going back.
These days we usually let them run off and we plan to meet up with them later.


Active Member
Oh, now that one I will agree with... maybe not even necessarily assuming it's only men who should give up their seat. I'll gladly give up mine for someone who needs it. My legs work just fine. Being female hasn't made me any less able to stand for 10 minutes. :lol:

I understand that this is a peeve thread and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I actually have the opposite peeve. Someone who gets on a bus that is clearly filled to standing room only capacity and then expects someone who appears "able bodied" to give up their seat. This is for two reasons. 1.) Looks can be decieving. Just looking able bodied doesn't mean they actually are. 2.) At peak times buses come quite frequently. If having a seat is that important to your group wait for the next one.


Well-Known Member
I understand that this is a peeve thread and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I actually have the opposite peeve. Someone who gets on a bus that is clearly filled to standing room only capacity and then expects someone who appears "able bodied" to give up their seat. This is for two reasons. 1.) Looks can be decieving. Just looking able bodied doesn't mean they actually are. 2.) At peak times buses come quite frequently. If having a seat is that important to your group wait for the next one.

:lol: No... I don't get on a crowded bus and immediately scan the group for people I think look capable of standing who aren't.

For me personally, I'll give up a seat for a kid. However, since I have so many, the kid is usally mine :lookaroun

It's hard, at the end of a long day, to stand those extra 10 or 15 minutes, but I can do it, and I don't think all the (how many seats does a bus have?) people sitting are completely incapable of doing it too.

It doesn't ruin my day or anything, that's for sure. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Wow. Seriously. Way to be mean. Can't we all remember that we're here for the same thing - to talk about all things Disney? And not take shots at other board members?


Active Member
Wow. This is getting a bit crazy here...

I must say that I'm taking my four year old son and 10 month old daughter to WDW this May for our vacation. Our daughter will be in a stroller. We have good kids, and I'm not a kamakazi stroller pusher. We don't force our son on rides he doesn't want to go on, and we are staying at a monorail resort so our time on the bus will be limited. When our daughter cries in a restaurant, we take her outside. We expect lines at WDW.

All this said, I do apologize in advance for any nerves we may hit on other guests. Please allow us to come anyway! :lol:

Geeze, y'all. This really is getting to be too personal and not a fun thread any more. Debate is good and fun, but this thread's crossing the line. I'm feeling guilty for taking my family on vacation and I haven't even done anything!


Well-Known Member
Able bodied men that will sit on a bus while children and old people are standing in the isle.

Me and my wife and son always stand up and let the older people and mothers with little ones have our seats. I know I am shocked at how many men actually don't do this though. :shrug: The only time I usually sit down is if the bus isn't full and most of the women and older people have seats already.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I really ticks me off when people order chicken strips, I mean what's wrong with the rest of the chicken ?:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Me and my wife and son always stand up and let the older people and mothers with little ones have our seats. I know I am shocked at how many men actually don't do this though. :shrug: The only time I usually sit down is if the bus isn't full and most of the women and older people have seats already.

I completely agree. You see this on the buses and the Monorail way more than you should.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but on our last trip is was quite annoying: if you stay at one of the value or even moderate resorts, the buses are much less frequent or sometimes not there at all to and from the parks.

There seems to be a constant stream of them lined up for the Deluxe resorts but the others wait a good long while at times. I know you're getting what you pay for, but has anyone else noticed the waiting time growing?


New Member
How about you lighten up, and don't be such an uptight priss about what other people do with theme park novelty items.

Yeah, I'm such an evil @#*($^@ because I wore the married ears! I totally ruined it for those who are legitimately married!

Dude, personally, I don't care if you wear the "married ears" or not.

But, you DID start this thread and it DID say "pet peeves" and you DID turn it a bit nasty with the above statement.

Just sayin'.


New Member realize that some people use those to keep up with other family members in the parks....

My wife,sister and friend and myself used them when we got seperated or lost track of each other. They work better than walkie-talkies,no bleed over or interference. But for just shootin' the breeze at the park..yeah that's annoying.


I get really wound up when we've stood and waited for a parade or show for over an hour and 2 minutes before it starts, someone tries to elbow you out of the way or (as has happened to me before) they come and stand right in front of you and completely block your view!!! :fork:

If you want a good view, people, get in place earlier!!!!:mad:

I also hate it when people seem unable to follow simple rules. No flash photography, remain seated, don't touch the animals! The signs are there for a reason!!!!


