Mission: Space tragedy


Well-Known Member
Why am I coming in here? I'm so dumb...but oh well...

My condolences to the family, because it is never easy to lose a loved one, especially a child.

I will not go into the debate at all. You all have clearly stated your sides. All I will say is quit it with the personal insults. I know tempers and passions and opinions can get the better of us, but we need to take a step back and breathe. We do not need to resort to name-calling or insults. If you want to keep discussing and keep this thread open, let's go back to the civilized discussion that we had in the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Don't call me an idiot...If we want to resort to name calling I could call you an obese, lonely little boy who will never find a woman and must visit WDW all by his lonesome, but I won't resort to that kind of name calling.
Well by that post you have proven yourself to be an idiot.


New Member
The people who are using this as an attack on the ride itself because Horizons is gone disappoints me. This isn't 1982, and if nothing at Epcot changed, the boy wouldn't have died on Mission Space, but Epcot probably wouldn't be open because it was not making money 10 years ago when every ride was technologically the same and running on 15 years old.

I think everyone should set aside grudges, agendas and name-calling about a theme park and recognize this as face value... a tragic accident that has changed one family forever.

On a separate note, anyone at the park today (or a cast member) notice if the local NBC station (WESH) brought in a camcorder to get Mission Space video and interview guests? I saw their news today and it didn't look like professional camerawork. Besides, on a day like today, Disney would stop every TV crew at the gates. (I have first-hand experience in that... why do you think all the stations do live shots from the Crossroads across from the Disney entrance?)


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
...I am sure if that mom could do it all over again she would not get on that ride, she can't and now how to go thru life having experienced something I would not wish on my worst enemy... to have to bury one of her children.
I cried when I read this. And this is what it is all about, isn't it. His family will be in our prayers for some time. I wish them the best. Thanks for this post.


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Why am I coming in here? I'm so dumb...but oh well...

My condolences to the family, because it is never easy to lose a loved one, especially a child.

I will not go into the debate at all. You all have clearly stated your sides. All I will say is quit it with the personal insults. I know tempers and passions and opinions can get the better of us, but we need to take a step back and breathe. We do not need to resort to name-calling or insults. If you want to keep discussing and keep this thread open, let's go back to the civilized discussion that we had in the beginning.
Very nicely stated!!!! Belle


Active Member
On a separate note, anyone at the park today (or a cast member) notice if the local NBC station (WESH) brought in a camcorder to get Mission Space video and interview guests?

Ugh. And my disgust with the media continues to grow...

Well stated DDuckFan!!!!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
KingStefan said:
I cried when I read this. And this is what it is all about, isn't it. His family will be in our prayers for some time. I wish them the best. Thanks for this post.

You are the second person who has told me that... ((HUGS))


Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
Very nicely stated!!!! Belle
Thanks Belle! But it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. *shrugs*

*waits for this thread to be closed*

It's unfortunate that I had to report some posts, but why must we go through this every time? Whatever.


Well-Known Member
sorry if my ideas may have been posted before but i cannot read all 28 pages...

I feel mission space is a safe ride. but they may need to raise the height requirement and maybe add a age requirement for riding... like you have to be so many inches and 7 to ride??

I feel this tragedy might have been preventable but not fool proof.

My condolences to the family.


More Preventative Measures ideas

Yes I agree Test Track that my idea of swiping cards would add to the wait time but maybe if it's only on the questionable rides, which normally have longer lines there would be a point where you wouldbe waiting to board anyway and could swipe it quickly

Of course that leads to deciding which rides are "questionable" which could be another issue.

What about (and feel free to shoot this one down as I see some problems with it myself) giving out those tacky plasic braclets at the entrance to each theme park and dividing the rides...ie Mission: Space and Test Track are RED bracelet rides...Peter Pan and It's a Small World are Yellow Bracelet rides.

(*by the way I realize this is a bit off topic but I think brainstorming on a solution is a bit easier for me to deal with right now *)


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
I'm very disappointed to see everyone pointing fingers at this mother saying how she lacks common sense and such. This poor family needs support and prayers, and to be blaming them and judging them when they just lost their little boy is cruel.

Thanks for saying this, Laura.

I almost didn't open this thread because I just knew the "heartless patrol" would be out.

