Mission: Space tragedy


Premium Member
Here are some props for WannabeBelle and CTXRover:

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New Member
Someone here posted:
You are bombarded with warnings about dark, enclosed spaces and such. Unless you are blind and deaf, it is pretty hard to miss.
And I couldn’t agree more.

Laura22 said:
So many of you think you are equal to God, you think you know every detail of what happened and you are worthy to decide who is at fault just because you read a paragraph out of the paper. Amazing.

No one here is saying that they are God. They are just expressing their opinions which is human nature. The above said is YOUR opinion and EVERYONE here is entitled to their OWN opinion, or did I not get the memo?

Shanice said:
Absolutely correct. I'm soooo sick of all the Disney fan boys on here that blame everyone and everything BUT Disney. Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here! I went on M:S last summer and it put so much pressure on my chest and heart that I felt that I was going to die right then and there. I was sick for 3 hours. I can't believe Disney would allow a ride like this to go on. It's reprehensible!

You hate the ride don’t ride it but it is certainly not a death trap.

DisneyJoey said:
You DO NOT KNOW THAT. Prove it to me and to the world. In fact, call the Orange Country Sheriff because they don't even know that. Show me concrete evidence. An autopsy hasn't been conducted and the ride opened later that day because it was proven there were no mechanical failures. No one else has died or even become seriously ill on the ride. Again, this is ignorance at it's best.
This is one of the most beautiful things I have read all freakin’ day.

Also I see a lot of people pointing fingers. There are people on this thread that are blaming people for posting that they would never let a 4 year old on the ride. This is THEIR opinion. They aren’t necessarily blaming the parents of the rider. I know I wasn’t when I said this. But please don’t start a battle because people are posting there own opinions on this site. No one is trying to control other peoples children, as someone suggested I was trying to say with my first quote. No one is trying to say that they are better parents or that the childs parents are bad people for letting their children on the ride. You can’t blame the parents and you can’t blame Disney, at least not until they figured out what he died from. I don’t think it is the mothers fault and I don’t think it is Disney’s fault because they did all they could. Disney made a phenomenal ride in M: S. There are warnings and precautions everywhere. Disney didn’t force the child to ride and as long as the ride didn’t cause his death, they really can’t be to blame. I do believe they need to make some changes in how they let people on rides, weight restrictions along with a heightened height restriction and while an age restriction wouldn’t work, they should make an age suggestion. The parents aren’t to blame if they felt their son was well enough to ride. Besides if it was truly his time to go, it could have happened anywhere. I don’t think there’s anyone who specifically wants to put the blame with the parents by saying that their children will not be on the ride until their older. Also this thread is very emotional and I for one cried when I thought that this could happen to my sister. I put my two cents in on how I felt at the time and I am sure that others posted like me, feeling helpless at the time.

Finally, for everyone who is sick of people putting their two cents in on this website, then maybe you should stop posting. No one is blaming anyone and people are only expressing how they feel about this matter like they are entitled to do on this website or in this country for that matter. I haven’t seen any dirty or nasty posts in this thread and as long as it continues that way there should be no reason to fight. Just stop trying to pick a fight and have your opinion be superior to everyone else’s because at the end of the day a human life was lost and nothing else matters!


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is NOT about the G forces. I rode the Hulk coaster 3 times in a row and loved it, but after M:S I felt sick for 3 hours and felt painful pressure on my heart. Everyone that I have talked to, even strangers at WDW all agreed that M:S made them extremely sick and they said they were the type of people who love rollercoasters. How many people need to get sick or injured on this ride before Disney realizes what a mistake it is?
Then what the heck else would it be. Sorry to burst "your" bubble but without the G-Forces M:S is nothing but a movie.


For all Parents who are laying blame

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of parents whining and b!tching that they would have NEVER let their kids on this ride.


Here's some info from various parks....April 2005 - 3 year old girl dies in a theme park after swallowing a piece of a popped balloon (her mother saw the balloon pop but didn't know she had inhaled a piece)

January 2005 - 8 year old boy dies in a park after suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration. the parents say that they only spent 7 hours at the park and the family shared at least 2 litres of water.

