Park Pet Peeves


My biggest pet peeve is when teens and adults (mostly men) act like they are "too cool" to enjoy Disney while they are there. Like if a character comes up to them they stand still and don't smile and look like a jack*#$...

Don't have to worry about that with me. I usually have the opposite problem. My wife gets embarassed because her 37 year old husband wants a character pic and hugs them. Is that weird?...Do I need help??? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Don't have to worry about that with me. I usually have the opposite problem. My wife gets embarassed because her 37 year old husband wants a character pic and hugs them. Is that weird?...Do I need help??? :lookaroun
No! You're perfect ... you don't happen to have a younger brother/cousin/male friend that loves Disney do you? :lol:


New Member
Loud,obnoxious central and south american tour groups,and their a$$^@!# tour guides who stand in lines for them so everyone can try to cut the line after running over from the previous ride!:mad: Here is a chant for you .....GO AWAAAY AWAY AWAY AWAY.....AND DON"T COME BACK ANOTHER DAY!!!!

And to the some of the cheerleader groups. What is it gonna take to get you to realize we don't want to hear your cheers? Your here for the competition, do it at the competition. Here is my cheer to you, ...Give me a S....Give me a H.....Give me a U..... Give me a T.......Give me a U......Give me a P....what does that spell???...........SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! OHH yeah and to the cheerleader parents and chaperones of those groups ,when you come with them to these events your suppose to watch them 24/7,not sit at the hotels at the quiet pools and get drunk,while they run around unsupervised! Your the reasons for the bad rep for the ones who have manners and respect for themselves and others.

Hoorah! A comrad in arms!!:D To touch on the parent thing in my post,and give you a chuckle.We had family in town and they were unfortunately stuck at the values with the cheerleaders. We went to the quiet pool with them as the main pool was full of the unsupervised pains in the a$$ trying to see who could cheer the loudest, pushing each other into the pool,or pushing and shoving in the pool.While at the quiet pool we commented to each other about how loud they were,to which one the 8 other adults next to us laugh and say,"Yeah that's why the 8 of us are here ,and our squad of girls are there!! HAHAHAHAH!!! To which we replied" Yeah and now we see why they are such a$$^*!#&,they are just like you.To which they cussed us out,grabbed there stuff and stormed off,as we laughed at them.:D
Nice job!!!!!! I congratulate you for saying something too!!!!


Well-Known Member
Um, yeah. Some of the tour groups from other countries can be loud and rude. I hate to say it but some of them are also smelly.:hammer:

No pet peeves here except for people complaining all of the time.:D


New Member
Here goes mine:

1. People who do not wear deoderant. It should be mandatory to wear some prior to entering the parks.

2. Personal space violators. Standing 1 inch from the back of me will not make the line move any faster. Its all too important to have some space between you and those in line :hurl:.

3. A person viloating #1 and 2! Its real bad if a stranger is touching you and hasn't put on any deoderant that day. :eek:

4. People who physically push and bump into you while you are walking (at a good pace), only to get right in front of you and come to a dead stop. This is especially bad if the person you cut off is pushing a stroller! It happens more than you think. We walk at a fast pace, while pushing the stroller and every time someone does this. Every scenario is different and there are those who are not mindful of those around them and just stop in the middle of a walkway for no reason, stroller pushing or not. Just stating our experience and not wanting to start a stroller debate.:D


Well-Known Member
I think there are very few things that I let bother me at WDW. However, I guess there are a three. Like others before have stated it is the evc/wheelchair comandos. I don't know why, we haven't really had the trouble with strollers or double strollers. The biggest thing that gets me is the wheelchairs/evcs on the buses (at night esp.) I don't know why they don't have the families get in line and when it is their turn to get on the next bus then that wheelchair gets on that bus. This keeps families together and keeps the line moving. We were at WDW in Dec. 07, we got up early one morning for EMH at MK, the line for the bus was about half full, no wheelchairs, within' 5 minutes the line was backed up and 5 wheelchairs/evc's. The first bus took 3 w/e's and their families. This left very little space for those of us standing in line. The driver called for another bus because more evc's were getting in line. Luckily the 3rd bus they took no wheelchairs/evcs. to get the line down. We were at a value resort, I don't know if the use of evc's/wheelchairs is more prominent at the values than at other resorts or not. But there has to be a better way. I felt bad for those families trying to make it to early dining.