New Member
Cellphones are only a problem because most people seem to think they have to shout into them! I really hope this next trip doesn't result in the usual bloody wounds to the ankles from strollers. You'd be surprised how many people let a child push who can't even see over the thing. OR they are so busy talking to their party they aren't watching ahead. The kicker is when they give you "the Look" for being in their way!!!

The Mom

Premium Member
Guys, I've deleted a lot of the "bickering between one or two posters" posts because, quite frankly, the rest of us are tired of them.

I will say it for the 100th time...THINK before you post. I know it's hard to believe, but except in rare cases, no one is sitting there trying to think up something specifically intended to irritate YOU, personally. This is why I dislike these "pet peeves" sort of threads.

We ALL innocently (or for our own convoluted reasons) do things from time to time that will annoy others. And there it is a natural response to try to explain our actions to others when we feel that we are being attacked. If that doesn't work, we all get angry, and things get nasty around here.

So please, stop painting others with such a broad brush, but if that brush crosses over you, try not to take everything posted personally. At least TRY to see the other person's POV, even if you disagree with it. If you can't do that, then ignore them. After all, when all is said and done, the majority of us are just strangers on a discussion forum, so why should our opinions bother you?


Don't go to Disneyland Paris -- you might get into a fistfight. There must be something different about continental Europe in terms of lines. On my last trip to DP (solo), I actually heard a Spanish family behind me talking to each other, out in the open, about how to get around "the American" in front of them. The father was actually directing the kids to try to coordinate movement to get in front of me. I finally turned around and said "Hablo espanol" ("I speak Spanish"). He was at least quiet in his schemeing until we got on the ride. Incredibly, virtually the same thing happened to me later in the day, only this time the family was French...and I don't speak enough French to talk back.

This happened to me on PotC in Paris too! The people behind me took my shoes off 4 times they were so close, and then the woman was trying to push a kid in front of me so that she could follow! I had my arm out against the wall to stop them and when she tried to duck under my arm to get past, I just brought my arm down on her head, smiled sweetly and said "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I get you then?" She didn't try to squeeze past again!

(I would just like to say that I'm English and in my experience, the Brits are very good at queuing!)


New Member
You had to have known this was coming. People who smoke in non designated smoking areas.:fork:[/quot

I was holding a spot at EPCOT for the fireworks (Italy is the best spot BTW) last year,it was cold and windy,so I kind of covered my coffee with my jacket and a CM who was watching the lines for the Candlelight Processional walked up and asked me if I was smoking. I told him no, (Why? you want one?) He chuckled and said no.I was just holding my coffee and showed him. He was an older guy.I give props to the man because he had the guts to at least say something. I do smoke, but I use the designated areas. I fear this is the way of things,there's always someone out there who doesn't know or care,didn't get the word or they are oblivious.


New Member
First, let me start off saying I'm sorry to anyone I've healed with my stroller. I try my best not to 'run anyone over', but sometimes it happens, and it will truely be an accident. We are following along and I know people will stop infront of us for any number of reasons. But you will always get an 'I'm sorry' from me.

But, I have two pet peeves that get my blood boiling.

1. If you see me an my family sitting there and you see concrete between the 5 of us as the show/parade starts, don't expect that you're child/family member and join us. Take the time out of your busy schedule and get there early. I took the time away from a show or attration to sit down and get the chance to enjoy the upcoming show.

2. South American (Pick a nation) Tour Groups. I've never seen a group of people that will impose their will on other guests as I have with them. The past three years in December, everytime we're at DHS, we've been sitting there ready to watch Fantasmic and it never fails, a group of 50 or so will stand up and start singing. And they will do this for 45 minutes. 5,000 other people may not want to hear you sing out your songs. And it's already been pointed out how they act in line. If you see someone throwing people into garbage cans, it will be me due to them trying to cut inline one too many times.


New Member
My biggest Pet Peeve is when im walkin around the parks and I hear people talking who think Jethro Tull is just a guy in a band... :lookaroun

oh and when people jump out of nowhere to steal your table at an eatery even though you were standing 5 feet away from it for five minutes...

Jethro Tull? Oh that's that guy who "loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly" :animwink:


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