Late 2004 (Oct or Nov) child dies after splashing in a pond in a state park (a dog died later the same day after playing in the same pond)

So for all you self righteous parents who say this would never happen to you...if you have ever let your child be near a balloon, spent a full day at Disney in the sun or let your child play in water that you haven't tested yourself for contaminates...THEN YOU COULD HAVE A DEAD CHILD TOO!!!

Please understand that this mother did not try to kill her child...accidents occur and hindsight is 20/20. Her child met the requirements for this ride, she didn't sneak him on, she didn't expect this to happen.

The sad fact is that sometimes children die and yours could too.

Sorry to be blunt about this but I would think that as parents you would have sympathy for this family instead of acting superior.

Thanks to all the parents who have the sense to express sympathies rather than spouting egotistical remarks and hopefully this can be a learning experience for others.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
chancellor said:
As far as the news reports now, it appears that the ride did not malfunction (unlike the Big Thunder accident last year at DL). However, the legal theory will be that the ride is inherently dangerous, that the stresses caused by the ride would foreseeably result in injury or death. If they win that lawsuit, Kiss M:S goodbye.

Kissing M:S goodbye....


After all the trouble and bad publicity regarding this attraction, and the fact that it destroyed what was once "Horizons"....

...Would that be a BAD thing??!

Personally, i have to wonder why on Earth anyone would let a 4-year old on such a intense attraction in the first place. Perhaps the parent(s) were not aware of how intense and potentially dangerous this type of ride could be? I can understand that...as i had no clue as to what M:S was until i started posting on here. I was curious as to what M:S "was" exactly, but had no clue it at all of it's true intensity until i read all sorts of reviews here. This was a good thing, as i learned a lot, mainly that it is not the type of ride i would enjoy as i can't really handle such intense spinning and g-forces. I would have made a very bad mistake if i did'nt learn about it here before visiting. How does your average Guest learn about it and what it "is" before visiting? Friends who have ridden i guess. Perhaps these Guests were in the same situation that i was in...they had no clue as to how intense it was, exspecially for a 4-year old?

Either way...i can see Disney making ammendments to the attraction after this. Maybe change the height restriction, or the speed....something. I can definately see it coming.

It's a shame this had to happen to someone so young....and it's been a tragic week in the Kingdom between this happening and last Sunday's CR " inccident".


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
Here are some props for WannabeBelle and CTXRover:

<a href="http://www.imageshack.us"><img src="http://img294.echo.cx/img294/5209/props4er.jpg" border="0" width="150" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>
I am afraid I just dont understand your post. Sorry. Belle


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
While this is very sad and I feel for the family, in MY OPINION, a 4 yr old shouldn't be on this ride. I am not being insensitive to the parents, but expressing my opinion on the subject.
Saying that you think that a 4 yr old shouldn't be [allowed] on this ride (assuming that's what you meant), and saying that the mom is to be blamed for the kids death are two very different things. I object strongly only to the latter.


New Member
While it is a tragic situation, a bathroom can be more dangerous than most amusement/theme park rides as more people die each year in bathroom accdients than on/from rides.

My question would be did either of the other 2 family members ride first to see how the ride was. I know I always ride something before everyone else as I know how the are on rides and know if it will be to much for them.

As for the 'ill' factor on Mission: Space. I have heard from a good source that when the ride opened it was 3 in 1000 that got sick enough to use the bags. After the new signage, spiel and cold air being blown into your face that number has gone down to 1.5 in 1000. Although the exact number of riders per hour is not known I would say even at this rate nearly 2 guest per hour get overly sick.

And even a non-intense ride is subject to having problems...
One other death was reported at Disney World this year. A 77-year-old woman who was in poor health from diabetes and several ministrokes died in February after going on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride. A medical examiner’s report said her death “was not unexpected.”

In closing I can only say that my heart goes out to not only the family but also the Cast Members and Park Guest that witnessed this event.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I feel very bad for the family. May the little boy rest in peace. I do not blame Disney or the mother. If the boy had a pre-existing condition that the ride aggrivated causing his death, then no one is to blame. If the boy had a condition that the mother knew about, then of course, she should have known better. With the facts as they are now, I do not think the mother knew of any condition her son may have had. And until the coroner completes his autopsy, we can only assume and post our opinions.