The other thing I noticed more this last trip was the crying children/babies at sit down restaurants. This could be because of the increased use of the dining plan, or because of the increased "this is MY vacation, no one can ruin it for ME" attitude. At one restaurant they offered us free dsrt because of the crying and carrying on.

I should note I am a mom of two & in August 07 took a girl scout troop (36 in our group from Illinois) to WDW. The rule with me has always been
-If I say it twice, it won't be nice.
The kids and the parents knew that inappropriate behavior wouldn't be allowed. If it meant getting up and going back to the resort for a nap/cool down, then so be it. Common sense goes a long way.

The only time cell phone use bothers me is if it is on a ride. Turn your phones to vibrate and take the call when you get off the ride. Remember this is a special trip for those around you as well, and they don't want to hear about when your fast pass times are, what dining experience you have planned or what the weather is like in podunk town.
When you wait in line for a long time and some fat guy in a motorized cart gets to skip to the front of the line because he is too fat to wait....


Well-Known Member

Come off it my imagination is as good as anybody else or I would not go to Walt Disney World in the first place but the characters are for kids.

I know who the jack*#$ is.

What annoys me is adults that go up to these Disney Cast Members dressed in a Goofy suit and make a total *#$ of themselves and double that when they are not acting for their kids.

What also annoys me is when these characters know you do not want to play lets pretend and annoy you when you are trying to relax.

haha Wow...:ROFLOL:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Park Guests
In respects to the people who go to the resort, the past posts have covered them VERY extensively, and I agree with what others have said, especially in regards to:

- smokers who smoke where ever they feel like it (and CMs who don't do anything about it.)

- people who cannot responsibly handle a weelchair/stroller

- people who block pathways, whether intentional or unintentional

I would also like to add those who do not clean up after themselves, particularly in the bathroom. Don't leave the toilet paper everywhere. Someone else is going to be using the toilet after you, and I am not, nor do I want to be, your maid! Also, MAKE SURE THE TOILET FLUSHES BEFORE YOU LEAVE! Finally, don't leave a flood around the sink after you wash your hands. Keep the water in the sink, and if it does spill onto the surrounding counter space, WIPE IT UP!

The Parks Themselves
The following REALLY annoys me while I am at the parks:

- LACK OF RECYCLING BINS! (Although, Disney does seem to be addressing this. I know they supposedly seperate the trash, but having the bins visible is a better way to show guests that Disney cares about the environment.)

- Lighting of any kind not working. (Would it cost that much more to hire someone to make sure all lights in the common areas/attraction queues are working? Also, check your backgound music speakers to make sure they work!)

- Placing shrubs/plants in front of lighting, or lights behind shrubs. (Honestly, what do you think is going to happen to the light?)

- Peeling paint, water stains, rust markings, cracked/damaged concrete.

- Certain effects not working on attractions. Examples: Hopping Brer Rabbit in SM, brake test cameras in TT, Yeti, waterfall, steam at EE, etc. (If you can't get it to work consistently, don't put it there in the first place!)

- Express Monorail tieups/delays. (A monorail should not have to stop FIVE times when going from the MK to the TTC. I can understand one or two, but not five. Also, you should not have to wait for more than a minute and a half for the next monorail to come.)

- Bland merchandise. (Please, enough generic stuff that can be found at any Disney park. Give us stuff original to specific attractions, and can only be found at certain places in the parks.)

- CMs who lack a smile/don't care about their job.(This is a big one for me. C'mon. I know you're being paid six bucks an hour, but your job is to be part of the Disney magic. Please do your part.)

Sorry for all the negativity, but I thought I would get it all out on this thread. I'll try to post more upbeat responses for a while. :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
I think there are very few things that I let bother me at WDW. However, I guess there are a three. Like others before have stated it is the evc/wheelchair comandos. I don't know why, we haven't really had the trouble with strollers or double strollers. The biggest thing that gets me is the wheelchairs/evcs on the buses (at night esp.) I don't know why they don't have the families get in line and when it is their turn to get on the next bus then that wheelchair gets on that bus. This keeps families together and keeps the line moving. We were at WDW in Dec. 07, we got up early one morning for EMH at MK, the line for the bus was about half full, no wheelchairs, within' 5 minutes the line was backed up and 5 wheelchairs/evc's. The first bus took 3 w/e's and their families. This left very little space for those of us standing in line. The driver called for another bus because more evc's were getting in line. Luckily the 3rd bus they took no wheelchairs/evcs. to get the line down. We were at a value resort, I don't know if the use of evc's/wheelchairs is more prominent at the values than at other resorts or not. But there has to be a better way. I felt bad for those families trying to make it to early dining.