However, I have come to realize that people that post these types of comments, saying it's no big deal, or that are otherwise remarkably callous on issues like this where a DEATH is involved, or pointing blame at ANYONE at this point with what little information we have, don't really feel that way. At least most of them don't.

It's just their defense mechanism, or way of dealing with something like this. No one wants to hear about deaths at the Happiest Place On Earth. Most of us can't even think about what it would feel like to have something so horrible happen there, let alone think about if we lost a child/sibling/etc in general. Only truly sick people discount feelings about such real issues like life and death like that that - the rest are just pretending to be all "tough" and "above it all" when something tragic happens so they don't reveal their true feelings.

At least that's what I try to tell myself, because if some of the people who post such comments really do feel as little for people than that - let's just say it would absolutey boggle my mind that people like that could even understand Disney magic, let alone come to a website all about it. Sick in a pathological, disturbing way - something I truly hope doesn't apply to anyone around here.

I'm not one for prayers, but my thoughts are definately with that family - who were trying to have a WDW trip like any of us that ended in a way that we really wish we didn't have to think about but unfortunately is a fact of life.



lawyergirl77 said:
Ugh. And my disgust with the media continues to grow...

That is what I thought when I read CNN's lead line

" LAKE BUENA VISTA, Florida (AP) -- A 4-year-old boy died after a spin on a Walt Disney World spaceship ride so intense that it has motion sickness bags and several riders have been treated for chest pain. "

A cruise ship that I went on once was so intense that they had motion sickness bags. I get so tired of the sensationalism in the press.

I am very sorry that this happened, I have a son that is four and I could not imagine losing him in any way, and the pain that would cause us. The family will be in my prayers.


New Member
Elonwy said:
Rob, in theory this sounds great and very responsible as a parent but honestly...if your kids are absolutely set on doing this ride (please Daddy...please, please PLEASE) would you wait in a 2 hour line up (theories here...it might be 1 hour or 45 min) then come back to the kids, tell them it's OK and wait another 2 hours to ride it...4 hours spent on one ride at Disney with your kids...I doubt most parents would do that, but I completely respect your responsibilty on this issue


Yes, I would... but I guess that is just me. Since my sons started going on rollercoasters and thrill rides at age 3 1/2 (Big Thunder Mountain) he has NEVER been on a ride that I haven't riden first. And this is at amusement parks all over the country and not just Disney...

And then when it really comes down to it...

His mother has the final say so.


Well-Known Member
Figment1986 said:
I feel mission space is a safe ride. but they may need to raise the height requirement and maybe add a age requirement for riding... like you have to be so many inches and 7 to ride??

I disagree......I don't think there is a set age to be able to handle anything.....

IMO, more parents should think "just because my kid is tall enough, does not mean that they are appropriate for this attraction"

but that will never happen.....


Well-Known Member
OmegaKnight said:
I won't say what it is here but this is a heads up to when its actually announced on the local/national news. One of Epcot's top attractions was shut down for most of the afternoon due to this incident. Thats all I am going to say, use your imagination.

What's the big secret? I heard it about from a co-worker today and found the news article online. Unfortunately, a little boy (4 yrs old) passed away on Monday from being on Mission:SPACE. Mission:SPACE was shut down for the remainder of the day on Monday and re-opened Tuesday. Investigations are pending....


My heart goes out to that child's parents. :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
Robfasto said:
Yes, I would... but I guess that is just me. Since my sons started going on rollercoasters and thrill rides at age 3 1/2 (Big Thunder Mountain) he has NEVER been on a ride that I haven't riden first. And this is at amusement parks all over the country and not just Disney...

And then when it really comes down to it...

His mother has the final say so.
Good job!!!!!!! This is the way it should be!!!!!!!!!! Belle

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Irrawaddy Erik said:
I can't understand how much more signage you need. A giant neon sign above the pavilion maybe? This is no way an attack on you it's just that this ride has signage everywhere about how intense it is. I know plenty of people that will not ride the ride because of the signage. I truly believe that with MOST people the sick feeling is little more than simple mind over matter.

Yeah, it's been said that the signage and over-use of monitor warnings is now borderlining on overkill to some fans. I have never been in the building, so have no personal experience of it....but if they forewarn you that intensely then there is no doubt they were well warned.

Maybe folks are so used to being "warned" they tend to ignore it now...de-sensitising the urgency of the message and all? Again, i'm just thinking outloud here....

It's still a darn shame that this has to happen....

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