I get sick when I am on a plane during take off and during periods of turbulance. I rode MS and did not get sick. I even turned my head once. I do not think the attraction is as tense as some make it to be. Like I said, I cannot handle the take off on a plane, yet I was fine with this attraction.

I do not think this will get to a law suit. I am sure Disney will compensate the family and everything will be kept on the hush hush.


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Typical that your first reaction to this tragedy was to act like this death is no big deal. This was a human life, not some statistic. I'm so sick of you spewing your negativity all over the boards. You make me sick....:hurl:

Oh my god.....

Today, hundreds of thousands of people died in this world.......why is this one any different.

Why? Headlines. Ratings. That is why.

Connect a death to the happiest place on earth and suddenly it is news at 11

Make sure you stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Snapper Bean said:
Let me see if I understand the "bad parent" analysis on the board. Disney posts a 44 inch height requirement but parents are supposed to figure out that Disney really don't mean it, a child who is 44 inches tall really isn't supposed to go on the ride. Everyone should try to figure out the "real" height requirement based on their own personal technical analysis of the ride schematics.

Makes perfect sense to me.
Ride on! (If I read your sarcasm correctly!) I wholeheartedly agree.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
My feeling is that maybe the parent was not aware of how physically intense this attraction was, exspecially for such a young rider.

Maybe Disney should make it more obvious that this is more of a "adult thrills" type of attraction? Just a thought....


Well-Known Member
Shanice said:
Sorry fan boys but Disney's death trap of a ride is to blame here!

You are obviously an idiot.....

over 10 million people have ridden Mission Space, and now there is one death from someone who happened to ride Mission Space

1:10,000,000 chance of death

hardly a death trap

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Figments Friend said:

Maybe Disney should make it more obvious that this is more of a "adult thrills" type of attraction? Just a thought....
I can't understand how much more signage you need. A giant neon sign above the pavilion maybe? This is no way an attack on you it's just that this ride has signage everywhere about how intense it is. I know plenty of people that will not ride the ride because of the signage. I truly believe that with MOST people the sick feeling is little more than simple mind over matter.


Well-Known Member
regarding the tragic events at M:S...

i still don't see how a 4 year old met the height requirement (maybe that's just me), i would not have let a four year old ride M:S after seeing all the warning signs and such. i think it would have been smart to let one of the parents ride first then make a judgement from there if it was suitable for their child. and to be honest, i can't stand when people compare a ride such as this to something like Tower of Terror. M:S is *nothing* like Tower of Terror. there is a completely different feel of G forces. having a drop sensation is nothing like have 2 Gs pushing down on you as you spin in a centrifuge.


Robfasto said:
My question would be did either of the other 2 family members ride first to see how the ride was. I know I always ride something before everyone else as I know how the are on rides and know if it will be to much for them.


Rob, in theory this sounds great and very responsible as a parent but honestly...if your kids are absolutely set on doing this ride (please Daddy...please, please PLEASE) would you wait in a 2 hour line up (theories here...it might be 1 hour or 45 min) then come back to the kids, tell them it's OK and wait another 2 hours to ride it...4 hours spent on one ride at Disney with your kids...I doubt most parents would do that, but I completely respect your responsibilty on this issue



Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
I think that's a horrible thing to say! ...

So many of you think you are equal to God, you think you know every detail of what happened and you are worthy to decide who is at fault just because you read a paragraph out of the paper. Amazing.
Bravo, once again. You've beat me to it once more. I couldn't agree with you more.


New Member
Irrawaddy Erik said:
I can't understand how much more signage you need. A giant neon sign above the pavilion maybe? This is no way an attack on you it's just that this ride has signage everywhere about how intense it is. I know plenty of people that will not ride the ride because of the signage. I truly believe that with MOST people the sick feeling is little more than simple mind over matter.

Okay...Maybe a stupid correlation but...McDonald's coffee is very hot, we all know that. Their cups say, "Caution: Very Hot". People who spill this coffee sue McDonald's.

Is this how it is going to be with Disney?

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