I get what you're saying about the wheelchairs, but there IS a reason that they get priority.

I speak not so much about my case, because I know my grandmother can put up with a moderate amount of stress and fatigue (not too much tho).

But just as a for instance: What about the old ladies that are freezing their nuts off (in cold weather) with just a little throw over them. We had one right next to us once, waiting for the bus, and we felt really bad for her. Or hey, maybe the varied conditions people in wheelchairs have warrant they should get to where they are going a tad faster than the rest of us.

On top of that, picture this: You've got...well... maybe not you. Maybe some other guest. Maybe you've got this one person in front of you in line for the bus. When they get there, they suddenly wave in their entire party plus an ecv to be loaded before you

Now you tell me that person's not gonna suddenly start a racket, the same if not bigger than the one they already start ("Oh, come on!") when they load wheelchairs on the bus.

Or hey, there's a gazillion logistical reasons why that wouldn't work even if you didn't take into account guest opinion.

What if the wheelchair person is actually a special needs kid..... and he's traveling with just his mother. Is his mom gonna leave him alone at the loading area while she does the queue? Or hey, any variation on that theme (it's like the old duck/fox/grain river crossing)

You could say they'd get special passes, but that'd probably require complicated transactions and paperwork just to get the same service they get now with no hassle.

You could say they could run wheelchair-specific buses, but then that's absurd, not just because they'd have to design a bus to hold a decent number of wheelchairs AND guests, but think of the pileup at the terminal!

And so on...and so on... and so on... and so on....

Whereas right now all that's needed is a bit of patience from the crowd and voila!

Dinner reservations? Hey, maybe you should do what the rest of the public-transportation going people do and plan ahead/leave earlier.

And BESIDES... maybe it's because I come from a country where the buses run slower than a bloated snail walking the wrong way on a treadmill, but Disney buses? They're pretty quick.

I've been on both sides of this, btw. When I would go with my girlfriend to dinner I'd go in the regular line just like everybody else... and there'd be wheelchairs to load. It was no muss... the driver would call extra buses and they'd get there in a jiff.

In short, I don't see what the problem is with the current system other than antsy, impatient and ignorant guests. (I'm not talking about you though :D)

And like I said in my last post... PLEASE anybody who gets a wheelchair loaded before them? Stop glaring at me like I just killed your cat. Just take a deep breath and remember: You're in DISNEY! There were gonna be wait times. You knew this.


New Member
i am gonna have to agree. After a long day in the park, I am ready to go back to the hotel. I wait in line why c an every one else not wait as well. They were able to hol out all day in the parks in their wheelchairs, why not have to wait in line with everyone else instead of holding up the line. You may say I am being rude, but I am one of the people who have went with someone in a wheel chair and we wait in line! IT is ONLY fair. Ok if theyre not going to wait in line, have a one person limit who can go with them or if it is a child, both parents and siblings. That is the one this that got me the last time we were down there!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, my parents broke the mold with me. I have onlychild-itis. Sorry :animwink:
Ah, well, it was worth a shot.

What do you know, I also have onlychild-itis! I think my mother and father were gald of that. They always claimed they didn't want to risk ending up with two of me.


Well-Known Member
Large groups that insist on walking side by side at a slower that average pace. Two or three across is the max...don't form a wall to block off the normal flow of traffic.


people not paying attention during pre-shows(or complaining about them..little do they realize they are still "in-line")

peopla calling things by the wrong name (i.e. the haunted house, fast track, speed pass etc.)

people who wear the cologne "theme park in August"


Active Member
Im going to add more of the same. I have several pet peeves that get me. First of which is there has got to be a special lane for people with electric wheel chairs. Not saying i have any thing against them but one hit my aunt last time our fam was there, she pulled her ankle badly for the rest of the trip and the lady very politely said that she was handicapped and we should take more notice when the wheel chairs are moving so we dont hit them and since we can use out legs they had the right away so it was my aunts fault that the handicapped women hit her. my aunt ( after a few four letter words ) spent the rest of vacation limping around.........

