Nibblesandbits Amazingly Wonderful Trip Report Number 3 (Sept. 14-21)

The Pre-Game: (Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this TR! :D)

This trip was absolutely great. My DH (What's His Face as he is commonly known around here-also abbreviated WHF) and I had a wonderful time and even during this last trip we were already talking about going back, since we were offered the Free Dining for next year. We didn't take Disney up on their offer, as we were still mulling where we want to go for our next vacation, but going back to Disney World is definitely in our minds again. (Right now, we are considering Vegas and Disneyland however).

What's His Face and I have been planning this trip for about a year now. I remember hearing about the Halloween parties last year and knowing that I wanted to go when those were going on. I also knew that I wanted to go in Sept. b/c crowds were small and with the hope that Disney would be offering Free Dining. I got my wish on all accounts.

Now, after reflecting on all my trips, I realize I actually learn something new each time. The last trip before this one, I learned not to kill myself by trying to accomplish everything in a short window of time. This time I learned a very different lesson. As a Disney Fanatic, we all try to plan, and plan, and plan our trips. This then skews our expectations on what we believe our trip will then turn out like. (Then we wonder why people come back complaining about what a crummy time they had or problems that occured.) For me, while I do try to plan, I don't over plan...this just works well for me. However, I guess I'd been hyping up this trip for so long in my head, that I was still a little disappointed when things didn't go as I had "planned" in my head. Next trip, I am going to try not to "plan" so hard in my head. (Good luck to me! :ROFLOL: )

Just so you know, I am DEFINITELY NOT complaining about my trip. I did end up having a blast, however, the way I got there was not how I planned and I think that's why I may feel a little sad now. I did a lot of things that were new or different than usual on this trip, including, but not limited to, going to the (very soggy) MNSSHP, going on my first tour (a Segway Tour!), meeting up with a couple of friends for the first time that I've "met" from here, going to Pleasure Island for the first time and falling in love with the Adventurer's Club (Kungaloosh! :D ), getting to eat in restaurants I would have never dreamed I'd be eating in, and seeing attractions that normally, I wouldn't pick to see.

As you can probably tell, this trip was jam packed with let's get down to the fun! (And of course, the pictures!) :sohappy:


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*Mickey D's theme tune running through my head* I'm lovin' it!

Halloween looks so great! I wish I could go one year, but it's impossible ... so, I'll live vicariously through trip reports like yours!


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Fireworks (sorta):

Alright, so here we are, waiting in front of the castle for these blasted fireworks that are supposed to be starting soon...

and we're waiting, and waiting, and has now stopped raining...ish...and I just keep wondering...when are they gonna start. They kept announcing how there was a delay, but there would be fireworks, I wanna see them! Then all of the sudden...downpour again! And then an announcement...I thought they were going to cancel...nope. Fireworks will be starting in 10 minutes. Ok. So I trudge back out in the pouring rain. Luckily, it does slow down and evenutally stopped during the fireworks. But man, for a minute there, it just seemed like the rain was never going to end!

This was my first time seeing Hallowishes. I really did like it. I thought it was great! I took some amazing shots with my seemed that each one was better than the next. Here are some of my favorites (some you may have seen in another thread):








Keep in mind, this is just a tiny selection of fireworks shots I have from this. I have a bunch more which I'm sure you all will be seeing in the future. (In photo contests and the Photo of the Day threads)

After that...everyone then got along main street to see the parade. Unfortunately, I did not get a good spot to start out with. Luckily, I asked someone if I could just scoot in just a tiny bit...they were kind enough to let me stand in front of them. (It's wonderful being short! At least in this instance)

I thought that the parade was really cool. I wasn't in a great spot, but at least i could see and had a decent view. (I was kind of off to the side on main street.)

Here are some of my pics from that:




(Dang it! Ran out of pic space)


Well-Known Member
(Dang it! Ran out of pic space)

I know what you mean. The first time I posted a photo TR, I was getting pretty peeved about that. Then I decided I could rearrange some photos of similar subject, etc. and get within the 9-10 pic range. I've been trying to do that (without breaking up each little 10-pic storyline) ever since. :D


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After that, we ran over to TL and got some more candy. Then we ran to Splash to get in one last ride.

From there, the park was we got back on the bus for the trek back to Pop.

I haven't heard much about this lately, but the busses--most of them now anyway--all seem to be working, spiel-wise. I heard the spiel almost every trip on a bus and the music almost always played. It was a nice touch to just your average bus.

Once we got back to the hotel, we sat by the pool to soak our tired feet. Then we went up to the room and wonderfully, our luggage was there! Whoo hoo! :D

Up next: Day 2 (finally)
However, I might be a bit on day 2...gotta go pick up WHF from work. Be back in a bit! :wave: (At least I gave the masses something to tide you all over! :lol: )

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