Second PEOPLE IN LINES!!! People who enter a line should keep the exact same order and if there is more people that are found in line that did not pass through the start of it, then they should be brought out behind the wood shed. Its childish that i even have to mention this but people wait for a long time to see some rides and it is rude that friends can cut the whole line just to be togather, the other people should come out and go to the back. i think it has come to the point where disney shoudl employ more cast members and any one caught saving spots or just walking in line should be asked to leave the attraction and come back later.

lastly cell phones..........nuff said people spend thousands of dollars for disney and there are people who must check their phones in the middle of the ride or who dont know how to turn them on vibrate.

but for the most part people are great there its just those select few who can push your buttons.....


Active Member
Park pet peeve:
1) The amount of dust on the rides, I know that the amount of people that go through the rides in astronomical but there is a thick layer of dust everywhere.
2) Lack of theming or poor theming in some areas.

3) Rude guests

I know what you mean about the dust.. I went into this mansion they have there and it was VERY dusty


Well-Known Member
i am gonna have to agree. After a long day in the park, I am ready to go back to the hotel. I wait in line why c an every one else not wait as well. They were able to hol out all day in the parks in their wheelchairs, why not have to wait in line with everyone else instead of holding up the line. You may say I am being rude, but I am one of the people who have went with someone in a wheel chair and we wait in line! IT is ONLY fair. Ok if theyre not going to wait in line, have a one person limit who can go with them or if it is a child, both parents and siblings. That is the one this that got me the last time we were down there!

Exactly! That was my point. Have everyone in the group get in the regular line except one adult and the person in the wheelchair/evc. We have a family member with MS and has to use a wheelchair, we are usually a good size group (10-13 people). Wheelchair & 1 adult goes to the special access area, the rest of us go get in the regular line. When we meet up we all get on the bus.
I mentioned this as my peeve,because the last trip we should have easily gotten onto the first bus with a seat, but wheelchairs w/large groups arrived after us and took up 2 buses. now even though they did call in more buses it was still at least a 35 minute wait from the time the first bus arrived (which we should have been on) until the 3rd bus arrived for us to board. Now I do believe that many of the people who had been expecting to board, including the family w/the meal reservations had allowed plenty of time but did not anticipate the high number of rented wheelchairs/evs (they all had those stickers on the back with rental information) to occupy so much of the bus space. Should I plan 1 hour to get to the restaurant and then add another 30-45 minutes because of wheelchairs? I don't really think it should take 1:45 minutes to get from a resort to a park for a meal.

My main point was this. It seemed to me, we were staying at a value resort, and there was an unusually high number of wheelchairs/evcs. If this trend continues then perhaps Disney needs to rethink the transportation set up. Have everyone wait their turn to ride the bus, provide additional buses? I don't know the best answer. But it is a bit annoying to me thats why it was my 'pet peeve' ;)


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Exactly! That was my point. Have everyone in the group get in the regular line except one adult and the person in the wheelchair/evc. We have a family member with MS and has to use a wheelchair, we are usually a good size group (10-13 people). Wheelchair & 1 adult goes to the special access area, the rest of us go get in the regular line. When we meet up we all get on the bus.
I mentioned this as my peeve,because the last trip we should have easily gotten onto the first bus with a seat, but wheelchairs w/large groups arrived after us and took up 2 buses. now even though they did call in more buses it was still at least a 35 minute wait from the time the first bus arrived (which we should have been on) until the 3rd bus arrived for us to board. Now I do believe that many of the people who had been expecting to board, including the family w/the meal reservations had allowed plenty of time but did not anticipate the high number of rented wheelchairs/evs (they all had those stickers on the back with rental information) to occupy so much of the bus space. Should I plan 1 hour to get to the restaurant and then add another 30-45 minutes because of wheelchairs? I don't really think it should take 1:45 minutes to get from a resort to a park for a meal.

My main point was this. It seemed to me, we were staying at a value resort, and there was an unusually high number of wheelchairs/evcs. If this trend continues then perhaps Disney needs to rethink the transportation set up. Have everyone wait their turn to ride the bus, provide additional buses? I don't know the best answer. But it is a bit annoying to me thats why it was my 'pet peeve' ;)
The fact is, if everybody has to wait in line, then when the ECV gets to the front, everyone behind it will have to clamber around because they won't load an ECV onto an already full bus. So now the disabled person has to wait longer. The reality is despite it being your pet peeve, Disney actually knows what they're doing and have developed an efficient and cost-effective process. I think they've been in business long enough to know the best overall approach. The fact that you get delayed a few minutes here and there probably doesn't cause anyone but you to lose sleep at night. If you want, I'm sure any person forced to use an ECV or wheelchair would gladly trade places with you and "suffer" your pain...

The world doesn't revolve around you, get over yourself.

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